Releases: mailgun/mailgun-php
Release 2.2.0
We created a new API.
See Readme and change log for changes
Release 2.1.2
- Bug fixes with multiple recipients, inline images and attachments.
- Added more tests
- Using PSR-2 code style
Update dependencies
Security fixes, doc fixes and no dependency on Guzzle
Migrate to PHP-HTTP, accept general HTTP client interface
Mailgun API and GuzzleHttp bump, Travis-CI fixes, PHP version bump
- Updated to Guzzle5 (#79: @Nyholm)
- Updated default API version from v2 to v3 (#75: @Ezo)
- Show response message on 400, 401 and 404. (#72: @CupOfTea696)
- PHP DocBlocks, Constants Changes, and Minor Refactors (#66: @cerealean)
- Added PHP 7.0 support for Travis-CI, removed PHP 5.3 support (#79: @Nyholm)
Thanks for the contributions, everybody!
Bug Fixes and New Features
Added webhook signature verification - (#50: @gmacon)
Test PHP 5.6 and HHVM - (#51: @Nyholm)
Improved error handling - (#48: @nathanntg)
Fixed attachment handling in Message Builder - (#56 @jchamberlain)
Allow any data type in custom data - (#57: @jchamberlain)
Return non-JSON response data - (#60: @jchamberlain)
Removed legacy closing braces - (#64: @travelton)
General Improvements
Improved security of OptInHandler - (#31: @travelton)
Fixed typo for including an Exception - (#41: @Milannv)
Fixed Mocks, removed unnecessary code, applied styling - (#44 & #42: @icambridge)
Less restrictive Guzzle requirement - (#45: @Frisvold)
Fixed Aggregation Bug
patched bug for attachments related to duplicate aggregator bug in Guzzle (#32 @travelton)
Fixed Aggregation Bug
- patched bug for attachments related to duplicate aggregator bug in Guzzle (#32 @travelton)