It is an nginx location example, which has an regular expression location , and a proxy-pass directive.
When the location is matched, that url will be rewrited , and pass to local k8s cluster.
upstream dot_cluster {
server you-k8s-server:10080;
server {
# ~ : regular expression in location
location ~ ^/(dot)(iap|game) {
# rewrite target, so that
# /dotiap -> / , iap server , works w/ or w/o a trailing slash
# /dotiap/ -> / , iap server
# /dotgame/doc -> /doc , game server
rewrite ^/(dot)(iap|game)(?:/(.*))? /$3 break;
# when useing regular expression in location
# you must construct proxy_pass url by using some captured re variables
# actually same stream , here it is dot_cluster
proxy_pass http://$1_cluster ;
# host header, used by k8s ingress to dispatch traffic
proxy_set_header Host "dot-$2-dev.imac";
proxy_set_header X-real-ip $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;