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Balanced Search Trees

Operations and Applications

What's balanced search Tree ? I recommend thinking about it as a dynamic version of a sorted array.

BST likes sorted array + fast(logarithmic) insertions and deletions.

RANK: how many keys stored in the data structure are less than or equal a given value.

Operation sorted array BST heap Hash
search θ(logn) O(logn) ok
select (iᵗʰ) O(1) O(logn),up from O(1)
min/max O(1) O(logn),up from O(1) only support MIN or MAX at 1 time
pred/succ O(1) O(logn),up from O(1)
RANK O(logn) O(logn)
output in sorted order O(n) O(n)
insertion unacceptable O(logn) O(logn) Really good
deletion unacceptable O(logn) O(logn) Really good

注意 这里BST 的 O(lgn)算法都是 balanced search tree.

普通的binary search tree, 这些操作都是 O(n) , 实际中 复杂度依赖于 h: heigt of the tree, and h≈lgn if keys inserted in random order !!!

Binary Search Tree Basic

BST Structure

  • exactly one node per key
  • most basic version each node has:
    • left child pointer
    • right child pointer
    • parent pointer (root has null )

Search Tree Property

  • any arbitrary node of tree with key x
  • all keys in left subtree < x . (<= if duplicate key allowed)
  • all keys in right subtree > x . (>= if duplicate key allowed)

The Height of a BST

  • many possible search trees for a set of keys
  • height could be anywhere from ≈ logn to ≈ n
    • height=logn , best case perfectly balanced
    • height=n, worst case a chain

To Search for key k in Tree T

for simplicity the first think about the case where there are no duplicated keys.

- start at the root
- traverse left/right child pointer as need
- return node with key k or NULL

To Insert a new key k into a tree T

- search for k (unsuccessfully because assuming no dup)
- rewire final NULL ptr to point to new node with key k

Binary Search Tree Basic 2

Q: What's the worst-case running time of Search(or Insert) operation in a binary search tree containing n keys ?

A: θ(height)

Min, Max

To compute the minimum key of A tree:

minimum key is always at the left most offspring , so just follow the left child pointers.

- start at root
- follow left child pointer 
    unitl you can't go anymore
    (return last key found)

maximum key is always at the right most offspring, so just follow the right child pointers.

Predecessor , Succ

Predecessor: given key in the tree, find the next smallest element. eg. show as the pic above, the pred of 3 is 2.

To compute the predecessor of key k:

  • easy case: if k's left subtree non-empty
    • return max key in left subtree
  • otherwise: follow parent pointers unitl get to a key less than k


Q: What's the worst-case running time of Max operation in a binary search tree containing n keys ?

A: θ(height)

In-order Traversal

To print out keys in increasing order

- let r = root of BST, with subtress T_l and T_r
- recurse on T_l  #print keys in order
- print key of root
- recurse on T_r  #print keys in order

处理方法近似分治法的思想,每个 recursive call 实际只是 print key of the root, it n(1) , and every key will be printed only once. so the Running time is O(n).


In most data structions, deletion is the most difficult operation , and in search trees there is no exception.

To delete a key from a BST

  • search for k # find where it is
  • EASY CASE ( k's node has no children )
    • just delete the k's node from tree
  • MEDIUM CASE ( k's node has 1 child )
    • delete the node that you want to delete, that creates a hole in the tree, the unique child will take that hole.
  • DIFFICULT CASE ( k's node has 2 children )
    • compute k's predecessor l
    • SWAP k and l , NOTE definitly new position k has no right child , now k's node has 1 or 0 child , we know how to delete it already.

Runnint time: θ(height)

Select and Rank

IDEA: store a little bit of extra info about each tree node about the tree itself .

Example Augmentation:

size(x) = number of tree nodes in subtrees rooted at x.

Note: if x has children y and z , then size(y) + size(z) + 1 equals size(x).

