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Built-in functions


  • andika(kitu: any[, ...vitu: any[]]): SWNull
    Prints given arguments to the console.
  andika("Jambo Dunia") // => "Jambo Dunia"
  • soma(swali: SWString): SWString
    Gets and returns user input as a string. Uses the value of swali as a prompt message
  wacha jina = soma()
  > "Wendo" // User Input
  andika(jina) // => "Wendo"
  • somaNambari(swali: SWString): SWNumber
    Gets and returns user input as a number. Uses the value of swali as a prompt message
  wacha umri = somaNambari()
  > 22 // User Input
  andika(umri) // => 22
  • futa(): SWNull
    Clears the console window

Type methods

Checking type

  • aina(kitu: any): SWString
    Returns a string indicating the data type of kitu
  wacha x = [1,2,3]
  andika(aina(x)) // => "Orodha"
  • niKamusi(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is of type SWObject
  wacha mtu = {jina: "John", umri: 23}
  andika(niKamusi(mtu)) // => kweli
  • niTarehe(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is of type SWDateTime
  wacha leo = Tarehe()
  andika(niTarehe(leo)) // => kweli
  • niTupu(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is SWNull
  wacha bure = tupu
  andika(niTupu(bure)) // => kweli
  • niNambari(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is of type SWNumber
  wacha pi = 3.141592
  andika(niNambari(pi)) // => kweli
  • niJina(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is of type SWString
  wacha neno="Wamlambez"
  andika(niJina(neno)) // => kweli
  • niOrodha(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is of type SWList
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(niOrodha(list)) // => kweli
  • niShughuli(kitu: any): SWBoolean
    Returns kweli if kitu is of type SWBaseFunction
  shughuli salimu(jina){
    andika("Habari" + jina)
  andika(niShughuli(salimu)) // =>kweli

Type casting

  • Nambari(kitu: SWString | SWBoolean | SWNumber): SWNumber
    Returns an SWNumber representation of the value passed in

  • Jina(kitu: any): SWString
    Returns an SWString representation of the value passed in

  • Tarehe(siku: SWDateTime | SWString): SWDateTime
    Returns the current date, or a date with the value matching the parameter siku. For info on SWDateTime formatting, read the guide

  • RegEx(muundo: SWString, bendera: SWString): SWRegEx
    Returns SWRegEx representation of the value passed in

Modification and reading (see also Grammar and Types)


  • iterable.idadi(): SWNumber
    Returns the length of a list or string
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.idadi()) // => 4

  wacha str = "Something"
  andika(str.idadi()) // => 9
  • iterable.ina(kitafuto: any): SWBoolean
    Returns a boolean indicating whether a string/list contains the element kitu or not.
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.ina(3)) // => kweli

  wacha str = "Something"
  andika(str.ina("x")) // => uwongo
  • iterable.pahala(kitafuto: any): SWNumber
    Returns an SWNumber indicating the position of kitafuto in the iterable, or a -1 if it does not exist.
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.pahala(3)) // => 2

  wacha str = "Something"
  andika(str.pahala("x")) // => -1
  • iterable.sehemu(mwanzo: SWNumber[, mwisho: SWNumber]): iterable
    Returns a section of the string/list delimited by mwanzo and mwisho
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.sehemu(1,2)) // => [2,3]

  wacha str = "Something"
  andika(str.sehemu(-3)) // => "ing"


  • str.badili(kitafuto: SWString | SWRegEx , mbadala: SWString): SWString
    Returns a new SWString made by replacing the string that matches kitafuto with the value provided for mbadala.
  wacha str = "Something"
  andika(str.badili("thing", "body")) // => "Somebody"
  • str.tenga(kitengo: SWString | SWRegEx): SWList
    Returns an SWList made by splitting str, delimited by the value of kitengo
  wacha str = "Everybody-was-kungfu-fighting"
  andika(str.tenga("-")) // => ["Everybody", "was", "kungfu", "fighting"]
  • str.herufiKubwa(): SWString
    Returns the uppercase equivalent of an SWString
  wacha str = "abcde"
  andika(str.herufiKubwa()) // => "ABCDE"
  • str.herufiNdogo(): SWString
    Returns the lowercase equivalent of an SWString
  wacha str = "FGHIJ"
  andika(str.herufiNdogo()) // => "fghij"


