- create a new app
- set as game
- /Setting / basic / Category
- 为应用添加管理员、开发者和测试员
- Facebook 正在逐步面向更广泛的受众推广小游戏,您的游戏目前可能无法对所有用户开放。
- 要确保游戏的所有发开者和测试员拥有访问权限,请在应用面板的**/Roles**选项卡中将他们添加为应用的管理员、开发者或测试员
- Enable Instant Games in the App Dashboard
- PRODUCTS + > instant game > Set up
- Make sure to enable the the Use Instant Games toggle.
- Testing and Uploading
- To upload the .zip file, click the Web Hosting tab in the App Dashboard
- and click +Upload Version to upload the .zip file to Facebook's hosting service
- After that, the build will process the file, which should only take a few seconds. When the state changes to "Standby", click the "★" button to push the build to production.
- Setting up a Game Bot
- Step 1: Create a Page,
- it needs some some special properties:
- The page's category needs to be App Page
- The page's name needs to contain the name of the app.
- The page cannot be associated with another app.
- Instant Games/Details/App Page
- it needs some some special properties:
- Step 2: Activate your Bot
- first create a message bot ( see below )
- Instant Games bots are only permitted to use standard messaging and the GAME_EVENT message tag but not pages_messaging_subscriptions.
- Step 3: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/games/instant-games/guides/bots-and-server-communication/
- Step 1: Create a Page,
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/games/instant-games/guides/bots-and-server-communication/
- 客户端发送 sessionData , 游戏关闭时,这个sessionData 会作为
property of the game_play webhook.
- 客户端发送 sessionData , 游戏关闭时,这个sessionData 会作为
- Add the Messenger Platform to your Facebook app
- 'PRODUCTS', click '+ Add Product' / 'Messenger' / 'Set Up'
- Configure the webhook for your app
- In the 'Webhooks' section of the Messenger settings console , 'Setup Webhooks'
- 'Callback URL' : something like
- 'Verify Token' : your custom token
- 'Subscription Fields':
- Subscribe your app to a Facebook Page
- In the 'Token Generation' section , choose page, get the Page Access Token
- 每选择 一次page,就会重新生成 token
- then , in the 'Webhook' section , select the same page , Click the 'Subscribe' to subscribe your app to receive webhook events for the Page.
- In the 'Token Generation' section , choose page, get the Page Access Token
- Test your app subscription
- send a message to your Page from facebook.com or in Messenger.
- If your webhook receives a webhook event, you have fully set up your app!
- localtunnel or ngrok
- 使用 localtunnel 需要清理掉你本地的 代理服务器设置,不要设置 http-proxy , https-proxy, 否则会出现错误 Tunnel Server is offline
create localtunnel server
or just use provided service
lt -s mebusy -l -p 5757
GET /stack?hub.mode=subscribe&hub.challenge=1709021033&hub.verify_token=TEST_VERIFY_TOKEN HTTP/1.1
POST /stack HTTP/1.1
// more human readable
"entry": [
"id": "1163397087175417",
"messaging": [
"game_play": {
"game_id": "2223523667903679",
"player_id": "1766087003495604"
"recipient": {
"id": "1163397087175417"
"sender": {
"id": "2396781657060600"
"timestamp": 1551091549707
"time": 1551091549707
"object": "page"
- test data , single event
curl -X POST -d '{"object":"page","entry":[{"id":"821299701563322","time":1551944314225,"messaging":[{"recipient":{"id":"821299701563322"},"timestamp":1551944314225,"sender":{"id":"2058800797536806"},"game_play":{"game_id":"702997996724334","payload":"{\"timezone\":8,\"nickname\":\"Qi\",\"firstTime\":false,\"top1player\":\"2247834808562963\",\"randomFriendId\":\"2247834808562963\"}","player_id":"2074839315937481"}}]}]}'
- test data , 两组 entry, 每个 entry 包含2个event;
- 有一个event 是 message
curl -X POST -d '{"object":"page","more":"more","entry":[{"id":"1163397087175417","time":1551091549707,"messaging":[{"recipient":{"id":"1163397087175417"},"timestamp":1551091549707,"sender":{"id":"2396781657060600"},"game_play":{"game_id":"2223523667903679","player_id":"1766087003495604"}},{"recipient":{"id":"1163397087175417"},"timestamp":1551091549708,"sender":{"id":"2396781657060600"},"game_play":{"game_id":"2223523667903679","player_id":"1766087003495604"}}]},{"id":"1163397087175418","time":1551091549707,"messaging":[{"recipient":{"id":"1163397087175417"},"timestamp":1551091549707,"sender":{"id":"2396781657060600"},"game_play":{"game_id":"2223523667903679","player_id":"1766087003495604"}},{"recipient":{"id":"1163397087175417"},"timestamp":1551091549708,"sender":{"id":"2396781657060600"},"message":{"game_id":"2223523667903679","player_id":"1766087003495604"}}]}]}'