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Async Redux | state management

Async Redux is an optimized Redux version, which is very easy to learn and use, yet powerful and tailored for Flutter. It helps you write Flutter apps that are easy to test, maintain and extend.

Developer Overview

The main concepts in Redux are: store, state, actions and reducers.

The store holds all the application state, and you can only change the state by dispatching actions. Each action has a reducer, which changes the state:

// Create a store, which holds the initial app state.
var store = Store<int>(initialState: 1);

// Create an action class with a `reduce` method that changes the state.
class Increment extends Action {  
  int reduce() => state + 1; 

void main() {
  // Dispatch the action to change the state.
  print(store.state); // 2

To use the store in your widgets, add a StoreProvider to the top of your widget tree:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return StoreProvider<int>(
    store: store,
    child: MaterialApp(home: MyHomePage()), ...

You can then use it anywhere in your widgets like this:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {  
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(children: [        
      Text(context.state.toString()), // Use the state.        
        child: Text('+')),            
        onPressed: () => context.dispatch(Increment())) // Dispatch the action.               

Your actions can download information from the internet, or do any other asynchronous work:

var store = Store<String>(initialState: '');

class LoadText extends Action {

  // This reducer returns a Future.  
  Future<String> reduce() async {
    // Download some information from the internet.
    var response = await http.get('');    
    // Change the state with the downloaded information.
    return response.body;      

If some error happens, you can simply throw an UserException. A dialog (or other UI) will open automatically, showing the error message to the user.

var store = Store<String>(initialState: '');

class LoadText extends Action {
  Future<String> reduce() async {  
    var response = await http.get('');    

    if (response.statusCode == 200) return response.body;
    else throw UserException('Failed to load data');         


  • If you want to show a spinner while the text is loading, you can use isWaiting.
  • If you want to show an error message as part of your widget tree, you can use isFailed.
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    if (context.isWaiting(LoadText)) return CircularProgressIndicator();
    if (context.isFailed(LoadText)) return Text('Loading failed...');
    return Column(children: [
       Text(context.state), // Show the state
         child: Text('Load')),            
         onPressed: () => context.dispatch(LoadText())) // Dispatch the action.               

Your actions can also dispatch other actions, and use dispatchAndWait to wait for an action to finish:

class LoadTextAndIncrement extends Action {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {    
    // Dispatch and wait for the action to finish
    await dispatchAndWait(LoadText());
    // Only then, increment the state
    return state.copy(count: state.count + 1);

You can also dispatch actions in parallel and wait for them to finish:

class BuyAndSell extends Action {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    // Dispatch and wait for both actions to finish
    await dispatchAndWaitAll([
    return state.copy(message: 'New cash balance is ${}');

You can also use waitCondition to wait until the state changes in a certain way:

class SellStockForPrice extends Action {
  final String stock;
  final double limitPrice;
  SellStockForPrice(this.stock, this.limitPrice);

  Future<AppState?> reduce() async {  
    // Wait until the stock price is higher than the limit price
    await waitCondition(
      (state) => state.stocks[stock].price >= limitPrice
    // No further state change    
    return null; 

You can add mixins to your actions, to accomplish common tasks:

  • CheckInternet ensures actions only run with internet, otherwise an error dialog prompts users to check their connection:

    class LoadText extends Action with CheckInternet {
    Future<String> reduce() async {
        var response = await http.get('');
  • NoDialog can be added to CheckInternet so that no dialog is opened. Instead, you can display some information in your widgets:

    class LoadText extends Action with CheckInternet, NoDialog { ... }
    if (context.isFailed(LoadText)) Text('No Internet connection');
  • AbortWhenNoInternet aborts the action silently (without showing any dialogs) if there is no internet connection.

  • NonReentrant prevents reentrant actions, so that when you dispatch an action that's already running it gets aborted.

  • Retry retries the action a few times with exponential backoff, if it fails. Add UnlimitedRetries to retry the action indefinitely:

    class LoadText extends ReduxAction<AppState> with Retry, UnlimitedRetries, NonReentrant { 

Testing your app is very easy. Just dispatch actions and wait for them to finish. Then, verify the new state or check if some error was thrown:

class AppState {
  User user;
  int selected;
  List<Item> items;    

test('Selecting an item', () async {   

    var store = Store<AppState>(
      initialState: AppState(
        user: User(name: 'John'),
        selected: -1,
        items: [Item(id: 1), Item(id: 2), Item(id: 3)]
    // Found item 2.                
    await store.dispatchAndWait(SelectItem(2));    
    expect(store.state.selected, 2);
    // Failed to find item 42.
    var status = await store.dispatchAndWait(SelectItem(42));    
    expect(status.originalError, isA<>(UserException));

Team Lead Overview

If you are a Team Lead, you'll have features to help you set up the app's infrastructure in a central place, and allow your developers to concentrate solely on the business logic.

When you create the store, you can add a persistor to save and load the state from the local device disk, a stateObserver to collect app metrics, an errorObserver to log errors, an actionObserver to print information to the console during development, and a globalWrapError to catch all errors thrown by actions and decide what to do with them.

var store = Store<String>(
  initialState: '',
  persistor: MyPersistor(),
  stateObserver: [MyStateObserver()],
  errorObserver: [MyErrorObserver()],
  actionObservers: [MyActionObserver()],
  globalWrapError: MyGlobalWrapError(),  

For example, the following GlobalWrapError is designed to handle all PlatformException errors throw by Firebase. It converts them into UserException errors, which are built-in Async Redux types that automatically display their message to the user in an error dialog:

Object? wrap(error, stackTrace, action) {
  return (error is PlatformException)
    ? UserException('Error connecting to Firebase')
    : error;

Another interesting feature for Team Leads is the ability to create a base action class that all your actions will extend, and add some common functionality to it. For example, you can add getters for the important parts of your state, and also "selectors" to help you find more complex information:

class AppState {
  User user;
  int selected;
  List<Item> items;    

class Action extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  // Getters  
  User get user => state.user;
  Item get selected => state.selected;
  List<Item> get items => state.items;
  // Selectors 
  Item? findItemById(int id) => items.firstWhereOrNull((item) => == id);
  Item? searchItemByText(String text) => items.firstWhereOrNull((item) => item.text.contains(text));
  int get selectedItemIndex => items.indexOf(selected);     

Now, all your actions can use these getters and selectors to access the state in their reducers:

class SelectItem extends Action {
  final int id;
  AppState reduce() {
    Item? item = findItemById(id);
    if (item == null) throw UserException('Item not found');
    return state.copy(selected: item);

Example projects

Please visit:

  • Fully documented:

    The Same App Different Tech Project is a repository in GitHub, containing the same mobile app implemented using a variety of different tech stacks, including a Redux App Example.

  • Documented in the source code only:

    The Redux App Example repository in GitHub also contains a full-fledged example with a complete app showcasing the fundamentals and best practices described in this Readme.

Table of Contents

What is Redux?

A single store object holds all the state, which is immutable. When you need to modify some state, you dispatch an action. Then a reducer creates a new copy of the state, with the desired changes. Your widgets are connected to the store (through store-connectors and view-models), so they know that the state changed, and rebuild as needed.

Why use this Redux version over others?

Plain vanilla Redux is too low-level, which makes it very flexible but results in a lot of boilerplate, and a steep learning curve. Combining reducers is a manual task, and you have to list them one by one. If you forget to list some reducer, you will not know it until your tests point out that some state is not changing as you expected.

Reducers can't be async, so you need to create middleware, which is also difficult to set up and use. You have to list them one by one, and if you forget one of them you will also not know it until your tests point it out. The redux_thunk package can help with that, but adds some more complexity.

It's difficult to know which actions fire which reducers, and hard to navigate the code in the IDE. In IntelliJ, you may press CTRL+B to navigate between a method use and its declaration. However, this is of no use if actions and reducers are independent classes. You have to search for action "usages", which is not so convenient since it also list dispatches.

It's also difficult to list all actions and reducers, and you may end up implementing some reducer just to realize it already exists with another name.

Testing reducers is simple, since they are pure functions, but integration tests are difficult. In the real world you need to test complex middleware that fires other middleware and many reducers, with intermediate state changes that you want to test for. Especially if you are doing BDD or Acceptance Tests you may need to wait for some middleware to finish, and then dispatch some other actions, and test for intermediate states.

Another problem is that vanilla Redux assumes it holds all the application state, and this is not practical in a real Flutter app. If you add a simple TextField with a TextEditingController, or a ListView with a ScrollController, then you have state outside the Redux store. Suppose your middleware is downloading some information, and it wishes to scroll a ListView as soon as the info arrives. This would be simple if the list scroll position is saved in the Redux store. However, this state must be in the ScrollController, not the store.

AsyncRedux solves all of these problems and more:

  • It's much easier to learn and use than regular Redux.
  • It comes with its own testing tools that make even complex tests easy to set up and run.
  • You can navigate between action dispatches and their corresponding reducers with a single IDE command or click.
  • You can also use your IDE to list all actions/reducers.
  • You don't need to add or list reducers and middleware anywhere.
  • In fact, reducers can be async, so you don't need middleware.
  • There is no need for generated code (as some Redux versions do).
  • It has the concept of "events", to deal with Flutter state controllers.
  • It helps you show errors thrown by reducers to the user.
  • It's easy to add both logging and store persistence.

Store and State

Declare your store and state, like this:

var state = AppState.initialState();

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: state,

Note: Your state can be any immutable object, but typically you create a class called AppState to help with the state creation and manipulation. I later give some recommendations on how to create this class. In special, you can use the fast_immutable_collections package when you need immutable lists, sets, maps and multimaps.


If you want to change the store state you must "dispatch" some action. In AsyncRedux all actions extend ReduxAction.

The reducer of an action is simply a method of the action itself, called reduce(). All actions must override this method.

The reducer has direct access to:

  • The store state (which is a getter of the Action class).
  • The action state itself (the class fields, passed to the action when it was instantiated and dispatched).
  • The dispatch method, so that other actions may be dispatched from the reducer.

The abstract reduce() method signature has a return type of FutureOr<AppState?>, but your concrete reducers must return one or the other: AppState? or Future<AppState?>.

That's necessary because AsyncRedux knows if a reducer is sync or async by checking your reduce() method signature. If it is FutureOr<AppState?>, it can't know if it's sync or async, and will throw a StoreException:

Reducer should return `St?` or `Future<St?>`. Do not return `FutureOr<St?>`.

Sync Reducer

If you want to do some synchronous work, simply declare the reducer to return AppState?, then change the state and return it.

For example, let's start with a simple action to increment a counter by some value:

class IncrementAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  final int amount;


  AppState? reduce() {
	return state.copy(counter: state.counter + amount));

This action is dispatched like this:

store.dispatch(IncrementAction(amount: 3));

Note the reducer above has direct access to both the counter state (state.counter) and to the action state (the field amount).

We will show you later how to easily test sync reducers, using the StoreTester.

Try running the: Increment Example.

Async Reducer

If you want to do some asynchronous work, simply declare the reducer to return Future<AppState?> then change the state and return it. There is no need of any "middleware", like for other Redux versions.

Note: In IntelliJ, to convert the reducer from sync to async, press Alt+ENTER and select Convert to async function body.

As an example, suppose you want to increment a counter by a value you get from the database. The database access is async, so you must use an async reducer:

class QueryAndIncrementAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
	int value = await getAmount();
	return state.copy(counter: state.counter + value));

This action is dispatched like this:


Please note: While the reduce() method of a sync reducer runs synchronously with the dispatch, the reduce() method of an async reducer will be called synchronously, but will always return the state in a later microtask.

We will show you later how to easily test async reducers, using the StoreTester.

