From c5f2fa7a2c8327c98b5df432aecbd7de6db3cb4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: machsix <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 02:35:29 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] fix async
.eslintrc.json | 2 +-
dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js | 5145 +++++++++++-----------
package-lock.json | 4 +-
package.json | 2 +-
src/index.d.ts | 4 +-
src/index.js | 294 +-
src/rules/jsSiteRule.js | 31 +-
7 files changed, 2845 insertions(+), 2637 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
index c403031e3..ec30c407e 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"no-alert": "off",
"no-array-constructor": "error",
"no-async-promise-executor": "error",
- "no-await-in-loop": "error",
+ "no-await-in-loop": "off",
"no-bitwise": "error",
"no-buffer-constructor": "error",
"no-caller": "off",
diff --git a/dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js b/dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js
index 4a154c5a9..7f2f65811 100644
--- a/dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js
+++ b/dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
// @author Mach6
// @contributers alexolog, heroboy, suchunchen, YFdyh000
// @thanksto ywzhaiqi, NLF
-// @version 7.0.5
+// @version 7.0.6
// @license GPL-3.0
-// @update 2023/12/4
+// @update 2023/12/10
// @homepageURL
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
@@ -80,6 +80,46 @@
return x && x.__esModule &&, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
+ function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
+ try {
+ var info = gen[key](arg);
+ var value = info.value;
+ } catch (error) {
+ reject(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (info.done) {
+ resolve(value);
+ } else {
+ Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
+ }
+ }
+ function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
+ return function () {
+ var self = this,
+ args = arguments;
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
+ function _next(value) {
+ asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
+ }
+ function _throw(err) {
+ asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
+ }
+ _next(undefined);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ var asyncToGenerator = _asyncToGenerator;
+ var _asyncToGenerator$1 = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(asyncToGenerator);
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
@@ -3680,2212 +3720,2172 @@
var _find = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(find_1);
- var _wcImport4 = ".sp-separator {\n line-height: 1.8 !important;\n opacity: 1 !important;\n position: relative !important;\n float: none !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n min-width: 366px;\n width: auto;\n text-align: center !important;\n font-size: 14px !important;\n display: block !important;\n padding: 3px 0 !important;\n margin: 5px 10px 8px;\n clear: both !important;\n border-style: solid !important;\n border-color: #cccccc !important;\n border-width: 1px !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 30px !important;\n border-radius: 30px !important;\n background-color: #ffffff !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator:hover {\n box-shadow: 0 0 11px rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.2);\n}\n\n#sp-separator-hover {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.sp-separator:hover #sp-separator-hover {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.sp-separator .sp-someinfo {\n position: absolute !important;\n right: 10px !important;\n font-size: 12px !important;\n font-style: italic !important;\n background: none !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator img {\n vertical-align: middle !important;\n cursor: pointer !important;\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 0 5px !important;\n border: none !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n float: none !important;\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n.sp-separator a {\n margin: 0 20px 0 -6px !important;\n display: inline !important;\n text-shadow: #fff 0 1px 0 !important;\n background: none !important;\n color: #595959 !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator input {\n padding: 0 !important;\n line-height: 23px !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator .sp-md-span {\n font-weight: bold !important;\n margin: 0 20px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-sp-md-number {\n width: 6ch !important;\n vertical-align: middle !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n text-align: left !important;\n}";
+ var runtime = {exports: {}};
- var _wcImport3 = ".sp-prefs-spinner {\n margin: 40px auto;\n width: 100%;\n height: 50px;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 10px;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner > div {\n background-color: #333;\n height: 100%;\n width: 25%;\n display: inline-block;\n -webkit-animation: sk-stretchdelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out;\n animation: sk-stretchdelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect2 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -1.1s;\n animation-delay: -1.1s;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect3 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -1s;\n animation-delay: -1s;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect4 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -0.9s;\n animation-delay: -0.9s;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect5 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -0.8s;\n animation-delay: -0.8s;\n}\n\n@-webkit-keyframes sk-stretchdelay {\n 0%, 40%, 100% {\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.4);\n }\n 20% {\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(1);\n }\n}\n@keyframes sk-stretchdelay {\n 0%, 40%, 100% {\n transform: scaleY(0.4);\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.4);\n }\n 20% {\n transform: scaleY(1);\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(1);\n }\n}";
+ /**
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
- var _wcImport2 = "@charset \"UTF-8\";\n#sp-prefs-setup {\n z-index: 2147483647;\n padding: 20px 30px;\n box-sizing: content-box;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid #a0a0a0 !important;\n box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fcfcfc, #f2f2f7 100%) !important;\n background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#fcfcfc), to(#f2f2f7)) !important;\n font-family: \"Arial\", \"sans-serif\" !important;\n color: transparent;\n max-height: 80%;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup * {\n color: black;\n text-align: left;\n line-height: normal;\n font-size: 12px;\n min-height: 12px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup a {\n color: black;\n text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup div {\n text-align: center;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 15px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup ul {\n margin: 15px 0 15px 0;\n padding: 0;\n list-style: none;\n background: none;\n border: 0;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup input,\n#sp-prefs-setup select {\n border: 1px solid gray;\n padding: 2px;\n background: white;\n margin: 0px;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup input[type=checkbox] {\n cursor: pointer !important;\n visibility: visible !important;\n position: static !important;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup input.inputShift {\n margin-left: 2px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup li {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 5px 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n background: none;\n border: 0;\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup button {\n margin: 0 10px;\n text-align: center;\n white-space: nowrap;\n background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;\n border: 1px solid #ccc !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n padding: 3px 3px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup textarea {\n width: 98%;\n height: 60px;\n margin: 3px 0;\n font-weight: 50;\n background: white;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup b {\n font-weight: bold;\n font-family: \"微软雅黑\", sans-serif;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup button:disabled {\n color: gray;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup label {\n cursor: pointer;\n user-select: none;\n display: inline;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup label input[type=checkbox] {\n vertical-align: middle;\n}";
+ (function (module) {
+ var runtime = (function (exports) {
- var _wcImport = "#sp-fw-container {\n z-index: 999999 !important;\n text-align: left !important;\n}\n@media print {\n #sp-fw-container {\n display: none;\n }\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container * {\n font-size: 13px !important;\n color: black !important;\n float: none !important;\n line-height: 13px !important;\n width: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-main-head {\n position: relative !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-span-info {\n position: absolute !important;\n right: 1px !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n font-size: 11px !important;\n line-height: 11px !important;\n background: none !important;\n font-style: italic !important;\n color: #5a5a5a !important;\n text-shadow: white 0px 1px 1px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-main select {\n background: white;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input {\n vertical-align: middle !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n outline: none !important;\n padding: 0px !important;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-right: 3px !important;\n background: white;\n border: 1px solid gray;\n cursor: pointer !important;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=number] {\n width: 6ch !important;\n text-align: left !important;\n margin: 0 3px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=number]:hover::-webkit-inner-spin-button {\n height: 60px;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=checkbox] {\n position: static !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=button] {\n width: auto !important;\n height: auto !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container li {\n list-style: none !important;\n margin: 3px 0 !important;\n border: none !important;\n float: none !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container fieldset {\n border: 2px groove #ccc !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n padding: 4px 9px 6px 9px !important;\n margin: 2px !important;\n display: block !important;\n width: auto !important;\n height: auto !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container legend {\n line-height: 20px !important;\n margin-bottom: 0px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container fieldset > ul {\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 0 !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container ul#sp-fw-a_useiframe-extend {\n padding-left: 40px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-rect {\n position: relative !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n float: right !important;\n height: 10px !important;\n width: 10px !important;\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 0 !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid white !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important;\n opacity: 0.8 !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-dot,\n#sp-fw-cur-mode {\n position: absolute !important;\n z-index: 9999 !important;\n width: 5px !important;\n height: 5px !important;\n padding: 0 !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid white !important;\n opacity: 1 !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-dot {\n right: -3px !important;\n top: -3px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-cur-mode {\n left: -3px !important;\n top: -3px !important;\n width: 6px !important;\n height: 6px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-content {\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 5px 5px 0 0 !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid #a0a0a0 !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-main {\n padding: 5px !important;\n border: 1px solid white !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n background-color: #f2f2f7 !important;\n background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fcfcfc, #f2f2f7 100%) !important;\n background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#fcfcfc), to(#f2f2f7)) !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-foot {\n position: relative !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n right: 0 !important;\n top: 2px !important;\n padding-left: 2px;\n min-height: 20px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container .sp-fw-spanbutton {\n padding: 2px 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid #ccc !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n cursor: pointer !important;\n background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container #sp-fw-savebutton {\n position: absolute !important;\n right: 2px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container label {\n cursor: pointer;\n user-select: none;\n display: inline;\n}";
+ var Op = Object.prototype;
+ var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;
+ var undefined$1; // More compressible than void 0.
