A simple module (one fonction, really) to load the mixed-unit version of Exiobase as a PyMRIO object.
Only applies to the symmetric input-output (HIOT) version 3.3.17 of Hybrid Exiobase.
import mixedunit_pymrio_loader as ml
io = ml.load_pxp_io('path-to-data-directory', version='3.3.17')
Note that, as the original exiobase files are saved as .xlsb
file, the function depends on version~1.0 of pandas
and on pyxlsb
If we save the original files (.xlsb) as OfficeOpen XML files (.xls):
import mixedunit_pymrio_loader as ml
io = ml.load_pxp_io('path-to-data-directory', version='3.3.17', file_format='xlsx')