How to select iᵗʰ ordered statistic from augmented searth tree (with subtree sizes)

- start at root x, with children y and z
- let size_leftChild = size(y) # size_leftChild=0 if x has no left child
- if size_leftChild=i-1 return key of x  #BEST CASE
- if size_leftChild> i-1 , recursively compute iᵗʰ ordered statistic of search tree rooted at y
- if size_leftChild < i-1 recursively compute (i-1 -size_leftChild)ᵗʰ ordered statistic of search tree rooted at z

Runnint time: θ(height)

Red-Black Tree

红黑树(Red Black Tree) 是一种自平衡二叉查找树,是在计算机科学中用到的一种数据结构,典型的用途是实现关联数组。


The running time of all of operations of search trees depends on the height of tree. It's so important to have a small height.

IDEA: ensure the height always O(logn) [best possible] => Search / Insert / Delete / Min / Max / Pred / Succ will then run in O(logn) time [n=#keys in tree]

Example : red-black trees

Red Black Invariants

  1. each node red or black
  2. root is black
  3. no 2 reds in a row
    • red nodes => only black children
  4. every path you might take from a root to a null pointer , passes through exactly the same number of black nodes.
    • root null path: like as an unsuccessful search
    • any unsuccusful search you pass through the same number of black nodes

Claim: a chain of length 3 can not be a RBT.

Proof: There is 3 nodes in the tree. The 1st has to be black, so there is 4 possible ways to color the 2nd and 3rd: BB, BR, RB, RR. But really , beacuse of the third invariant , RR is not allowd. If we color 2nd red and 3rd black, the invariant broken: when search 0, you pass through 1 black node, when search 4, you pass through 2 black nodes. Also the BB and BR will lead to same result. so proved.

Height Guarantee

*Claim: every red-black tree with n nodes has height <= 2log(n+1).


  • size n> 2ᵏ-1 , where k = minimum #nodes of root-null path (in a binary tree).
    • => k<=log₂(n+1)
  • Thus, in a red-black tree with n nodes, therer is a root-null path with at most log₂(n+1) black nodes.
  • By 4th invariant: every root-null path has <=log₂(n+1) black nodes.
  • By 3rd invariant: every root-null path has <= 2log₂(n+1) total nodes.
    • black nodes are a majority of nodes in the tree. So if we know the number of black nodes is small, then because you can't have two reds in a row, the number of total nodes on the path is at most twice as large (BRBRB...).

这些约束强制了红黑树的关键性质: 从根到叶子的最长的可能路径不多于最短的可能路径的两倍长。






  • KEY PRIMITIVE: Rotations
    • common to all balanced search tree implementations - red-black, AVL, B+ , etc
  • IDEA: locally re-balance subtrees at a node in O(1) time.

left Rotation

  • left Rotation: of the parent x , and right child y

currently x is the parent and y is the child. We want to rewire a few pointers so that y is the parent and x is the child. Because x<y , So if x will be a child of y, it's got to be the left child.

  • x's parent p
    • y will inherit x's parent p
  • subtrees A,B,C:
    • after y becoming x's child , there is 3 child slot left for A,B,C
    • A < x and y, so A should be x's left child (no change)
    • C > x and y, so C should be y's right child (no change)
    • B used to be y's left child, but now x is y's left child, so the only hope is to slot B into the only space we have is x's right child. Fortunately for us this acctually works.

Right Rotation

Rotation Running Time:

search tree property invariant, can implement in O(1) time.

Insertion in a Red-Black Tree

IDEA for insertion/deletion:

proceed as in a normal binary search tree, then recolor and perform rotations until invariants are restored.

Insert x:

  1. insert x ans usual (make x a leaf) y->x
  2. try coloring x red
    • when we colorize x, it has potential to break the invariants. if we color x red, 3rd invariant may be broken; if we color x black, 4th invariant may be broken.
    • 插入黑点会增加某条路径上黑结点的数目,从而导致整棵树黑高度的不平衡
  3. if x's parent y is black , done.
  4. else y is red.
    • if y is red, it should be the root, y must have a parent, we call it w , y has a black parent w.
  5. there is 2 different cases:
    • case 1: the other child z of w is also red
    • solution: recolor y,z black, w red
    • 但由于w 的父节点有可能为红色,从而违反红黑树性质。此时必须将 w节点作为新的判定点继续向上传播进行平衡操作。

    • case 2: the other child z of w is NULL or black
    • solution: recoloring, rotations. 红黑树插入