File tree
1,905 files changed
lines changed- app/code/Magento
- AdminAnalytics/Test/Unit/Condition
- AdminNotification/Test/Unit/Model
- System/Message
- Media/Synchronization
- AdvancedPricingImportExport/Test/Unit/Model/Import
- AdvancedPricing
- Validator
- AdvancedSearch/Test/Unit/Model
- Indexer/Fulltext/Plugin
- ResourceModel
- Analytics/Test/Unit
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Reports
- Subscription
- Cron
- Model
- Config
- Connector
- Http
- Client
- Plugin
- System/Message
- ReportXml
- DB
- Assembler
- AsynchronousOperations/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/Bulk/Details
- Model
- Entity
- ResourceModel/System/Message/Collection/Synchronized
- Authorization/Test/Unit/Model
- AwsS3/Test/Unit/Driver
- Backend/Test/Unit
- App
- Action/Plugin
- Block
- Cache
- Store
- Widget
- Grid
- Column
- Filter
- Renderer
- Radio
- Massaction
- Console/Command
- Controller/Adminhtml/Auth
- Helper
- Model
- Auth
- Config/SessionLifetime
- Dashboard/Chart
- Menu
- Config
- Item
- Validator
- Widget/Grid
- Setup
- Backup/Test/Unit/Model
- Bundle/Test/Unit
- Block
- Adminhtml/Sales/Order
- Items
- View/Items
- Sales/Order/Items
- Model
- Option
- Plugin
- Product
- Quote/Item
- Option
- ResourceModel/Selection/Collection
- Sales/Order/Pdf/Items
- Pricing/Price
- Ui/DataProvider/Product/Modifier
- Captcha/Test/Unit
- Cron
- Model
- Checkout
- Config
- Form
- Customer/Plugin
- Observer
- CardinalCommerce/Test/Unit/Model
- Response
- Catalog/Test/Unit
- Block
- Adminhtml/Product
- Edit/Tab
- Helper/Form
- Category/Rss
- Product
- Compare
- ProductList
- Rss/Product
- Widget
- Controller
- Adminhtml
- Category
- Image
- Product
- Attribute
- Initialization
- Helper
- Category
- Helper
- Product
- Model
- Attribute
- Backend
- Config
- Category
- Attribute/Backend
- Config/CatalogClone/Media
- Indexer
- Category
- Flat
- Plugin
- System/Config
- Product/Plugin
- Product
- Eav
- Flat
- Plugin
- System/Config
- Price/Plugin
- Layer
- Category
- Filter
- DataProvider
- Product
- Attribute
- Backend
- Frontend/InputType
- Source
- Filter
- Image
- Option/Validator
- Price
- Validation
- ProductList
- Type
- Webapi
- Rest
- ProductOptions/Config
- ProductTypes
- Config
- ResourceModel
- Attribute
- Product
- View/Asset
- Observer
- Pricing
- Price
- Render
- Ui
- Component
- Listing/Columns
- Product
- DataProvider
- Product
- Form/Modifier
- Modifier
- ViewModel/Product
- Checker
- CatalogGraphQl/Test/Unit/Model
- Config
- Resolver/Product/Price
- CatalogImportExport/Test/Unit/Model/Import
- Product
- Type
- Validator
- CatalogInventory/Test/Unit
- Block/Stockqty
- Helper
- Model
- Config/Backend
- Indexer/Stock/Plugin
- Plugin
- Spi
- Stock
- Ui/Component/Product/Form/Element
- CatalogRule/Test/Unit
- Cron
- Helper
- Model
- Indexer
- Product
- Rule
- Product
- Rule/Condition
- CatalogRuleConfigurable/Test/Unit/Plugin/CatalogRule/Model/Rule
- CatalogSearch/Test/Unit
- Block
- Model
- Indexer/Fulltext/Plugin
- Store
- Layer/Filter
- ResourceModel
- Setup
- Search/Request
- CatalogUrlRewrite/Test/Unit
- Model
- Category/Plugin
- Storage
- Observer
- Plugin/Catalog/Block/Adminhtml/Category/Tab
- CatalogWidget/Test/Unit/Model/Rule/Condition
- Checkout/Test/Unit
- Block
- Cart
- Checkout
- Controller/Index
- Helper
- Model
- Backpressure
- Cart
- StoreSwitcher
- Type
- CheckoutAgreements/Test/Unit/Model
- Cms/Test/Unit
- Model
- Block/Source
- Page/Source
- PageRepository
- Validator
- ResourceModel
- Block
- Page
- Query
- Wysiwyg
- Images
- Ui/Component/Listing/Column
- CmsUrlRewrite/Test/Unit/Observer
- Config/Test/Unit
- App/Config/Source
- Block/System/Config
- Form
- Fieldset/Modules
- Console/Command/ConfigSet
- Model
- Config
- Backend
- Email
- Export
