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base repository: maidsafe/qp2p
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base: v0.11.5
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head repository: maidsafe/qp2p
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compare: v0.11.6
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  • 3 commits
  • 5 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Apr 7, 2021

  1. fix(bootstrap): fix stalled connections w/multiple bootstrap contacts

    When multiple bootstrap contacts are used the first successful
    connection is considered and the rest is disregarded. This results in
    unfinished connection attempts that are left lingering in the connection
    de-duplicator and connection pool. This fix introduces
    Endpoint::new_connection that creates a fresh connection
    disregarding the de-duplication of connections that is used by the
    bootstrap function which then only saves the successful connection in the pool
    lionel-faber authored and S-Coyle committed Apr 7, 2021
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    cd02b6a View commit details
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  2. Configuration menu
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    cbc96df View commit details
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  3. chore(release): 0.11.6

    actions-user authored and MaidSafe-QA committed Apr 7, 2021
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    06ddd1c View commit details
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