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Visit the Async Redux App Example GitHub Repo for a full-fledged example app showcasing the fundamentals and best practices.

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  • Fixed translation typo bug.


  • LocalPersist and LocalJsonPersist now allow you to define the base directory by setting the useBaseDirectory static field. The default is, as before, the application's documents directory. Other options are the cache directory (LocalPersist.useAppCacheDir), the downloads directory (LocalPersist.useAppDownloadsDir), or any other custom directory (LocalPersist.useCustomBaseDirectory).


  • You can now use the UnlimitedRetryCheckInternet to check if there is internet when you run some action that needs it. If there is no internet, the action will abort silently and then retried unlimited times, until there is internet. It will also retry if there is internet but the action failed.

  • You can provide a CloudSync object to the store constructor. It's similar to the Persistor, but can be used to synchronize the state of the application with the server. This is experimental.

  • Fixed isWaiting() for checking multiple actions and when state doesn't change.



  • Fixed isWaiting() when action fails.


  • Fixed disposeProps.


  • Now using connectivity_plus: 6.0.3 or up.


  • You can now use dispatchAll() and dispatchAndWaitAll() to dispatch multiple actions in parallel. For example:

    class BuyAndSell extends Action {
      Future<AppState> reduce() async {
        await dispatchAndWaitAll([
        return state.copy(message: 'New cash balance is ${}');



  • In the reduce method of your actions you can now access the initial state of the action, by using the initialState getter. In other words, you have access to a copy of the state as it was when the action was first dispatched. This is useful when you need to calculate some value asynchronously, and then you only want to apply the result to the state if that value hasn't changed in the meantime. For example:

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
      Future<AppState> reduce() async {
        var newValue = await someAsyncStuff();
        if (state.value == initialState.value) return state.copyWith(value: newValue);
        else return null;


  • You can now use var isWaiting = context.isWaiting(MyAction) to check if an async action of the given type is currently being processed. You can then use this boolean to show a loading spinner in your widget. Note: Inside your VmFactory you can also use isWaiting: isWaiting(MyAction). See the Show Spinner Example.

  • You can now use var isFailed = context.isFailed(MyAction) to check if an action of the given type has thrown an UserException. You can then use this boolean to show an error message. You can also get the exception with var exception = context.exceptionFor(MyAction) to use its error message, and clear the exception with context.clearExceptionFor(MyAction). Note: Inside your VmFactory you can also use isFailed: isFailed(MyAction) etc. See the Show Error Dialog Example.

  • You can add mixins to your actions, to accomplish common tasks:

    • CheckInternet ensures actions only run with internet, otherwise an error dialog prompts users to check their connection:

      class LoadText extends ReduxAction<AppState> with CheckInternet {
      Future<String> reduce() async {
          var response = await http.get('');
    • NoDialog can be added to CheckInternet so that no dialog is opened. Instead, you can display some information in your widgets:

      class LoadText extends Action with CheckInternet, NoDialog { ... }
      if (context.isFailed(LoadText)) Text('No Internet connection');
    • AbortWhenNoInternet aborts the action silently (without showing any dialogs) if there is no internet connection.

    • NonReentrant prevents reentrant actions, so that when you dispatch an action that's already running it gets aborted (no errors are shown).

    • Retry retries the action a few times with exponential backoff, if it fails. Add UnlimitedRetries to retry the action indefinitely:

      class LoadText extends ReduxAction<AppState> with Retry, UnlimitedRetries, NonReentrant { 

    Other mixins will be provided in the future, for Throttling, Debouncing and Caching.

  • Some features of the async_redux package are now available in a standalone Dart-only core package: You may use that core package when you are developing a Dart server (backend) with Celest, or when developing your own Dart-only package that does not depend on Flutter. Note: For the moment, the corepackage simply contains the UserException, and nothing more. If you now import async_redux_core in your Celest server code and throw an UserException there, the exception message will automatically be shown in a dialog to the user in your client app (if you use the UserExceptionDialog feature).

