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File metadata and controls

190 lines (133 loc) · 8.17 KB


Demo Video


Virtual Environment Setup

python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

.env requirements




Most recent time-series data is available at: time_series_data/datasets/music-listening-data-23-12-24-8AM.csv this has been downloaded from Supabase

Machine Learning


  • The Pytesseract OCR wrapper is used to collect data on screen

Attention Detection

A custom YOLO model was trained on 'focused' and 'distracted' images which can then be used to track the user's attention level

Notebooks used for training are included in:

  1. attention_detection/attention_model_training_yolov5.ipynb
  2. attention_detection/attention_model_training_yolov8.ipynb

Notebook for Model Testing

  1. attention_detection/model_test.ipynb

These can be run in a jupyter notebook which avoids some of the issues presented by OpenCV in MacOS environment by using ipywidgets.

Models A total of 5 different models were trained, the weights for each of these models are stored as:

  • attention_detection/model_iterations/v5/weights/
  • attention_detection/model_iterations/v4/weights/ etc.
  1. Model 1 was trained on Yolov5s with 75 images per class ["focused","distracted"] over ~100 epochs
  2. Model 2 was trained on Yolov8n with 75 images per class over 500 epochs
  3. Model 3 was trained on Yolov8n with 200 images per class over 20 epochs
  4. Model 4 was trained on Yolov8n with 200 images per class over 100 epochs
  5. Model 5 was trained on Yolov8n with 200 images per class over 350 epochs

Model 5 showed the most optimal performance and was applied for the majority of attention data collection tasks.

Data Collection

Data Collection for Attention Detection Model Training

  • 7 experiments were defined to collect data for training the YOLO attention detection model, 200 images were collected for each class 'focused' and 'distracted'
  • 7 experiments include 4 experiments to collect 'focused' image classes: report-writing (focused/100imgs), research (focused/75imgs), programming (focused/25imgs), planning (focused/10imgs)
  • 3 experiments to collect 'distracted' image classes: highly-distracted (distracted/105imgs), distracted (distracted/80imgs), semi-distracted (distracted/15 imgs)

Notebooks used for data collection are included in:

  1. attention_detection/data_collection_images.ipynb

A few sample images are included in attention_detection/exps however the full dataset is not uploaded to GitHub (stored on local device).

The full dataset of labels is included in attention_detection/training_data/labels which was used in training models v3-v5.

Time-Series Data Collection

Time-Series On-Screen Text Data Collectiom

  • Text detection function detect_text() is kept in OCR/ which can then be imported into relevant files e.g. streamlit app
  • The number of on-screen words is detected using detect_text()
  • The number of words is then inserted into a column in a Supabase table along with a timestamp and several other recorded metrics

Code available in: OCR/

Time-series Data Collection for User Attention Level

Similary to detect_text() the attention detection model was then used to collect time series data, inserting either a DISTRACTED or FOCUSED state, the class score and the model version into the Supabase table along with the timestamp, previously mentioned text reading and song data:

Time-series Data Collection for Current Playing Song

  • In conjunction with data collected through the laptop's hardware data is also collected through Spotify's API
  • Using OAuth Authorization and spotipy the user's currently playing song is also included in the table INSERT, which will allow us to see how the currently playing song influences attention.

Code available in: and music_integration/


Music metadata Collection

Along with time-series data collection music metadata is collected:


  • Lyrics are extracted from Genius API using BeautifulSoup
  • A lyricalness measure is computed using this data Code available in: music_integration/lyricalness/


  • Song BPM data is collected using artist & track name and the deezer client's search functionality

Code available in: music_integration/bpm/ and music_integration/


Music Metadata Analysis

Lyricalness Analysis

Analysis is performed on the collected lyrics data in order to define the lyricalness metric.

BPM Analysis

Analysis is performed on the collected BPM data in order to define the average values to fill in missing data.

Time Series Analysis

The available data stored in Supabase provides enough resources to investigate the correlation between lyrics, BPM, on-screen text and attention levels. The data is downloaded locally to a csv and some pre-processing steps are applied to prepare it for analysis (i.e. filling empty values using averages).

A random forest classifer is then trained on this data and the results are used to investigate the importance of different metrics on attention:

The respective feature importances are:

  1. Amount of text = 0.5416286
  2. BPM = 0.21180063
  3. Lyrics = 0.24657078

The effect of lyrics has a stronger influence on focus than BPM - therefore when making reccommendations to the user this should be weighted more strongly.

It makes sense the amount of text on screen correlates the most strongly with focus, as focus is likely to be much higher when more text is on screen as tasks that require a high degree of focus such as reading or writing are likely taking place.

Applying the Data (Web App)

Linking to Spotify Data (Basic Client Credientials Workflow)

  • User will provide a link to a public playlist (this will only require the client credientials workflow)
  • Tracks will be ranked according to current environmental conditions (user attention + volume of onscreen text) and a song will be recommended.
  • This creates a foundation for any next steps (e.g. controlling user's spotify playback)

Uses user attention + text on screen to create song recommendations:

# Streamlit Live Plot for Attention:
streamlit run

Uses simpler lyricalness to rank songs (no attention included):

# Streamlit Live Plot for Attention:
streamlit run

Controlling User's Listening Experience (User Authorization Workflow)

  • This version of the code will get either the user's current queue or a user's playlist. The code will then perform the same ranking approach.


Running Live Plots

# Streamlit Live Plot for Attention:
streamlit run

Will show a live plot for attention - using custom yolov8 model trained on focused & unfocused data

# Streamlit Both Live Plots
streamlit run

Plots live plots for both attention & text on screen - can be useful for observing relationships between amount of text on screen & how focused the user is

Labelling Setup Process (not required just for reference)

!git clone

!pip install pyqt5 lxml --upgrade
!cd labelImg && pyrcc5 -o libs/ resources.qrc

Key Links / Sources