- Architecture
- CPU / PPU address space
- 6502 Assembly
- 6502 Opcodes
- Assembly Starter
- Sprite
- Palettes
- Background
- Controller Input
- Playing Sounds
- NES ROM Image
NES Console
- 6502 CPU
- 16 bit address bus
- 64 kB address space
- 0x0000 - 0xFFFF
- Four register
- Accumulator
- perform maathematical operations
- compare the value stored in it
- X , Y increment register
- basically those are used for storing values such as counters
- Status
- can not write
- but can read from it to get certain value like if the accumulator overflows and it will put a status there saying that your value has overflowed
- Accumulator
- APU ( Audio Processing Unit )
- PPU ( Picture Processing Unit )
- 16 KB address space
- Lockout chip
Game Cartridge
- CHR ( Charater Memory ) ROM or RAM
- where all your sprite data is stored
- PRG ( Program Memory ) ROM
- where your game code is stored
- WRAM ( optional ) and battery
- Lockout chip
When NES is on ,
- PRG ROM copied to CPU
- CHR copied to PPU
- CPU write to the PPU
- to modify the background and the sprites
from CPU
- buttom 2KB internal RAM
- which can be used for things like variables
- next 2KB ?
- PPU ports , use for writing to the PPU
- on the top of it, APU and control ports
- Cartridge ROM
- at the very end of it , NMI / RESET / IRQ vectors
- NMI , for every frame that gets displayed to the screen , that's going to called and then from there it's going to run all of the code that modified your sprites and backgrounds and upateds the game engine.
- RESET , gets called whenever the nes starts up , beasts up, and reset button is pressed
- IRQ , i haven't used that , it uesd for special circumstances
from PPU
- 1st 2KB ,
- the pattern tables , and that's basically all the sprite data
- name tabels
- basically the arrangement of all the sprites on the screen that creats the background
- attribute tabels
- determines the colors that are used to paint the background
- you have multiple name tables and attribute tables , so you can switch between these to give you different backgourds in your game
- sprite palette , backgroud palette
- you have limited number of colors you can choose from , and that is stored in these palette variables
- Directives
- Assembler commands
- Start with a period
- Labels
- Used to organize code
- Like a BASIC line number (for GOTO)
- Not intented and followed by a colon
- Opcodes - Program instructions - Indented
you should take special considerations if your values are going to add to more than 256
- Load / Store
- Load: LDA , LDX, LDY
- Store: STA , STX, STY
- Math
- Add: ADD , CLC
- Subtract : SBC, SEC
- Increment: INC, DEC , INX , INY , DEX , DEY
- Shift : ASL , LSR
- Comparision
- Control
\ | C | 6502 | Desc |
declare | int num; | .rsset $0000 | where your variable in the memory address |
vars | num .rs 1 | reserved 1 byte space | |
ASSIGN | num = 42 | LDA #$2A |
| | STA num
IF | if (num==5) | LDA num | | CMP #$05 | | BNE Done | | ; do something | | Done: PROCEDURE | void MyMethod() { | MyMethod: | // do somthing | : do something | } | RTS | ... | ... | MyMethod(); | JSR MyMethod INCREMENT | x = 10; | LDA #$0A | x ++ ; | STX | y = 32 ; | INX | y-- ; | LDA #$20 | | STY | | DEY WHILE LOOP | x = 0 ; | LDA #$0 | while (x<255) { | STX | // do something | Loop: | x ++ | ; do something | } | INX | | CPX #$FF | | BNE Loop INTERRUPT | void Draw() { | NMI: METHODS | // draw code | ; modify sprites | } | ; modify background | void Update() { | ; update code | // update code | RTI | } |
- Can be created with programs like YY-CHR
- Each sprite tile is 8x8 pixels
- Each sprite tile can only have 4 unique colors
- actually 3 colors and 1 transparency layer
- Objects , such as mario , are usually composed of multiple sprite tiles
- All sprites must fit on a single spritesheet
- Less than 60 total colors
- PPU IO ports : $2006 , $2007
- you write to the palette table by using PPU $2006, $2007 ports
- Sprite palette: $3F10
- Background palette : $3F00
- 32x30 tiles (256 * 240)
- Tiles are 8x8 pixels
- Four unique colors for every 2x2 tiles
- Background is static , but can be scrolled
- Text is usually background tiles
- Call load on Controller port
- LDA $4016 (player #1)
- LDA $4017 (player #2)
- Each call returns the status of the next button
- A,B,Select, Start , Up, Down, Left, Right
- APU 5 channels
- Square 1, 2 -- Hollow sound
- Triangle -- Smooth sound
- Noise - Explosions
- DMC - prerecorded, like voices
- Write to $4015 to enable sounds
- $4000 to $4003 modify sound properties
- Generate with NES assemble
- Play with NES emulator
- Tools exist for playing on actual NES hardware