Ovcharka is a smart exam assistant intended for self-training in theoretical aspects of various subject areas. Given a list of related keywords it asks about some of them with clarifying questions additionally.
The project consists of Spring-based RESTful services interacting with each other via HTTP.
There is a Service Registry marked in grey that finds available instances of a service and tells other services where they are located.
Services marked in blue execute all the key tasks: perform algorithms on received data, store it and retrieve the requested information.
Concept service is responsible for the information about all the concepts currently supported.
User service stores all the information about any registered user of the application.
Training service stores the current state of a particular training of a particular user. It also performs user answer checking, choosing the next question and calculating the result.
Auth service is responsible for registering a new person and retrieving an authentication token for the logged in user.
Token service is used to create a token for authentication in external applications.
API Gateway marked in red is an entry point to the application and a proxy to the downstream services.
There are also some client services marked in green specific to the particular kind of connection.
There is Web Gateway that proxies the requests with the user details to the API Gateway. It checks the user rights for the specific request and redirects it down flow.
Telegram Client is a Telegram bot that makes sure that user has authenticated and proxies his requests in a downstream direction.
The common formats of requests and algorithms used are discussed in the report.