I’m a software developper since I graduated from Supinfo in 2007. At the time I coded in Java using Struts MVC with Hibernate. It was Firefox 1.4 era and the beginning of JQuery ^^.
I did learn my job on a J2EE project. So placing the code at the correct place mattered since the beginning of my career.
I use a lot of “DD” suffixed philosophies in my day to day work :
- TDD 🔥
- DDD 🔥
- BDD 🔥
I’m an adept of clean code and best practices. I truly believe in the Software Craftsmanship manifesto. I believe even more in the Agile values.
I’ve been trained on Scrum and I got Scrum Master Certification altough I’m not a “Scrum by the book” guy. I see agile frameworks like toolboxes to solve a team problems.
I try to go to craft oriented conferences as often as possible. I go to NCrafts and Domain Driven Design also.
I'm working for Arolla. I work as a consultant and instructor on TDD, Working on legacy code and Lead Tech.