- C VS C++
- c++ was designed to
- character literals
- function declare
- Function overloading
- c headers
- Namespaces
- Input/Output
- Strings
- References
- Enums
- Classes and object-oriented programming
- Initialization and Operator Overloading
- Templates
- Exception Handling
- Lambda Expressions (C++11 and above)
- Range For (C++11 and above)
- Tuples (C++11 and above)
- Containers
- be a “better C”
- support data abstraction
- support object-oriented programming
- support generic programming
- In C++, character literals are chars
sizeof('c') == sizeof(char) == 1
- In C, character literals are ints
sizeof('c') == sizeof(int)
- C++ has strict prototyping
void func(); // function which accepts no arguments
- In C
void func();
没有参数说明的函数声明,may accept any number of arguments
- C++ supports function overloading
- c 本身没有函数重载
- 但是可以通过可变参数 来部分实现函数重载
- C standard headers are available in C++,
- but are prefixed with "c" and have no .h suffix.
#include <cstdio>
- c++
- Namespaces provide separate scopes for variable, function, and other declarations.
- Namespaces can be nested.
namespace First {
namespace Nested {
void foo() {
printf("This is First::Nested::foo\n");
} // end namespace Nested
} // end namespace First
namespace Second {
void foo() {
printf("This is Second::foo\n");
void foo() {
printf("This is global foo\n");
int main()
// Includes all symbols from namespace Second into the current scope.
// Note that simply foo() no longer works, since it is now ambiguous whether
// we're calling the foo in namespace Second or the top level.
using namespace Second;
Second::foo(); // prints "This is Second::foo"
First::Nested::foo(); // prints "This is First::Nested::foo"
::foo(); // prints "This is global foo"
// foo(); // compile error
- C++ input and output uses streams
- cin, cout, and cerr represent stdin, stdout, and stderr.
is the insertion operator and>>
is the extraction operator.
#include <iostream> // Include for I/O streams
// Streams are in the std namespace (standard library)
using namespace std;
int main() {
int myInt;
// Prints to stdout (or terminal/screen)
cout << "Enter your favorite number:\n";
// Takes in input
cin >> myInt;
// cout can also be formatted
cout << "Your favorite number is " << myInt << "\n";
// prints "Your favorite number is <myInt>"
cerr << "Used for error messages";
- Strings in C++ are objects and have many member functions
#include <string>
// Strings are also in the namespace std (standard library)
using namespace std;
string myString = "Hello";
// + is used for concatenation.
cout << myString + " You"; // "Hello You"
// C++ strings are mutable.
myString.append(" Dog");
In addition to pointers like the ones in C, C++ has references.
These are pointer types that cannot be reassigned once set and cannot be null.
They also have the same syntax as the variable itself:
- No * is needed for dereferencing and
- & (address of) is not used for assignment.
Q: 为什么c++ 有了指针还要引入 引用
- C++ inherited pointers from C , so I couldn't remove them without causing serious campatibility.
- References are useful for serval things, but the direct reason I introduced them in C++ was to support operator overloading.
- 其他好处
- 不担心 NULL 的问题,写代码方便(不需要 * 来 dereference )
Q: 为什么不能用指针实现 operator overloading?
- 因为 *pointer 这个表达式很有可能并不是直接取值的意思,因为* 也可能会被重载
using namespace std;
string foo = "I am foo";
string bar = "I am bar";
string& fooRef = foo; // This creates a reference to foo.
fooRef += ". Hi!"; // Modifies foo through the reference
cout << &fooRef << endl; //Prints the address of foo
fooRef = bar; // his is the same as "foo = bar", and foo == "I am bar"
cout << &fooRef << endl; //Still prints the address of foo
// Just work like string
// The address of fooRef remains the same, i.e. it is still referring to foo.
const string& barRef = bar; // Create a const reference to bar.
// Like C, const values (and pointers and references) cannot be modified.
barRef += ". Hi!"; // Error, const references cannot be modified.
