Two deployment options are suggested here to deploy an openshift origin provider for ManageIQ:
- using openshift-ansible to deploy RPM packages on a cluster
- using minishift to deploy openshift source to a vm
You can also use oc cluster up
and configure it yourself (instructions not
provided) as another alternative.
Get openshift-ansible:
$ git clone
Generate an ssh key if needed:
$ ssh-keygen
Configure ssh key authentication to all the machines:
$ ssh-copy-id root@hostname
The inventory file describes all the nodes and masters in the cluster. A simple example file for a cluster composed of two machines (Master and Node):
master_hostname openshift_scheduleable=True
There are more like variables like use_metrics
to enable other options in
OpenShift. A more detailed example can be found in
. Specifically, to deploy metrics and
logging use openshift_hosted_metrics_deploy=True
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/byo/config.yml -i path/to/inventory/file
For a simple single host setup for working with the openshift provider locally,
you can use minishift
to run a
local openshift 3.x instance.
>= 1.0.0.rc1 (Installation Instructions)- Virtualization host of your choice (see supported hypervisors here)
Since VirtualBox is a consistent hypervisor across all platforms, this guide will assume that is being used, and updates to some commands might be necessary (most commands should be virtualization software agnostic and work regardless of the hypervisor).
Download and enable the manageiq addon for minishift:
$ mkdir -p ~/minishift/addons $ git clone ~/minishift/addons/manageiq $ minishift addons install --force ~/minishift/addons/manageiq $ minishift addons enable manageiq
Start minishift:
$ minishift start --vm-driver virtualbox --openshift-version "v3.6.1"
You might want to add
--metrics --memory 5G
. As of this writing that only supports hawkular and doesn't work on 3.7.0.See for possible versions.
Grab the minishift IP:
$ minishift ip
to your PATH, configured to the cluster (auto-detects correct shell):$ eval $(minishift oc-env) $ eval $(minishift docker-env)
Grab the token to access openshift through
:$ oc login -u system:admin $ oc sa get-token -n management-infra management-admin
Configure a provider in ManageIQ, filling in your token and IP where appropriate:
$ bin/rails c irb> token = '<<YOUR_TOKEN_FROM_ABOVE_HERE>>' irb> host = '<<YOUR_IP_FROM_ABOVE_HERE>>' irb> os = ManageIQ::Providers::Openshift::ContainerManager irb> os.create(:name => "Minishift", :hostname => host, :port => 8443, :ipaddress => host, :zone => Zone.first, :storage_profiles => [], :security_protocol => "ssl-without-validation") irb> os.last.update_authentication(:bearer => {:auth_key => token, :save => true})
Or through the UI if you prefer.
If you want to develop with an OpenShift 4 provider, CodeReady Containers (CRC) is a great option. It provides all of benefits as minishift (a simple single vm openshift on your development machine) but is an OpenShift v4 cluster.
CodeReady Containers
(Installation Instructions)- A compatible Operating System and the Required software packages
Download ane extract the latest release of CRC
tar xfJ crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz
Copy the crc binary to a location on your PATH
sudo cp crc-linux-1.8.0-amd64/crc /usr/local/bin which crc /usr/local/bin/crc
Setup and start CRC (it will ask for an image pull secret which you can get from
crc setup INFO Checking if oc binary is cached ... Setup is complete, you can now run 'crc start' to start the OpenShift cluster crc start ... ? Image pull secret [? for help]
Login to the cluster with
, the command will be printed whencrc start
finishes or you can callcrc console --credentials
crc console --credentials oc login -u kubeadmin -p KUBEADMING_PASSWORD https://api.crc.testing:6443
Now you can setup the management-infra/management-admin service account for use with ManageIQ
git clone /tmp/manageiq_crc oc adm new-project management-infra --description="Management-Infrastructure" oc create serviceaccount management-admin -n management-infra oc create -f /tmp/manageiq_crc/management-infra-admin-cluster-role.json oc policy add-role-to-user -n management-infra admin -z management-admin oc policy add-role-to-user -n management-infra management-infra-admin -z management-admin oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:management-infra:management-admin oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:management-infra:management-admin oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:management-infra:inspector-admin oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:management-infra:inspector-admin oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner system:serviceaccount:management-infra:management-admin
Grab the console IP address and token to acess CRC through
cluster_ip=$(crc ip) service_account_token=$(oc sa get-token -n management-infra management-admin)
Configure a provider in ManageIQ
rails r "ManageIQ::Providers::Openshift::ContainerManager.create!(:name => 'CRC', :hostname => '$cluster_ip', :port => 6443, :zone => Zone.visible.first, :security_protocol => 'ssl-without-validation').update_authentication(:bearer => {:auth_key => '$service_account_token'})"
ManageIQ/manageiq-providers-openshift#75 added a script that creates things from template, records 1st vcr, deletes some things, records 2nd.
Currently if you want to copy VCR to manageiq-providers-kubernetes, the spec there assumes Hawkular metrics were running.
Easiest to use script with minishift/crc.
in your PATH. As described above, including manageiq addon. Don't need--metrics
. -
Alternatively bring your own openshift. Set
env var. Performoc login
as a user havingcluster-admin
Then run in manageiq-providers-openshift repo:
You may need to adjust specs if object counts and/or names changed (ideally, figure out why and how to make it more reproducible).
There are text files near the .yml files that help tracking what changed vs previous VCRs, commit them together.