+ var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {};
+ var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator";
+ var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator";
+ var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
- var userAgentRules = [['aol', /AOLShield\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['edge', /Edge\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['edge-ios', /EdgiOS\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['yandexbrowser', /YaBrowser\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['kakaotalk', /KAKAOTALK\s([0-9\.]+)/], ['samsung', /SamsungBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['silk', /\bSilk\/([0-9._-]+)\b/], ['miui', /MiuiBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)$/], ['beaker', /BeakerBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['edge-chromium', /Edg\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['chromium-webview', /(?!Chrom.*OPR)wv\).*Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['chrome', /(?!Chrom.*OPR)Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['phantomjs', /PhantomJS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['crios', /CriOS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['waterfox', /Waterfox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/], ['firefox', /Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/], ['fxios', /FxiOS\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['opera-mini', /Opera Mini.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['opera', /Opera\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/], ['opera', /OPR\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['ie', /Trident\/7\.0.*rv\:([0-9\.]+).*\).*Gecko$/], ['ie', /MSIE\s([0-9\.]+);.*Trident\/[4-7].0/], ['ie', /MSIE\s(7\.0)/], ['bb10', /BB10;\sTouch.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['android', /Android\s([0-9\.]+)/], ['ios', /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Mobile.*Safari.*/], ['safari', /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Safari/], ['facebook', /FBAV\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['instagram', /Instagram\s([0-9\.]+)/], ['ios-webview', /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Mobile/], ['ios-webview', /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Gecko\)$/]];
- function matchUserAgent(ua) {
- // opted for using reduce here rather than Array#first with a regex.test call
- // this is primarily because using the reduce we only perform the regex
- // execution once rather than once for the test and for the exec again below
- // probably something that needs to be benchmarked though
- return ua !== '' && userAgentRules.reduce(function (matched, _a) {
- var browser = _a[0],
- regex = _a[1];
- if (matched) {
- return matched;
- }
- var uaMatch = regex.exec(ua);
- return !!uaMatch && [browser, uaMatch];
- }, false);
- }
- function parseUserAgent(ua) {
- var matchedRule = matchUserAgent(ua);
- if (!matchedRule) {
- return {
- name: null,
- version: null
- };
- }
- var _matchedRule = _slicedToArray$1(matchedRule, 2),
- name = _matchedRule[0],
- match = _matchedRule[1];
- var versionParts = match[1] && match[1].split(/[._]/).slice(0, 3);
- if (!versionParts) {
- versionParts = ['1'];
- }
- if (versionParts.length < REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS) {
- for (var i = 0; i < REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS - versionParts.length; i++) {
- versionParts.push('0');
- }
- }
- var version = versionParts.join('.');
- return {
- name,
- version
- };
- }
- // above functions are modified from
+ function define(obj, key, value) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ value: value,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true
+ });
+ return obj[key];
+ }
+ try {
+ // IE 8 has a broken Object.defineProperty that only works on DOM objects.
+ define({}, "");
+ } catch (err) {
+ define = function(obj, key, value) {
+ return obj[key] = value;
+ };
+ }
- var BROWSER = parseUserAgent(navigator.userAgent);
- var INFO = || GM_info;
- if (!('scriptHandler' in INFO) || !('version' in INFO)) {
- console.warn('[Super-preloader] You may use an unsupported userscript manager');
- if (!('scriptHander' in INFO)) {
- INFO.scriptHandler = 'Greasemonkey'; // GM3's GM_info API doesn't provide scriptHander
- }
- }
+ function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {
+ // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator.
+ var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;
+ var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);
+ var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);
- name: INFO.scriptHandler,
- version: INFO.version
- };
+ // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next,
+ // .throw, and .return methods.
+ generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context);
- const semver = /^[v^~<>=]*?(\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+))?(?:-([\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*))?(?:\+[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?)?)?$/i;
- const validateAndParse = (version) => {
- if (typeof version !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid argument expected string');
- }
- const match = version.match(semver);
- if (!match) {
- throw new Error(`Invalid argument not valid semver ('${version}' received)`);
- }
- match.shift();
- return match;
- };
- const isWildcard = (s) => s === '*' || s === 'x' || s === 'X';
- const tryParse = (v) => {
- const n = parseInt(v, 10);
- return isNaN(n) ? v : n;
- };
- const forceType = (a, b) => typeof a !== typeof b ? [String(a), String(b)] : [a, b];
- const compareStrings = (a, b) => {
- if (isWildcard(a) || isWildcard(b))
- return 0;
- const [ap, bp] = forceType(tryParse(a), tryParse(b));
- if (ap > bp)
- return 1;
- if (ap < bp)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- };
- const compareSegments = (a, b) => {
- for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(a.length, b.length); i++) {
- const r = compareStrings(a[i] || '0', b[i] || '0');
- if (r !== 0)
- return r;
- }
- return 0;
- };
+ return generator;
+ }
+ exports.wrap = wrap;
- /**
- * Compare [semver]( version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
- * This library supports the full semver specification, including comparing versions with different number of digits like `1.0.0`, `1.0`, `1`, and pre-release versions like `1.0.0-alpha`.
- * @param v1 - First version to compare
- * @param v2 - Second version to compare
- * @returns Numeric value compatible with the [Array.sort(fn) interface](
- */
- const compareVersions = (v1, v2) => {
- // validate input and split into segments
- const n1 = validateAndParse(v1);
- const n2 = validateAndParse(v2);
- // pop off the patch
- const p1 = n1.pop();
- const p2 = n2.pop();
- // validate numbers
- const r = compareSegments(n1, n2);
- if (r !== 0)
- return r;
- // validate pre-release
- if (p1 && p2) {
- return compareSegments(p1.split('.'), p2.split('.'));
- }
- else if (p1 || p2) {
- return p1 ? -1 : 1;
- }
- return 0;
- };
+ // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion
+ // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could
+ // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be
+ // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we
+ // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need
+ // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming
+ // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true
+ // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The
+ // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which
+ // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate.
+ function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {
+ try {
+ return { type: "normal", arg:, arg) };
+ } catch (err) {
+ return { type: "throw", arg: err };
+ }
+ }
- var loglevel = {exports: {}};
+ var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart";
+ var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield";
+ var GenStateExecuting = "executing";
+ var GenStateCompleted = "completed";
- /*
- * loglevel -
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Perry
- * Licensed under the MIT license.
- */
+ // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as
+ // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement.
+ var ContinueSentinel = {};
- (function (module) {
- (function (root, definition) {
- if (module.exports) {
- module.exports = definition();
- } else {
- root.log = definition();
- }
- }(this, function () {
+ // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and
+ // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator
+ // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your
+ // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions.
+ function Generator() {}
+ function GeneratorFunction() {}
+ function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}
- // Slightly dubious tricks to cut down minimized file size
- var noop = function() {};
- var undefinedType = "undefined";
- var isIE = (typeof window !== undefinedType) && (typeof window.navigator !== undefinedType) && (
- /Trident\/|MSIE /.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
- );
+ // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that
+ // don't natively support it.
+ var IteratorPrototype = {};
+ IteratorPrototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () {
+ return this;
+ };
- var logMethods = [
- "trace",
- "debug",
- "info",
- "warn",
- "error"
- ];
+ var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
+ var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
+ if (NativeIteratorPrototype &&
+ NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&
+, iteratorSymbol)) {
+ // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead
+ // of the polyfill.
+ IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;
+ }
- // Cross-browser bind equivalent that works at least back to IE6
- function bindMethod(obj, methodName) {
- var method = obj[methodName];
- if (typeof method.bind === 'function') {
- return method.bind(obj);
- } else {
- try {
- return, obj);
- } catch (e) {
- // Missing bind shim or IE8 + Modernizr, fallback to wrapping
- return function() {
- return Function.prototype.apply.apply(method, [obj, arguments]);
- };
- }
- }
- }
+ var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype =
+ Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
+ GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
+ GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction;
+ GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(
+ GeneratorFunctionPrototype,
+ toStringTagSymbol,
+ "GeneratorFunction"
+ );
- // Trace() doesn't print the message in IE, so for that case we need to wrap it
- function traceForIE() {
- if (console.log) {
- if (console.log.apply) {
- console.log.apply(console, arguments);
- } else {
- // In old IE, native console methods themselves don't have apply().
- Function.prototype.apply.apply(console.log, [console, arguments]);
- }
- }
- if (console.trace) console.trace();
- }
+ // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the
+ // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method.
+ function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
+ ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) {
+ define(prototype, method, function(arg) {
+ return this._invoke(method, arg);
+ });
+ });
+ }
- // Build the best logging method possible for this env
- // Wherever possible we want to bind, not wrap, to preserve stack traces
- function realMethod(methodName) {
- if (methodName === 'debug') {
- methodName = 'log';
- }
+ exports.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {
+ var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor;
+ return ctor
+ ? ctor === GeneratorFunction ||
+ // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can
+ // do is to check its .name property.
+ (ctor.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction"
+ : false;
+ };
- if (typeof console === undefinedType) {
- return false; // No method possible, for now - fixed later by enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives
- } else if (methodName === 'trace' && isIE) {
- return traceForIE;
- } else if (console[methodName] !== undefined) {
- return bindMethod(console, methodName);
- } else if (console.log !== undefined) {
- return bindMethod(console, 'log');
- } else {
- return noop;
- }
+ exports.mark = function(genFun) {
+ if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);
+ } else {
+ genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
+ define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction");
+ genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);
+ return genFun;
+ };
- // These private functions always need `this` to be set properly
+ // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to
+ // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test
+ // `, "__await")` to determine if the yielded value is
+ // meant to be awaited.
+ exports.awrap = function(arg) {
+ return { __await: arg };
+ };
- function replaceLoggingMethods(level, loggerName) {
- /*jshint validthis:true */
- for (var i = 0; i < logMethods.length; i++) {
- var methodName = logMethods[i];
- this[methodName] = (i < level) ?
- noop :
- this.methodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName);
+ function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {
+ function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {
+ var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);
+ if (record.type === "throw") {
+ reject(record.arg);
+ } else {
+ var result = record.arg;
+ var value = result.value;
+ if (value &&
+ typeof value === "object" &&
+, "__await")) {
+ return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) {
+ invoke("next", value, resolve, reject);
+ }, function(err) {
+ invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject);
+ });
- // Define log.log as an alias for log.debug
- this.log = this.debug;
+ return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {
+ // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes
+ // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the
+ // current iteration.
+ result.value = unwrapped;
+ resolve(result);
+ }, function(error) {
+ // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back
+ // into the async generator function so it can be handled there.
+ return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject);
+ });
+ }
- // In old IE versions, the console isn't present until you first open it.
- // We build realMethod() replacements here that regenerate logging methods
- function enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives(methodName, level, loggerName) {
- return function () {
- if (typeof console !== undefinedType) {
-, level, loggerName);
- this[methodName].apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
+ var previousPromise;
- // By default, we use closely bound real methods wherever possible, and
- // otherwise we wait for a console to appear, and then try again.
- function defaultMethodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName) {
- /*jshint validthis:true */
- return realMethod(methodName) ||
- enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives.apply(this, arguments);
+ function enqueue(method, arg) {
+ function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
+ return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve, reject) {
+ invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);
+ });
+ }
+ return previousPromise =
+ // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until
+ // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,
+ // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If
+ // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to
+ // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,
+ // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do
+ // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability
+ // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its
+ // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously
+ // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple
+ // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially
+ // important to get this right, even though it requires care.
+ previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(
+ callInvokeWithMethodAndArg,
+ // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later
+ // invocations of the iterator.
+ callInvokeWithMethodAndArg
+ ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
- function Logger(name, defaultLevel, factory) {
- var self = this;
- var currentLevel;
- defaultLevel = defaultLevel == null ? "WARN" : defaultLevel;
+ // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next,
+ // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods).
+ this._invoke = enqueue;
+ }
- var storageKey = "loglevel";
- if (typeof name === "string") {
- storageKey += ":" + name;
- } else if (typeof name === "symbol") {
- storageKey = undefined;
- }
+ defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype);
+ AsyncIterator.prototype[asyncIteratorSymbol] = function () {
+ return this;
+ };
+ exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;
- function persistLevelIfPossible(levelNum) {
- var levelName = (logMethods[levelNum] || 'silent').toUpperCase();
+ // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of
+ // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of
+ // the final result produced by the iterator.
+ exports.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {
+ if (PromiseImpl === void 0) PromiseImpl = Promise;
- if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return;
+ var iter = new AsyncIterator(
+ wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList),
+ PromiseImpl
+ );
- // Use localStorage if available
- try {
- window.localStorage[storageKey] = levelName;
- return;
- } catch (ignore) {}
+ return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn)
+ ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator.
+ : {
+ return result.done ? result.value :;
+ });
+ };
- // Use session cookie as fallback
- try {
- window.document.cookie =
- encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=" + levelName + ";";
- } catch (ignore) {}
- }
+ function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {
+ var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;
- function getPersistedLevel() {
- var storedLevel;
+ return function invoke(method, arg) {
+ if (state === GenStateExecuting) {
+ throw new Error("Generator is already running");
+ }
- if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return;
+ if (state === GenStateCompleted) {
+ if (method === "throw") {
+ throw arg;
+ }
- try {
- storedLevel = window.localStorage[storageKey];
- } catch (ignore) {}
+ // Be forgiving, per of the spec:
+ //
+ return doneResult();
+ }
- // Fallback to cookies if local storage gives us nothing
- if (typeof storedLevel === undefinedType) {
- try {
- var cookie = window.document.cookie;
- var location = cookie.indexOf(
- encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=");
- if (location !== -1) {
- storedLevel = /^([^;]+)/.exec(cookie.slice(location))[1];
- }
- } catch (ignore) {}
- }
+ context.method = method;
+ context.arg = arg;
- // If the stored level is not valid, treat it as if nothing was stored.
- if (self.levels[storedLevel] === undefined) {
- storedLevel = undefined;
+ while (true) {
+ var delegate = context.delegate;
+ if (delegate) {
+ var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
+ if (delegateResult) {
+ if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;
+ return delegateResult;
+ }
- return storedLevel;
- }
+ if (context.method === "next") {
+ // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's
+ // function.sent implementation.
+ context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;
- function clearPersistedLevel() {
- if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return;
+ } else if (context.method === "throw") {
+ if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {
+ state = GenStateCompleted;
+ throw context.arg;
+ }
- // Use localStorage if available
- try {
- window.localStorage.removeItem(storageKey);
- return;
- } catch (ignore) {}
+ context.dispatchException(context.arg);
- // Use session cookie as fallback
- try {
- window.document.cookie =
- encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC";
- } catch (ignore) {}
- }
+ } else if (context.method === "return") {
+ context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
+ }
- /*
- *
- * Public logger API - see for details
- *
- */
+ state = GenStateExecuting;
- = name;
+ var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);
+ if (record.type === "normal") {
+ // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state ===
+ // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation.
+ state = context.done
+ ? GenStateCompleted
+ : GenStateSuspendedYield;
- self.levels = { "TRACE": 0, "DEBUG": 1, "INFO": 2, "WARN": 3,
- "ERROR": 4, "SILENT": 5};
+ if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {
+ continue;
+ }
- self.methodFactory = factory || defaultMethodFactory;
+ return {
+ value: record.arg,
+ done: context.done
+ };
- self.getLevel = function () {
- return currentLevel;
- };
+ } else if (record.type === "throw") {
+ state = GenStateCompleted;
+ // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the
+ // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above.
+ context.method = "throw";
+ context.arg = record.arg;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
- self.setLevel = function (level, persist) {
- if (typeof level === "string" && self.levels[level.toUpperCase()] !== undefined) {
- level = self.levels[level.toUpperCase()];
- }
- if (typeof level === "number" && level >= 0 && level <= self.levels.SILENT) {
- currentLevel = level;
- if (persist !== false) { // defaults to true
- persistLevelIfPossible(level);
- }
-, level, name);
- if (typeof console === undefinedType && level < self.levels.SILENT) {
- return "No console available for logging";
- }
- } else {
- throw "log.setLevel() called with invalid level: " + level;
- }
- };
+ // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the
+ // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the
+ // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg,
+ // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel.
+ function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
+ var method = delegate.iterator[context.method];
+ if (method === undefined$1) {
+ // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw
+ // method always terminates the yield* loop.
+ context.delegate = null;
- self.setDefaultLevel = function (level) {
- defaultLevel = level;
- if (!getPersistedLevel()) {
- self.setLevel(level, false);
+ if (context.method === "throw") {
+ // Note: ["return"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility.
+ if (delegate.iterator["return"]) {
+ // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a
+ // chance to clean up.
+ context.method = "return";
+ context.arg = undefined$1;
+ maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
+ if (context.method === "throw") {
+ // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from
+ // "return" to "throw", let that override the TypeError below.
+ return ContinueSentinel;
- };
+ }
- self.resetLevel = function () {
- self.setLevel(defaultLevel, false);
- clearPersistedLevel();
- };
+ context.method = "throw";
+ context.arg = new TypeError(
+ "The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method");
+ }
- self.enableAll = function(persist) {
- self.setLevel(self.levels.TRACE, persist);
- };
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ }
- self.disableAll = function(persist) {
- self.setLevel(self.levels.SILENT, persist);
- };
+ var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
- // Initialize with the right level
- var initialLevel = getPersistedLevel();
- if (initialLevel == null) {
- initialLevel = defaultLevel;
- }
- self.setLevel(initialLevel, false);
+ if (record.type === "throw") {
+ context.method = "throw";
+ context.arg = record.arg;
+ context.delegate = null;
+ return ContinueSentinel;
- /*
- *
- * Top-level API
- *
- */
+ var info = record.arg;
- var defaultLogger = new Logger();
+ if (! info) {
+ context.method = "throw";
+ context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object");
+ context.delegate = null;
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ }
- var _loggersByName = {};
- defaultLogger.getLogger = function getLogger(name) {
- if ((typeof name !== "symbol" && typeof name !== "string") || name === "") {
- throw new TypeError("You must supply a name when creating a logger.");
- }
+ if (info.done) {
+ // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary
+ // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield).
+ context[delegate.resultName] = info.value;
- var logger = _loggersByName[name];
- if (!logger) {
- logger = _loggersByName[name] = new Logger(
- name, defaultLogger.getLevel(), defaultLogger.methodFactory);
- }
- return logger;
- };
+ // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield).
+ = delegate.nextLoc;
- // Grab the current global log variable in case of overwrite
- var _log = (typeof window !== undefinedType) ? window.log : undefined;
- defaultLogger.noConflict = function() {
- if (typeof window !== undefinedType &&
- window.log === defaultLogger) {
- window.log = _log;
- }
+ // If context.method was "throw" but the delegate handled the
+ // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If
+ // context.method was "next", forget context.arg since it has been
+ // "consumed" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was
+ // "return", allow the original .return call to continue in the
+ // outer generator.
+ if (context.method !== "return") {
+ context.method = "next";
+ context.arg = undefined$1;
+ }
- return defaultLogger;
- };
+ } else {
+ // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method.
+ return info;
+ }
- defaultLogger.getLoggers = function getLoggers() {
- return _loggersByName;
- };
+ // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with
+ // the outer generator.
+ context.delegate = null;
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ }
- // ES6 default export, for compatibility
- defaultLogger['default'] = defaultLogger;
+ // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the
+ // unified ._invoke helper method.
+ defineIteratorMethods(Gp);
- return defaultLogger;
- }));
- } (loglevel));
+ define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator");
- var loglevelExports = loglevel.exports;
- var log = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(loglevelExports);
+ // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the
+ // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the
+ // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator
+ // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen.
+ // See for more details.
+ Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() {
+ return this;
+ };
- var logger = log.noConflict();
+ Gp.toString = function() {
+ return "[object Generator]";
+ };
- function emoji(unifiedValue) {
- if (String.fromCodePoint) {
- var emoji = parseInt(unifiedValue, 16);
- return String.fromCodePoint(emoji);
- } else {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Shame on your browser!');
- return '';
- }
- }
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- // Information of script
- var now = new Date();
- var SCRIPT_INFO = {
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- shortname: 'Super-preloader',
- 'name-CN': 'Super_preloaderPlus_one_改',
- namespace: '',
- icon: '',
- author:,
- version: pkg.version,
- license: pkg.license,
- changelog: `${emoji('1F595')} Baidu`,
- greasyfork: '',
- updateTime: `${now.getFullYear()}/${now.getMonth() + 1}/${now.getDate()}`,
- homepageURL: pkg.homepage,
- feedbackURL: pkg.bugs.url,
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- return compareVersions(oldVersion, '6.15.1') < 0 && compareVersions(newVersion, '6.15.1') >= 0;
- },
- extratext: {
- zh_CN: '你现在可以修改css自定义外观!',
- en_US: 'You can now change the appearence by CustomCSS!'