Try running the: Increment Async Example.

One important rule

When your reducer is async (i.e., returns Future<AppState>) you must make sure you do not return a completed future, meaning all execution paths of the reducer must pass through at least one await keyword. In other words, don't return a Future if you don't need it.

If you don't follow this rule, AsyncRedux may seem to work ok, but will eventually misbehave.

If your reducer has no awaits, you must return AppState? instead of Future<AppState?>, or simply add await microtask; to the start of your reducer, or return null. For example:

// These are right:
AppState? reduce() {
  return state;

AppState? reduce() {
  return state;

Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
  await someFuture();
  return state;

Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
  await microtask;
  return state;

Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
  if (state.someBool) return await calculation();
  return null;

// But these are wrong:
Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
  return state;

Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
  return state;

Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
  if (state.someBool) return await calculation();
  return state;

It's generally easy to make sure you are not returning a completed future. In the rare case your reducer function is very complex, and you are unsure that all code paths pass through an await, just add assertUncompletedFuture(); at the very END of your reduce method, right before the return. If you do that, an error will be shown in the console if the reduce method ever returns a completed future.

If you're an advanced user interested in the details, check the sync/async tests.

Changing state is optional

For both sync and async reducers, returning a new state is optional. If you don't plan on changing the state, simply return null. This is the same as returning the state unchanged.

Why is this useful? Because some actions may simply start other async processes, or dispatch other actions.

For example, suppose you want to have two separate actions, one for querying some value from the database, and another action to change the state:

class QueryAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    int value = await getAmount();
    dispatch(IncrementAction(amount: value));
    return null;

class IncrementAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  final int amount;


  AppState reduce() {
    return state.copy(counter: state.counter + amount));

Note the reduce() methods have direct access to state and dispatch. There is no need to write store.state and store.dispatch (although you can, if you want).

Before and After the Reducer

Sometimes, while an async reducer is running, you want to prevent the user from touching the screen. Also, sometimes you want to check preconditions like the presence of an internet connection, and don't run the reducer if those preconditions are not met.

To help you with these use cases, you may override methods ReduxAction.before() and ReduxAction.after(), which run respectively before and after the reducer.

The before() method runs before the reducer. If you want it to run synchronously, it should return void:

void before() { ... }

To run it asynchronously, return Future<void>:

Future<void> before() async { ... }

If it throws an error, then reduce() will NOT run. This means you can use it to check any preconditions and throw an error if you want to prevent the reducer from running. For example:

Future<void> before() async => await checkInternetConnection();

This method is also capable of dispatching actions, so it can be used to turn on a modal barrier:

void before() => dispatch(BarrierAction(true));

Note: If this method runs asynchronously, then reduce() will also be async, since it must wait for this one to finish.

The after() method runs after reduce(), even if an error was thrown by before() or reduce() (akin to a "finally" block).

Avoid after() methods which can throw errors. If the after() method throws an error, then this error will be thrown asynchronously (after the "asynchronous gap") so that it doesn't interfere with the action. Also, this error will be missing the original stacktrace.

The after() method can also dispatch actions, so it can be used to turn off some modal barrier when the reducer ends, even if there was some error in the process:

void after() => dispatch(BarrierAction(false));

Complete example:

// This action increments a counter by 1, and then gets some description text.
class IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
	String description = await read(Uri.http("","${state.counter}");
	return state.copy(description: description);

  void before() => dispatch(BarrierAction(true));

  void after() => dispatch(BarrierAction(false));

Try running the: Before and After Example.

Wrapping the reducer

You may wrap the reducer to allow for some pre or post-processing. For example, suppose you want to abort the reducer if the state changed since while the reducer was running:

Reducer<St> wrapReduce(Reducer<St> reduce) => () async {
   var oldState = state; // Remember: `state` is a getter for the current state.
   AppState? newState = await reduce(); // This may take some time, and meanwhile the state may change. 
   return identical(oldState, state) ? newState : null;

Aborting the dispatch

You may override the action's abortDispatch to completely prevent the action to run if some condition is true; In more detail, if this method returns true, methods before, reduce and after will not be called, and the action will not be visible to the StoreTester. This is only useful under rare circumstances, and you should only use it if you know what you are doing. For example:

bool abortDispatch() => == null;

Action status

You can use action.status.isCompletedOk to check if a dispatched action finished with no errors (in more detail, if the action's methods before and reduce finished without throwing any errors):

var action = MyAction(); 
await store.dispatchAndWait(action);

Better yet, you can get this information directly through the dispatchAndWait method:

var status = await store.dispatchAndWait(MyAction());

One use case is when you want to save some info, and you want to leave the current screen if and only if the save process succeeded:

class SaveAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {      
  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    bool isSaved = await saveMyInfo(); 
    if (!isSaved) throw UserException("Save failed.");	 

var status = await dispatch(SaveAction(info));
if (status.isCompletedOk) Navigator.pop(context); // Or: dispatch(NavigateAction.pop()) 

This is all the information you can get from the action status:

var status = await dispatch(MyAction(info));

What's the order of execution of sync and async reducers?

A reducer is only sync if both reduce() return AppState AND before() return void. If you any of them return a Future, then the reducer is async.

When you dispatch sync reducers, they are executed synchronously, in the order they are called. For example, this code will wait until MyAction1 is finished and only then run MyAction2, assuming both are sync reducers:


Dispatching an async reducer without writing await is like starting any other async processes without writing await. The process will start immediately, but you are not waiting for it to finish. For example, this code will start both MyAsyncAction1 and MyAsyncAction2, but is says nothing about how long they will take or which one finishes first:


If you want to wait for some async action to finish, you must write await dispatch(...) instead of simply dispatch(...). Then you can actually wait for it to finish. For example, this code will wait until MyAsyncAction1 is finished, and only then run MyAsyncAction2:

await dispatch(MyAsyncAction1()); 
await dispatch(MyAsyncAction2());

Using BuildContext to access the store

To access the store state inside of widgets, you can use the provided extension on context:

// Read state (will rebuild when the state changes) 
var myInfo = context.state.myInfo;

// Dispatch action

// Use isWaiting to show a spinner 
var isWaiting = context.isWaiting(MyAction); 

// Use isFailed to show an error message
if (context.isFailed(MyAction)) return Text('Loading failed');
// Use exceptionFor to get the error message from the exception
if (context.isFailed(MyAction)) return Text(context.exceptionFor(MyAction).message);

// Use clearExceptionFor to clear the error

In more detail:

  • var state = context.getState<AppState> - Reads the store state. Widgets that use this will rebuild whenever the state changes.

    It's recommended that you define this extension in your own code:

    extension BuildContextExtension on BuildContext {
       AppState get state => getState<AppState>();

    This will allow you to write:

    var state = context.state;
  • context.dispatch(), .dispatchAndWait() and .dispatchSync() - Dispatch an action.

  • context.dispatchAll(), and .dispatchAndWaitAll() - Dispatch multiple actions.

  • context.isWaiting() - Returns true if the given action type is currently being processed.

  • context.isFailed() - Returns true if an action of the given type failed with an UserException.

  • context.exceptionFor() - Returns the UserException of the action of the given type that failed.

  • context.clearExceptionFor() - Removes the given type from the list of action types that failed.

Try running the: Connector vs Provider Example.


In Redux, you generally have two widgets, one called the "dumb-widget", which knows nothing about Redux and the store, and another one to "wire" the store with that dumb-widget.

While Vanilla Redux traditionally calls these wiring widgets "containers", Flutter's most common widget is already called a Container, which can be confusing. So I prefer calling them " connectors".

They do their magic by using a StoreConnector and a ViewModel.

A view-model is a helper object to a StoreConnector widget. It holds the part of the Store state the corresponding dumb-widget needs, and may also convert this state part into a more convenient format for the dumb-widget to work with.

In more detail: Each time some action reducer changes the store state, all StoreConnectors in the screen will use that state to create a new view-model, and then compare it with the previous view-model created with the previous state. Only if the view-model changed, the connector rebuilds.

For example:

class MyHomePageConnector extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
	return StoreConnector<AppState, ViewModel>(
	  vm: () => Factory(this),
	  builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel vm) => MyHomePage(
		counter: vm.counter,
		description: vm.description,
		onIncrement: vm.onIncrement,

class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyHomePageConnector, ViewModel> {
  Factory(connector) : super(connector);
  ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
      counter: state.counter,
      description: state.description,
      onIncrement: () => dispatch(IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction()),

class ViewModel extends Vm {  
  final int counter;
  final String description;
  final VoidCallback onIncrement;
       required this.counter,
       required this.description,
       required this.onIncrement,
  }) : super(equals: [counter, description]);

For the view-model comparison to work, your ViewModel class must implement equals/hashcode. Otherwise, the StoreConnector will think the view-model changes everytime, and thus will rebuild everytime. This won't create any visible problems to your app, but is inefficient and may be slow.

The equals/hashcode can be done in three ways:

  • By typing ALT+INSERT in IntelliJ IDEA and choosing ==() and hashcode. You can't forget to update this whenever new parameters are added to the model.

  • You can use the built_value package to ensure they are kept correct, without you having to update them manually.

  • Just add all the fields you want (which are not callbacks) to the equals parameter to the ViewModel's build constructor. This will allow the ViewModel to automatically create its own operator == and hashcode implicitly. For example:

  required this.field1,
  required this.field2,
}) : super(equals: [field1, field2]);

Note: Each state passed in the equals parameter will, by default, be compared by equality (==). However, you can provide your own comparison method, if you want. To that end, your state classes may implement the VmEquals interface. As a default, objects of type VmEquals are compared by their VmEquals.vmEquals() method, which by default is an identity comparison. You may then override this method to provide your custom comparisons.

For example, here description will be compared by equality, while myObj will be compared by its info length:

class ViewModel extends Vm {
  final String description;
  final MyObj myObj;  

    required this.description,
    required this.myObj,
  }) : super(equals: [description, myObj]);


class MyObj extends VmEquals<MyObj> {  
  String info; 
  bool operator ==(Object other) => info.length ==;
  int get hashCode => 0;

How to provide the ViewModel to the StoreConnector

The StoreConnector actually accepts two parameters for the ViewModel, of which only one should be provided in the StoreConnector constructor: vm or converter.

  1. the vm parameter

    Most examples in the example tab use the vm parameter.

    The vm parameter expects a function that creates a Factory object that extends VmFactory. This class should implement a method fromStore that returns a ViewModel that extends Vm:

      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return StoreConnector<int, ViewModel>(
          vm: () => Factory(),
          builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel vm) => MyWidget(...),

    AsyncRedux will automatically inject state, currentState() and dispatch() into your model instance, so that boilerplate is reduced in your fromStore method. For example:

    class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyHomePageConnector, ViewModel> {
         ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
             counter: state.counter,
             description: state.description,
             onIncrement: () => dispatch(IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction()),


    • state getter: The state the store was holding when the factory and the view-model were created. This state is final inside the factory.

    • currentState() method: The current (most recent) store state. This will return the current state the store holds at the time the method is called.

    If you need it, you may pass the connector widget to the factory's constructor, like this:

    vm: () => Factory(this),
    class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyHomePageConnector, ViewModel> {
       Factory(connector) : super(connector);
       ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
           name: state.names[widget.user],             

    The vm parameter's architecture lets you create separate methods for helping construct your model, without having to pass the store around. For example:

    ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
        name: _name(),
        onSave: _onSave,
    String _name() =>;
    VoidCallback _onSave: () => dispatch(SaveUserAction()),

    You can reference the view-model inside the Factory methods, by using the vm getter. For example:

    ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
        onSave: _onSaveName,
    // Use `` here.  
    VoidCallback _onSaveName: () => dispatch(SaveUserAction(,

    Please note, you can only use the vm getter after the fromStore() method returns, which means you cannot use it inside the fromStore() method itself. If you do that, you'll get a StoreException.

