- U3D官方视频笔记
Manager of managers
- MainManager costomizes and manages all the submanagers
- Submanagers operate as singletons and can easily address each other or colaborate.
EventManager | Streamline messaging between classes |
AudioManager | COntrol audio playback from one place |
GUIManager | centralize the controls to handle clicks , etc. |
PoolManager | Persist perfab instances in RAM and display them as needed |
LevelManager | Queue up levels and perfrom transitions between them. |
GameManager | Manage the core game mechanics , usually project specific. |
SaveManager | Save and load user preference and achievements |
MenuManager | Controls all menus' animations,contents, and behaviors. |
- LevelManager
- PoolManager
- SaveManager
Issus 1: You need to know the scene name or the index of the scene which you want to load, but most probably the name or order will be changed later.
Issus 2: There's no simple method of passing arguments to a scene, eg, assuming you're resuing one scene for many different levels.
Application.LoadLevel("FirstLevel" ,
- Compose a configuration table
- Create a new API:
- manager the transitions between two levels easily
A simple pool design:
- Maintain a list of dormant(暂时不用的) objects
private List<GameObject> dormantObjects = new List<GameObject>();
- The list contains all different types of game objects/perfabs
- Spawn(), Despawn(), Trim()
pubic GameObject Spawn( GameObject go ) {
GameObject temp = nil;
if (dormantObjects.Count > 0) {
foreach ( GameObject dob in dormantObjects ) {
if (dob.name == go.name) {
// find an available GameObject
temp = dob ;
return temp ;
} // end if dob.name
} //end for
} // end if
//Now instantiate a new GameObject
temp = GameObject.Instantiate(go) as GameObject ;
temp.name = go.name ;
return temp ;
} // end func
public void Despawn( GameObject go ) {
go.transform.parent = PoolManager.transform ; // why shoud have this ?
go.SetActive( false );
dormantObjects.Add(go) ;
public void Trim() {
while ( dormantObjects.Count > Capacity ) {
GameObject dob = dormantObjects[0];
Destroy( dob ) ;
} // end while
} // end func
**A better design:
- PoolManger // top pool manager
- SpawnPool // for a type of prefabs
- PrefaPool // for a prefab
- Active instances
- Inactive instances
- PrefaPool // for a prefab
- SpawnPool // for a type of prefabs
- As a singleston.
- Manage multiple SpawnPools.
For prefab pool:
- Create a PrefabPool for each prefab.
- Maintain a list of activated objects and another list of deactive objects.
- Centrally manager the Load/Unload process here.
- Avoid setting an instance limitation number
- if really necessary, follow the following rules:
- Waits for 'cullDelay' in seconds and culls the 'despawned' list if above amount
- cull less 5 instances each time
- start a separate coroutine to do the culling work.
- Basic Structure
- The key triggers the value
Key | Value | Notes |
event | callback | an event triggers a callback |
interface | implementation | binds an interface to its implementation |
class | dependent class | the instantiation of one class trigger the instantiation of its dependent class |
- Simple format
- dispatcher.Dispatch( AttackEvent.FIRE_MISSILE );
- Event + Data
- dispatcher.Dispatch( AttackEvent.FIRE_MISSILE, orientation )
interface IMonster {
IWeapon weapon{get;set;}
class Monster:IMonster {
[Inject] // the magic word
public IWeapon weapon{get;set;}
- If you inject something, you have to map it, otherwise , it will result in null pointer errors
- Injection employs reflection, which is slow.
where to get ?
- Use C#
- Naming conventions
- Use descriptive name
- Logical folder structure
- Use named empty game objects as scene folders
- Use cache
- Cache component references ,
is slow - Cache objects references , GameObject.Find() is very slow
- Memory allocation with object pools
- Use sharing materials
- Cache component references ,
- Reasonable & strict
- Automatic tools
- Published by Unity
- Asset Store
- Free
Asset: Mesh,Material,Texture, Audio,etc...
- Assets
- 只有被引用的资源会被打包
- 适合存放静态资源
- 不能动态加载
- Resources
- 支持动态加载
- Resources.assets文件 (2G限制)
- 随安装包完全下载,无法动态更新
- StreamingAssets
- 保持文件原始格式
- 比如可以存放原始的jpg文件,而不导入成内部格式
- 随安装包完全下载,无法动态更新
- Application.streamingAssetsPath
- 保持文件原始格式
- AssetBundle
· | 动态加载 | 动态更新 | 本地缓存 |
Assets | No | No | N/A |
Resources | Yes | No | N/A |
AssetBundle | Yes | Yes | Yes |
StreamingAssets | Yes | No | N/A |
- Asset 的集合
- 压缩(缺省)
- 动态加载
- 动态更新
- Cube-> Mat <- Cylinder
- Asset Bundle 1
- Cube + Mat
- Asset Bundle 2
- Cylinder + Mat
- Asset Bundle 1 : Cube
- Asset Bundle 2 : Cylinder
- Asset Bundle 3 : Mat
- 尽可能的减少冗余资源
- 减少 AppSize , 减少网络下载流量
- 分类打包
- 按类型, 或者用途打包
- AssetBundle 大小尽量不超过1M
- 较少 IO 压力
public static string[] AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(string)
只考虑入度,直接打包 入度为0的资源,可以包含入度为1的资源。
但是入度 >= 2的资源有可能被重复打包:
入度为1的资源可以被自动打包到上一级的AB包中, 为避免入度为2的资源重复打包,需要将它单独放到一个AB包.
当前节点和父节点,共同拥有的依赖关系,可将2父节点的依赖关系删除, 比如 2 和 其父节点3 都依赖于 节点1,可以将 3-1的依赖关系删除:
- new WWW
- WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload
- AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory
- AssetBundle.CreateFromFile
需要先加载所依赖的AB包, 然后再加载自身。
通过 Reference Count 来判断是否需要卸载一个AB包
BuildAssetBundle() 方法内部有处理依赖关系,但是不能完全避免资源重复.
- 仍需通过依赖关系图去分析
- 生成Asset 到AssetBundle的关系映射
- 分析结果生成AssetBundleBuild
- 不再需要push / pop 依赖关系
- 不需要通过图的遍历逐个生成AB包
- 只需要找到入度为0和 入度>=2 的资源节点,一次性发送到BuildAssetBundles 处理
避免 AssetBundle 过大
如果两个资源拥有相同的 入度和出度(资源)依赖,则可以合并: