This is a repository for subject "Software Engineering". Its Part of a whole Software Developement Project. The first part of the project was to make a requirements document for a Tool that can create a requirements document. The second part was to create a specification for the tool. This GitHub Repository is the third part of the project, where some aspacts has to be implemented. The Software hast to take product data, product function, product use, product environment and target use. From that data, the software has to calculate the effort with the function point method, and also can optimize it's parameters as best as it can be.
This Read Me will show you how to use this kind of repository and where you sould get started to understand, how this software is designed.
If you want to use this repo, please clone it first. To get things startet, get into .\Dokumentation there you will find the Aufgabenstellung.pdf In this Document all Requirements are written down, that has to be implemented. The documentation for the whole project is in german. In Dokumentation-Case-Tool.pdf you will find the whole documentation for this project. There you will find further information on how you can run this Programm.
We recommand you to use IntelliJ Idea to compile this project. But if you better with the usage of other java ide's then use it.