    Another idea is to subclass VmFactory to:

    • Reduce boilerplate, and not having to pass the AppState type parameter whenever you create a Factory.

    • Provide additional features to your model. For example, you could add extra getters to help you access state.


    abstract class BaseFactory<T extends Widget?, Model extends Vm> 
      extends VmFactory<AppState, T, Model> {
      BaseFactory([T? connector]) : super(connector);
      User get user => state.user;        
    class _Factory extends BaseFactory {
      ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
         name:, // Instead of `name:`       

What if you can't generate the view-model?

Note: Sometimes you don't have enough information to generate the view-model. For example, some information may still be loading, or the state is inconsistent for some reason. In that case, your Factory can return null instead of the vm, and the connector can return an alternative placeholder widget.

To that end, declare the view-model as nullable (ViewModel?) in these 3 places: the StoreConnector, the builder, and the fromStore method. Then, check for null in the builder. For example:

return StoreConnector<AppState, ViewModel?>( // 1. Use `ViewModel?` here!
vm: () => Factory(this),       
builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel? vm) { // 2. Use `ViewModel?` here!
  return (vm == null) // 3. Check for null view-model here.
    ? Text("The user is not logged in")
    : MyHomePage(user: vm.user)


class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyHomePageConnector, ViewModel> {   
ViewModel? fromStore() { // 4. Use `ViewModel?` here!
return (store.state.user == null)
    ? null
    : ViewModel(user: store.state.user)


class ViewModel extends Vm {
final User user;  
ViewModel({required this.user}) : super(equals: [user]);

Try running the: Null ViewModel Example.

  1. The converter parameter

    If you are migrating from flutter_redux to async_redux, you can keep using flutter_redux's good old converter parameter:

      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return StoreConnector<int, ViewModel>(
          converter: (store) => ViewModel.fromStore(store),
          builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel vm) => MyWidget(...),

    It expects a static factory function that gets a store and returns the ViewModel.

    class ViewModel {
       final String name;
       final VoidCallback onSave;
          required this.onSave,
       static ViewModel fromStore(Store<AppState> store) {
          return ViewModel(
             name: store.state,
             onSave: () => store.dispatch(IncrementAction(amount: 1)),
       bool operator ==(Object other) =>
           identical(this, other) ||
           other is ViewModel && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && name ==;
       int get hashCode => name.hashCode;

However, the converter parameter can also make use of the Vm class to avoid having to create operator == and hashcode manually:

class ViewModel extends Vm {
   final String name;
   final VoidCallback onSave;

      required this.onSave,
   }) : super(equals: [name]);

   static ViewModel fromStore(Store<AppState> store) {
      return ViewModel(
         name: store.state,
         onSave: () => store.dispatch(IncrementAction(amount: 1)),

When using the converter parameter, it's a bit more difficult to create separate methods for helping construct your view-model:

static ViewModel fromStore(Store<AppState> store) {
   return ViewModel(
      name: _name(store),
      onSave: _onSave(store),

static String _name(Store<AppState>) =>;

static VoidCallback _onSave(Store<AppState>) { 
   return () => store.dispatch(SaveUserAction());

To see the converter parameter in action, please run this example.

Will a state change always trigger the StoreConnectors?

Usually yes, but if you want you can order some action not to trigger the StoreConnector, by providing a notify: false when dispatching:

dispatch(MyAction1(), notify: false); 


Another good alternative to the StoreConnector is using the Provider package.

Both the StoreConnector (from async_redux) and ReduxSelector (from provider_for_redux) let you deal with widget rebuilds when the state changes.

You may use StoreConnector when you want to have two widgets, one to access the store and prepare the state to use, and the second as a dumb widget. You may use ReduxSelector when you want less boilerplate, and want to access the store directly from inside a single widget.

Please visit the provider_for_redux package for in-depth explanation and examples on how to use AsyncRedux and Provider together.

Processing errors thrown by Actions

AsyncRedux has special provisions for dealing with errors, including observing errors, showing errors to users, and wrapping errors into more meaningful descriptions.

Let's see an example. Suppose a logout action that checks if there is an internet connection, and then deletes the database and sets the store to its initial state:

class LogoutAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
	await checkInternetConnection();
	await deleteDatabase();
	return AppState.initialState();

In the above code, the checkInternetConnection() function checks if there is an internet connection, and if there isn't it throws an error:

Future<void> checkInternetConnection() async {
	if (await Connectivity().checkConnectivity() == ConnectivityResult.none)
		throw NoInternetConnectionException();

All errors thrown by action reducers are sent to the ErrorObserver, which you may define during store creation. For example:

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: AppState.initialState(),
  errorObserver: MyErrorObserver<AppState>(),

class MyErrorObserver<St> implements ErrorObserver<St> {
  bool observe(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, ReduxAction<St> action, Store store) {
    print("Error thrown during $action: $error");
    return true;

If your error observer returns true, the error will be rethrown after the errorObserver finishes. If it returns false, the error is considered dealt with, and will be "swallowed" (not rethrown).

Giving better error messages

If your reducer throws some error you probably want to collect as much information as possible. In the above code, if checkInternetConnection() throws an error, you want to know that you have a connection problem, but you also want to know this happened during the logout action. In fact, you want all errors thrown by this action to reflect that.

The solution is implementing the optional wrapError(error) method:

class LogoutAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async { ... }

  Object wrapError(error)
	  => LogoutError("Logout failed.", cause: error);

Note the LogoutError above gets the original error as cause, so no information is lost.

In other words, the wrapError(error) method acts as the "catch" statement of the action.

User exceptions

To show error messages to the user, make your actions throw an UserException, and then wrap your home-page with UserExceptionDialog, below StoreProvider and MaterialApp:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context)
	  => StoreProvider<AppState>(
		  store: store,
		  child: MaterialApp(
		    navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
			home: UserExceptionDialog<AppState>(
			  child: MyHomePage(),

Note: If you are not using the home parameter of the MaterialApp widget, you can also put the UserExceptionDialog the builder parameter. Please note, if you do that you must define the NavigateAction.navigatorKey of the Navigator. Please, see the documentation of the UserExceptionDialog.useLocalContext parameter for more information.

Try running the: Show Error Dialog Example.

In more detail:

Sometimes, actions fail because the user provided invalid information. These failings don't represent errors in the code, so you usually don't want to log them as errors. What you want, instead, is just warn the user by opening a dialog with some corrective information. For example, suppose you want to save the user's name, and you only accept names with at least 4 characters:

class SaveUserAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
   final String name;

   Future<AppState> reduce() async {
	 if (name.length < 4) dispatch(ShowDialogAction("Name must have at least 4 letters."));
	 else await saveUser(name);
	 return null;

Clearly, there is no need to log as an error the user's attempt to save a 3-char name. The above code dispatches a ShowDialogAction, which you would have to wire into a Flutter error dialog somehow.

However, there's an easier approach. Just throw AsyncRedux's built-in UserException:

class SaveUserAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
   final String name;

   Future<AppState> reduce() async {
	 if (name.length < 4) throw UserException("Name must have at least 4 letters.");
	 await saveName(name);
	 return null;

The special UserException error class represents "user errors" which are meant as warnings to the user, and not as code errors to be logged. By default, if you don't define your own errorObserver, only errors which are not UserException are thrown. And if you do define an errorObserver, you'd probably want to replicate this behavior.

In any case, UserExceptions are put into a special error queue, from where they may be shown to the user, one by one. You may use UserException as is, or subclass it, returning title and message for the alert dialog shown to the user. Note: In the Store constructor you can set the maximum number of errors that queue can hold.

As explained in the beginning of this section, if you use the build-in error handling you must wrap your home-page with UserExceptionDialog. There, you may pass the onShowUserExceptionDialog parameter to change the default dialog, show a toast, or some other suitable widget:

	  child: MyHomePage(),
		  (BuildContext context, UserException userException) => showDialog(...),

Note: The UserExceptionDialog can display any error widget you want in front of all the others on the screen. If this is not what you want, you can easily create your own MyUserExceptionWidget to intercept the errors and do whatever you want. Start by copying user_exception_dialog.dart (which contains UserExceptionDialog and its _ViewModel) into another file, and search for the didUpdateWidget method. This method will be called each time an error is available, and there you can record this information in the widget's own state. You can then change the screen in any way you want, according to that saved state, in this widget's build method.

Converting third-party errors into UserExceptions

Third-party code may also throw errors which should not be considered bugs, but simply messages to be displayed in a dialog to the user.

For example, Firebase my throw some PlatformExceptions in response to a bad connection to the server. In this case, you can convert this error into a UserException, so that a dialog appears to the user, as already explained above. There are two ways to do that.

The first is to do this conversion in the action itself by implementing the optional ReduxAction.wrapError(error) method:

class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Object? wrapError(error) {
     if ((error is PlatformException) && (error.code == "Error performing get") &&
               (error.message == "Failed to get document because the client is offline."))
        return UserException("Check your internet connection.").addCause(error);
        return error; 

However, then you'd have to add this to all actions that use Firebase. A better way is doing this globally by passing a GlobalWrapError object to the store:

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: AppState.initialState(),
  globalWrapError: MyGlobalWrapError(),

class MyGlobalWrapError extends GlobalWrapError {
  Object? wrap(error, stackTrace, action) {
    if ((error is PlatformException) && (error.code == "Error performing get") &&
          (error.message == "Failed to get document because the client is offline.")) 
        return UserException("Check your internet connection.").addCause(error);
        return error;

The GlobalWrapError object will be given all errors. It may then return a UserException which will be used instead of the original exception. Otherwise, it just returns the original eerror, so that it will not be modified. It may also return null to disable (swallow) the error.

Note this wrapper is called after ReduxAction.wrapError, and before the ErrorObserver.


If you want the UserExceptionDialog to display some UserException, you must throw the exception from inside an action's before() or reduce() methods.

However, sometimes you need to create some callback that throws an UserException. If this callback is called outside an action, the dialog will not display the exception. To solve this, the callback should not throw an exception, but instead call the provided UserExceptionAction, which will then simply throw the exception in its own reduce() method.

The UserExceptionAction is also useful even inside of actions, when you want to display an error dialog to the user, but you don't want to interrupt the action by throwing an exception.


Testing involves waiting for an action to complete its dispatch process, or for the store state to meet a certain condition. After this, you can verify the current state or action using the methods store.dispatchAndWait, store.dispatchAndWaitAll, store.waitCondition, store.waitActionCondition, store.waitAllActions, store.waitActionType, store.waitAllActionTypes, and store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes. For example:

// Wait for some action to dispatch and check the state. 
await store.dispatchAndWait(MyAction());
expect(, 'John')

// Wait for some action to dispatch, and check for errors in the action status. 
var status = await dispatchAndWait(MyAction());
expect(status.originalError, isA<UserException>());

// Dispatches two actions in SERIES (one after the other).
await dispatchAndWait(SomeAsyncAction());
await dispatchAndWait(AnotherAsyncAction());

// Dispatches two actions in PARALLEL and wait for their TYPES.
expect(store.state.portfolio, ['TSLA']);
await store.waitAllActionTypes([BuyAction, SellAction]);
expect(store.state.portfolio, ['IBM']);                

// Dispatches two actions in PARALLEL and wait for them.
let action1 = BuyAction('IBM');
let action2 = BuyAction('TSLA');
await store.waitAllActions([action1, action2]);
expect(store.state.portfolio.containsAll('IBM', 'TSLA'), isFalse);

// Another way to dispatch two actions in PARALLEL and wait for them.
await store.dispatchAndWaitAll([BuyAction('IBM'), BuyAction('TSLA')]);
expect(store.state.portfolio.containsAll('IBM', 'TSLA'), isFalse);

// Wait until no actions are in progress.
await waitAllActions([]);                 
expect(state.stocks, ['IBM', 'TSLA']);
// Wait for some action of a given type.
var action = store.waitActionType(ChangeNameAction);
expect(action, isA<ChangeNameAction>());
expect(action.status.isCompleteOk, isTrue);
expect(, 'Bill'); 

// Wait until any action of the given types finishes dispatching.
var action = store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes([BuyAction, SellAction]);  
expect(store.state.portfolio.contains('IBM'), isTrue);

// Wait for some state condition.
expect(, 'John')               
var action = await store.waitCondition((state) => == "Bill");
expect(action, isA<ChangeNameAction>());
expect(, 'Bill');  

Testing with StoreTester (deprecated)

For almost all tests it's now recommended to use the Store directly, as shown in the previous section.

