This plugin supports pushing metrics to Slack via webhooks.
It's used in the Snap framework.
- golang 1.6+ (needed only for building)
Clone repo into $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone<yourGithubID>/snap-plugin-publisher-slack.git
Build the plugin by running make within the cloned repo:
$ make
This builds the plugin in ./build
- Set up the Snap framework
The plugin expects you to provide the following parameters:
more @ Slack WebApipublish_fields
Example of using snap-plugin-publisher-slack to store metrics collected by snap-plugin-colector-psutil. Make sure you have access to Slack and set up incoming webhook integration
Ensure Snap daemon is running:
$ snapteld -l -t 0 &
Download and load Snap plugins:
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-collector-psutil
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-publisher-slack
Create a task:
$ snaptel task create -t psutil-slack.yml
Using task manifest to create task
Task created
ID: 3b2bc29c-8256-4ca0-a958-05f5d41f6f11
Name: Task-3b2bc29c-8256-4ca0-a958-05f5d41f6f11
State: Running
You may view example tasks here.
Ensure the task is running and collecting metrics:
$ snaptel task watch 3b2bc29c-8256-4ca0-a958-05f5d41f6f11
There isn't a current roadmap for this plugin. As we launch this plugin, we do not have any outstanding requirements for the next release. If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue and/or submit a pull request.
- Author: Marcin Krolik