- }
- };
- // Meta for userscript
-`// ==UserScript==
-// @name ${}
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-// @name:zh-TW ${SCRIPT_INFO['name-CN']}
-// @namespace ${SCRIPT_INFO.namespace}
-// @description Preload and Autopager
-// @description:zh-CN 预读+翻页..全加速你的浏览体验
-// @description:zh-TW 预读+翻页..全加速你的浏览体验
-// @author ${}
-// @contributers alexolog, heroboy, suchunchen, YFdyh000
-// @thanksto ywzhaiqi, NLF
-// @version ${SCRIPT_INFO.version}
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-// @grant GM.getValue
-// @grant GM_getValue
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-// @grant GM_setValue
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-// @connect
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-// @include http*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://**
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://*
-// @exclude http*://**
-// @exlucde http*://*gre
-// @exclude http*://*
-// ==/UserScript==
- // 动画库
- var Tween = {
- Linear: function Linear(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * t / d + b;
- },
- Quad: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * (t /= d) * t + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b;
- return -c / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + b;
- }
- },
- Cubic: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b;
- return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b;
- }
- },
- Quart: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b;
- return -c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b;
- }
- },
- Quint: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b;
- return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b;
- }
- },
- Sine: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b;
- }
- },
- Expo: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return t == 0 ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / d - 1)) + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return t == d ? b + c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if (t == 0) return b;
- if (t == d) return b + c;
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b;
- return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b;
- }
- },
- Circ: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= d) * t) - 1) + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / d - 1) * t) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return -c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + b;
- return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + b;
- }
- },
- Elastic: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- if (t == 0) return b;
- if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c;
- if (!p) p = d * 0.3;
- var s;
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p / 4;
- } else {
- s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
- }
- return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- if (t == 0) return b;
- if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c;
- if (!p) p = d * 0.3;
- var s;
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p / 4;
- } else {
- s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
- }
- return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- if (t == 0) return b;
- if ((t /= d / 2) == 2) return b + c;
- if (!p) p = d * (0.3 * 1.5);
- var s;
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p / 4;
- } else {
- s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
- }
- if (t < 1) return -0.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b;
- return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * 0.5 + c + b;
- }
- },
- Back: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
- return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
- return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
- if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t - s)) + b;
- return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b;
- }
- },
- Bounce: {
- easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
- return c - Tween.Bounce.easeOut(d - t, 0, c, d) + b;
- },
- easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t /= d) < 1 / 2.75) {
- return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b;
- } else if (t < 2 / 2.75) {
- return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + 0.75) + b;
- } else if (t < 2.5 / 2.75) {
- return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + 0.9375) + b;
- } else {
- return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + 0.984375) + b;
- }
- },
- easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
- if (t < d / 2) return Tween.Bounce.easeIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + b;else return Tween.Bounce.easeOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + c * 0.5 + b;
- }
- }
- };
- var TweenM = ['Linear', 'Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint', 'Sine', 'Expo', 'Circ', 'Elastic', 'Back', 'Bounce'];
- var TweenEase = ['easeIn', 'easeOut', 'easeInOut'];
- /**
- * Set multiple attributes of a dom element
- * @param {object} el dom element
- * @param {object} attr dom attributes
- * @returns {null} null
- */
- function setMultipleAttributes(el, attr) {
- for (var _i = 0, _Object$entries = Object.entries(attr); _i < _Object$entries.length; _i++) {
- var _Object$entries$_i = _slicedToArray$1(_Object$entries[_i], 2),
- key = _Object$entries$_i[0],
- val = _Object$entries$_i[1];
- el.setAttribute(key, val);
- }
- }
+ function pushTryEntry(locs) {
+ var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] };
- /**
- * Create a dom element
- * @param {string} type element type
- * @param {object} conf configuration of the dom, could be 'attr', 'innnerHTML', 'children', 'eventListner'
- * @param {Document} doc dom to attach
- * @returns {HTMLElement} dom element
- */
- function createDOM(type, conf) {
- var doc = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : document;
- var e = doc.createElement(type);
- if (conf.hasOwnProperty('attr')) {
- setMultipleAttributes(e, conf.attr);
- }
- if (conf.hasOwnProperty('innerHTML')) {
- e.innerHTML = conf.innerHTML;
- }
- if (Array.isArray(conf.children)) {
- if (conf.children.length > 0) {
- conf.children.forEach(function (c) {
- e.appendChild(c);
- });
- }
- }
- if (Array.isArray(conf.eventListener)) {
- if (conf.eventListener.length > 0) {
- conf.eventListener.forEach(function (x) {
- e.addEventListener(x.type, x.listener, x.useCapture || false);
- });
- }
- }
- return e;
- }
+ if (1 in locs) {
+ entry.catchLoc = locs[1];
+ }
- /**
- * Get attributes for settings
- * @param {HTMLElement} obj dom element
- * @returns {string|boolean|number} dom element main property
- */
- function getProperty(obj) {
- if (obj.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
- switch (obj.type) {
- case 'checkbox':
- return !!obj.checked;
- case 'number':
- {
- var min = obj.hasAttribute('min') ? parseInt(obj.min) : undefined;
- var max = obj.hasAttribute('max') ? parseInt(obj.max) : undefined;
- if (min >= obj.valueAsNumber) return min;
- if (max < obj.valueAsNumber) return max;
- return obj.valueAsNumber;
- }
- default:
- return obj.value;
- }
- } else if (obj.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
- return obj.selectedOptions[0].value;
- } else if (obj.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
- return obj.value;
- } else if (obj.nodeName === 'A') {
- return obj.href;
- } else {
- return obj.innerHTML;
- }
- }
+ if (2 in locs) {
+ entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];
+ entry.afterLoc = locs[3];
+ }
- /**
- * Set attributes for settings
- * @param {object} obj dom element
- * @param {object} value value set to dom element
- * @returns {undefined}
- */
- function setProperty(obj, value) {
- if (obj.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
- switch (obj.type) {
- case 'checkbox':
- obj.checked = !!value;
- break;
- case 'number':
- {
- if (obj.hasAttribute('min')) {
- if (value < obj.min) {
- value = obj.min;
- }
- }
- if (obj.hasAttribute('max')) {
- if (value > obj.max) {
- value = obj.max;
- }
- }
- obj.value = value;
- break;
- }
- default:
- obj.value = value;
- }
- } else if (obj.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.options.length; i++) {
- if (obj.options[i].value === value) {
- obj.selectedIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (obj.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
- obj.value = value;
- } else if (obj.nodeName === 'A') {
- obj.href = value;
- } else {
- obj.innerHTML = value;
- }
- }
+ this.tryEntries.push(entry);
+ }
- function _defineProperty$1(obj, key, value) {
- if (key in obj) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
- value: value,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- writable: true
- });
- } else {
- obj[key] = value;
- }
+ function resetTryEntry(entry) {
+ var record = entry.completion || {};
+ record.type = "normal";
+ delete record.arg;
+ entry.completion = record;
+ }
- return obj;
- }
+ function Context(tryLocsList) {
+ // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch
+ // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from
+ // locations where there is no enclosing try statement.
+ this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }];
+ tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);
+ this.reset(true);
+ }
- var defineProperty$2 = _defineProperty$1;
+ exports.keys = function(object) {
+ var keys = [];
+ for (var key in object) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ }
+ keys.reverse();
- var _defineProperty$2 = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(defineProperty$2);
+ // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep
+ // things simple and return the next function itself.
+ return function next() {
+ while (keys.length) {
+ var key = keys.pop();
+ if (key in object) {
+ next.value = key;
+ next.done = false;
+ return next;
+ }
+ }
- function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
- try {
- var info = gen[key](arg);
- var value = info.value;
- } catch (error) {
- reject(error);
- return;
- }
+ // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value
+ // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This
+ // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function.
+ next.done = true;
+ return next;
+ };
+ };
- if (info.done) {
- resolve(value);
- } else {
- Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
- }
- }
+ function values(iterable) {
+ if (iterable) {
+ var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
+ if (iteratorMethod) {
+ return;
+ }
- function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
- return function () {
- var self = this,
- args = arguments;
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
+ if (typeof === "function") {
+ return iterable;
+ }
- function _next(value) {
- asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
- }
+ if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
+ var i = -1, next = function next() {
+ while (++i < iterable.length) {
+ if (, i)) {
+ next.value = iterable[i];
+ next.done = false;
+ return next;
+ }
+ }
- function _throw(err) {
- asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
- }
+ next.value = undefined$1;
+ next.done = true;
- _next(undefined);
- });
- };
- }
+ return next;
+ };
- var asyncToGenerator = _asyncToGenerator;
+ return = next;
+ }
+ }
- var _asyncToGenerator$1 = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(asyncToGenerator);
+ // Return an iterator with no values.
+ return { next: doneResult };
+ }
+ exports.values = values;
- var baseGetTag$1 = _baseGetTag,
- isArray$2 = isArray_1,
- isObjectLike$2 = isObjectLike_1;
+ function doneResult() {
+ return { value: undefined$1, done: true };
+ }
- /** `Object#toString` result references. */
- var stringTag = '[object String]';
+ Context.prototype = {
+ constructor: Context,
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object.
- *
- * @static
- * @since 0.1.0
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a string, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isString('abc');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isString(1);
- * // => false
- */
- function isString(value) {
- return typeof value == 'string' ||
- (!isArray$2(value) && isObjectLike$2(value) && baseGetTag$1(value) == stringTag);
- }
+ reset: function(skipTempReset) {
+ this.prev = 0;
+ = 0;
+ // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's
+ // function.sent implementation.
+ this.sent = this._sent = undefined$1;
+ this.done = false;
+ this.delegate = null;
- var isString_1 = isString;
+ this.method = "next";
+ this.arg = undefined$1;
- var _isString = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(isString_1);
+ this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);
- /**
- * The base implementation of `_.isNaN` without support for number objects.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`.
- */
+ if (!skipTempReset) {
+ for (var name in this) {
+ // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions:
+ if (name.charAt(0) === "t" &&
+, name) &&
+ !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {
+ this[name] = undefined$1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
- function baseIsNaN$1(value) {
- return value !== value;
- }
+ stop: function() {
+ this.done = true;
- var _baseIsNaN = baseIsNaN$1;
+ var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];
+ var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;
+ if (rootRecord.type === "throw") {
+ throw rootRecord.arg;
+ }
- /**
- * A specialized version of `_.indexOf` which performs strict equality
- * comparisons of values, i.e. `===`.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {*} value The value to search for.
- * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
- */
+ return this.rval;
+ },
- function strictIndexOf$1(array, value, fromIndex) {
- var index = fromIndex - 1,
- length = array.length;
+ dispatchException: function(exception) {
+ if (this.done) {
+ throw exception;
+ }
- while (++index < length) {
- if (array[index] === value) {
- return index;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
+ var context = this;
+ function handle(loc, caught) {
+ record.type = "throw";
+ record.arg = exception;
+ = loc;
- var _strictIndexOf = strictIndexOf$1;
+ if (caught) {
+ // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block,
+ // then let that catch block handle the exception normally.
+ context.method = "next";
+ context.arg = undefined$1;
+ }
- var baseFindIndex = _baseFindIndex,
- baseIsNaN = _baseIsNaN,
- strictIndexOf = _strictIndexOf;
+ return !! caught;
+ }
- /**
- * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without `fromIndex` bounds checks.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {*} value The value to search for.
- * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
- */
- function baseIndexOf$1(array, value, fromIndex) {
- return value === value
- ? strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex)
- : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, fromIndex);
- }
+ for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
+ var record = entry.completion;
- var _baseIndexOf = baseIndexOf$1;
+ if (entry.tryLoc === "root") {
+ // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle
+ // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to
+ // throw the exception.
+ return handle("end");
+ }
- var baseIndexOf = _baseIndexOf;
+ if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
+ var hasCatch =, "catchLoc");
+ var hasFinally =, "finallyLoc");
- /**
- * A specialized version of `_.includes` for arrays without support for
- * specifying an index to search from.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect.
- * @param {*} target The value to search for.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`.
- */
- function arrayIncludes$1(array, value) {
- var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;
- return !!length && baseIndexOf(array, value, 0) > -1;
- }
+ if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
+ if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
+ return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
+ } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
+ return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
+ }
- var _arrayIncludes = arrayIncludes$1;
+ } else if (hasCatch) {
+ if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
+ return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
+ }
- /**
- * This function is like `arrayIncludes` except that it accepts a comparator.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect.
- * @param {*} target The value to search for.
- * @param {Function} comparator The comparator invoked per element.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`.
- */
+ } else if (hasFinally) {
+ if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
+ return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
+ }
- function arrayIncludesWith$1(array, value, comparator) {
- var index = -1,
- length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
- while (++index < length) {
- if (comparator(value, array[index])) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
+ abrupt: function(type, arg) {
+ for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
+ if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&
+, "finallyLoc") &&
+ this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
+ var finallyEntry = entry;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- var _arrayIncludesWith = arrayIncludesWith$1;
+ if (finallyEntry &&
+ (type === "break" ||
+ type === "continue") &&
+ finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg &&
+ arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {
+ // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a
+ // location outside the try/catch block.
+ finallyEntry = null;
+ }
- var SetCache = _SetCache,
- arrayIncludes = _arrayIncludes,
- arrayIncludesWith = _arrayIncludesWith,
- arrayMap = _arrayMap,
- baseUnary = _baseUnary,
- cacheHas = _cacheHas;
+ var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
+ record.type = type;
+ record.arg = arg;
- /** Used as the size to enable large array optimizations. */
- var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;
+ if (finallyEntry) {
+ this.method = "next";
+ = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ }
- /**
- * The base implementation of methods like `_.difference` without support
- * for excluding multiple arrays or iteratee shorthands.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {Array} values The values to exclude.
- * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.
- */
- function baseDifference$1(array, values, iteratee, comparator) {
- var index = -1,
- includes = arrayIncludes,
- isCommon = true,
- length = array.length,
- result = [],
- valuesLength = values.length;
+ return this.complete(record);
+ },
- if (!length) {
- return result;
- }
- if (iteratee) {
- values = arrayMap(values, baseUnary(iteratee));
- }
- if (comparator) {
- includes = arrayIncludesWith;
- isCommon = false;
- }
- else if (values.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) {
- includes = cacheHas;
- isCommon = false;
- values = new SetCache(values);
- }
- outer:
- while (++index < length) {
- var value = array[index],
- computed = iteratee == null ? value : iteratee(value);
+ complete: function(record, afterLoc) {
+ if (record.type === "throw") {
+ throw record.arg;
+ }
- value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0;
- if (isCommon && computed === computed) {
- var valuesIndex = valuesLength;
- while (valuesIndex--) {
- if (values[valuesIndex] === computed) {
- continue outer;
- }
- }
- result.push(value);
- }
- else if (!includes(values, computed, comparator)) {
- result.push(value);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
+ if (record.type === "break" ||
+ record.type === "continue") {
+ = record.arg;
+ } else if (record.type === "return") {
+ this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;
+ this.method = "return";
+ = "end";
+ } else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) {
+ = afterLoc;
+ }
- var _baseDifference = baseDifference$1;
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ },
- var Symbol$1 = _Symbol,
- isArguments$1 = isArguments_1,
- isArray$1 = isArray_1;
+ finish: function(finallyLoc) {
+ for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
+ if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {
+ this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);
+ resetTryEntry(entry);
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ }
+ }
+ },
- /** Built-in value references. */
- var spreadableSymbol = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.isConcatSpreadable : undefined;
+ "catch": function(tryLoc) {
+ for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
+ if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
+ var record = entry.completion;
+ if (record.type === "throw") {
+ var thrown = record.arg;
+ resetTryEntry(entry);
+ }
+ return thrown;
+ }
+ }
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is a flattenable `arguments` object or array.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is flattenable, else `false`.
- */
- function isFlattenable$1(value) {
- return isArray$1(value) || isArguments$1(value) ||
- !!(spreadableSymbol && value && value[spreadableSymbol]);
- }
+ // The context.catch method must only be called with a location
+ // argument that corresponds to a known catch block.
+ throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
+ },
- var _isFlattenable = isFlattenable$1;
+ delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
+ this.delegate = {
+ iterator: values(iterable),
+ resultName: resultName,
+ nextLoc: nextLoc
+ };
- var arrayPush = _arrayPush,
- isFlattenable = _isFlattenable;
+ if (this.method === "next") {
+ // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't
+ // accidentally pass it on to the delegate.
+ this.arg = undefined$1;
+ }
- /**
- * The base implementation of `_.flatten` with support for restricting flattening.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.
- * @param {number} depth The maximum recursion depth.
- * @param {boolean} [predicate=isFlattenable] The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param {boolean} [isStrict] Restrict to values that pass `predicate` checks.
- * @param {Array} [result=[]] The initial result value.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.
- */
- function baseFlatten$2(array, depth, predicate, isStrict, result) {
- var index = -1,
- length = array.length;
+ return ContinueSentinel;
+ }
+ };
- predicate || (predicate = isFlattenable);
- result || (result = []);
+ // Regardless of whether this script is executing as a CommonJS module
+ // or not, return the runtime object so that we can declare the variable
+ // regeneratorRuntime in the outer scope, which allows this module to be
+ // injected easily by `bin/regenerator --include-runtime script.js`.
+ return exports;
- while (++index < length) {
- var value = array[index];
- if (depth > 0 && predicate(value)) {
- if (depth > 1) {
- // Recursively flatten arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).
- baseFlatten$2(value, depth - 1, predicate, isStrict, result);
- } else {
- arrayPush(result, value);
- }
- } else if (!isStrict) {
- result[result.length] = value;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
+ }(
+ // If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports
+ // as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty
+ // object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize
+ // the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file.
+ module.exports
+ ));
- var _baseFlatten = baseFlatten$2;
+ try {
+ regeneratorRuntime = runtime;
+ } catch (accidentalStrictMode) {
+ // This module should not be running in strict mode, so the above
+ // assignment should always work unless something is misconfigured. Just
+ // in case runtime.js accidentally runs in strict mode, we can escape
+ // strict mode using a global Function call. This could conceivably fail
+ // if a Content Security Policy forbids using Function, but in that case
+ // the proper solution is to fix the accidental strict mode problem. If
+ // you've misconfigured your bundler to force strict mode and applied a
+ // CSP to forbid Function, and you're not willing to fix either of those
+ // problems, please detail your unique predicament in a GitHub issue.
+ Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime);
+ }
+ } (runtime));
- /**
- * A faster alternative to `Function#apply`, this function invokes `func`
- * with the `this` binding of `thisArg` and the arguments of `args`.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Function} func The function to invoke.
- * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.
- * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke `func` with.
- * @returns {*} Returns the result of `func`.
- */
+ var runtimeExports = runtime.exports;
- function apply$1(func, thisArg, args) {
- switch (args.length) {
- case 0: return;
- case 1: return, args[0]);
- case 2: return, args[0], args[1]);
- case 3: return, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
- }
- return func.apply(thisArg, args);
- }
+ var regenerator = runtimeExports;
- var _apply = apply$1;
+ var _regeneratorRuntime = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(regenerator);
- var apply = _apply;
+ var _wcImport4 = ".sp-separator {\n line-height: 1.8 !important;\n opacity: 1 !important;\n position: relative !important;\n float: none !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n min-width: 366px;\n width: auto;\n text-align: center !important;\n font-size: 14px !important;\n display: block !important;\n padding: 3px 0 !important;\n margin: 5px 10px 8px;\n clear: both !important;\n border-style: solid !important;\n border-color: #cccccc !important;\n border-width: 1px !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 30px !important;\n border-radius: 30px !important;\n background-color: #ffffff !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator:hover {\n box-shadow: 0 0 11px rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.2);\n}\n\n#sp-separator-hover {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.sp-separator:hover #sp-separator-hover {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.sp-separator .sp-someinfo {\n position: absolute !important;\n right: 10px !important;\n font-size: 12px !important;\n font-style: italic !important;\n background: none !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator img {\n vertical-align: middle !important;\n cursor: pointer !important;\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 0 5px !important;\n border: none !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n float: none !important;\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n.sp-separator a {\n margin: 0 20px 0 -6px !important;\n display: inline !important;\n text-shadow: #fff 0 1px 0 !important;\n background: none !important;\n color: #595959 !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator input {\n padding: 0 !important;\n line-height: 23px !important;\n}\n\n.sp-separator .sp-md-span {\n font-weight: bold !important;\n margin: 0 20px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-sp-md-number {\n width: 6ch !important;\n vertical-align: middle !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n text-align: left !important;\n}";
- /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */
- var nativeMax = Math.max;
+ var _wcImport3 = ".sp-prefs-spinner {\n margin: 40px auto;\n width: 100%;\n height: 50px;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 10px;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner > div {\n background-color: #333;\n height: 100%;\n width: 25%;\n display: inline-block;\n -webkit-animation: sk-stretchdelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out;\n animation: sk-stretchdelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect2 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -1.1s;\n animation-delay: -1.1s;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect3 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -1s;\n animation-delay: -1s;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect4 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -0.9s;\n animation-delay: -0.9s;\n}\n\n.sp-prefs-spinner .rect5 {\n -webkit-animation-delay: -0.8s;\n animation-delay: -0.8s;\n}\n\n@-webkit-keyframes sk-stretchdelay {\n 0%, 40%, 100% {\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.4);\n }\n 20% {\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(1);\n }\n}\n@keyframes sk-stretchdelay {\n 0%, 40%, 100% {\n transform: scaleY(0.4);\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.4);\n }\n 20% {\n transform: scaleY(1);\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(1);\n }\n}";
- /**
- * A specialized version of `baseRest` which transforms the rest array.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.
- * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.
- * @param {Function} transform The rest array transform.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
- */
- function overRest$1(func, start, transform) {
- start = nativeMax(start === undefined ? (func.length - 1) : start, 0);
- return function() {
- var args = arguments,
- index = -1,
- length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0),
- array = Array(length);
+ var _wcImport2 = "@charset \"UTF-8\";\n#sp-prefs-setup {\n z-index: 2147483647;\n padding: 20px 30px;\n box-sizing: content-box;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid #a0a0a0 !important;\n box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fcfcfc, #f2f2f7 100%) !important;\n background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#fcfcfc), to(#f2f2f7)) !important;\n font-family: \"Arial\", \"sans-serif\" !important;\n color: transparent;\n max-height: 80%;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup * {\n color: black;\n text-align: left;\n line-height: normal;\n font-size: 12px;\n min-height: 12px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup a {\n color: black;\n text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup div {\n text-align: center;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 15px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup ul {\n margin: 15px 0 15px 0;\n padding: 0;\n list-style: none;\n background: none;\n border: 0;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup input,\n#sp-prefs-setup select {\n border: 1px solid gray;\n padding: 2px;\n background: white;\n margin: 0px;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup input[type=checkbox] {\n cursor: pointer !important;\n visibility: visible !important;\n position: static !important;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup input.inputShift {\n margin-left: 2px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup li {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 5px 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n background: none;\n border: 0;\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup button {\n margin: 0 10px;\n text-align: center;\n white-space: nowrap;\n background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;\n border: 1px solid #ccc !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n padding: 3px 3px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup textarea {\n width: 98%;\n height: 60px;\n margin: 3px 0;\n font-weight: 50;\n background: white;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup b {\n font-weight: bold;\n font-family: \"微软雅黑\", sans-serif;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup button:disabled {\n color: gray;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup label {\n cursor: pointer;\n user-select: none;\n display: inline;\n}\n\n#sp-prefs-setup label input[type=checkbox] {\n vertical-align: middle;\n}";
- while (++index < length) {
- array[index] = args[start + index];
+ var _wcImport = "#sp-fw-container {\n z-index: 999999 !important;\n text-align: left !important;\n}\n@media print {\n #sp-fw-container {\n display: none;\n }\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container * {\n font-size: 13px !important;\n color: black !important;\n float: none !important;\n line-height: 13px !important;\n width: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-main-head {\n position: relative !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-span-info {\n position: absolute !important;\n right: 1px !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n font-size: 11px !important;\n line-height: 11px !important;\n background: none !important;\n font-style: italic !important;\n color: #5a5a5a !important;\n text-shadow: white 0px 1px 1px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-main select {\n background: white;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input {\n vertical-align: middle !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n outline: none !important;\n padding: 0px !important;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-right: 3px !important;\n background: white;\n border: 1px solid gray;\n cursor: pointer !important;\n height: auto;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=number] {\n width: 6ch !important;\n text-align: left !important;\n margin: 0 3px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=number]:hover::-webkit-inner-spin-button {\n height: 60px;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=checkbox] {\n position: static !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container input[type=button] {\n width: auto !important;\n height: auto !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container li {\n list-style: none !important;\n margin: 3px 0 !important;\n border: none !important;\n float: none !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container fieldset {\n border: 2px groove #ccc !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n padding: 4px 9px 6px 9px !important;\n margin: 2px !important;\n display: block !important;\n width: auto !important;\n height: auto !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container legend {\n line-height: 20px !important;\n margin-bottom: 0px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container fieldset > ul {\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 0 !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container ul#sp-fw-a_useiframe-extend {\n padding-left: 40px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-rect {\n position: relative !important;\n top: 0 !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n float: right !important;\n height: 10px !important;\n width: 10px !important;\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 0 !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid white !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) !important;\n opacity: 0.8 !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-dot,\n#sp-fw-cur-mode {\n position: absolute !important;\n z-index: 9999 !important;\n width: 5px !important;\n height: 5px !important;\n padding: 0 !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid white !important;\n opacity: 1 !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-dot {\n right: -3px !important;\n top: -3px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-cur-mode {\n left: -3px !important;\n top: -3px !important;\n width: 6px !important;\n height: 6px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-content {\n padding: 0 !important;\n margin: 5px 5px 0 0 !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid #a0a0a0 !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-main {\n padding: 5px !important;\n border: 1px solid white !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n background-color: #f2f2f7 !important;\n background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fcfcfc, #f2f2f7 100%) !important;\n background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#fcfcfc), to(#f2f2f7)) !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-foot {\n position: relative !important;\n left: 0 !important;\n right: 0 !important;\n top: 2px !important;\n padding-left: 2px;\n min-height: 20px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container .sp-fw-spanbutton {\n padding: 2px 3px !important;\n border: 1px solid #ccc !important;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px !important;\n border-radius: 3px !important;\n cursor: pointer !important;\n background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;\n -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n box-shadow: inset 0 10px 5px white !important;\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container #sp-fw-savebutton {\n position: absolute !important;\n right: 2px !important;\n}\n\n#sp-fw-container label {\n cursor: pointer;\n user-select: none;\n display: inline;\n}";
+ var userAgentRules = [['aol', /AOLShield\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['edge', /Edge\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['edge-ios', /EdgiOS\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['yandexbrowser', /YaBrowser\/([0-9\._]+)/], ['kakaotalk', /KAKAOTALK\s([0-9\.]+)/], ['samsung', /SamsungBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['silk', /\bSilk\/([0-9._-]+)\b/], ['miui', /MiuiBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)$/], ['beaker', /BeakerBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['edge-chromium', /Edg\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['chromium-webview', /(?!Chrom.*OPR)wv\).*Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['chrome', /(?!Chrom.*OPR)Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['phantomjs', /PhantomJS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['crios', /CriOS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['waterfox', /Waterfox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/], ['firefox', /Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/], ['fxios', /FxiOS\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['opera-mini', /Opera Mini.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['opera', /Opera\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/], ['opera', /OPR\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/], ['ie', /Trident\/7\.0.*rv\:([0-9\.]+).*\).*Gecko$/], ['ie', /MSIE\s([0-9\.]+);.*Trident\/[4-7].0/], ['ie', /MSIE\s(7\.0)/], ['bb10', /BB10;\sTouch.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['android', /Android\s([0-9\.]+)/], ['ios', /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Mobile.*Safari.*/], ['safari', /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Safari/], ['facebook', /FBAV\/([0-9\.]+)/], ['instagram', /Instagram\s([0-9\.]+)/], ['ios-webview', /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Mobile/], ['ios-webview', /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Gecko\)$/]];
+ function matchUserAgent(ua) {
+ // opted for using reduce here rather than Array#first with a regex.test call
+ // this is primarily because using the reduce we only perform the regex
+ // execution once rather than once for the test and for the exec again below
+ // probably something that needs to be benchmarked though
+ return ua !== '' && userAgentRules.reduce(function (matched, _a) {
+ var browser = _a[0],
+ regex = _a[1];
+ if (matched) {
+ return matched;
- index = -1;
- var otherArgs = Array(start + 1);
- while (++index < start) {
- otherArgs[index] = args[index];
+ var uaMatch = regex.exec(ua);
+ return !!uaMatch && [browser, uaMatch];
+ }, false);
+ }
+ function parseUserAgent(ua) {
+ var matchedRule = matchUserAgent(ua);
+ if (!matchedRule) {
+ return {
+ name: null,
+ version: null
+ };
+ }
+ var _matchedRule = _slicedToArray$1(matchedRule, 2),
+ name = _matchedRule[0],
+ match = _matchedRule[1];
+ var versionParts = match[1] && match[1].split(/[._]/).slice(0, 3);
+ if (!versionParts) {
+ versionParts = ['1'];
+ }
+ if (versionParts.length < REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS - versionParts.length; i++) {
+ versionParts.push('0');
- otherArgs[start] = transform(array);
- return apply(func, this, otherArgs);
+ }
+ var version = versionParts.join('.');
+ return {
+ name,
+ version
+ // above functions are modified from
- var _overRest = overRest$1;
- /**
- * Creates a function that returns `value`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @since 2.4.0
- * @category Util
- * @param {*} value The value to return from the new function.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the new constant function.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = _.times(2, _.constant({ 'a': 1 }));
- *
- * console.log(objects);
- * // => [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 1 }]
- *
- * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]);
- * // => true
- */
- function constant$1(value) {
- return function() {
- return value;
- };
+ var BROWSER = parseUserAgent(navigator.userAgent);
+ var INFO = || GM_info;
+ if (!('scriptHandler' in INFO) || !('version' in INFO)) {
+ console.warn('[Super-preloader] You may use an unsupported userscript manager');
+ if (!('scriptHander' in INFO)) {
+ INFO.scriptHandler = 'Greasemonkey'; // GM3's GM_info API doesn't provide scriptHander
+ }
- var constant_1 = constant$1;
- var getNative = _getNative;
- var defineProperty$1 = (function() {
- try {
- var func = getNative(Object, 'defineProperty');
- func({}, '', {});
- return func;
- } catch (e) {}
- }());
- var _defineProperty = defineProperty$1;
+ name: INFO.scriptHandler,
+ version: INFO.version
+ };
- var constant = constant_1,
- defineProperty = _defineProperty,
- identity$1 = identity_1;
+ const semver = /^[v^~<>=]*?(\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+))?(?:-([\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*))?(?:\+[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?)?)?$/i;
+ const validateAndParse = (version) => {
+ if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid argument expected string');
+ }
+ const match = version.match(semver);
+ if (!match) {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid argument not valid semver ('${version}' received)`);
+ }
+ match.shift();
+ return match;
+ };
+ const isWildcard = (s) => s === '*' || s === 'x' || s === 'X';
+ const tryParse = (v) => {
+ const n = parseInt(v, 10);
+ return isNaN(n) ? v : n;
+ };
+ const forceType = (a, b) => typeof a !== typeof b ? [String(a), String(b)] : [a, b];
+ const compareStrings = (a, b) => {
+ if (isWildcard(a) || isWildcard(b))
+ return 0;
+ const [ap, bp] = forceType(tryParse(a), tryParse(b));
+ if (ap > bp)
+ return 1;
+ if (ap < bp)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ const compareSegments = (a, b) => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(a.length, b.length); i++) {
+ const r = compareStrings(a[i] || '0', b[i] || '0');
+ if (r !== 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
- * The base implementation of `setToString` without support for hot loop shorting.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Function} func The function to modify.
- * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.
- * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.
+ * Compare [semver]( version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
+ * This library supports the full semver specification, including comparing versions with different number of digits like `1.0.0`, `1.0`, `1`, and pre-release versions like `1.0.0-alpha`.
+ * @param v1 - First version to compare
+ * @param v2 - Second version to compare
+ * @returns Numeric value compatible with the [Array.sort(fn) interface](
- var baseSetToString$1 = !defineProperty ? identity$1 : function(func, string) {
- return defineProperty(func, 'toString', {
- 'configurable': true,
- 'enumerable': false,
- 'value': constant(string),
- 'writable': true
- });
+ const compareVersions = (v1, v2) => {
+ // validate input and split into segments
+ const n1 = validateAndParse(v1);
+ const n2 = validateAndParse(v2);
+ // pop off the patch
+ const p1 = n1.pop();
+ const p2 = n2.pop();
+ // validate numbers
+ const r = compareSegments(n1, n2);
+ if (r !== 0)
+ return r;
+ // validate pre-release
+ if (p1 && p2) {
+ return compareSegments(p1.split('.'), p2.split('.'));
+ }
+ else if (p1 || p2) {
+ return p1 ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
- var _baseSetToString = baseSetToString$1;
- /** Used to detect hot functions by number of calls within a span of milliseconds. */
- var HOT_COUNT = 800,
- HOT_SPAN = 16;
+ var loglevel = {exports: {}};
- /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */
- var nativeNow =;
+ /*
+ * loglevel -
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Perry
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ */
- /**
- * Creates a function that'll short out and invoke `identity` instead
- * of `func` when it's called `HOT_COUNT` or more times in `HOT_SPAN`
- * milliseconds.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the new shortable function.
- */
- function shortOut$1(func) {
- var count = 0,
- lastCalled = 0;
+ (function (module) {
+ (function (root, definition) {
+ if (module.exports) {
+ module.exports = definition();
+ } else {
+ root.log = definition();
+ }
+ }(this, function () {
- return function() {
- var stamp = nativeNow(),
- remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);
+ // Slightly dubious tricks to cut down minimized file size
+ var noop = function() {};
+ var undefinedType = "undefined";
+ var isIE = (typeof window !== undefinedType) && (typeof window.navigator !== undefinedType) && (
+ /Trident\/|MSIE /.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
+ );
- lastCalled = stamp;
- if (remaining > 0) {
- if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) {
- return arguments[0];
- }
- } else {
- count = 0;
- }
- return func.apply(undefined, arguments);
- };
- }
+ var logMethods = [
+ "trace",
+ "debug",
+ "info",
+ "warn",
+ "error"
+ ];
- var _shortOut = shortOut$1;
+ // Cross-browser bind equivalent that works at least back to IE6
+ function bindMethod(obj, methodName) {
+ var method = obj[methodName];
+ if (typeof method.bind === 'function') {
+ return method.bind(obj);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ return, obj);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Missing bind shim or IE8 + Modernizr, fallback to wrapping
+ return function() {
+ return Function.prototype.apply.apply(method, [obj, arguments]);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
- var baseSetToString = _baseSetToString,
- shortOut = _shortOut;
+ // Trace() doesn't print the message in IE, so for that case we need to wrap it
+ function traceForIE() {
+ if (console.log) {
+ if (console.log.apply) {
+ console.log.apply(console, arguments);
+ } else {
+ // In old IE, native console methods themselves don't have apply().
+ Function.prototype.apply.apply(console.log, [console, arguments]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (console.trace) console.trace();
+ }
- /**
- * Sets the `toString` method of `func` to return `string`.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Function} func The function to modify.
- * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.
- * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.
- */
- var setToString$1 = shortOut(baseSetToString);
+ // Build the best logging method possible for this env
+ // Wherever possible we want to bind, not wrap, to preserve stack traces
+ function realMethod(methodName) {
+ if (methodName === 'debug') {
+ methodName = 'log';
+ }
- var _setToString = setToString$1;
+ if (typeof console === undefinedType) {
+ return false; // No method possible, for now - fixed later by enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives
+ } else if (methodName === 'trace' && isIE) {
+ return traceForIE;
+ } else if (console[methodName] !== undefined) {
+ return bindMethod(console, methodName);
+ } else if (console.log !== undefined) {
+ return bindMethod(console, 'log');
+ } else {
+ return noop;
+ }
+ }
- var identity = identity_1,
- overRest = _overRest,
- setToString = _setToString;
+ // These private functions always need `this` to be set properly
- /**
- * The base implementation of `` which doesn't validate or coerce arguments.
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.
- * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
- */
- function baseRest$1(func, start) {
- return setToString(overRest(func, start, identity), func + '');
- }
+ function replaceLoggingMethods(level, loggerName) {
+ /*jshint validthis:true */
+ for (var i = 0; i < logMethods.length; i++) {
+ var methodName = logMethods[i];
+ this[methodName] = (i < level) ?
+ noop :
+ this.methodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName);
+ }
- var _baseRest = baseRest$1;
+ // Define log.log as an alias for log.debug
+ this.log = this.debug;
+ }
- var isArrayLike$1 = isArrayLike_1,
- isObjectLike$1 = isObjectLike_1;
+ // In old IE versions, the console isn't present until you first open it.
+ // We build realMethod() replacements here that regenerate logging methods
+ function enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives(methodName, level, loggerName) {
+ return function () {
+ if (typeof console !== undefinedType) {
+, level, loggerName);
+ this[methodName].apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ }
- /**
- * This method is like `_.isArrayLike` except that it also checks if `value`
- * is an object.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @since 4.0.0
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array-like object,
- * else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3]);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject('abc');
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject(_.noop);
- * // => false
- */
- function isArrayLikeObject$1(value) {
- return isObjectLike$1(value) && isArrayLike$1(value);
- }
+ // By default, we use closely bound real methods wherever possible, and
+ // otherwise we wait for a console to appear, and then try again.
+ function defaultMethodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName) {
+ /*jshint validthis:true */
+ return realMethod(methodName) ||
+ enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
- var isArrayLikeObject_1 = isArrayLikeObject$1;
+ function Logger(name, defaultLevel, factory) {
+ var self = this;
+ var currentLevel;
+ defaultLevel = defaultLevel == null ? "WARN" : defaultLevel;
- var baseDifference = _baseDifference,
- baseFlatten$1 = _baseFlatten,
- baseRest = _baseRest,
- isArrayLikeObject = isArrayLikeObject_1;
+ var storageKey = "loglevel";
+ if (typeof name === "string") {
+ storageKey += ":" + name;
+ } else if (typeof name === "symbol") {
+ storageKey = undefined;
+ }
- /**
- * Creates an array of `array` values not included in the other given arrays
- * using [`SameValueZero`](
- * for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are
- * determined by the first array.
- *
- * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAll`, this method returns a new array.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @since 0.1.0
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.
- * @see _.without, _.xor
- * @example
- *
- * _.difference([2, 1], [2, 3]);
- * // => [1]
- */
- var difference = baseRest(function(array, values) {
- return isArrayLikeObject(array)
- ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten$1(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true))
- : [];
- });
+ function persistLevelIfPossible(levelNum) {
+ var levelName = (logMethods[levelNum] || 'silent').toUpperCase();
- var difference_1 = difference;
+ if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return;
- var _difference = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(difference_1);
+ // Use localStorage if available
+ try {
+ window.localStorage[storageKey] = levelName;
+ return;
+ } catch (ignore) {}
- var runtime = {exports: {}};
+ // Use session cookie as fallback
+ try {
+ window.document.cookie =
+ encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=" + levelName + ";";
+ } catch (ignore) {}
+ }
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
+ function getPersistedLevel() {
+ var storedLevel;
- (function (module) {
- var runtime = (function (exports) {
+ if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return;
- var Op = Object.prototype;
- var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;
- var undefined$1; // More compressible than void 0.
- var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {};
- var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator";
- var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator";
- var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
+ try {
+ storedLevel = window.localStorage[storageKey];
+ } catch (ignore) {}
- function define(obj, key, value) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
- value: value,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- writable: true
- });
- return obj[key];
- }
- try {
- // IE 8 has a broken Object.defineProperty that only works on DOM objects.
- define({}, "");
- } catch (err) {
- define = function(obj, key, value) {
- return obj[key] = value;
- };
- }
+ // Fallback to cookies if local storage gives us nothing
+ if (typeof storedLevel === undefinedType) {
+ try {
+ var cookie = window.document.cookie;
+ var location = cookie.indexOf(
+ encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=");
+ if (location !== -1) {
+ storedLevel = /^([^;]+)/.exec(cookie.slice(location))[1];
+ }
+ } catch (ignore) {}
+ }
- function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {
- // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator.
- var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;
- var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);
- var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);
+ // If the stored level is not valid, treat it as if nothing was stored.