Older/deprecated code may still use the old StoreTester. Start by creating the store-tester from a store:

var store = Store<AppState>(initialState: AppState.initialState());
var storeTester = StoreTester.from(store);

Or else, creating it directly from AppState:

var storeTester = StoreTester<AppState>(initialState: AppState.initialState());

Then, dispatch some action, wait for it to finish, and check the resulting state:

TestInfo<AppState> info = await storeTester.wait(SaveNameAction);
expect(, "Mark");


TestInfo<AppState> info = storeTester.dispatchAndWait(SaveNameAction("Mark")); 
expect(, "Mark");

The variable info above will contain information about after the action reducer finishes executing, no matter if the reducer is sync or async.

The TestInfo instance contains the following:

  • state: The store state.
  • action: The dispatched Action that resulted in that state.
  • ini: A boolean which indicates true if this info represents the "initial" state right before the action is dispatched, or false it represents the "end" state right after the action finishes executing.
  • dispatchCount: The number of dispatched actions so far.
  • reduceCount: The number of reduced states so far.
  • errors: The UserExceptions the store was holding when the information was gathered.

While the above example demonstrates the testing of a simple action, real-world apps have actions that dispatch other actions. You may use different StoreTester methods to check if the expected actions are dispatched, and test their intermediary states.

Let's see all the available methods of the StoreTester:

  1. Future<TestInfo> wait(Type actionType)

    Expects one action of the given type to be dispatched, and waits until it finishes. Returns the info after the action finishes. Will fail with an exception if an unexpected action is seen.

  2. Future<TestInfo> waitUntil(Type actionType)

    Runs until an action of the given type is dispatched, and then waits until it finishes. Returns the info after the action finishes. Ignores other actions types.

  3. Future<TestInfo> waitUntilAll(List<Type> actionTypes)

    Runs until all actions of the given types are dispatched and finish, in any order. Returns a list with all info until the last action finishes. Ignores other actions types.

  4. Future<TestInfo> waitUntilAllGetLast(List<Type> actionTypes)

    Runs until all actions of the given types are dispatched and finish, in any order. Returns the info after they all finish. Ignores other actions types.

  5. Future<TestInfo> waitUntilAction(ReduxAction action)

    Runs until the exact given action is dispatched, and then waits until it finishes. Returns the info after the action finishes. Ignores other actions.

  6. Future<TestInfo> dispatchAndWait(ReduxAction action)

    Dispatches the given action, then waits until it finishes. Returns the info after the action finishes. Ignores other actions.

  7. Future<TestInfo> waitAllGetLast(List<Type> actionTypes, {List<Type> ignore})

    Runs until all given actions types are dispatched, in order. Waits until all of them are finished. Returns the info after all actions finish. Will fail with an exception if an unexpected action is seen, or if any of the expected actions are dispatched in the wrong order. To ignore some actions, pass them to the ignore list.

  8. Future<TestInfo> waitAllUnorderedGetLast(List<Type> actionTypes, {List<Type> ignore})

    Runs until all given actions types are dispatched, in any order. Waits until all of them are finished. Returns the info after all actions finish. Will fail with an exception if an unexpected action is seen. To ignore some actions, pass them to the ignore list.

  9. Future<TestInfoList> waitAll(List<Type> actionTypes, {List<Type> ignore})

    The same as waitAllGetLast, but instead of returning just the last info, it returns a list with the end info for each action. To ignore some actions, pass them to the ignore list.

  10. Future<TestInfoList> waitAllUnordered(List<Type> actionTypes, {List<Type> ignore})

    The same as waitAllUnorderedGetLast, but instead of returning just the last info, it returns a list with the end info for each action. To ignore some actions, pass them to the ignore list.

  11. Future<TestInfoList<St>> waitCondition(StateCondition<St> condition, {bool testImmediately = true, bool ignoreIni = true})

    Runs until the predicate function condition returns true. This function will receive each testInfo, from where it can access the state, action, errors etc. When testImmediately is true (the default), it will test the condition immediately when the method is called. If the condition is true, the method will return immediately, without waiting for any actions to be dispatched. When testImmediately is false, it will only test the condition once an action is dispatched. Only END states will be received, unless you pass ignoreIni as false. Returns a list with all info until the condition is met.

  12. Future<TestInfo<St>> waitConditionGetLast(StateCondition<St> condition, {bool testImmediately = true, bool ignoreIni = true})

    Runs until the predicate function condition returns true. This function will receive each testInfo, from where it can access the state, action, errors etc. When testImmediately is true (the default), it will test the condition immediately when the method is called. If the condition is true, the method will return immediately, without waiting for any actions to be dispatched. When testImmediately is false, it will only test the condition once an action is dispatched. Only END states will be received, unless you pass ignoreIni as false. Returns the info after the condition is met.

  13. Future<TestInfoList<St>> waitUntilError({Object error, Object processedError})

    Runs until after an action throws an error of this exact type, or this exact error (using equals). You can also, instead, define processedError, which is the error after wrapped by the action's wrapError() method. Returns a list with all info until the error condition is met.

  14. Future<TestInfo> waitUntilErrorGetLast({Object error, Object processedError})

    Runs until after an action throws an error of this exact type, or this exact error (using equals). You can also, instead, define processedError, which is the error after wrapped by the action's wrapError() method. Returns the info after the condition is met.

  15. Future<TestInfo<St>> dispatchState(St state)

    Dispatches an action that changes the current state to the one provided by you. Then, runs until that action is dispatched and finished (ignoring other actions). Returns the info after the action finishes, containing the given state.

Some of the methods above return a list of type TestInfoList, which contains the step by step information of all the actions. You can then query for the actions you want to inspect. For example, suppose an action named IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction calls another 3 actions. You can assert that all actions are called in order, and then get the state after each one of them have finished, all at once:

var storeTester = StoreTester<AppState>(initialState: AppState.initialState());
expect(storeTester.state.counter, 0);
expect(storeTester.state.description, isEmpty);


TestInfoList<AppState> infos = await storeTester.waitAll([

// Modal barrier is turned on (first time BarrierAction is dispatched).
expect(infos.get(BarrierAction, 1).state.waiting, true);

// While the counter was incremented the barrier was on.
expect(infos[IncrementAction].waiting, true);

// Then the modal barrier is dismissed (second time BarrierAction is dispatched).
expect(infos.get(BarrierAction, 2).state.waiting, false);

// In the end, counter is incremented, description is created, and barrier is dismissed.
var info = infos[IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction];
expect(info.state.waiting, false);
expect(info.state.description, isNotEmpty);
expect(info.state.counter, 1);

Try running the: Testing with the Store Listener.

Also, the tests of the StoreTester can also serve as examples.

Important: The StoreTester has access to the current store state via StoreTester.state, but you should not try to assert directly from this state. This would seem to work most of the time, but by the time you do the assert, the state could already have been changed by some other action. To avoid that, always assert from the info you get from the StoreTester methods, which is guaranteed to be the one right after your wait condition is achieved. For example:

// This is right:
TestInfo<AppState> info = await storeTester.wait(SaveNameAction);
expect(, "Mark");

// This is wrong:
await storeTester.wait(SaveNameAction);
expect(, "Mark");

However, to help you further reduce your test boilerplate, the last info obtained from the most recent wait condition is saved into a variable called storeTester.lastInfo:

// This:
TestInfo<AppState> info = await storeTester.wait(SaveNameAction);
expect(, "Mark");

// Is the same as this:
await storeTester.wait(SaveNameAction);
expect(, "Mark");

Testing the StoreConnector's View-model

To test the view-model generated by a VmFactory, use createFrom and pass it the store and the factory. Note this method must be called in a recently created factory, as it can only be called once per factory instance.

The method will return the view-model, which you can use to:

  • Inspect the view-model properties directly, or

  • Call any of the view-model callbacks. If the callbacks dispatch actions, you use await store.waitAllActions([]), or await store.waitActionType(MyAction), or await store.waitAllActionTypes([MyAction, OtherAction]),
    or await store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes([MyAction, OtherAction]),
    or await store.waitCondition((state) => ...), or if necessary you can even record all dispatched actions and state changes with Store.record.start() and Store.record.stop().


var store = Store(initialState: User("Mary"));
var vm = Vm.createFrom(store, MyFactory());

// Checking a view-model property.
expect(, "Mary");

// Calling a view-model callback and waiting for the action to finish.
vm.onChangeNameTo("Bill"); // Dispatches SetNameAction("Bill").
await store.waitActionType(SetNameAction);
expect(, "Bill");

// Calling a view-model callback and waiting for the state to change.
vm.onChangeNameTo("Bill"); // Dispatches SetNameAction("Bill").
await store.waitCondition((state) => == "Bill");
expect(, "Bill");

Testing the StoreConnector's onInit and onDispose

Suppose you want to start polling information when your user enters a particular screen, and stop when the user leaves it. This could be your StoreConnector:

class MyScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) => StoreConnector<AppState, _Vm>(
        vm: () => _Factory(),
        onInit: _onInit,
        onDispose: _onDispose,
        builder: (context, vm) => MyWidget(...),

  void _onInit(Store<AppState> store) => store.dispatch(PollInformationAction(true));
  void _onDispose(Store<AppState> store) => store.dispatch(PollInformationAction(false));

You want to test that onInit and onDispose above dispatch the correct action to start and stop polling. You may achieve this by creating a widget test, entering and leaving the screen, and then using the StoreTester to check that the actions were dispatched.

Instead, you may simply use the ConnectorTester, which you can access from the StoreTester:

var storeTester = StoreTester(...);
var connectorTester = storeTester.getConnectorTester(MyScreen());

var info = await storeTester.waitUntil(PollInformationAction);
expect((info.action as PollInformationAction).start, true);

info = await storeTester.waitUntil(PollInformationAction);
expect((info.action as PollInformationAction).start, false);

Mocking actions and reducers

To mock an action and its reducer, create a MockStore instead of a regular Store.

The MockStore has a mocks parameter which is a map where the keys are action types, and the values are the mocks. For example:

var store = MockStore<AppState>(
  initialState: initialState,  
  mocks: {
     MyAction1 : ...
     MyAction2 : ...

