An easy way to generate SRT subtitles from a video in Windows.
- Download the latest release and extract it.
- Place your video/episode/movie in the folder.
- Open the terminal in the folder extracted.
- Execute the following command:
quicksubtitles.exe --src video.mp4
To change the model, use:
quicksubtitles.exe --model large
to see available models, click here
To specify the source language, use:
quicksubtitles.exe --language french
to see available languages, click here
Note that this script was made for Python 3.12.6 version
- Clone the repository.
git clone
cd quick-subtitles
- Place your video, episode, or movie in the repository folder.
- Install the requirements (I recommend using a virtual environment).
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the latest release of FFmpeg (shared version, eg:
- Extract the FFmpeg zip file and copy the files from the bin folder into the repo folder.
- Run main --src video.mp4