- Reader/Source/Deployed
- Structure
- Element/Dependency
- ElementVisibility
- Mapper
- Helper
- Placeholder
- ConfigurableImportExport/Test/Unit/Model/Export
- ConfigurableProduct/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/Product/Edit/Tab/Variations/Config
- Helper
- Model
- Plugin
- Product
- Configuration/Item
- Type
- Quote/Item/QuantityValidator/Initializer/Option/Plugin
- ResourceModel/Product
- Observer
- Plugin
- Catalog/Model/Product/Pricing/Renderer
- Model/Order/Invoice
- Pricing
- Price
- Render
- Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier
- ConfigurableProductGraphQl/Test/Unit/Plugin/Quote
- ConfigurableProductSales/Test/Unit/ViewModel
- Contact/Test/Unit
- Controller/Index
- Model
- Plugin/UserDataProvider
- Cookie/Test/Unit/Model/Config/Backend
- Cron/Test/Unit
- Console/Command
- Model/Config
- Customer/Test/Unit
- Block
- Account
- Dashboard
- Adminhtml
- Edit
- Tab/View
- Grid/Renderer
- From/Element/Newsletter
- Form
- Widget
- Controller
- Account
- Plugin
- Helper
- Model
- Account
- Address
- Config
- Attribute/Backend
- Backend
- Customer
- Data
- Metadata/Form
- Plugin
- Renderer
- ResourceModel
- Address
- StoreSwitcher
- Validator
- Observer
- Plugin
- Setup
- Ui/Component
- DataProvider
- Listing
- Column
- Filter
- ViewModel/Customer
- CustomerImportExport/Test/Unit/Model
- Import
- ResourceModel/Import/CustomerComposite
- Deploy/Test/Unit
- Console/Command/App
- Model/DeploymentConfig
- Developer/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/System/Config
- Console/Command
- Helper
- Model
- Config/Backend
- TemplateEngine/Plugin
- Dhl/Test/Unit/Model/Validator
- Directory/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- Config/Source
- Currency/Import
- ResourceModel/Country
- Downloadable/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- File
- Link
- Product
- TypeHandler
- TypeTransitionManager/Plugin
- Sales/Order/Link
- Sample
- Observer
- Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier
- Data
- DownloadableImportExport/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model/Import/Product/Type
- Eav/Test/Unit/Model
- Attribute/Data
- Entity
- Attribute
- Backend
- Config
- Frontend
- Collection
- Increment
- ResourceModel
- Attribute
- Validator/Attribute
- Elasticsearch/Test/Unit
- ElasticAdapter/Model/Adapter/FieldMapper/Product/FieldProvider
- FieldIndex
- FieldType/Resolver
- Model
- Adapter
- FieldMapper
- Product/FieldProvider
- FieldIndex
- FieldName/Resolver
- FieldType
- Resolver
- Index
- Config/Backend
- Indexer/Fulltext/Plugin/Category/Product
- ResourceModel
- Fulltext/Collection
- SearchAdapter/Query
- Builder
- ValueTransformer
- Elasticsearch7/Test/Unit/Model
- Adapter/FieldMapper/Product/FieldProvider/FieldName/Resolver
- Client
- SearchAdapter/Aggregation
- Email/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/Template
- Model
- Mail
- Template
- Config
- ViewModel/Template/Preview
- Fedex/Test/Unit
- Model
- Config/Backend
- Source
- Plugin/Block
- DataProviders/Tracking
- Tracking
- GiftMessage/Test/Unit
- Block/Cart/Item/Renderer/Actions
- Model/Type/Plugin
- Observer
- GoogleAdwords/Test/Unit/Model/Filter
- GoogleAnalytics/Test/Unit/Helper
- GoogleGtag/Test/Unit/Model/Config
- GoogleOptimizer/Test/Unit
- Observer
- Category
- CmsPage
- Product
- Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier
- GraphQl/Test/Unit
- Model
- Backpressure
- Config
- Plugin
- GraphQlCache/Test/Unit/Model
- GroupedCatalogInventory/Test/Unit/Plugin
- GroupedImportExport/Test/Unit/Model/Import/Product/Type/Grouped
- GroupedProduct/Test/Unit
- Block
- Adminhtml/Product/Composite/Fieldset
- Product/View/Type
- Model/Product
- Initialization/Helper/ProductLinks/Plugin
- Type/Grouped
- ImportExport/Test/Unit