    For Flutter applications nothing changes. You don't need to import the core package directly. You should continue to use this async_redux package, which already exports the code that's now in the core package.

  • You can now access the store inside of widgets, and have your widgets rebuild when the state changes, by using context.state and context.dispatch etc. This is only useful when you want to access the store state, and dispatch actions directly inside your widgets, instead of using the StoreConnector (dumb widget / smart widget pattern). For example:

    // Read state (will rebuild when the state changes) 
    var myInfo = context.state.myInfo;
    // Dispatch action
    // Use isWaiting to show a spinner
    if (context.isWaiting(MyAction)) return CircularProgressIndicator();
    // Use isFailed to show an error message
    if (context.isFailed(MyAction)) return Text('Loading failed');
    // Use exceptionFor to get the error message from the exception
    if (context.isFailed(MyAction)) return Text(context.exceptionFor(MyAction).message);
    // Use clearExceptionFor to clear the error

    However, to use context.state like shown above you must define this extension method in your own code (supposing your state class is called AppState):

    extension BuildContextExtension on BuildContext {
       AppState get state => getState<AppState>();       

    See the: Connector vs Provider Example.

  • You can now get and set properties in the Store using the prop and setProp methods. These methods are available in Store, in ReduxAction, and in VmFactory. They can be used to save global values, but scoped to the store. For example, you could save timers, streams or futures used by actions:

    setProp("timer", Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), () => print("tick")));
    var timer = prop<Timer>("timer");

    You can later use store.disposeProps to stop, close or ignore, all stream related objects, timers and futures, saved as props in the store. It will also remove them from there.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: StoreConnector.model was removed, after being deprecated for a long time. Please, use the vm parameter instead. See classes VmFactory and Vm.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ReduxAction.reduceWithState() was removed, after being deprecated for a long time.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: StoreProvider.of was removed. See context.state and context.dispatch etc, in version 22.1.0 above.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The UserException class was modified so that it was possible to move it to the async_redux_core. If your use of UserException was limited to specifying the error message, then you don't need to change anything: throw UserException('Error message') will continue to work as before. However, for other more advanced features you will have to read the UserException documentation and adapt. In the new public API of UserException you can now specify a message, reason, code, errorText and ifOpenDialog in the constructor, and then you can use methods addCallbacks, addCause, addProps, withErrorText and noDialog to add more information:

    throw UserException('Invalid number', reason: 'Must be less than 42')
       .addCallbacks(onOk: () => print('OK'), onCancel: () => print('CANCEL'))
       .addCause(FormatException('Invalid input'))
       .addProps({'number': 42}))                                                  
       .withErrorText('Type a smaller number')

    Note the code parameter can only be a number now. If you were using a different type, for example enums, you can now include it in the props, like so: throw UserException('').addProps({'code': myError.invalidInput}). or you can even create an extension method which allows you to write throw UserException('').withCode(myError.invalidInput). However, please read the new UserException documentation to learn about the recommended way to use code to define the text of the error messages, and even easily translate them to the user language by using the i18n_extension translations package.

  • To test the view-model generated by a VmFactory, you can now use the static method Vm.createFrom(store, factory). The method will return the view-model, which you can use to inspect the view-model properties directly, or call any of the view-model callbacks. Example:

    var store = Store(initialState: User("Mary"));
    var vm = Vm.createFrom(store, MyFactory());
    // Checking a view-model property.    
    expect(, "Mary");
    // Calling a view-model callback and waiting for the action to finish.  
    vm.onChangeNameTo("Bill"); // Dispatches SetNameAction("Bill").
    await store.waitActionType(SetNameAction);
    expect(, "Bill");    
    // Calling a view-model callback and waiting for the state to change.
    vm.onChangeNameTo("Bill"); // Dispatches SetNameAction("Bill").
    await store.waitCondition((state) => == "Bill");
    expect(, "Bill");
  • DEPRECATION WARNING: While the StoreTester is a powerful tool with advanced features that are beneficial for the most complex testing scenarios, for almost all tests it's now recommended to use the Store directly. This approach involves waiting for an action to complete its dispatch process or for the store state to meet a certain condition. After this, you can verify the current state or action using the new methods store.dispatchAndWait, store.waitCondition, store.waitActionCondition, store.waitAllActions, store.waitActionType, store.waitAllActionTypes, and store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes. For example:

    // Wait for some action to dispatch and check the state. 
    await store.dispatchAndWait(MyAction());
    expect(, 'John')
    // Wait for some action to dispatch, and check for errors in the action status.
    var status = await dispatchAndWait(MyAction());
    expect(status.originalError, isA<UserException>());
    // Dispatches two actions in SERIES (one after the other).
    await dispatchAndWait(SomeAsyncAction());
    await dispatchAndWait(AnotherAsyncAction());
    // Dispatches two actions in PARALLEL and wait for their TYPES.
    expect(store.state.portfolio, ['TSLA']);
    await store.waitAllActionTypes([BuyAction, SellAction]);
    expect(store.state.portfolio, ['IBM']);
    // Dispatches two actions in PARALLEL and wait for them.
    let action1 = BuyAction('IBM');
    let action2 = BuyAction('TSLA');
    await store.waitAllActions([action1, action2]);
    expect(store.state.portfolio.containsAll('IBM', 'TSLA'), isFalse);
    // Wait until no actions are in progress.
    await waitAllActions([]);                 
    expect(state.stocks, ['IBM', 'TSLA']);
    // Wait for some action of a given type.
    var action = store.waitActionType(ChangeNameAction);
    expect(action, isA<ChangeNameAction>());
    expect(action.status.isCompleteOk, isTrue);
    expect(, 'Bill');
    // Wait until any action of the given types finishes dispatching.
    var action = store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes([BuyAction, SellAction]);  
    expect(store.state.portfolio.contains('IBM'), isTrue);
    // Wait for some state condition.
    expect(, 'John')               
    var action = await store.waitCondition((state) => == "Bill");
    expect(action, isA<ChangeNameAction>());
    expect(, 'Bill');  

    Note the StoreTester will NOT be removed, now or in the future. It's just not the recommended way to test the store anymore.



    • Replace action.isFinished with action.status.isCompletedOk
    • Replace action.status.isBeforeDone with action.status.hasFinishedMethodBefore
    • Replace action.status.isReduceDone with action.status.hasFinishedMethodReduce
    • Replace action.status.isAfterDone with action.status.hasFinishedMethodAfter
    • Replace action.status.isFinished with action.status.isCompletedOk
  • The action.status now has a few more values:

    • isCompleted if the action has completed executing, either with or without errors.
    • isCompletedOk if the action has completed with no errors.
    • isCompletedFailed if the action has completed with errors.
    • originalError Holds the error thrown by the action's before/reduce methods, if any.
    • wrappedError Holds the error thrown by the action, after it was processed by the action's wrapError and the globalWrapError.


  • DEPRECATION WARNING: The wrapError parameter of the Store constructor is now deprecated in favor of the globalWrapError parameter. The reason for this deprecation is that the new GlobalWrapError works in the same way as the action's ReduxAction.wrapError, while WrapError does not. The difference is that when WrapError returns null, the original error is not modified, while with GlobalWrapError returning null will instead disable the error. In other words, where your old WrapError returned null, your new GlobalWrapError should return the original error:

    // WrapError (deprecated):
    Object? wrap(error, stackTrace, action) {
       if (error is MyException) return null; // Keep the error unaltered.
       else return processError(error);
    // GlobalWrapError:
    Object? wrap( error, stackTrace, action) {
       if (error is MyException) return error; // Keep the error unaltered.
       else return processError(error);

    Also note, GlobalWrapError is more powerful because it can disable the error, whereas WrapError cannot.