There are 5 different ways to define mocks:

  1. Use null to disable dispatching the action of a certain type:

    mocks: {
       MyAction : null
  2. Use a MockAction<St> instance to dispatch this mock action instead, and provide the original action as a getter to the mock action.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
      String url;
      Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);
    class MyMockAction extends MockAction<AppState> {  
      Future<AppState> reduce() async {                  
        String url = (action as MyAction).url;
        if (url == '') return 123;
        else if (url == '') return 345;
        else return 678;
    mocks: {
       MyAction : MyMockAction()
  3. Use a ReduxAction<St> instance to dispatch this mock action instead.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
      String url;            
      Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);
    class MyMockAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {  
      Future<AppState> reduce() async => 123;
    mocks: {
       MyAction : MyMockAction()
  4. Use a ReduxAction<St> Function(ReduxAction<St>) to create a mock from the original action.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
      String url;        
      Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);
    class MyMockAction extends MockAction<AppState> {
      String url;
      Future<AppState> reduce() async {                     
        if (url == '') return 123;
        else if (url == '') return 345;
        else return 678;
    mocks: {
       MyAction : (MyAction action) => MyMockAction(action.url)
  5. Use a St Function(ReduxAction<St>, St) or Future<St> Function(ReduxAction<St>, St) to modify the state directly.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
      String url;        
      Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);
    mocks: {
       MyAction : (MyAction action, AppState state) async {
          if (action.url == '') return 123;
          else if (action.url == '') return 345;
          else return 678;

You can also change the mocks after a store is created, by using the following methods of the MockStore and StoreTester classes:

MockStore<St> addMock(Type actionType, dynamic mock);
MockStore<St> addMocks(Map<Type, dynamic> mocks);
MockStore<St> clearMocks();

Testing UserExceptions

Since UserExceptions don't represent bugs in the code, AsyncRedux put them into the store's errors queue, and then swallows them. This is usually what you want during production, where errors from this queue are shown in a dialog to the user. But it may or may not be what you want during tests.

In tests there are two possibilities:

  1. You are testing that some UserException is thrown. For example, you want to test that users are warned if they typed letters in some field that only accepts numbers. To that end, your test would dispatch the appropriate action, and then check if the errors queue now contains an UserException with some specific error message.

  2. You are testing some code that should not throw any exceptions. If the test has thrown an exception it means the test has failed, and the exception should show up in the console, for debugging. However, this won't work if when test throws an UserException it simply go to the errors queue. If this happens, the test will continue running, and may even pass. The only way to make sure no errors were thrown would be asserting that the errors queue is still empty at the end of the test. This is even more problematic if the unexpected UserException is thrown inside a before() method. In this case it will prevent the reducer to run, and the test will probably fail with wrong state but no errors in the console.

The solution is to use the shouldThrowUserExceptions parameter in the StoreTester constructor.

Pass shouldThrowUserExceptions as true, and all errors will be thrown and not swallowed, including UserExceptions. Use this in all tests that should throw no errors:

var storeTester = StoreTester<AppState>(
                     initialState: AppState.initialState(), 
                     shouldThrowUserExceptions: true);

Pass shouldThrowUserExceptions as false (the default) when you are testing code that should indeed throw UserExceptions. These exceptions will then silently go to the errors queue, where you can assert they exist and have the right error messages:

TestInfo info = await storeTester.waitAllGetLast([MyAction]);
expect(info.errors.removeFirst().msg, "You can't do this.");

Test files

If you want your tests to be comprehensive you should probably have 3 different types of test for each widget:

  1. State Tests — Test the state of the app, including actions/reducers. This type of tests make use of the StoreTester described above.

  2. Connector Tests — Test the connection between the store and the "dumb-widget". In other words it tests the "connector-widget" and the "view-model".

  3. Presentation Tests — Test the UI. In other words it tests the "dumb-widget", making sure that the widget displays correctly depending on the parameters you use in its constructor. You pass in the data the widget requires in each test for rendering, and then writes assertions against the rendered output. Think of these tests as "pure function tests" of our UI. It also tests that the callbacks are called when necessary.

For example, suppose you have the counter app shown here. Then:

  • The state test could create a store with count 0 and description empty, and then dispatch IncrementAction and expect the count to become 1. Then it could test dispatching IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction alters the count to 2 and the description to some non-empty string.

  • The connector test would create a store and a page with the MyHomePageConnector widget. It would then access the MyHomePage and make sure it gets the expected info from the store, and also that the expected IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction is dispatched when the "+" button is tapped.

  • The presentation test would create the MyHomePage widget, pass counter:0 and description:"abc" parameters in its constructor, and make sure they appear in the screen as expected. It would also test that the callback is called when the "+" button is tapped.

Since each widget will have a bunch of related files, you should have some consistent naming convention. For example, if some dumb-widget is called MyWidget, its file could be my_widget.dart. Then the corresponding connector-widget could be MyWidgetConnector in my_widget_CONNECTOR.dart. The three corresponding test files could be named my_widget_STATE_test.dart, my_widget_CONNECTOR_test.dart and my_widget_PRESENTATION_test.dart. If you don't like this convention use your own, but just choose one early and stick to it.

Route Navigation

AsyncRedux comes with a NavigateAction which you can dispatch to navigate your Flutter app. For this to work, during app initialization you must create a navigator key and then inject it into the action:

final navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();

void main() async {

You must also use this same navigator key in your MaterialApp:

return StoreProvider<AppState>(
  store: store,
  child: MaterialApp(
	  navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
	  initialRoute: '/',
	  onGenerateRoute: ...

Then, use the action as needed:

// Most Navigator methods are available. 
// For example pushNamed: 

Note: Don't ever save the current route in the store. This will create all sorts of problems. If you need to know the route you're in, you may use this static method provided by NavigateAction:

String routeName = NavigateAction.getCurrentNavigatorRouteName(context);

Try running the: Navigate Example.

Testing with NavigateAction

You can test navigation by asserting navigation types, route names etc. This is useful for verifying app flow in unit tests, instead of widget or driver tests.

For example:

var navigateAction = actions.get(NavigateAction).action as NavigateAction;
expect(navigateAction.type, NavigateType.pushNamed);
expect((navigateAction.details as NavigatorDetails_PushNamed).routeName, "myRoute");


In a real Flutter app it's not practical to assume that a Redux store can hold all the application state. Widgets like TextField and ListView make use of controllers, which hold state, and the store must be able to work alongside these. For example, in response to the dispatching of some action you may want to clear the text-field, or you may want to scroll the list-view to the top. Even when no controllers are involved, you may want to execute some one-off processes, like opening a dialog or closing the keyboard, and it's not obvious how to do that in vanilla Redux.

AsyncRedux solves these problems by introducing the concept of "events". The naming convention is that Events are named with the Evt suffix.

Boolean events can be created like this:

var clearTextEvt = Event();

But you can have events with payloads of any other data type. For example:

var changeTextEvt = Event<String>("Hello");
var myEvt = Event<int>(42);

Events may be put into the store state in their "spent" state, by calling its spent() constructor. For example, while creating the store initial-state:

static AppState initialState() {
  return AppState(
	clearTextEvt: Event.spent(),
	changeTextEvt: Event<String>.spent(),

And then events may be passed down by the StoreConnector to some StatefulWidget, just like any other state:

class MyConnector extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
	return StoreConnector<AppState, ViewModel>(
	  model: ViewModel(),
	  builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel vm) => MyWidget(
		initialText: vm.initialText,
		clearTextEvt: vm.clearTextEvt,
		changeTextEvt: vm.changeTextEvt,
		onClear: vm.onClear,

class ViewModel extends BaseModel<AppState> {

  String initialText;
  Event clearTextEvt;
  Event<String> changeTextEvt;{
	required this.initialText,
	required this.clearTextEvt,
	required this.changeTextEvt,
  }) : super(equals: [initialText, clearTextEvt, changeTextEvt]);

  ViewModel fromStore() =>
		initialText: state.initialText,
		clearTextEvt: state.clearTextEvt,
		changeTextEvt: state.changeTextEvt,
		onClear: () => dispatch(ClearTextAction()),

class ClearTextAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  AppState reduce() => state.copy(changeTextEvt: Event());

class ChangeTextAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  String newText;

  AppState reduce() => state.copy(changeTextEvt: Event<String>(newText));

This is how it differs: The dumb-widget will "consume" the event in its didUpdateWidget method, and do something with the event payload:

void didUpdateWidget(MyWidget oldWidget) {

void consumeEvents() {
  if (widget.clearTextEvt.consume()) { // Do something }

  var payload = widget.changeTextEvt.consume();
  if (payload != null) { // Do something }

The evt.consume() will return the payload once, and then that event is considered "spent".

In more detail, if the event has no value and no generic type, then it's a boolean event. This means evt.consume() returns true once, and then false for subsequent calls. However, if the event has value or some generic type, then Event.consume() returns the value once, and then null for subsequent calls.

So, for example, if you use a controller to hold the text in a TextField:

void consumeEvents() {

	if (widget.clearTextEvt.consume())
	  WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
		if (mounted) controller.clear();

	String newText = widget.changeTextEvt.consume();
	if (newText != null)
	  WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
		if (mounted) controller.value = controller.value.copyWith(text: newText);

Try running the: Event Example.

Can I put mutable events into the store state?

Events are mutable, and store state is supposed to be immutable. Won't this create problems? No! Don't worry, events are used in a contained way, and were crafted to play well with the Redux infrastructure. In special, their equals() and hashcode() methods make sure no unnecessary widget rebuilds happen when they are used as prescribed.

You can think of events as piggybacking in the Redux infrastructure, and not belonging to the store state. You should just remember not to persist them when you persist the store state.

When should I use events?

The short answer is that you'll know it when you see it. When you want to do something, and it's not obvious how to do it by changing regular store state, it's probably easy to solve it if you try using events instead.

However, we can also give these guidelines:

  1. You may use regular store state to pass constructor parameters to both stateless and stateful widgets.
  2. You may use events to change the internal state of stateful widgets, after they are built.
  3. You may use events to make one-off changes in controllers.
  4. You may use events to make one-off changes in other implicit state like the open state of dialogs or the keyboard.

Advanced event features

There are some advanced event features you may not need, but you should know they exist:

  1. Methods isSpent, isNotSpent and state

    Methods isSpent and isNotSpent tell you if an event is spent or not, without consuming the event. Method state returns the event payload, without consuming the event.

  2. Constructor<dynamic> evt, T Function(dynamic) mapFunction)

    This is a convenience factory to create an event which is transformed by some function that, usually, needs the store state. You must provide the event and a map-function. The map-function must be able to deal with the spent state (null or false, accordingly).

    For example, if state.indexEvt = Event<int>(5) and you must get a user from it:

    var mapFunction = (index) => index == null ? null : state.users[index];
    Event<User> userEvt = MappedEvent<int, User>(state.indexEvt, mapFunction);
  3. Constructor Event.from(Event<T> evt1, Event<T> evt2)

    This is a convenience factory method to create EventMultiple, a special type of event which consumes from more than one event. If the first event is not spent, it will be consumed, and the second will not. If the first event is spent, the second one will be consumed. So, if both events are NOT spent, the method will have to be called twice to consume both. If both are spent, returns null.

  4. Method static T consumeFrom<T>(Event<T> evt1, Event<T> evt2)

    This is a convenience static method to consume from more than one event. If the first event is not spent, it will be consumed, and the second will not. If the first event is spent, the second one will be consumed. So, if both events are NOT spent, the method will have to be called twice to consume both. If both are spent, returns null. For example:

    String getMessageEvt() => Event.consumeFrom(firstMsgEvt, secondMsgEvt);

Progress indicators

A progress indicator is a visual indication that some important process is taking some time to finish (and will hopefully finish soon). For example:

  • A save button that displays a CircularProgressIndicator while some info is saving.

  • A Text("Please wait...") that is displayed in the center of the screen while some info is being calculated.

  • A shimmer that is displayed as a placeholder while some widget info is being downloaded.

  • A modal barrier that prevents the user from interacting with the screen while some info is loading or saving.

The easiest way to show a progress indicator is to use store.isWaiting(MyAction), where MyAction is the async action you are waiting for. This works well for the majority of cases.