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Export/File
- History
- Helper
- Model
- Export
- Config
- Import
- Config
- Entity
- ErrorProcessing
- Source
- Source/Export
- Indexer/Test/Unit
- App
- Console/Command
- Controller/Adminhtml/Indexer
- Model
- Indexer
- Ui/DataProvider/Indexer
- InstantPurchase/Test/Unit
- Block
- CustomerData
- Integration/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml
- Integration/Edit/Tab
- Widget/Grid/Column/Renderer
- Helper
- Model
- Config
- Consolidated
- Integration
- UserToken
- Oauth
- JwtFrameworkAdapter/Test/Unit/Model
- MediaContentSynchronization/Test/Integration/Model
- MediaContentSynchronizationCatalog/Test/Integration/Model/Synchronizer
- MediaGallery/Test/Unit
- Model
- Asset/Command
- Keyword/Command
- ResourceModel
- Keyword
- Plugin/Wysiwyg/Images
- MediaGalleryMetadata/Test/Integration/Model
- Gif/Segment
- Jpeg/Segment
- Png/Segment
- MediaGalleryRenditions/Test/Integration/Model
- MediaGallerySynchronization/Test/Integration/Model
- Filesystem
- MediaGalleryUi/Test/Unit/Model
- Model/Directories
- MediaStorage/Test/Unit
- App
- Helper/File
- Storage
- Model/File/Validator
- Msrp/Test/Unit/Pricing
- Multishipping/Test/Unit
- Block/Checkout/Address
- Helper
- Model
- Cart
- Checkout/Type
- Multishipping
- Payment/Method/Specification
- Plugin
- NewRelicReporting/Test/Unit
- Model
- Module
- Observer
- Plugin
- Newsletter/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/Template/Grid/Renderer
- Model
- Plugin
- OfflinePayments/Test/Unit
- Block/Info
- Model
- Observer
- OfflineShipping/Test/Unit/Model
- Carrier
- ResourceModel/Carrier/Tablerate/CSV
- PageCache/Test/Unit
- App
- Block
- Controller/Block
- Model
- App
- FrontController
- Response
- Cache
- Controller/Result
- Layout
- System/Config/Backend
- Observer
- Payment/Test/Unit
- Block
- Info
- Transparent
- Gateway
- Data
- Order
- Quote
- Request
- Validator
- Model
- Cart/SalesModel
- Method
- Plugin
- Paypal/Test/Unit
- Block
- Adminhtml
- Order
- Store
- System/Config
- Field
- Fieldset
- Multiselect
- Express
- Controller/Express
- Helper
- Shortcut
- Model
- Api
- Config
- Rules
- Structure
- Element
- Express
- Method/Checks
- Payflow
- Service
- Response
- Handler
- Validator
- Report/Settlement
- Observer
- Persistent/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- Checkout
- Customer
- Observer
- ProductAlert/Test/Unit/Block
- Email
- Product/View
- ProductVideo/Test/Unit/Model/Plugin/Catalog/Product/Gallery
- Quote/Test/Unit
- Model
- Backpressure
- Cart
- Product/Plugin
- Quote
- Address
- Total
- Item
- Option
- ShippingAssignment
- ResourceModel
- Observer/Backend
- ReleaseNotification/Test/Unit/Model
- Condition
- ContentProvider/Http
- RemoteStorage/Test/Unit
- Driver/Adpater/Cache
- Plugin
- Setup
- Reports/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml
- Grid
- Column/Renderer
- Sales
- Coupons
- Grid/Column/Renderer
- Model/ResourceModel
- Report
- Observer
- Review/Test/Unit
- Block
- Product
- Model
- Rule/Test/Unit/Model/Condition
- Product
- Sales/Test/Unit
- Block
- Adminhtml
- Items
- Column
- Order
- Comments
- Create
- Items
- Sidebar
- Creditmemo/Create
- Invoice
- Totals
- View
- Tab
- Items
- Order
- Create
- Email/Items
- Controller/Adminhtml/Order
- Create
- Creditmemo
- Helper
- Model
- Config
- Backend
- Email
- Grid
- Order
- Address
- Creditmemo
- Comment
- Total
- Validation
- Grid/Row
- Invoice
- Comment
- Grid/Row
- Plugin
- Total
- Payment
- Operations
- State
- Transaction
- Pdf/Config
- Shipment
- Comment
- Track
- Webapi
- Reorder
- ResourceModel
- Order/Handler
- Rss
- Observer
- Backend
- Frontend
- Plugin/Model/Export
- Ui/Component/Listing/Column
- SalesInventory/Test/Unit/Model
- Order