  • Throwing an error in the action's wrapError or in the GlobalWrapError was disallowed (you needed to make sure it never happened). Now, it's allowed. If instead of RETURNING an error you THROW an error inside these wrappers, AsyncRedux will catch it and use it instead the original error. In other words, returning an error or throwing an error from inside the wrappers now has the same effect. However, it is still recommended to return the error rather than throwing it.


  • DEPRECATION WARNING: Method dispatchAsync was renamed to dispatchAndWait. The old name is still available, but deprecated and will be removed. The new name is more descriptive of what the method does, and the fact that dispatchAndWait can be used to dispatch both sync and async actions. The only difference between dispatchAndWait and dispatch is that dispatchAndWait returns a Future which can be awaited to know when the action is finished.


  • await StoreTester.dispatchAndWait(action) dispatches an action, and then waits until it finishes. This is the same as doing: storeTester.dispatch(action); await storeTester.wait(action);.


  • Flutter 3.16.0 compatible.


  • Fixed WrapReduce (which may be used to wrap the reducer to allow for some pre- or post-processing) to avoid async reducers to be called twice.


  • Flutter 3.10.0 and Dart 3.0.0


  • Docs improvement.


  • Flutter 3.7.5, Dart 2.19.2, fast_immutable_collections: 9.0.0.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Action.wrapError(error, stackTrace) method now also gets the stacktrace instead of just the error. If your code breaks, just add the extra parameter, like so: Object wrapError(error) => ... turns into Object wrapError(error, _) => ...

  • BREAKING CHANGE: When a Persistor is provided to the Store, it now considers the initialState is already persisted. Before this change, it considered nothing was persisted. Note: Before you create the store, you are allowed to call the Persistor methods directly: Persistor.saveInitialState(), readState() and deleteState(). However, after you create the store, please don't call those methods yourself anymore. If you do it, AsyncRedux cannot keep track of which state was persisted. After store creation, if necessary, you should use the corresponding methods Store.saveInitialStateInPersistence(), Store.readStateFromPersistence() and Store.deleteStateFromPersistence(). These methods let AsyncRedux keep track of the persisted state, so that it's able to call Persistor.persistDifference() with the appropriate parameters.

  • Method Store.getLastPersistedStateFromPersistor() returns the state that was last persisted to the local persistence. It's unlikely you will use this method yourself.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The factory declaration used to have two type parameters, but now it has three: class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyConnector, MyViewModel> With that change, you can now reference the view-model inside the Factory methods, by using the vm getter. Example:

    ViewModel fromStore() =>
        value: _calculateValue(),
        onTap: _onTap);
    void _onTap() => dispatch(SaveValueAction(vm.value)); // Use the value from the vm.

    Note 1: You can only use the vm getter after the fromStore() method is called, which means you cannot reference the vm inside of the fromStore() method itself. If you do that, you'll get a StoreException. You also cannot use the vm getter if the view-model is null.

    Note 2: To reduce boilerplate, and not having to pass the AppState type parameter whenever you create a Factory, I recommend you define a base Factory, like so:

    abstract class BaseFactory<T extends Widget?, Model extends Vm> extends VmFactory<AppState, T, Model> {
        BaseFactory([T? connector]) : super(connector);
  • Added class LocalJsonPersist to help persist the state as pure Json.


  • Fixed small bug when persistor is paused before being used once.


  • Version bump of dependencies.


  • Fixed issue with the StoreConnector.shouldUpdateModel method when the widget updates.


  • The StateObserver.observe() method signature changed to include an error parameter:

    void observe(
       ReduxAction<St> action,
       St stateIni,
       St stateEnd,
       Object? error,
       int dispatchCount,

    The state-observers are now also called when the action reducer complete with a error. In this case, the error object will not be null. This makes it easier to use state-observers for metrics. Please, see the documentation for the recommended clean-code way to do this.