Try running the: Show Spinner Example. When you press the "+" button, it dispatches an increment action that takes 2 seconds to finish. Meanwhile, a spinner is shown in the button, and the counter text gets grey.

In Before and After the Reducer section I show how to manually create a boolean flag that is used to add or remove a modal barrier in the screen (see the code here). This will work in some rare complex cases where store.isWaiting() is not enough.

However, keeping track of many such boolean flags may be difficult to do. If you need help with this problem, an option is using the built-in classes WaitAction and Wait.

For this to work, your store state must have a Wait field named wait, and then your state class must have a copy or a copyWith method which copies this field as a named parameter. For example:

class AppState {
  final Wait wait;
  AppState({this.wait, ...});
  AppState copy({Wait wait, ...}) => AppState(wait: wait ?? this.wait, ...);

Then, when you want to start waiting, simply dispatch a WaitAction and pass it some immutable object to act as a flag. When you finish waiting, just remove the flag. For example:

dispatch(WaitAction.add("my flag")); // To add a flag.   
dispatch(WaitAction.remove("my flag")); // To remove a flag.   

When you are using the state:

  • state.wait.isWaitingAny returns true if there's any waiting whatsoever.
  • state.wait.isWaiting(flag) returns true if you are waiting for a specific flag
  • state.wait.isWaiting(flag, ref: reference) returns true if you are waiting for a specific reference of the flag.
  • state.wait.isWaitingForType<T>() returns true if you are waiting for any flag of type T.

The flag can be any convenient immutable object, like a URL, a user id, an index, an enum, a String, a number, or other.

As an example, if we want to replace the store.isWaiting() method with the Wait object, we could do this: Suppose that a button dispatches a LoadAction to load some text. You can make the button show a progress indicator while the text is being loaded, and show the text when it's done:

class LoadAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {    
    var newText = await loadText(); 
    return state.copy(text: newText);
  void before() => dispatch(WaitAction.add(this));
  void after() => dispatch(WaitAction.remove(this));

Then, in the button:

if (wait.isWaitingForType<LoadAction>()) { // Show the button as disabled }
else { // Show the button as enabled }

Note: You may also define a mixin to implement the waiting:

mixin WithWaitState implements ReduxAction<AppState> {
  void before() => dispatch(WaitAction.add(this));
  void after() => dispatch(WaitAction.remove(this));

class LoadAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> with WithWaitState {
  Future<AppState> reduce() async {    
    var newText = await loadText(); 
    return state.copy(text: newText);

Try running the: Wait Action Simple Example (which is similar to the Before and After example but using the built-in WaitAction). It uses the action itself as the flag, by passing this.

A more advanced example is the Wait Action Advanced 1 Example. Here, 10 buttons are shown. When a button is clicked it will be replaced by a downloaded text description. Each button shows a progress indicator while its description is downloading. Also, the screen title shows the text "Downloading..." if any of the buttons is currently downloading.

The flag in this case is simply the index of the button, from 0 to 9:

int index;
void before() => dispatch(WaitAction.add(index));
void after() => dispatch(WaitAction.remove(index));

In the ViewModel, just as before, if there's any waiting, then state.wait.isWaitingAny will return true. However, now you can check each button wait flag separately by its index. state.wait.isWaiting(index) will return true if that specific button is waiting.

Note: If necessary, you can clear all flags by doing dispatch(WaitAction.clear()).

If you fear your flag may conflict with others, you can also add a "namespace", by further dividing flags into references. This can be seen in the Wait Action Advanced 2 Example:

void before() => dispatch(WaitAction.add("button-download", ref: index));
void after() => dispatch(WaitAction.remove("button-download", ref: index));

Now, to check a button's wait flag, you must pass both the flag and the reference: state.wait.isWaiting("button-download", ref: index).

Note: If necessary, you can clear all references of that flag by doing dispatch(WaitAction.clear("button-download")).

You can also pass a delay to WaitAction.add() and WaitAction.remove() methods. Please refer to their method documentation for more information.

Using BuiltValue, Freezed, or other similar code generator packages

In case you use built_value or freezed packages, the WaitAction works out-of-the-box with them. In both cases, you don't need to create the copy or copyWith methods by hand. But you still need to add the Wait object to the store state as previously described.

If you want to further customize WaitAction to work with other packages, or to use the Wait object in different ways, you can do so by injecting your custom reducer into WaitAction.reducer during your app's initialization. Refer to the WaitAction documentation for more information.

Showing a RefreshIndicator while some action is running

In a real Flutter app it's also the case that some Widgets ask for futures that complete when some async process is done.

The dispatchAndWait() function returns a future which completes as soon as the action is done.

This is an example using the RefreshIndicator widget:

Future<void> downloadStuff() => dispatchAndWait(DownloadStuffAction());

return RefreshIndicator(
    onRefresh: downloadStuff;
    child: ListView(...),

Or, if you have multiple actions you can use dispatchAndWaitAll.

Try running the: Dispatch Future Example.

Waiting until the state meets a certain condition

The waitCondition method from the Store class lets you create futures that complete when the store state meets a certain condition:

/// Returns a future which will complete when the given condition is true.
/// The condition can access the state. You may also provide a
/// timeoutInSeconds, which by default is null (never times out).
Future<void> waitCondition(
   bool Function(St) condition, {
   int timeoutInSeconds

For example:

class SaveAppointmentAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {  
  final Appointment appointment;

  Future<AppState> reduce() {    
    await store.waitCondition((state) => state.calendar != null);
    return state.copy(calendar: state.calendar.copyAdding(appointment));

The above action needs to add an appointment to a calendar, but it can only do that if the calendar already exists. Maybe the calendar already exists, but if not, creating a calendar is a complex async process, which may take some time to complete.

To that end, the action dispatches an action to create the calendar if necessary, and then use the store.waitCondition() method to wait until a calendar is present in the state. Only then it will add the appointment to the calendar.

State Declaration

While your main state class, usually called AppState, may be simple and contain all the state directly, in a real world application you will probably want to create many state classes and add them to the main state class. For example, if you have some state for the login, some user related state, and some todos in a To-Do app, you can organize it like this:

class AppState {

  final LoginState loginState;
  final UserState userState;
  final TodoState todoState;


  AppState copy({
	LoginState loginState,
	UserState userState,
	TodoState todoState,
  }) {
	return AppState(
	  login: loginState ?? this.loginState,
	  user: userState ?? this.userState,
	  todo: todoState ?? this.todoState,

  static AppState initialState() =>
	  loginState: LoginState.initialState(),
	  userState: UserState.initialState(),
	  todoState: TodoState.initialState());

  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
	identical(this, other) || other is AppState && runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
	  loginState == other.loginState && userState == other.userState && todoState == other.todoState;

  int get hashCode => loginState.hashCode ^ userState.hashCode ^ todoState.hashCode;

All of your state classes may follow this pattern. For example, the TodoState could be like this:

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; 
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';

class TodoState {    
  final List<Todo> todos;            


  TodoState copy({List<Todo> todos}) {
    return TodoState(          
      todos: todos ?? this.todos);
  static TodoState initialState() => TodoState(todos: const []);               
  bool operator ==(Object other) {          
    return identical(this, other) || other is TodoState && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && 
      listEquals(todos, other.todos);
  int get hashCode => const ListEquality.hash(todos);


Your connector-widgets usually have a view-model that goes into the store and selects the part of the store the widget needs. If you have some "selecting logic" that you use in different places, you may create a "selector". Selectors may be put in separate files, or they may be put into state classes, as static methods. For example, the TodoState class above could contain a selector to filter out some todos:

static List<Todo> selectTodosForUser(AppState state, User user)
   => state.todoState.todos.where((todo) => (todo.user == user)).toList();

Cache (Reselectors)

Suppose you use a ListView.builder to display user names as list items. In your StoreConnector, you could create a ViewModel that, given the item index, returns a user name:


But now suppose you want to display only the users with names that start with the letter A. You could filter the user list to remove all other names, like this:


This works, but will filter the list repeatedly, once for each index. This is not a problem for small lists, but will become slow if the list contains thousands of users.

The solution to this problem is caching the filtered list. To that end, you can use the "reselect" functionality provided by AsyncRedux.

First, create a selector that returns the information you need:

static List<User> selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith(AppState state, {String text})
   => state.users.where((user)=>;

And then use it in the ViewModel:

selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith(state, text: "A")[index].name;

Next, we have to modify the selector so that it caches the filtered list. AsyncRedux provides a few global functions which you can use, depending on the number of states, and the number of parameters your selector needs.

In this example, we have a single state and a single parameter, so we're going to use the cache1_1 method:

static List<User> selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith(AppState state, {String text})
   => _selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith(state)(text);

static final _selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith = cache1_1(
        (AppState state) 
           => (String text) 
              => state.users.where((user)=>;

The above code will calculate the filtered list only once, and then return it when the selector is called again with the same state and text parameters.

If the state changes, or the text changes (or both), it will recalculate and then cache again the new result.

We can further improve this by noting that we only need to recalculate the result when state.users changes. Since state.users is a subset of state, it will change less often. So a better selector would be this:

static List<User> selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith(AppState state, {String text})
   => _selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith(state.users)(text);
static final _selectUsersWithNamesStartingWith = cache1_1(
        (List<User> users) 
           => (String text) 
              => users.where((user)=>;

Cache syntax

For the moment, AsyncRedux provides these six methods that combine 1 or 2 states with 0, 1 or 2 parameters:

cache1((state) => () => ...);
cache1_1((state) => (parameter) => ...);
cache1_2((state) => (parameter1, parameter2) => ...);

cache2((state1, state2) => () => ...);
cache2_1((state1, state2) => (parameter) => ...);
cache2_2((state1, state2) => (parameter1, parameter2) => ...);

I have created only those above, because for my own usage I never required more than that. Please, open an issue to ask for more variations in case you feel the need.

This syntax treats the states and the parameters differently. If you call some selector while keeping the same state and changing only the parameter, the selector will cache all the results, one for each parameter.

However, as soon as you call the selector with a changed state, it will delete all of its previous cached information, since it understands that they are no longer useful. And even if you don't call that selector ever again, it will delete the cached information if it detects that the state is no longer used in other parts of the program. In other words, AsyncRedux keeps the cached information in weak-map, so that the cache will not hold to old information and have a negative impact in memory usage.

The reselect package

The reselect functionality explained above is provided out-of-the-box with AsyncRedux. However, AsyncRedux also works perfectly with the external reselect package.

Then, why did I care to reimplement a similar functionality? What are the differences?

First, the AsyncRedux caches can keep any number of cached results for each selector, one for each time the selector is called with the same states and different parameters. Meanwhile, the reselect package keeps a single cached result per selector.

And second, the AsyncRedux reselector discards the cached information when the state changes or is no longer used. Meanwhile, the reselect package will always keep the states and cached results in memory.

Action Subclassing

Suppose you have the following AddTodoAction for the To-Do app:

class AddTodoAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  final Todo todo;

  AppState reduce() {
	if (todo == null) return null;
	else return state.copy(todoState: List.of(state.todoState.todos)..add(todo));

// You would use it like this:
store.dispatch(AddTodoAction(Todo("Buy some beer.")));

Since all actions extend ReduxAction, you may further use object oriented principles to reduce boilerplate. Start by creating an abstract action base class to allow easier access to the sub-states of your store. For example:

abstract class BaseAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  LoginState get loginState => state.loginState;
  UserState get userState => state.userState;
  TodoState get todoState => state.todoState;
  List<Todo> get todos => todoState.todos;

And then your actions have an easier time accessing the store state:

class AddTodoAction extends BaseAction {
  final Todo todo;

  AppState reduce() {
	if (todo == null) return null;
	else return state.copy(todoState: List.of(todos)..add(todo)));

As you can see above, instead of writing List.of(state.todoState.todos) you can simply write List.of(todos). It may seem a small reduction of boilerplate, but it adds up.