- Plugin/Order/Validation
- SalesRule/Test/Unit
- Block/Rss
- Model
- Coupon
- Usage
- Quote
- ResourceModel
- Rule
- Action/Discount
- Condition/Product
- Observer
- SampleData/Test/Unit
- Console/Command
- Model
- Search/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- Search
- Security/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/Session
- Model
- Plugin
- ResourceModel/PasswordResetRequestEvent
- SendFriend/Test/Unit
- Block
- Plugin/Catalog/Product
- Model
- Shipping/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- Sitemap/Test/Unit/Model/ItemProvider
- Store/Test/Unit
- App
- Config
- Source
- Type
- Request
- Response
- Model
- Address
- Config
- HeaderProvider
- StoreSwitcher
- System
- Validation
- Ui/Component/Listing/Column
- StoreGraphQl/Test/Unit
- Swagger/Test/Unit/Model
- SwaggerWebapi/Test/Unit/Model/SchemaType
- SwaggerWebapiAsync/Test/Unit/Model/SchemaType
- Swatches/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml
- Attribute/Edit/Options
- Product/Attribute/Edit
- Controller/Adminhtml/Iframe
- Helper
- Model
- Plugin
- Observer
- Tax/Test/Unit
- App/Action
- Block
- Adminhtml/Rule/Edit
- Checkout
- Grid/Renderer
- Item/Price
- CustomerData
- Helper
- Model
- Calculation
- Quote
- ResourceModel
- Sales/Order
- Sales
- Order
- Total/Quote
- System/Message
- Notification
- TaxClass
- Source
- Observer
- Pricing
- Render
- Theme/Test/Unit
- Block
- Adminhtml
- System/Design/Theme
- Wysiwyg/Files
- Html
- Console/Command
- Controller
- Adminhtml/System/Design/Theme
- Result
- Helper
- Model
- Config
- Processor
- Design
- Backend
- Config
- DataProvider
- Plugin
- Theme
- Domain
- Plugin
- Url/Plugin
- View
- Ui/Component/Listing/Column
- ViewModel/Block/Html/Header
- Translation/Test/Unit/Model
- Js
- Json
- Ui/Test/Unit
- Component
- Control
- Filters
- Type
- Form
- Element/DataType
- Media
- Field
- Listing/Columns
- Config/Converter
- Controller
- Adminhtml/Index
- Index
- DataProvider
- Modifier
- Model
- Export
- Ups/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- Config/Backend
- Plugin/Block/DataProviders/Tracking
- UrlRewrite/Test/Unit
- Controller
- Helper
- Model
- ResourceModel
- User/Test/Unit/Controller/Adminhtml/User
- Usps/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Model
- Config/Backend
- Source
- Variable/Test/Unit
- Controller/Adminhtml/System/Variable
- Model
- Config/Structure
- Vault/Test/Unit
- Model
- Method
- Ui
- Adminhtml
- Observer
- Plugin
- Webapi/Test/Unit
- Controller
- Rest
- Model/Rest/Swagger
- WebapiAsync/Test/Unit/Controller
- Weee/Test/Unit
- Block/Item/Price
- Helper
- Model
- Attribute/Backend/Weee
- Total
- Creditmemo
- Invoice
- Quote
- Observer
- Plugin/Catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Initialization/Helper
- Pricing
- Render
- WeeeGraphQl/Test/Unit/Model/Resolver
- Widget/Test/Unit
- Block/Adminhtml/Widget/Instance/Edit/Tab
- Model
- ResourceModel/Layout/Link
- Template
- Widget
- Wishlist/Test/Unit
- Block/Customer/Wishlist/Item
- Controller
- Index
- Model
- Product
- ViewModel
- dev/tests
- api-functional/testsuite/Magento
- Catalog/Api
- CatalogInventory/Api
- Cms/Api
- ConfigurableProduct/Api
- Customer/Api
- GraphQl
- Bundle
- Catalog
- CategoriesQuery
- Options
- ResolverCache
- CatalogInventory
- ConfigurableProduct
- LoginAsCustomerGraphQl
- PageCache/UrlRewrite
- Quote
- Guest
- Review
- Sales
- SendFriend
- Store
- UrlRewrite
- Usps
- Weee
- TestModuleOverrideConfig
- MagentoApiConfigFixture
- MagentoApiDataFixture
- integration
- framework
- Magento/TestFramework
- Catalog/Model/Product
- Attribute/DataProvider
- Option/DataProvider/Type
- Eav/Model/Attribute/DataProvider
- Swatches/Model/Attribute/DataProvider
- Weee/Model/Attribute/DataProvider
