- how to inclulde shader source code on a web ?
- storing the code in JavaScript string literals (hard read and edit)
- puting shader source code inside
elements. For example
<script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="vshader">
attribute vec3 a_coords;
uniform mat4 modelviewProjection;
void main() {
vec4 coords = vec4(a_coords,1.0);
gl_Position = modelviewProjection * coords;
- 浏览器不会真正执行这段 script, 因为 不能识别 "x-shader/x-vertex".
- But it does store the content of the
element in the DOM data structure. - The content can be retrieved as a string using the standard DOM API.
- But it does store the content of the
function getTextContent( elementID ) {
var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
var node = element.firstChild;
var str = "";
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) // this is a text node
str += node.textContent;
node = node.nextSibling;
return str;
// call getTextContent("vshader")
- JavaScript library for 3D transformation : glMatrix
<script src="gl-matrix-min.js"></script>
- a glMatrix mat4 can be passed to a shader program to specify the value of a GLSL mat4, and similarly for the other vector and matrix types.
transform = mat4.create();
vector = vec3.create();
saveTransform = mat4.clone(modelview);
- Most other functions do NOT create new arrays. Instead, they modify the contents of their first parameter.
will modify A , so that it holds the matrix product of B and C.mat4.translate(A,B,v)
makes A equal to the product of B and vmat4.translate( modelview, modelview, [dx,dy,dz] );
is equivalent to callingglTranslatef(dx,dy,dz)
in OpenGL
attribute vec3 a_coords; // (x,y,z) object coordinates of vertex.
uniform mat4 modelviewProjection; // Combined transformation matrix.
void main() {
vec4 coords = vec4(a_coords,1.0); // Add 1.0 for the w-coordinate.
gl_Position = modelviewProjection * coords; // Transform the coordinates.
- Normal vectors are essential for lighting calculations.
- 大部分情况下,如果 surface 有一个 transformation, 这个 surface的 normal vectors 也会相应变化。 唯一的例外 translation. 平移一个vector是没有意义的.
- 你可能猜想,transformation 中的 rotation/scaling 部分,会被作用到 normal vectors上?
- Nevertheless, it is possible to get the correct transformation matrix for normal vectors from the coordinate transformation matrix.
- 事实证明,您需要删除第四行和第四列,然后采用所谓的3乘3矩阵的“inverse transpose 逆转置”。
- 对normal vector 进行变换不能直接乘以变换矩阵,必须乘以inverse transpose matrix
- The glMatrix library will compute it for you.
mat3.normalFromMat4( normalMatrix, coordinateMatrix );
- Since we need normal vectors for lighting calculations, and lighting calculations are done in eye coordinates, the coordinate transformation that we are interested in is usually the modelview transform.
attribute vec3 a_coords; // Untransformed object coordinates.
attribute vec3 normal; // Normal vector.
uniform mat4 projection; // Projection transformation matrix.
uniform mat4 modelview; // Modelview transformation matrix.
uniform mat3 normalMatrix; // Transform matrix for normal vectors.
. // Variables to define light and material properties.
void main() {
vec4 coords = vec4(a_coords,1.0); // Add a 1.0 for the w-coordinate.
vec4 eyeCoords = modelview * coords; // Transform to eye coordinates.
gl_Position = projection * eyeCoords; // Transform to clip coordinates.
vec3 transformedNormal = normalMatrix*normal; // Transform normal vector.
vec3 unitNormal = normalize(transformedNormal); // Normalize.
. // Use eyeCoords, unitNormal, and light and material
. // properties to compute a color for the vertex.