Abstract Before and After

Other useful abstract classes you may create provide already overridden before() and after() methods. For example, this abstract class turns on a modal barrier when the action starts, and removes it when the action finishes:

abstract class BarrierAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  void before() => dispatch(BarrierAction(true));
  void after() => dispatch(BarrierAction(false));

Then you could use it like this:

class ChangeTextAction extends BarrierAction {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
	String newText = await read(Uri.http("","${state.counter}");
	return state.copy(
	  counter: state.counter + 1,
	  changeTextEvt: Event<String>(newText));

The above BarrierAction is demonstrated in this example.

Dependency Injection

While you can always use get_it or any other dependency injection solution, AsyncRedux lets you inject your dependencies directly in the store, and then access them in your actions and view-model factories.

The dependency injection idea was contributed by Craig McMahon.

To inject an environment object with the dependencies:

store = Store<AppState>(
   initialState: ...,
   environment: Environment(),

You can then extend both ReduxAction and VmFactory to provide typed access to your environment:

abstract class AppFactory<T extends Widget?, Model extends Vm> extends VmFactory<int, T, Model> {
  AppFactory([T? connector]) : super(connector);

  Environment get env => super.env as Environment;

abstract class Action extends ReduxAction<int> {

  Environment get env => super.env as Environment;

Then, use the environment when creating the view-model:

class Factory extends AppFactory<MyHomePageConnector> {
  Factory(connector) : super(connector);

  ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
        counter: env.limit(state),
        onIncrement: () => dispatch(IncrementAction(amount: 1)),

And also in your actions:

class IncrementAction extends Action {
  final int amount;
  IncrementAction({required this.amount});

  int reduce() => env.incrementer(state, amount);

Try running the: Dependency Injection Example.

IDE Navigation

How does AsyncRedux solve the IDE navigation problem?

During development, if you need to see what some action does, you just tell your IDE to navigate to the action itself (CTRL+B in IntelliJ/Windows, for example) and you have the reducer right there.

If you need to list all of your actions, you just go to the ReduxAction class declaration and ask the IDE to list all of its subclasses.


Your store optionally accepts a persistor, which may be used for local persistence, i.e., keeping the current app state saved to the local disk of the device.

You should create your own MyPersistor class which extends the Persistor abstract class. This is the recommended way to use it:

var persistor = MyPersistor();          

var initialState = await persistor.readState();

if (initialState == null) {
      initialState = AppState.initialState();
      await persistor.saveInitialState(initialState);

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: initialState,  
  persistor: persistor,

As you can see above, when the app starts you use the readState method to try and read the state from the disk. If this method returns null, you must create an initial state and save it. You then create the store with the initialState and the persistor.

This is the Persistor implementation:

abstract class Persistor<St> {
  Future<St?> readState();  
  Future<void> deleteState();  
  Future<void> persistDifference({required St? lastPersistedState, required St newState});  
  Future<void> saveInitialState(St state) => persistDifference(lastPersistedState: null, newState: state);    
  Duration get throttle => const Duration(seconds: 2);

The persistDifference method is the one you should implement to be notified whenever you must save the state. It gets the newState and the lastPersistedState, so that you can compare them and save the difference. Or, if your app state is simple, you can simply save the whole newState each time the method is called.

The persistDifference method will be called by AsyncRedux whenever the state changes, but not more than once each 2 seconds, which is the throttle period. All state changes within these 2 seconds will be collected, and then a single call to the method will be made with all the changes after this period.

Also, the persistDifference method won't be called while the previous save is not finished, even if the throttle period is done. In this case, if a new state becomes available the method will be called as soon as the current save finishes.

Note you can also override the throttle getter to define a different throttle period. In special, if you define it as null there will be no throttle, and you'll be able to save the state as soon as it changes.

Even if you have a non-zero throttle period, sometimes you may want to save the state immediately. This is usually the case, for example, when the app is closing. You can do that by dispatching the provided PersistAction. This action will ignore the throttle period and call the persistDifference method right away to save the current state.


You can use this code to help you start extending the abstract Persistor class:

class MyPersistor extends Persistor<AppState> {
  Future<AppState?> readState() async {
    // TODO: Put here the code to read the state from disk.
    return null;

  Future<void> deleteState() async {
    // TODO: Put here the code to delete the state from disk.

  Future<void> persistDifference({
    required AppState? lastPersistedState,
    required AppState newState,
  }) async {
    // TODO: Put here the code to save the state to disk.

  Future<void> saveInitialState(AppState state) =>
      persistDifference(lastPersistedState: null, newState: state);

  Duration get throttle => const Duration(seconds: 2);

The persistor can also be paused and resumed, with methods store.pausePersistor(), store.persistAndPausePersistor() and store.resumePersistor(). This may be used together with the app lifecycle, to prevent a persistence process to start when the app is being shut down.

When logging out of the app, you can call store.deletePersistedState() to ask the persistor to delete the state from disk.

First, add an AppLifecycleManager to your widget tree:

child: StoreProvider<AppState>(
  store: store,
    child: AppLifecycleManager(
      child: MaterialApp( ...

Then, create the AppLifecycleManager with a WidgetsBindingObserver that dispatches a ProcessLifecycleChange_Action:

class AppLifecycleManager extends StatefulWidget {
  final Widget child;
  const AppLifecycleManager({Key? key, required this.child}) : super(key: key);  
  _AppLifecycleManagerState createState() => _AppLifecycleManagerState();

class _AppLifecycleManagerState extends State<AppLifecycleManager> with WidgetsBindingObserver {  

  void initState() {

  void dispose() {

  void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState lifecycle) {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) => widget.child;

Finally, define your ProcessLifecycleChange_Action to pause and resume the persistor:

class ProcessLifecycleChangeAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  final AppLifecycleState lifecycle;

  Future<AppState?> reduce() async {
    if (lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.resumed || lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.inactive) {
    } else if (lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.paused || lifecycle == AppLifecycleState.detached) {
    } else
      throw AssertionError(lifecycle);

    return null;

Have a look at the: Persistence tests.

Saving and Loading

You can choose any way you want to save the state difference to the local disk, but one way is using the provided LocalPersist class, which is very easy to use.

Note: At the moment it only works for Android/iOS, not for the web.

First, import it:

import 'package:async_redux/local_persist.dart';

You need to convert yourself your objects to a list of simple objects composed only of numbers, booleans, strings, lists and maps (you can nest lists and maps).

For example, this is a list of simple objects:

List<Object> simpleObjs = [
  '"Life is what happens\n\rwhen you\'re busy making other plans." -John Lennon',
  [100, 200, {"name": "João"}],

Then create a LocalPersist class to use the /db/myFile.db file:

var persist = LocalPersist("myFile");

You can save the list to the file:


And then later load these objects:

List<Object> simpleObjs = await persistence.load();

Usually the save method rewrites the file. But it also lets you append more objects:

List<Object> moreObjs = ['Lets', 'append', 'more'];
await, append: true);

You can also delete the file, get its length, see if it exists etc:

int length = await persist.length();
bool exists = await persist.exists();
await persist.delete();

Note: LocalPersist uses a file format similar to JSON, but not exactly JSON, because JSON cannot be appended to. If you want to save and load a single object into standard JSON, use the saveJson and loadJson methods:

await persist.saveJson(simpleObj);
Object? simpleObj = await persistence.loadJson();

Have a look at the: Local Persist tests.


Your store optionally accepts lists of actionObservers and stateObservers, which may be used for logging:

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: state,
  actionObservers: [Log.printer(formatter: Log.verySimpleFormatter)],
  stateObservers: [StateLogger()],

The ActionObserver is an abstract class with an observe method which you can implement to be notified of action dispatching:

abstract class ActionObserver<St> {

   void observe(
      ReduxAction<St> action, 
      int dispatchCount, {
      required bool ini,

The above observer will actually be called twice, one with ini==true for the INITIAL action observation, and one with ini==false for the END action observation,

In more detail:

  1. The INI action observation means the action was just dispatched and haven't changed anything yet. After that, it may do sync stuff, and it may or may not start async processes, depending on its reducer being sync or async.

  2. The END action observation means the action reducer has just finished returning a new state, thus changing the store state. Only after getting END states you may see store changes.

  3. The state observation is therefore called as soon as possible after the store change has taken place, i.e., right after the END action observation. However, it contains a copy of both the state before the action INI and the state after the action END, in case you need to compare them.

Please note, unless the action reducer is synchronous, getting an END action observation doesn't mean that all the action effects have finished, because the action may have started async processes that may well last into the future. And these processes may later dispatch other actions that will change the store state. However, it does mean that the action can no longer change the state directly.

Meanwhile, the StateObserver is an abstract class which you can implement to be notified of state changes. This observer can be used for logging, but it can also be used for metrics.


The recommended place to add metrics is in the stateObservers:

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: state,  
  stateObservers: [MetricsObserver()],

The StateObserver is an abstract class which you can implement to be notified of state changes:

abstract class StateObserver<St> {

   void observe(
      ReduxAction<St> action, 
      St stateIni, 
      St stateEnd, 
      Object? error,
      int dispatchCount,

One or more StateObservers can be set during the Store creation. Those observers are called for all dispatched actions, right after the reducer returns. That happens before the after() method is called, and before the action's wrapError() and the global globalWrapError() methods are called.

The parameters are:

  • action = The action itself.

  • prevState = The state right before the new state returned by the reducer is applied. Note this may be different from the state when the reducer was called.

  • newState = The state returned by the reducer. Note: If you need to know if the state was changed or not by the reducer, you can compare both states: bool ifStateChanged = !identical(prevState, newState);

  • error = Is null if the reducer completed with no error and returned. Otherwise, will be the error thrown by the reducer (before any wrapError is applied). Note that, in case of error, both prevState and newState will be the current store state when the error is thrown.

  • dispatchCount = The sequential number of the dispatch.

Among other uses, the state-observer is a good place to add metrics to your application. For example:

 abstract class AppAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
   void trackEvent(AppState stateIni, AppState stateEnd) { // Don't to anything }

 class AppStateObserver implements StateObserver<AppState> {
   void observe(
     ReduxAction<AppState> action,
     AppState prevState,
     AppState newState,
     Object? error,
     int dispatchCount,
   ) {
     if (action is AppAction) action.trackEvent(prevState, newState, error);

 class MyAction extends AppAction {
    AppState? reduce() { // Do something }

    void trackEvent(AppState prevState, AppState newState, Object? error) =>
       MyMetrics().track(this, newState, error);

Printing actions to the console

If you use the provided ConsoleActionObserver, it will print all actions to the console, in yellow, like so:

I/flutter (15304): | Action MyAction

This helps with development, so you probably don't want to use it in release mode:

store = Store<AppState>(
   actionObservers: kReleaseMode ? null : [ConsoleActionObserver()],

If you implement the action's toString(), you can display more information. For example, suppose a LoginAction which has a username field:

class LoginAction extends ReduxAction {
  final String username;
  String toString() => super.toString() + '(username)';

The above code will print something like this:

I/flutter (15304): | Action MyLogin(user32)

Observing rebuilds

Your store optionally accepts a modelObserver, which lets you visualize rebuilds. It's rarely used, so feel free to skip this section.