  • Added another cache function, for 2 states and 3 parameters: cache2states_3params.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Async reduce() methods (those that return Futures) are now called synchronously (in the same microtask of their dispatch), just like a regular async function is. In other words, now dispatching a sync action works just the same as calling a sync function, and dispatching an async action works just the same as calling an async function.

    // Example: The below code will print: "BEFORE a1 f1 AFTER a2 f2"  
    class MyAsyncAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
       Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
          await microtask;
          return state;
    Future<void> asyncFunction() async {
       await Future.microtask((){});

    Before version 16.0.0, the reduce() method was called in a later microtask. Please note, the async reduce() methods continue to return and apply the state in a later microtask ( this did not change).

    The above breaking change is unlikely to affect you in any way, but if you want the old behavior, just add await microtask; to the first line of your reduce() method.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: When your reducer is async (i.e., returns Future<AppState>) you must make sure you do not return a completed future, meaning all execution paths of the reducer must pass through at least one await keyword. In other words, don't return a Future if you don't need it. If your reducer has no awaits, you must return AppState? instead of Future<AppState?>, or add await microtask; to the start of your reducer, or return null. For example:

    // These are right:
    AppState? reduce() { return state; }
    AppState? reduce() { someFunc(); return state; }
    Future<AppState?> reduce() async { await someFuture(); return state; }
    Future<AppState?> reduce() async { await microtask; return state; }
    Future<AppState?> reduce() async { if (state.someBool) return await calculation(); return null; }
    // But these are wrong:
    Future<AppState?> reduce() async { return state; }
    Future<AppState?> reduce() async { someFunc(); return state; }
    Future<AppState?> reduce() async { if (state.someBool) return await calculation(); return state; }

    If you don't follow this rule, AsyncRedux may seem to work ok, but will eventually misbehave.

    It's generally easy to make sure you are not returning a completed future. In the rare case your reducer function is very complex, and you are unsure that all code paths pass through an await, just add assertUncompletedFuture(); at the very END of your reduce method, right before the return. If you do that, an error will be shown in the console if the reduce method ever returns a completed future.

    If you're an advanced user interested in the details, check the sync/async tests.

  • When the Event class was created, Flutter did not have another class with that name. Now there is. For this reason, a typedef now allows you to use Evt instead. If you need, you can hide one of them, by importing AsyncRedux like this:

    import 'package:async_redux/async_redux.dart' hide Event;


    import 'package:async_redux/async_redux.dart' hide Evt;  


  • Flutter 3.0 support.


  • NavigateAction.popUntilRouteName() can print the routes (for debugging).


  • Better stacktrace for wrapped errors in actions.


  • The store persistor can now be paused and resumed, with methods store.pausePersistor(), store.persistAndPausePersistor() and store.resumePersistor(). This may be used together with the app lifecycle, to prevent a persistence process to start when the app is being shut down. For example:

    child: StoreProvider<AppState>(
    store: store,
      child: AppLifecycleManager( // Add this widget here to capture lifecycle events.
        child: MaterialApp( 
    class AppLifecycleManager extends StatefulWidget {
      final Widget child;
      const AppLifecycleManager({Key? key, required this.child}) : super(key: key);  
      _AppLifecycleManagerState createState() => _AppLifecycleManagerState();
    class _AppLifecycleManagerState extends State<AppLifecycleManager> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
    void initState() {
    void dispose() {
    void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState lifecycle) {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) => widget.child;
    class ProcessLifecycleChangeAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
       final AppLifecycleState lifecycle;
       Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
         if (lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.resumed || lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.inactive) {
         } else if (lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.paused || lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.detached) {
         } else
           throw AssertionError(lifecycle);
         return null;
  • When logging out of the app, you can call store.deletePersistedState() to ask the persistor to delete the state from disk.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: This is a very minor change, unlikely to affect you. The signature for the Action.wrapError method has changed from Object? wrapError(error) to Object? wrapError(Object error). If you get an error when you upgrade, you can fix it by changing the method that broke into Object? wrapError(dynamic error).