- Enums are a way to assign a value to a constant most commonly used for
- easier visualization and reading of code
enum ECarTypes
ECarTypes GetPreferredCarType()
return ECarTypes::Hatchback;
- Classes are usually declared in header (.h or .hpp) files.
// Declare a class.
class Dog {
// Member variables and functions are private by default.
std::string name;
// Default constructor
// Note that we use std::string here instead of placing 'using namespace std;' above
// Never put a "using namespace" statement in a header.
// anyways you can put 'using namespace' if you insist ...
void setName(const std::string& dogsName);
// Functions that do not modify the state of the object
// should be marked as const.
// This allows you to call them if given a const reference to the object.
virtual void print() const;
// Functions can also be defined inside the class body.
// Functions defined as such are automatically 'inlined'.
void bark() const { std::cout << name << " barks!\n"; }
// destructors are called when an object is deleted or falls out of scope.
// The destructor should be virtual if a class is to be derived from;
// if it is not virtual, then the derived class' destructor will
// not be called if the object is destroyed through a base-class reference or pointer.
virtual ~Dog();
};// A semicolon must follow the class definition.
// Class member functions are usually implemented in .cpp files.
Dog::Dog() {
std::cout << "A dog has been constructed\n";
// Notice that "virtual" is only needed in the declaration, not the definition.
void Dog::print() const {
std::cout << "Dog is " << name << " and weighs " << weight << "kg\n";
Dog::~Dog() {
std::cout << "Goodbye " << name << "\n";
// Inheritance:
class OwnedDog : public Dog {
// Override the behavior of the print function for all OwnedDogs.
// The override keyword is optional but makes sure you are actually
// overriding the method in a base class.
void print() const override;
// Meanwhile, in the corresponding .cpp file:
void OwnedDog::print() const {
Dog::print(); // Call the print function in the base Dog class
std::cout << "Dog is owned by " << owner << "\n";
- In C++ you can overload the behavior of operators such as
+, -, *, /, etc
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Point {
// Member variables can be given default values in this manner.
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
// initialization list
// the proper way to initialize class member values
Point (double a, double b) :
{ /* Do nothing except initialize the values */ }
// Overload the + operator.
Point operator+(const Point& rhs) const;
// Overload the += operator
Point& operator+=(const Point& rhs);
Point Point::operator+(const Point& rhs) const {
// Create a new point that is the sum of this one and rhs.
return Point(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y);
Point& Point::operator+=(const Point& rhs) {
x += rhs.x;
y += rhs.y;
return *this;
- Templates in C++ are more powerful than generic constructs in other languages
- They also support explicit and partial specialization and functional-style type classes
- in fact, they are a Turing-complete functional language embedded in C++!
- To define a class or function that takes a type parameter:
template<class T>
class Box {
// In this class, T can be used as any other type.
void insert(const T&) { ... }
- During compilation, the compiler actually generates copies of each template with parameters substituted
Box<int> intBox;
// You can, of course, nest templates:
Box<Box<int> > boxOfBox;
// Until C++11, you had to place a space between the two '>'s, otherwise '>>'
// would be parsed as the right shift operator.
- You will sometimes see
template<typename T>
instead - The 'class' keyword and 'typename' keywords are mostly interchangeable in this case.
- Similarly, a template function:
template<class T>
void barkThreeTimes(const T& input)
- Template parameters don't have to be classes:
template<int Y>
void printMessage() {
cout << "Learn C++ in " << Y << " minutes!" << endl;
printMessage<20>(); // Prints "Learn C++ in 20 minutes!"
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
try {
// Do not allocate exceptions on the heap using _new_.
throw std::runtime_error("A problem occurred");
// Catch exceptions by const reference if they are objects
catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << ex.what();
// Catches any exception not caught by previous _catch_ blocks
catch (...) {
std::cout << "Unknown exception caught";
throw; // Re-throws the exception
- RAII stands for "Resource Acquisition Is Initialization".
- is the simple concept that a constructor for an object acquires that object's resources and the destructor releases them.
- To understand how this is useful, consider a function that uses a C file handle:
void doSomethingWithAFile(const char* filename) {
// To begin with, assume nothing can fail.
FILE* fh = fopen(filename, "r"); // Open the file in read mode.
fclose(fh); // Close the file handle.
- Unfortunately, things are quickly complicated by error handling
- C programmers often clean this up a little bit using goto:
- c++ exception handle make things a little cleaner, but still sub-optimal
- Compare this to the use of C++'s file stream class (fstream)
- fstream uses its destructor to close the file.
- Recall from above that destructors are automatically called
- whenever an object falls out of scope.
void doSomethingWithAFile(const std::string& filename) {
// ifstream is short for input file stream
std::ifstream fh(filename); // Open the file
// Do things with the file
} // The file is automatically closed here by the destructor
- All idiomatic C++ code uses RAII extensively for all resources.
- Additional examples include
- Memory using unique_ptr and shared_ptr
- Containers - the standard library linked list, vector (i.e. self-resizing array), hash maps, and so on
- all automatically destroy their contents when they fall out of scope.
- Mutexes using lock_guard and unique_lock
vector<pair<int, int> > tester;
tester.push_back(make_pair(3, 6));
tester.push_back(make_pair(1, 9));
tester.push_back(make_pair(5, 0));
sort(tester.begin(), tester.end(), [](const pair<int, int>& lhs, const pair<int, int>& rhs) {
return lhs.second < rhs.second;
: kind oflambda
in python- you can not use outside variable in lambda body
- you can capture the variable you want to use in
- It can be either:
- a value : [x]
- a reference : [&x]
- any variable currently in scope by reference [&]
- same as 3, but by value [=]
- you can capture the variable you want to use in
vector<int> dog_ids;
// number_of_dogs = 3;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int weight[3] = {30, 50, 10};
sort(dog_ids.begin(), dog_ids.end(), [&weight](const int &lhs, const int &rhs) {
return weight[lhs] < weight[rhs];
- same as in java
// You can use a range for loop to iterate over a container
int arr[] = {1, 10, 3};
for(int elem: arr){
cout << elem << endl;
- You can use "auto"
for(auto elem: arr) {
// Do something with each element of arr
- Conceptually, Tuples are similar to old data structures (C-like structs) but instead of having named data members,
- its elements are accessed by their order in the tuple.
// Packing values into tuple
auto first = make_tuple(10, 'A');
// Printing elements of 'first' tuple
cout << get<0>(first) << " " << get<1>(first) << "\n"; //prints : 10 A
// Unpacking tuple into variables
int first_int;
char first_char;
tie(first_int, first_char) = first;
// We can also create tuple like this.
tuple<int, char, double> third(11, 'A', 3.14141);
// tuple_cat concatenates the elements of all the tuples in the same order.
auto concatenated_tuple = tuple_cat(first, second, third);
// concatenated_tuple becomes = (10, 'A', 1e9, 15, 11, 'A', 3.14141)
- Vector (Dynamic array)
- Allow us to Define the Array or list of objects at run time
#include <vector>
vector<string> my_vector; // initialize the vector
for (int i = 0; i < my_vector.size(); i++) {
cout << my_vector[i] << endl; // for accessing a vector's element we can use the operator []
// or using an iterator:
vector<string>::iterator it; // initialize the iterator for vector
for (it = my_vector.begin(); it != my_vector.end(); ++it) {
cout << *it << endl;
- Set
set<int> ST; // Will initialize the set of int data type
ST.insert(30); // Will insert the value 30 in set ST
ST.erase(20); // Will erase element with value 20
cout << ST.size(); // will print the size of set ST
- Map
map<char, int> mymap;
// To find the value corresponding to a key
it = mymap.find('Z');