The ModelObserver is an abstract class with an observe method which you can implement to be notified, by each StoreConnector currently in the widget tree, whenever there is a state change. You can create your own ModelObserver, but the provided DefaultModelObserver can be used out of the box to print to the console and do basic testing:

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: state,
  modelObserver: DefaultModelObserver(),  

This is an example output to the console, showing how MyWidgetConnector responded to 3 state changes:

Model D:1 R:1 = Rebuid:true, Connector:MyWidgetConnector, Model:MyViewModel{B}.
Model D:2 R:2 = Rebuid:false, Connector:MyWidgetConnector, Model:MyViewModel{B}.
Model D:3 R:3 = Rebuid:true, Connector:MyWidgetConnector, Model:MyViewModel{C}.

You can see above that the first and third state changes resulted in a rebuild (Rebuid:true), but the second one did not, probably because the part of the state that changed was not part of MyViewModel.

This example also shows the `ModelObserver` in action.

Note: You must pass debug:this as a StoreConnector constructor parameter, if you want the ModelObserver to be able to print the StoreConnector type to the output. You can also override your ViewModel.toString() to print out any extra info you need.

The ModelObserver is also useful when you want to create tests to assert that rebuilds happen when and only when the appropriate parts of the state change. For an example, see the Model Observer Test.

How to interact with the database

The following advice works for any Redux version, including AsyncRedux.

Pretend the user presses a button in the dumb-widget, running a callback which was passed in its constructor. This callback, which was created by the Connector widget, will dispatch an action.

This action's async reducer will connect to the database and get the desired information. You can directly connect to the database from the async reducer, or have a DAO to abstract the database implementation details.

This would be your reducer:

Future<AppState> reduce() async {
	var something = await myDao.loadSomething();
	return state.copy(something: something);

This rebuilds your widgets that depend on something, with its new value. The state now holds the new something, and the local store persistor may persist this value to the local file system, if that's what you want.

How to deal with Streams and Timers

Follow this advice:

  • Don't send the streams and timers down to the dumb-widget, and not even to the Connector. If you are declaring, subscribing to, or unsubscribing from streams inside of widgets, it means you are mixing Redux with some other architecture. You can do that, but it's not recommended and not necessary.

  • Don't put streams and timers into the store state. They are not app state, and they should not be persisted to the local filesystem. Instead, they are something that "generates state changes".

Let's pretend you want to listen to changes to the user name, in a Firestore database. First, create an action to start listening, and another action to cancel. We could name them StartListenUserNameAction and CancelListenUserNameAction.

  • If the stream/timer should run all the time, you may dispatch the start action as soon as the app starts, right after you create the store, possibly in main. And cancel it when the app finishes.

  • If the stream/timer should run only when the user is viewing some screen, you may dispatch the action from initState (of the screen widget) or onInit (StoreConnector), and cancel it from the dispose (of the screen widget) or onDispose (StoreConnector).

  • If the stream/timer should run only when some action demands it, the action reducer may dispatch some other action to start and cancel them as needed.

While you should NOT put streams/timers in the store state, you can put them in the store "properties". The props are a map that you can use to store any object you want, and they are accessible from the reducers.

class StartTimerAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {

  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    props["my timer"] = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
    return null;	

class StopTimerAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
  Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    Timer? timer = props["my timer"];
    if (timer != null) {
       props.remove("my timer");
    return null;	

If your stream/timer should only be removed when the app shuts down, you can call store.disposeProps(); when the app finishes. This will automatically close/cancel/ignore all stream related objects, timers and futures in the props, and then also remove them from there.

How do streams pass their information to the store and ultimately to the widgets?

When you create the stream, define its callback so that it dispatches an appropriate action. Each time the stream gets some data it will pass it to this action's constructor. The action's reducer will put the data into the store state, from where it will be automatically sent down to the widgets that observe them.

For example:

Stream<QuerySnapshot> stream = query.snapshots();

streamSub = stream.listen((QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
  }, onError: ...);

To sum up:

  1. Put your stream/timer where it can be accessed by the reducers, like in the store props or any other suitable place, but NOT inside the store state.

  2. Don't use streams or timers directly in widgets (not in the Connector widget, and not in the dumb-widget).

  3. Create actions to start and cancel streams and timers, and call them when necessary.

  4. The stream/timer callback should dispatch actions to put the snapshot data into the store state.

Undo and Redo

It's easy to create undo/redo features in AsyncRedux. When you create the store, add a state-observer called UndoRedoObserver:

var store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: state,  
  stateObservers: [UndoRedoObserver()],

That observer should add all the states it gets to a list. When you want to recover one of the states, simple call an action called RecoverStateAction, like so:

class RecoverStateAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
   final AppState recoveredState;


   AppState reduce() => recoveredState;

Note: This also works to undo/redo only part of the state. If you are only interested in undoing part of the state, your observer can save only that part, and your action can revert only that part.

Using Async Redux with the flutter_hooks package

For those who want to use flutter_hooks with Async Redux, add the package to your app. This is a very lightweight package that provides a useSelector hook, which is similar to the StoreConnector widget, but it's a hook.

Note: If your state is called AppState, you can define your own useAppState hook, like this:

T useAppState<T>(T Function(AppState state) converter, {bool distinct = true}) =>
   useSelector<T, AppState>(converter, distinct: distinct);

This will simplify the use of the hook, like this:

String username = useAppState((state) => state.username);

Recommended Directory Structure

You probably have your own way of organizing your directory structure, but if you want some recommendation, here it goes.

First, separate your directory structure by client and business. The client directory holds Flutter stuff like widgets, including your connector and dumb widgets. The business directory holds the business layer stuff, including the store, state, and code to access the database and to persist the state to disk.

├── business
│  ├── lib
│  ├── test
│  └── pubspec.yaml
└── client
    ├── lib
    ├── test
    └── pubspec.yaml

Edit the client/pubspec.yaml file to contain this:

    path: ../business/

However, business/pubspec.yaml should contain no references to the client. This guarantees the client code can use the business code, but the business code can't access the client code.

In business/lib create separate directories for your main features, and only then create directories like actions, models, dao or other.

Note that AsyncRedux has no separate reducers nor middleware, so this simplifies the directory structure in relation to vanilla Redux.

Your final directory structure would then look something like this:

├── business
│   ├── lib
│   │   ├── login
│   │   │   ├── actions
│   │   │   │   ├── login_action.dart
│   │   │   │   ├── logout_action.dart
│   │   │   │   └── ...
│   │   │   └── models
│   │   │       └── login_state.dart
│   │   ├── todos
│   │   │   ├── actions
│   │   │   │   └── ...
│   │   │   └── models
│   │   │       ├── todos_state.dart
│   │   │       └── todo.dart
│   │   └── users
│   │       ├── actions
│   │       │   ├── create_user_action.dart
│   │       │   ├── change_user_action.dart
│   │       │   ├── delete_user_action.dart
│   │       │   └── ...
│   │       └── models
│   │           └── user.dart
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── login
│   │   │   ├── login_STATE_test.dart
│   │   │   ├── login_action_test.dart
│   │   │   ├── logout_action_test.dart
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── todos
│   │   │   ├── todos_STATE_test.dart
│   │   │   └── todo_test.dart
│   │   └── users
│   │       └── user_test.dart
│   ├── pubspec.yaml
│   └── ...
└── client
    ├── lib
    │   ├── login
    │   │   ├── login_connector_widget.dart
    │   │   └── login_widget.dart
    │   └── todos
    │       ├── todos_connector_widget.dart
    │       └── todos_widget.dart
    ├── test
    │   ├── login
    │   │   ├── login_CONNECTOR_test.dart
    │   │   └── login_PRESENTATION.dart
    │   └── todos
    │       ├── todos_CONNECTOR_test.dart
    │       └── todos_PRESENTATION.dart
    └── pubspec.yaml

Where to put your business logic

Widgets, Connectors and ViewModels are part of the client code. If you use the recommended directory structure, they should be in the client directory, which is not visible to the business code.

Actions, reducers and state classes are part of the business code. If you use the recommended directory structure, they should be in the business directory, which is visible to the client code.

Rules of thumb:

  • Don't put your business logic in the Widgets.
  • Don't put your business logic in the Connectors.
  • Don't put your business logic in the ViewModels of the Connectors.
  • Put your business logic in the Action reducers.
  • Put your business logic in the State classes.

Architectural discussion

Reading the following text is not important for the practical use of AsyncRedux, and is meant only for those interested in architectural discussions:

Is AsyncRedux really Redux?

According to there are three principles to Redux:

  1. The state of your whole application is stored in an object tree within a single store.

    That’s true for AsyncRedux.

  2. The only way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened.

    That’s also true for AsyncRedux.

  3. To specify how the state tree is transformed by actions, you write pure reducers.

    Ok, so how about middleware? It's not possible to create real world applications without async calls and external databases access. So, even in vanilla Redux, actions start async processes that yield results that only then will be put into the store state, through reducers. So it's not true that the state tree depends only on pure functions. You can't separate the pure part and call it a reducer, and then conveniently forget about the impure/async part. In other words, you have A and B. A is simple and pure, but we can't call it a reducer and say that's part of our principles, and then forget about B. Async Redux acknowledges that B is also part of the solution, and then creates tools to deal with it as easily as possible. The litmus test here, to prove that AsyncRedux is Redux, is that you can have a 1 to 1 mapping from vanilla Redux reducers+middleware code to the AsyncRedux sync+async reducers code. The same async code will call the same pure code. You just organize it differently to avoid boilerplate. Another way to look at it is that at first glance the AsyncRedux reducer doesn't appear to be a pure function. Pure function reducers are the wall of sanity against the side effects managed by middleware via thunks, sagas, observables, etc. But when you take a second look, return state.copy(...) is the pure reducer, and everything else in reduce() is essentially middleware.

Besides the reduction of boilerplate, what are the main advantages of the AsyncRedux architecture?

In vanilla Redux it's easy to reason about the code at first, when it's just pure function reducers, but it gets difficult to understand the whole picture as soon as you have to add complex Middleware. When you see a side by side comparison of code written for vanilla Redux and for AsyncRedux, the code is easier to understand with AsyncRedux.

Also, vanilla Redux makes it easy to test its pure functions reducers, but it doesn't help at all with testing the middleware. In contrast, since AsyncRedux natively takes async code into consideration, its testing capabilities (the StoreTester) make it easy to test the code as a whole.

AsyncRedux also helps with code errors, by simply letting your reducers throw errors. AsyncRedux will catch them and deal with them appropriately, while vanilla Redux forces your middleware to catch errors and maybe even dispatch actions do deal with them.

Is AsyncRedux a minimalist or lightweight Redux version?

No. AsyncRedux is concerned with being "easy to use", not with being lightweight. In terms of library code size it's larger than the original Redux implementation. However, it's still very small, and will make the total application code smaller than with the vanilla implementation, because of the boilerplate reduction. In terms of speed/performance there should be no differences in respect to the vanilla implementation.

Is the AsyncRedux architecture useful for small projects?

It's usually said that you should not use Redux for small projects, because of the extra boilerplate and limitations. Maybe it's not worth the effort. However, since AsyncRedux is easier than vanilla Redux and has far less boilerplate, the limit of code complexity where a robust architecture starts making sense is much lower.

The AsyncRedux code is based upon packages redux by Brian Egan, and flutter_redux by Brian Egan and John Ryan. Also uses code from package equatable by Felix Angelov. The dependency injection idea in AsyncRedux was contributed by Craig McMahon. Special thanks: Eduardo Yamauchi and Hugo Passos helped me with the async code, checking the documentation, testing everything and making suggestions. This work started after Thomas Burkhart explained to me why he didn't like Redux. Reducers as methods of action classes were shown to me by Scott Stoll and Simon Lightfoot.

The Flutter packages I've authored:

My Medium Articles:

My article in the official Flutter documentation:

Marcelo Glasberg: