Memo Akten
Anna Ridler
Golan Levin
Gene Kogan - Machine Learning for Artists
Rebecca Fiebrink
Mario Klingemann
Patrick Tresset
Kyle McDonald
Daniel Shiffman - Coding Train
OSC Input: FaceOSC (source)
OSC Output: FM synthesis (source)
For more experiments check the wekinator examples page
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Install the Photoshop plugin and other integrations here
- Create a new project
- Download the Socket.IO for Unity Asset from Asset Store and import
- (optional) Download Gridbox Prototype Materials from Asset Stroe and import
- Go to ASSETS>SocketIO>Scenes and open the SocketIOTest
- Open RunwayML and create a Posenet project
- Select camera and reduce the resolution of the Width to 200 and flip vertically
- Under the Network Tab select and keep a note of the port
- Go Back to Unity and click SocketIO in the hierachy window
- In the Inspector tab under the Socket IO Component (Script) change the Port of the URL to the URL you got from Runway
- Edit the TestSocketIO script under ASSETS>SocketIO>Test
- The various stages of the code along with the assets used can be found in the unity folder
Download here