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Context is now nullable for these StoreConnector methods:

    void onInitialBuildCallback(BuildContext? context, Store<St> store, Model viewModel);
    void onDidChangeCallback(BuildContext? context, Store<St> store, Model viewModel);
    void onWillChangeCallback(BuildContext? context, Store<St> store, Model previousVm, Model newVm);


  • Version bump of dependencies.


  • Version bump of dependencies.


  • Fixed MockStore.dispatchAsync() and MockStore.dispatchSync() methods. Note: dispatchAsync was later renamed to dispatchAndWait.


  • delay parameter for WaitAction.add() and WaitAction.remove() methods.


  • Added missing dispatchSync and dispatchAsync to StoreTester. Note: dispatchAsync was later renamed to dispatchAndWait.


  • Added missing dispatchSync to VmFactory.


  • Sometimes, the store state is such that it's not possible to create a view-model. In those cases, the fromStore() method in the Factory can now return a null view-model. In that case, the builder() method in the StoreConnector can detect that the view-model is null, and then return some widget that does not depend on the view-model. For example:

    return StoreConnector<AppState, ViewModel?>(
      vm: () => Factory(this),
      builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel? vm) {
        return (vm == null)
          ? Text("The user is not logged in")
          : MyHomePage(user: vm.user)
    class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyHomePageConnector, ViewModel> {   
    ViewModel? fromStore() {
      return (store.state.user == null)
          ? null
          : ViewModel(user: store.state.user)
    class ViewModel extends Vm {
      final User user;  
      ViewModel({required this.user}) : super(equals: [user]);


  • dispatch can be used to dispatch both sync and async actions. It returns a FutureOr. You can await the result or not, as desired.

  • dispatchAsync can also be used to dispatch both sync and async actions. But it always returns a Future (not a FutureOr). Use this only when you explicitly need a Future, for example, when working with the RefreshIndicator widget. Note: dispatchAsync was later renamed to dispatchAndWait.

  • dispatchSync allows you to dispatch SYNC actions only. In that case, dispatchSync(action) is exactly the same as dispatch(action). However, if your action is ASYNC, dispatchSync will throw an error. Use this only when you need to make sure an action is sync (meaning it impacts the store state immediately when it returns). This is not very common. Important: An action is sync if and only if both its before and reduce methods are sync. If any or both these methods return a Future, then the action is async and will throw an error when used with dispatchSync.

  • StoreTester.getConnectorTester helps test StoreConnectors methods, such as onInit, onDispose and onWillChange. For example, suppose you have a StoreConnector which dispatches SomeAction on its onInit. You could test it like this:

    class MyConnector extends StatelessWidget { 
       Widget build(BuildContext context) => StoreConnector<AppState, Vm>(
          vm: () => _Factory(), 
          onInit: _onInit, 
          builder: (context, vm) { ... } 
    void _onInit(Store<AppState> store) => store.dispatch(SomeAction()); 
    var storeTester = StoreTester(...); 
    var connectorTester = storeTester.getConnectorTester(MyConnector()); 
    var info = await tester.waitUntil(SomeAction);  

    For more information, see section Testing the StoreConnector in the file.

  • Fix: UserExceptionDialog now shows all UserExceptions. It was discarding some of them under some circumstances, in a regression created in version 4.0.4.

  • In the Store constructor you can now set maxErrorsQueued to control the maximum number of errors the UserExceptionDialog error-queue can hold. Default is 10.

  • ConsoleActionObserver is now provided to print action details to the console.

  • WaitAction.toString() now returns a better description.


  • NavigateAction.toString() now returns a better description, like Action NavigateAction.pop().

  • Fixed NavigateAction.popUntilRouteName and NavigateAction.pushNamedAndRemoveAll to return the correct .type.

  • Added section Dependency Injection in


  • Improved error messages when the reducer returns an invalid type.