- tests/unit/testsuite/Magento/Test
- Annotation
- Db/Adapter
- Fixture
- Helper
- TestCase
- Workaround/Override/Fixture/Applier
- testsuite/Magento
- AdvancedPricingImportExport/Model/Import
- AsynchronousOperations/Model
- Backend
- App
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Cache
- Dashboard
- System
- Model
- Auth
- Dashboard
- Locale
- Bundle
- Block/Catalog/Product/View/Type
- Model
- Product
- ResourceModel
- Indexer
- Option
- Selection
- BundleImportExport/Model/Import/Product/Type
- Catalog
- Block
- Adminhtml
- Category/Tab
- Product
- Attribute/Edit/Tab
- Composite/Fieldset
- Edit/Tab/Alerts
- Helper/Form/Gallery
- Category
- Product
- ListProduct
- ProductList
- View
- Attribute
- Options/Type
- Controller
- Adminhtml
- Category/Save
- Product
- Action
- Save
- Category
- Product
- Helper
- Product
- Model
- Entity/Product/Attribute/Design/Options
- Indexer/Product
- Layer/Filter
- DataProvider
- Price
- Layout
- Product
- Attribute
- Backend
- Save
- Gallery
- Option/Type
- ProductFrontendAction
- ResourceModel
- Attribute
- Product
- System/Config/Backend/Catalog/Url/Rewrite
- Webapi/Product/Option/Type/File
- Pricing/Render
- FinalPriceBox
- PriceTypes
- Ui/DataProvider/Product
- Form/Modifier
- Related
- CatalogImportExport/Model
- Export
- Import
- Product/Type
- ProductTest
- CatalogInventory
- Model
- Config/Backend
- Quote/Item
- ResourceModel/Stock
- Ui/DataProvider/Product
- CatalogRuleConfigurable/Model/Indexer/Product
- CatalogUrlRewrite/Model
- Checkout/Controller
- Cart
- Cms/Model
- ConfigurableProduct
- Block/Product/View/Type
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Product/Initialization
- Model
- Product/Type/Configurable
- Contact/Block
- CurrencySymbol/Controller/Adminhtml/System/Currencysymbol
- Customer
- Api
- Block
- Account/Dashboard
- Adminhtml/Grid/Renderer
- Controller
- Account
- Address/FormPost
- Adminhtml
- Cart/Product/Composite/Cart
- Index
- Model
- AccountManagement
- ResourceModel
- Ui/Component
- Listing
- Address
- Column
- CustomerImportExport/Model
- Export
- Import
- Deploy/Console/Command/App
- Directory/Model
- Country/Postcode
- Downloadable
- Block/Adminhtml/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Downloadable
- Controller/Adminhtml/Downloadable
- Model/Url
- Eav
- Model
- Entity
- ResourceModel
- Setup
- Fedex/Model
- Framework
- Api
- App
- Config
- Filesystem
- Language
- Code
- Css/PreProcessor
- Adapter
- File/Collector
- DB/Adapter/Pdo
- Data/Argument/Interpreter
- File
- Filesystem
- Directory
- File
- Filter
- DirectiveProcessor
- Filter
- Template/Tokenizer
- VariableResolver
- Image/Adapter
- Interception/Config
- Jwt
- MessageQueue
- UseCase
- Model/ResourceModel/Db
- ObjectManager
- Profiler/Driver/Standard/Output
- Session
- SaveHandler
- Setup/Declaration/Schema/Db/MySQL
- View
- Element/UiComponent/DataProvider
- Helper
- Layout
- GraphQl
- Helper/Query/Logger
- Quote
- GraphQlResolverCache/Model/Resolver/Result/Cache
- GroupedProduct/Model/Product/Type
- ImportExport
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Import
- Model
- InstantPurchase/Model
- Integration/Block/Adminhtml/Widget/Grid/Column/Renderer/Link
- MediaContent/Model
- MediaGallery/Model
- Directory
- Command
- ResourceModel
- MediaGallerySynchronizationMetadata/Model
- MessageQueue/Model/Cron
- MsrpGroupedProduct/Pricing
- Multishipping/Controller/Checkout
- Newsletter
- Controller
- Adminhtml
- Manage
- Subscriber
- Model
- Payment/Block/Transparent
- Paypal/Block
- Bml
- PayLater
- Persistent/Model
- ProductAlert/Model
- Quote/Model
- Quote
- Reports
- Block/Adminhtml
- Sales/Sales
- Model/ResourceModel/Report/Product/Viewed
- Review/Block
- Sales
- Block/Order
- Controller/Adminhtml/Order
- Create
- Creditmemo
