- 👋 Hi, I’m Haitong Ma @mahaitongdae. DAE represents the old name of my undergraduate department, department of automotive engineering. It is now School of Vehicle and Mobility at Tsinghua University. After graduating from Tsinghua University, I am fortunate to pursue my PhD at Harvard SEAS working with Prof. Na Li.
- 👀 I’m interested in the intersection between control, learning and optimization, and broad areas where these techniques could be applied to.
- 📄 My previous research mostly focus on developing provable learning-based safety guarantees for dynamical systems (by CBF or reachability analysis) using reinforcement learning.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about the crazyflies, which is an open-sourced quadrotor developed by Bitcraze.
- 📫 Feel free to reach me through issues and email!