  • list.weka(pahala: SWNumber, kitu: any): SWList
    Modifies an SWList in place by replacing the value at pahala with the value provided for kitu. Returns the value of the list
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  list.weka(0, 5)
  andika(list) // => [5,2,3,4]
  • list.fanya(shug: SWFunction): SWList
    Maps each element in a list to a new value using the function provided for shug. The function shug receives two arguments: el (the current element) and idx (the current index). Returns the value of the new list
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  shughuli multByIndex(el, idx) {
    rudisha el * idx

  andika(list.fanya(multByIndex)) // => [0,2,6,12]
  • list.unga(kiungo: SWString): SWString
    Returns a new SWString from the list, joined with the delimiter provided for kiungo.
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.unga("-")) // => "1-2-3-4"
  • list.kubwa(): SWNumber
    Returns the largest element in a list of numbers(SWNumber).
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.kubwa()) // => 4
  • list.ndogo(): SWNumber
    Returns the smallest element in a list of numbers(SWNumber).
  wacha list = [1,2,3,4]
  andika(list.ndogo()) // => 1
  • list.panga(): SWList
    Sorts a list in place and returns the sorted list.
  wacha list = [5,4,3]
  andika(list.panga()) // => [3,4,5]


  • date.unda(muundo: SWString): SWString
    Formats a SWDateTime value as a SWString
  wacha date = Tarehe("01/01/2001")
  andika(date.unda("s, M t, MK")) // => "Jumatatu, Januari 01, 2001"


  • obj.viingilio(): SWList
    Returns a list containing the key-value pairs of an object as tuples. This allows you to iterate through the properties of an object
  wacha obj = { jina: "John", umri: 23 }
  andika(obj.viingilio()) // => [["jina", "John"], ["umri", 23]]
  • obj.ondoa(jina: SWString): SWNull
    Removes the key jina from the object.
  wacha obj = { jina: "John", umri: 23 }
  andika(obj() // => { jina: "John" }


  • expoti(kitu: any): any
    Used when creating Swahili modules by exporting bindings to functions, dictionaries or primitive values from the module so they can be used by other programs with the impoti() method. Only the last call to expoti() in a module will be made available. Because of this, it is recommended to use an object if you need multiple values in the export.
  wacha hesabu = {}

  hesabu.ongeza = shughuli (nambari) {
    wacha jumla = 0
    kwa n katika nambari {
      jumla = jumla + n

    rudisha jumla

  • impoti(faili: SWString): any
    Used to import read-only bindings which are exported by another module. The file path given for faili must be a local file and can be either absolute or relative.
  wacha hesabu = impoti("./hesabu.swh")

  wacha idadi = somaNambari("Nambari ngapi? ")
  wacha nambari = []

  kwa i = 0 mpaka idadi {
    nambari = nambari + somaNambari("Nambari: ")


Async (Timeouts)

  • subiri(shug: SWFunction[, muda: SWNumber[, arg1, arg2, ...]]): SWTimeout
    Sets a timer which executes a function once the timer expires. muda represents the delay in ms. Additional arguments (arg1, arg2, ...) get passed through to the function specified by shug.

    If muda is omitted, a value of 0 is used, meaning execute "immediately", or more accurately, the next event cycle. Note that in either case, the actual delay may be longer than intended.

    A timeout can be cancelled using the komesha() method.

  shughuli ngojaWatu(a, b) {
    // hoja "a" na "b" hazihitajiki
    andika(a, "na", b, "wamefika.")

  wacha s = subiri(ngojaWatu, 1000, "John", "Stella")
  • rudia(shug: SWFunction, muda: SWNumber[, arg1, arg2, ...]): SWTimeout
    Repeatedly calls a function with a fixed time delay between each call. It returns an SWTimeout that uniquely identifies it, so you can remove it later by calling komesha(). muda must be at least 1ms to allow code to actually run.

    Ensure that execution duration is shorter than interval frequency

    If there is a possibility that your logic could take longer to execute than the interval time, it is recommended that you recursively call a named function using subiri().

  shughuli semaSaa() {
    wacha t = Tarehe()
    andika(t.unda("sa:d w"))

  wacha r = rudia(semaSaa, 1000)
  • komesha(muda: SWTimeout): SWNull
    Cancels a timeout created by subiri() or rudia()
  shughuli semaSaa() {
    wacha t = Tarehe()
    andika(t.unda("sa:d w"))

  wacha r = rudia(semaSaa, 1000)

  wacha s = subiri(shughuli () {
    komesha(r) // stops printing the time after 5 seconds
  }, 5000)