- Invoice
- Shipment
- Model
- Order
- ResourceModel
- Report/Bestsellers
- Service
- Plugin/Model/ResourceModel/Order/DataProvider
- SalesRule
- Model
- Quote
- ResourceModel
- Report/Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Action/Discount
- Condition
- Plugin
- Search/Model
- Security/Model
- ResourceModel
- UserExpiration
- SendFriend
- Block
- Model
- Setup/Console/Command
- Shipping
- Controller/Adminhtml/Order/Shipment/Save
- Helper
- Store/App
- Config/Source
- FrontController/Plugin
- Request
- Swatches
- Block/Product
- Renderer/Configurable
- Controller/Adminhtml/Product
- Model
- Tax
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Model
- Calculation
- Sales/Total/Quote
- Test/Integrity/Modular/Magento/Customer
- TestModuleOverrideConfig
- Inheritance/Fixtures
- MagentoAdminConfigFixture
- MagentoConfigFixture
- MagentoDataFixture
- Theme/Model
- ResourceModel/Theme
- Theme
- View
- Translation
- Controller
- Model
- Js
- Ui
- Component/Form/Element
- DataType
- Config
- Ups/Model
- UrlRewrite/Block
- Catalog
- Category
- Product
- Cms/Page
- User
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Model
- Weee/Model/Product/Attribute/Save
- Widget
- Block/Adminhtml/Widget
- Model
- Widget
- Setup
- setup-integration/testsuite/Magento/Setup
- static/framework/tests/unit/testsuite/Magento/TestFramework
- Dependency
- VirtualType
- Inspection
- Integrity/Library/PhpParser
- Utility
- lib/internal/Magento/Framework
- Acl/Test/Unit/AclResource/Config/Converter
- Amqp/Test/Unit/Connection
- App/Test/Unit
- Cache/Type
- Config
- Initial
- Console
- DefaultPath
- DeploymentConfig
- Writer
- Filesystem
- ObjectManager
- PageCache
- Request
- Backpressure
- ResourceConnection
- Config
- Response/HeaderProvider
- Router
- View
- Asset/MaterializationStrategy
- Deployment
- Backup/Test/Unit
- Cache/Test/Unit
- Backend
- Decorator
- Frontend
- Adapter
- Decorator
- Code/Test/Unit
- Generator
- Reader
- Validator
- Composer/Test/Unit
- Config/Test/Unit
- Converter
- Data
- Dom
- Console/Test/Unit/QuestionPerformer
- Controller/Test/Unit/Result
- Convert/Test/Unit
- Css/Test/Unit/PreProcessor
- File/Collector
- Instruction
- DB/Test/Unit
- Adapter/Pdo
- DataConverter
- Ddl
- Helper
- Mysql
- Logger
- Platform
- Select
- Data/Test/Unit
- Argument
- Interpreter
- Collection
- Form
- Element
- FormKey
- Encryption/Test/Unit
- Adapter
- Helper
- EntityManager/Test/Unit
- Db
- Event/Test/Unit
- Config
- Invoker
- Observer
- Exception/Test/Unit
- File/Test/Unit
- Filesystem/Test/Unit
- Directory
- Driver
- File
- Filter/Test/Unit
- Input
- Template
- Tokenizer
- GraphQl/Test/Unit/Query
- HTTP/Test/Unit
- Adapter
- PhpEnvironment
- Image/Test/Unit
- Adapter
- Indexer/Test/Unit
- Config
- ScopeResolver
- Interception/Test/Unit
- Code/Generator
- Config
- PluginList
- Jwt/Test/Unit
- Claim
- Jwe
- Jws
- Locale/Test/Unit
- Deployed
- Mail/Test/Unit
- Template
- Math/Test/Unit
- Message/Test/Unit
- MessageQueue/Test/Unit
- Code/Generator
- Consumer/Config
- Validator
- Publisher
- Topology
- Config/Validator
- Model/Test/Unit
- ActionValidator
- ResourceModel
- Db
- Collection
- Type/Db/Pdo
- Module/Test/Unit
- Declaration/Converter
- Dir
- ModuleList
- Plugin
- Setup
- _files
- Mview/Test/Unit
- Config
- View
- Oauth/Test/Unit/Helper
- ObjectManager/Test/Unit
- Code/Generator
- Config
- Mapper
- Factory
- Helper
- Relations
- Phrase/Test/Unit/Renderer
- Pricing/Test/Unit
- Adjustment
- Helper
- PriceInfo
- Render
- Profiler/Test/Unit/Driver
- Standard
- Output
- Reflection/Test/Unit
- Search/Test/Unit/Adapter/Mysql
- Serialize/Test/Unit
- Serializer
- Session/Test/Unit
- SaveHandler
- Redis
- Setup/Test/Unit
- Declaration/Schema/Db/MySQL/Definition
- Columns
- Constraints
- Patch