  • New StoreTester methods: waitUntilAll() and waitUntilAllGetLast().

  • Passing an environment to the store, to help with dependency injection: Store(environment: ...)


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Improved state typing for some Store parameters. You will now have to use Persistor<AppState> instead of Persistor, and WrapError<AppState> instead of WrapError etc.

  • Global Store(wrapReduce: ...). You may now globally wrap the reducer to allow for some pre or post-processing. Note: if the action also have a wrapReduce method, this global wrapper will be called AFTER (it will wrap the action's wrapper which wraps the action's reducer).

  • Downgraded dev_dependencies test: ^1.16.0


  • You can now provide callbacks onOk and onCancel to an UserException. This allows you to dispatch actions when the user dismisses the error dialog. When using the default UserExceptionDialog: (i) if only onOk is provided, it will be called when the dialog is dismissed, no matter how. (ii) If both onOk and onCancel are provided, then onOk will be called only when the OK button is pressed, while onCancel will be called when the dialog is dismissed by any other means.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: The dispatchFuture function is not necessary anymore. Just rename it to dispatch, since now the dispatch function always returns a future, and you can await it or not, as desired.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ReduxAction.hasFinished() has been deprecated. It should be renamed to isFinished.

  • The dispatch function now returns an ActionStatus. Usually you will discard this info, but you may use it to know if the action completed with no errors. For example, suppose a SaveAction looks like this:

    class SaveAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {      
      Future<AppState> reduce() async {
        bool isSaved = await saveMyInfo(); 
        if (!isSaved) throw UserException("Save failed.");	 

    Then, when you save some info, you want to leave the current screen if and only if the save process succeeded:

    var status = await dispatch(SaveAction(info));
    if (status.isFinished) dispatch(NavigateAction.pop()); // Or: Navigator.pop(context) 


  • BREAKING CHANGE: The new UserExceptionDialog.useLocalContext parameter now allows the UserExceptionDialog to be put in the builder parameter of the MaterialApp widget. Even if you use this dialog, it is unlikely this will be a breaking change for you. But if it is, and your error dialog now has problems, simply make useLocalContext: true to return to the old behavior.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: StoreConnector parameters onInitialBuild, onDidChange and onWillChange now also get the context and the store. For example, where you previously had onInitialBuild(vm) {...} now you have onInitialBuild(context, store, vm) {...}.


  • LocalPersist saveJson() and loadJson() methods.


  • FIC and weak-map version bump.


  • NNBD improvements.
  • FIC version bump.


  • Downgrade to file: ^6.0.0 to improve compatibility.


  • Nullsafe.


  • Uses nullsafe dependencies (it's not yet itself nullsafe).

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Cache functions (for memoization) have been renamed and extended.


  • LocalPersist: Better handling of mock file-systems.



    Now the vm parameter in the StoreConnector is a function that creates a VmFactory (instead of being a VmFactory object itself).

    So, to upgrade, you just need to provide this:

    vm: () => MyFactory(this),

    Instead of this:

    // Deprecated.
    vm: MyFactory(this), 

    Now the StoreConnector will create a VmFactory every time it needs a view-model. The Factory will have access to:

    1. state getter: The state the store was holding when the factory and the view-model were created. This state is final inside the factory.

    2. currentState() method: The current (most recent) store state. This will return the current state the store holds at the time the method is called.

  • New store parameter immutableCollectionEquality lets you override the equality used for immutable collections from the fast_immutable_collections package.


  • StoreTester.dispatchState().


  • VmFactory.getAndRemoveFirstError().


  • NavigateAction now closely follows the Navigator api: push(), pop(), popAndPushNamed(), pushNamed(), pushReplacement(), pushAndRemoveUntil(), replace(), replaceRouteBelow(), pushReplacementNamed(), pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(), pushNamedAndRemoveAll(), popUntil(), removeRoute(), removeRouteBelow(), popUntilRouteName() and popUntilRoute().


  • Initial commit: 2019/Aug05