#The libraries
Mailjet maintains several wrappers and resources to make your life easier:
- PHP : github
- NodeJs : ES5 github, ES6 github
- Ruby : github
- Python : github
- Golang : github
- Java : github
You can find even more usefull tools and plugins on the Mailjet GitHub
We welcome any contribution to these repositories.
Please follow the following intruction to make it easier to process your improvements :
- Fork the project.
- Create a topic branch.
- Implement your feature or bug fix.
- Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
- Commit and push your changes.
- Submit a pull request
Please do not include changes to the gemspec (Ruby), or version files.
Make sure that you don't share your private credentials when pushing your codeTest the Event API in 3 easy steps. Built in ReactJS and Golang
Check out a simple example of NodeJS implementation.
This is a messaging app example which lets a group of people communicate together. If a user tagged in a message is currently offline, he’ll receive an email notification so that he won’t miss a beat and can reply (directly by email) even if he wants to stay offline.
This demo uses Mailjet Parse API, ReactJS and NodeJS.