- Shell/Test/Unit
- Simplexml/Test/Unit
- Stdlib/Test/Unit
- Cookie
- DateTime
- Filter
- Timezone
- Test/Unit
- Data/Form/Element
- View/Element
- TestFramework
- Test/Unit/Autoloader
- Unit
- Translate/Test/Unit
- Unserialize/Test/Unit
- Url/Test/Unit
- Helper
- Validator/Test/Unit
- Constraint
- Option
- View/Test/Unit
- Asset
- File
- NotationResolver
- PreProcessor
- Helper
- Design
- Fallback
- Rule
- FileResolution/Fallback
- Resolver
- Theme
- Customization
- Image
- Element
- Html
- Link
- Message
- Template/File
- Text/TextList
- UiComponent
- DataProvider
- File/Collector/Decorator
- Helper
- Layout
- Argument/Interpreter
- Data
- Generator
- Reader
- ScheduledStructure
- Model/Layout/Update
- Result
- UiComponent/Argument/Interpreter
- Url
- Webapi/Test/Unit
- Backpressure
- Rest
- Response
- Renderer
- Xml/Test/Unit
- setup/src/Magento/Setup/Test/Unit
- Console
- Command
- Fixtures
- Model
- Complex
- ConfigOptionsList
- Description/Mixin
- Helper
- Installer
- Module
- Dependency
- Parser
- Composer
- Config
- Report
- Builder
- Framework
- Writer/Csv
- Di
- App/Task
- Code
- Generator
- Reader
- InstancesNamesList
- I18n
- Dictionary
- Options
- Pack/Writer/File
- Parser
- Adapter
- Php/Tokenizer
- Setup
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,905 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
75 | 75 |
| |
76 | 76 |
| |
77 | 77 |
| |
78 |
| - | |
| 78 | + | |
79 | 79 |
| |
80 | 80 |
| |
81 | 81 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
217 | 217 |
| |
218 | 218 |
| |
219 | 219 |
| |
220 |
| - | |
| 220 | + | |
221 | 221 |
| |
222 | 222 |
| |
223 | 223 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
60 | 60 |
| |
61 | 61 |
| |
62 | 62 |
| |
63 |
| - | |
| 63 | + | |
64 | 64 |
| |
| 65 | + | |
| 66 | + | |
| 67 | + | |
| 68 | + | |
| 69 | + | |
65 | 70 |
| |
66 | 71 |
| |
67 | 72 |
| |
68 |
| - | |
| 73 | + | |
69 | 74 |
| |
70 | 75 |
| |
71 | 76 |
| |
72 | 77 |
| |
73 |
| - | |
74 |
| - | |
75 |
| - | |
76 |
| - | |
| 78 | + | |
77 | 79 |
| |
78 |
| - | |
| 80 | + | |
79 | 81 |
| |
80 | 82 |
| |
81 |
| - | |
| 83 | + | |
| 84 | + | |
| 85 | + | |
82 | 86 |
| |
83 |
| - | |
84 |
| - | |
85 |
| - | |
86 |
| - | |
| 87 | + | |
| 88 | + | |
| 89 | + | |
| 90 | + | |
| 91 | + | |
| 92 | + | |
| 93 | + | |
87 | 94 |
| |
88 | 95 |
| |
89 | 96 |
| |
| |||
99 | 106 |
| |
100 | 107 |
| |
101 | 108 |
| |
| 109 | + | |
| 110 | + | |
| 111 | + | |
| 112 | + | |
102 | 113 |
| |
103 | 114 |
| |
104 | 115 |
| |
105 | 116 |
| |
106 |
| - | |
| 117 | + | |
107 | 118 |
| |
108 | 119 |
| |
109 | 120 |
| |
110 | 121 |
| |
111 | 122 |
| |
112 | 123 |
| |
113 | 124 |
| |
114 |
| - | |
| 125 | + | |
115 | 126 |
| |
116 |
| - | |
117 |
| - | |
118 |
| - | |
119 |
| - | |
| 127 | + | |
120 | 128 |
| |
121 | 129 |
| |
122 | 130 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
82 | 82 |
| |
83 | 83 |
| |
84 | 84 |
| |
85 |
| - | |
| 85 | + | |
86 | 86 |
| |
87 | 87 |
| |
88 | 88 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
85 | 85 |
| |
86 | 86 |
| |
87 | 87 |
| |
88 |
| - | |
| 88 | + | |
89 | 89 |
| |
90 | 90 |
| |
91 | 91 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
203 | 203 |
| |
204 | 204 |
| |
205 | 205 |
| |
206 |
| - | |
| 206 | + | |
207 | 207 |
| |
208 | 208 |
| |
209 | 209 |
| |
210 | 210 |
| |
211 | 211 |
| |
212 |
| - | |
213 |
| - | |
| 212 | + | |
| 213 | + | |
214 | 214 |
| |
215 | 215 |
| |
216 | 216 |
| |
217 | 217 |
| |
218 |
| - | |
| 218 | + | |
219 | 219 |
| |
220 | 220 |
| |
221 | 221 |
| |
222 | 222 |
| |
223 | 223 |
| |
224 |
| - | |
225 |
| - | |
| 224 | + | |
| 225 | + | |
226 | 226 |
| |
227 | 227 |
| |
228 | 228 |
| |
229 | 229 |
| |
230 |
| - | |
| 230 | + | |
231 | 231 |
| |
232 | 232 |
| |
233 | 233 |
| |
234 | 234 |
