PolydisperseMD is a plug-in for HOOMD-Blue, a particle simulation toolkit, that implements specialized pair potentials for poly-disperse interacting particle system. The code is largely based on HOOMD-Blue's MD's pair potentials.
The plugin is currently under beta stage. For now, this file will be a temporary documentation for the plugin.
Files that come with this plugin:
- CMakeLists.txt : main CMake configuration file for the plugin
- FindHOOMD.cmake : script to find a HOOMD-Blue installation to link against
- README.md : This file
- polymd : Directory containing C++ and Python source codes that interacts with HOOMD-Blue
Parts of the instructions were modified from the example plugin provided by HOOMD-Blue. See https://hoomd-blue.readthedocs.io/en/stable/developer.html for other useful information:
The requirements for installing the plugin is the same as standard HOOMD. See HOOMD installation page for details.
The process is similar to installing HOOMD. First, git clone the project:
$ git clone https://github.com/mandadapu-group/polydisperse-md
Next, configure your build.
$ cd polydisperse-md
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
In this step, CMake will try to find the usual required packages (including LLVM). However, it will also try to find a HOOMD installation. Check your CMake output!
Here's a case example. Suppose that I'm installing the plugin in my personal workstation, where my username is yourusername
and the Python environment was a virtual environment named iluvbase
. If all goes well, then I should see (as part of CMake's output) the following lines:
-- Python output: /home/yourusername/anaconda3/envs/iluvbase/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hoomd
-- Looking for a HOOMD installation at /home/yourusername/anaconda3/envs/iluvbase/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hoomd
-- Found hoomd installation at /home/yourusername/anaconda3/envs/iluvbase/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hoomd
-- Found HOOMD include directory: /home/yourusername/anaconda3/envs/iluvbase/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hoomd/include
-- Found PythonLibs: /home/yourusername/anaconda3/envs/iluvbase/lib/libpython3.7m.so
If not, then the following output could be found:
CMake Error at FindHOOMD.cmake:46 (message):
Could not find hoomd installation, either set HOOMD_ROOT or set
PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to a python which can find hoomd
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:8 (include)
if the above message is what you found, then delete the contents of your build folder. Next, re-run cmake with the following build option:
$ cmake ../ -DENABLE_MPI=ON -DHOOMD_ROOT=/path/to/hoomd
where ${HOOMD_ROOT}/bin/hoomd
is where the hoomd executable is installed. In the example above /path/to/hoomd
is /home/yourusername/anaconda3/envs/hoomd/
Finally, you would compile and install the plugin:
$ make -j4 install
If hoomd is installed in a system directory (such as via an rpm or deb package). If you follow instructions from HOOMD's installation page, then this is highly unlikely. For completion, we will also provide instructions for this case.
First, Delete the contents of your build folder. Set the environment variable HOOMD_PLUGINS_DIR
in your .bash_profile
or .bashrc
export HOOMD_PLUGINS_DIR=${HOME}/hoomd_plugins # as an example
When running CMake, you will add -DHOOMD_PLUGINS_DIR=${HOOMD_PLUGINS_DIR}
to the options. Go back to your build folder now, and run:
Now, make install
will install the plugins into ${HOOMD_PLUGINS_DIR}
. When hoomd is launched, it will look in that directory for the plugins.
The plugin is a complement for HOOMD's MD, which means that you need to import the plugin and hoomd.md side-by-side. Everything you do will be just like running HOOMD's MD except at the part where you're defining pair potentials. For example, (this script is taken from HOOMD-Blue's docs directly),
import hoomd
import hoomd.md as md
import hoomd.polymd as polymd
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform, seed
hoomd.context.initialize("--mode=cpu --notice-level=2");
#Set up "equilibration" and "production" runs
deltat = 0.002
totalsteps = 10/deltat
eqtotalsteps = 10/deltat
snapshots = 1000
kT = 0.25
#Initialize Our Own Configuration using a Snapshot
rho = 1.00
LParticles = 64;
NParticles = LParticles**2
dmax = 1.0
dmin = 0.5
Length = LParticles
MyBox = hoomd.data.boxdim(L=Length, dimensions=2)
snap = hoomd.data.make_snapshot(N=NParticles, box=MyBox, particle_types=['A'])
snap.particles.types = ['A']
def placePolydisperseOnSquare(snap):
for i in range(LParticles):
for j in range(LParticles):
snap.particles.position[i*LParticles+j,0] = Length*(i/LParticles-0.5)
snap.particles.position[i*LParticles+j,1] = Length*(j/LParticles-0.5)
snap.particles.position[i*LParticles+j,2] = 0
snap.particles.diameter[i*LParticles+j] = uniform(dmin,dmax)
system = hoomd.init.read_snapshot(snap);
nl = md.nlist.cell()
#Set up the pair potential
poly12 = polymd.pair.polydisperse(r_cut=4.0,nlist=nl,model='polydisperse12')
poly12.pair_coeff.set('A', 'A',v0=1.0,eps=0.2,scaledr_cut=1.25)
#Set up NVT thermostat
all = hoomd.group.all();
integrator = md.integrate.nvt(group=all, kT=kT, tau=50*deltat);
#Equilibration Run on NVT Ensemble
eqsamplingtime = int(eqtotalsteps/100)
if eqsamplingtime == 0:
eqsamplingtime = 1
logger = hoomd.analyze.log(filename='mylogeq1.log', period=eqsamplingtime, quantities=['temperature','potential_energy','kinetic_energy','momentum'], phase=0)
#Production Run on NVE Ensemble
integrator = md.integrate.nve(group=all)
samplingtime = int(totalsteps/snapshots)
if samplingtime == 0:
samplingtime = 1
hoomd.dump.gsd(filename="restart1.gsd", group=hoomd.group.all(), dynamic=['attribute','momentum'],truncate=True, period=samplingtime, phase=0)
hoomd.dump.gsd(filename="dump1.gsd", group=hoomd.group.all(), dynamic=['attribute','momentum'],period=samplingtime, phase=0)
logger = hoomd.analyze.log(filename='mylog1.log', period=samplingtime, quantities=['temperature','pressure_xx','pressure_yy','pressure_xy','potential_energy','kinetic_energy','momentum'],phase=0)
(More Instructions, coming soon . . .)
(More notes, coming soon . . .)