| |
235 | 235 |
| |
236 |
| - | |
237 |
| - | |
| 236 | + | |
| 237 | + | |
238 | 238 |
| |
239 | 239 |
| |
240 | 240 |
| |
241 | 241 |
| |
242 |
| - | |
| 242 | + | |
243 | 243 |
| |
244 | 244 |
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245 | 245 |
| |
246 | 246 |
| |
247 | 247 |
| |
248 |
| - | |
249 |
| - | |
| 248 | + | |
| 249 | + | |
250 | 250 |
| |
251 | 251 |
| |
252 | 252 |
| |
253 | 253 |
| |
254 |
| - | |
| 254 | + | |
255 | 255 |
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256 | 256 |
| |
257 | 257 |
| |
258 | 258 |
| |
259 | 259 |
| |
260 |
| - | |
261 |
| - | |
| 260 | + | |
| 261 | + | |
262 | 262 |
| |
263 | 263 |
| |
264 | 264 |
| |
265 | 265 |
| |
266 | 266 |
| |
267 |
| - | |
| 267 | + | |
268 | 268 |
| |
269 | 269 |
| |
270 | 270 |
| |
271 | 271 |
| |
272 | 272 |
| |
273 |
| - | |
274 |
| - | |
| 273 | + | |
| 274 | + | |
275 | 275 |
| |
276 | 276 |
| |
277 | 277 |
| |
278 | 278 |
| |
279 | 279 |
| |
280 |
| - | |
| 280 | + | |
281 | 281 |
| |
282 | 282 |
| |
283 | 283 |
| |
284 | 284 |
| |
285 | 285 |
| |
286 |
| - | |
287 |
| - | |
| 286 | + | |
| 287 | + | |
288 | 288 |
| |
289 | 289 |
| |
290 | 290 |
| |
291 | 291 |
| |
292 |
| - | |
| 292 | + | |
293 | 293 |
| |
294 | 294 |
| |
295 | 295 |
| |
296 | 296 |
| |
297 | 297 |
| |
298 |
| - | |
299 |
| - | |
| 298 | + | |
| 299 | + | |
300 | 300 |
| |
301 | 301 |
| |
302 | 302 |
| |
| |||
311 | 311 |
| |
312 | 312 |
| |
313 | 313 |
| |
314 |
| - | |
| 314 | + | |
315 | 315 |
| |
316 | 316 |
| |
317 | 317 |
| |
318 | 318 |
| |
319 | 319 |
| |
320 |
| - | |
321 |
| - | |
| 320 | + | |
| 321 | + | |
322 | 322 |
| |
323 | 323 |
| |
324 |
| - | |
| 324 | + | |
325 | 325 |
| |
326 | 326 |
| |
327 | 327 |
| |
328 |
| - | |
| 328 | + | |
329 | 329 |
| |
330 | 330 |
| |
331 | 331 |
| |
332 | 332 |
| |
333 | 333 |
| |
334 |
| - | |
335 |
| - | |
| 334 | + | |
| 335 | + | |
336 | 336 |
| |
337 | 337 |
| |
338 |
| - | |
| 338 | + | |
339 | 339 |
| |
340 | 340 |
| |
341 | 341 |
| |
342 |
| - | |
| 342 | + | |
343 | 343 |
| |
344 | 344 |
| |
345 | 345 |
| |
346 | 346 |
| |
347 | 347 |
| |
348 |
| - | |
349 |
| - | |
| 348 | + | |
| 349 | + | |
350 | 350 |
| |
351 | 351 |
| |
352 |
| - | |
| 352 | + | |
353 | 353 |
| |
354 | 354 |
| |
355 | 355 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
137 | 137 |
| |
138 | 138 |
| |
139 | 139 |
| |
140 |
| - | |
| 140 | + | |
141 | 141 |
| |
142 | 142 |
| |
143 | 143 |
| |
144 |
| - | |
145 |
| - | |
146 |
| - | |
| 144 | + | |
| 145 | + | |
| 146 | + | |
147 | 147 |
| |
148 | 148 |
| |
149 |
| - | |
| 149 | + | |
150 | 150 |
| |
151 | 151 |
| |
152 | 152 |
| |
153 |
| - | |
154 |
| - | |
155 |
| - | |
| 153 | + | |
| 154 | + | |
| 155 | + | |
156 | 156 |
| |
157 | 157 |
| |
158 | 158 |
| |
159 |
| - | |
| 159 | + | |
160 | 160 |
| |
161 | 161 |
| |
162 |
| - | |
163 |
| - | |
164 |
| - | |
| 162 | + | |
| 163 | + | |
| 164 | + | |
165 | 165 |
| |
166 | 166 |
| |
167 |
| - | |
| 167 | + | |
168 | 168 |
| |
169 | 169 |
| |
170 |
| - | |
171 |
| - | |
172 |
| - | |
| 170 | + | |
| 171 | + | |
| 172 | + | |
173 | 173 |
| |
174 | 174 |
| |
175 |
| - | |
| 175 | + | |
176 | 176 |
| |
177 | 177 |
| |
178 |
| - | |
179 |
| - | |
180 |
| - | |
| 178 | + | |
| 179 | + | |
| 180 | + | |
181 | 181 |
| |
182 | 182 |
| |
183 |
| - | |
| 183 | + | |
184 | 184 |
| |
185 | 185 |
| |
186 |
| - | |
187 |
| - | |
188 |
| - | |
| 186 | + | |
| 187 | + | |
| 188 | + | |
189 | 189 |
| |
190 | 190 |
| |
191 | 191 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
88 | 88 |
| |
89 | 89 |
| |
90 | 90 |
| |
91 |
| - | |
92 |
| - | |
| 91 | + | |
| 92 | + | |
93 | 93 |
| |
94 | 94 |
| |
95 |
| - | |
96 |
| - | |
| 95 | + | |
| 96 | + | |
97 | 97 |
| |
98 | 98 |
| |
99 | 99 |
| |
0 commit comments