+ if (self.levels[storedLevel] === undefined) {
+ storedLevel = undefined;
+ }
- // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next,
- // .throw, and .return methods.
- generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context);
+ return storedLevel;
+ }
- return generator;
- }
- exports.wrap = wrap;
+ function clearPersistedLevel() {
+ if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return;
- // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion
- // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could
- // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be
- // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we
- // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need
- // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming
- // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true
- // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The
- // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which
- // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate.
- function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {
- try {
- return { type: "normal", arg:, arg) };
- } catch (err) {
- return { type: "throw", arg: err };
- }
- }
+ // Use localStorage if available
+ try {
+ window.localStorage.removeItem(storageKey);
+ return;
+ } catch (ignore) {}
- var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart";
- var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield";
- var GenStateExecuting = "executing";
- var GenStateCompleted = "completed";
+ // Use session cookie as fallback
+ try {
+ window.document.cookie =
+ encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC";
+ } catch (ignore) {}
+ }
- // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as
- // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement.
- var ContinueSentinel = {};
+ /*
+ *
+ * Public logger API - see for details
+ *
+ */
- // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and
- // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator
- // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your
- // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions.
- function Generator() {}
- function GeneratorFunction() {}
- function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}
+ = name;
- // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that
- // don't natively support it.
- var IteratorPrototype = {};
- IteratorPrototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () {
- return this;
- };
+ self.levels = { "TRACE": 0, "DEBUG": 1, "INFO": 2, "WARN": 3,
+ "ERROR": 4, "SILENT": 5};
- var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
- var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
- if (NativeIteratorPrototype &&
- NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&
-, iteratorSymbol)) {
- // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead
- // of the polyfill.
- IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;
- }
+ self.methodFactory = factory || defaultMethodFactory;
- var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype =
- Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
- GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
- GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction;
- GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(
- GeneratorFunctionPrototype,
- toStringTagSymbol,
- "GeneratorFunction"
- );
+ self.getLevel = function () {
+ return currentLevel;
+ };
- // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the
- // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method.
- function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
- ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) {
- define(prototype, method, function(arg) {
- return this._invoke(method, arg);
- });
- });
- }
+ self.setLevel = function (level, persist) {
+ if (typeof level === "string" && self.levels[level.toUpperCase()] !== undefined) {
+ level = self.levels[level.toUpperCase()];
+ }
+ if (typeof level === "number" && level >= 0 && level <= self.levels.SILENT) {
+ currentLevel = level;
+ if (persist !== false) { // defaults to true
+ persistLevelIfPossible(level);
+ }
+, level, name);
+ if (typeof console === undefinedType && level < self.levels.SILENT) {
+ return "No console available for logging";
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw "log.setLevel() called with invalid level: " + level;
+ }
+ };
- exports.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {
- var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor;
- return ctor
- ? ctor === GeneratorFunction ||
- // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can
- // do is to check its .name property.
- (ctor.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction"
- : false;
- };
+ self.setDefaultLevel = function (level) {
+ defaultLevel = level;
+ if (!getPersistedLevel()) {
+ self.setLevel(level, false);
+ }
+ };
- exports.mark = function(genFun) {
- if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
- Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);
- } else {
- genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
- define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction");
- }
- genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);
- return genFun;
- };
+ self.resetLevel = function () {
+ self.setLevel(defaultLevel, false);
+ clearPersistedLevel();
+ };
- // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to
- // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test
- // `, "__await")` to determine if the yielded value is
- // meant to be awaited.
- exports.awrap = function(arg) {
- return { __await: arg };
- };
+ self.enableAll = function(persist) {
+ self.setLevel(self.levels.TRACE, persist);
+ };
- function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {
- function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {
- var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);
- if (record.type === "throw") {
- reject(record.arg);
- } else {
- var result = record.arg;
- var value = result.value;
- if (value &&
- typeof value === "object" &&
-, "__await")) {
- return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) {
- invoke("next", value, resolve, reject);
- }, function(err) {
- invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject);
- });
- }
+ self.disableAll = function(persist) {
+ self.setLevel(self.levels.SILENT, persist);
+ };
- return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {
- // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes
- // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the
- // current iteration.
- result.value = unwrapped;
- resolve(result);
- }, function(error) {
- // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back
- // into the async generator function so it can be handled there.
- return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject);
- });
+ // Initialize with the right level
+ var initialLevel = getPersistedLevel();
+ if (initialLevel == null) {
+ initialLevel = defaultLevel;
+ self.setLevel(initialLevel, false);
- var previousPromise;
+ /*
+ *
+ * Top-level API
+ *
+ */
- function enqueue(method, arg) {
- function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
- return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve, reject) {
- invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);
- });
- }
+ var defaultLogger = new Logger();
- return previousPromise =
- // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until
- // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,
- // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If
- // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to
- // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,
- // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do
- // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability
- // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its
- // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously
- // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple
- // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially
- // important to get this right, even though it requires care.
- previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(
- callInvokeWithMethodAndArg,
- // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later
- // invocations of the iterator.
- callInvokeWithMethodAndArg
- ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
- }
+ var _loggersByName = {};
+ defaultLogger.getLogger = function getLogger(name) {
+ if ((typeof name !== "symbol" && typeof name !== "string") || name === "") {
+ throw new TypeError("You must supply a name when creating a logger.");
+ }
- // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next,
- // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods).
- this._invoke = enqueue;
- }
+ var logger = _loggersByName[name];
+ if (!logger) {
+ logger = _loggersByName[name] = new Logger(
+ name, defaultLogger.getLevel(), defaultLogger.methodFactory);
+ }
+ return logger;
+ };
- defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype);
- AsyncIterator.prototype[asyncIteratorSymbol] = function () {
- return this;
- };
- exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;
+ // Grab the current global log variable in case of overwrite
+ var _log = (typeof window !== undefinedType) ? window.log : undefined;
+ defaultLogger.noConflict = function() {
+ if (typeof window !== undefinedType &&
+ window.log === defaultLogger) {
+ window.log = _log;
+ }
- // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of
- // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of
- // the final result produced by the iterator.
- exports.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {
- if (PromiseImpl === void 0) PromiseImpl = Promise;
+ return defaultLogger;
+ };
- var iter = new AsyncIterator(
- wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList),
- PromiseImpl
- );
+ defaultLogger.getLoggers = function getLoggers() {
+ return _loggersByName;
+ };
- return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn)
- ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator.
- : {
- return result.done ? result.value :;
- });
- };
+ // ES6 default export, for compatibility
+ defaultLogger['default'] = defaultLogger;
- function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {
- var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;
+ return defaultLogger;
+ }));
+ } (loglevel));
- return function invoke(method, arg) {
- if (state === GenStateExecuting) {
- throw new Error("Generator is already running");
- }
+ var loglevelExports = loglevel.exports;
+ var log = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(loglevelExports);
- if (state === GenStateCompleted) {
- if (method === "throw") {
- throw arg;
- }
+ var logger = log.noConflict();
- // Be forgiving, per of the spec:
- //
- return doneResult();
- }
+ function emoji(unifiedValue) {
+ if (String.fromCodePoint) {
+ var emoji = parseInt(unifiedValue, 16);
+ return String.fromCodePoint(emoji);
+ } else {
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Shame on your browser!');
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
- context.method = method;
- context.arg = arg;
+ var name="super-preloader";var version="7.0.6";var description="Super-preloader";var main="dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js";var author="Mach6";var license="GPL-3.0";var type="module";var bugs={url:""};var homepage="";var directories={doc:"docs"};var repository={type:"git",url:"git+"};var scripts={lint:"eslint \"dist/*.json\" \"src/**/*.js\" \"ci/*.js\" \"rollup.config.mjs\"",fix:"eslint \"dist/*.json\" \"src/**/*.js\" \"ci/*.js\" \"rollup.config.mjs\" --fix",format:"prettier --write \"dist/*.json\" \"src/**/*.{js,css}\" \"ci/*.js\" \"rollup.config.mjs\" \"docs/**/*.{js,md}\"","format:check":"prettier --check \"dist/*.json\" \"src/**/*.{js,css}\" \"ci/*.js\" \"rollup.config.mjs\" \"docs/**/*.{js,md}\"","format:staged":"lint-staged -v",check:"npm run lint && npm run typecheck",test:"cd test && node test.js",dev:"rollup -c --dev -w",build:"rollup -c","docs:dev":"cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider vuepress dev docs","docs:build":"cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider vuepress build docs","docs:publish":"npm run docs:build && bash ./ci/",preversion:"npm run check",version:"npm run build && git add dist/*.js && git add dist/*.json",postversion:"git add package.json package-lock.json && npm run test","publish:patch":"npm --no-git-tag-version version patch",publish:"npm --no-git-tag-version version minor",typecheck:"tsc -p jsconfig.json --noEmit"};var husky={hooks:{"pre-commit":"npm run check"}};var keywords=["userscript"];var devDependencies={"@vuepress/plugin-back-to-top":"2.0.0-rc.0","@vuepress/plugin-google-analytics":"2.0.0-rc.0","@vuepress/plugin-register-components":"2.0.0-rc.0",typescript:"5.3.2",vuepress:"2.0.0-rc.0"};var dependencies={"@babel/core":"7.23.3","@babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes":"7.23.3","@babel/plugin-transform-runtime":"7.23.4","@babel/preset-env":"7.23.3","@rollup/plugin-babel":"6.0.4","@rollup/plugin-commonjs":"25.0.7","@rollup/plugin-json":"6.0.1","@rollup/plugin-node-resolve":"15.2.3","@types/greasemonkey":"4.0.7","@types/lodash":"4.14.202","babel-plugin-lodash":"3.3.4","babel-plugin-wildcard":"7.0.0","compare-versions":"6.1.0","cross-env":"7.0.3",displacejs:"",eslint:"8.54.0","eslint-config-prettier":"9.0.0","eslint-plugin-import":"2.29.0","eslint-plugin-json":"3.1.0","eslint-plugin-prettier":"5.0.1","extract-zip":"2.0.1",got:"13.0.0",husky:"8.0.3","lint-staged":"15.1.0",lodash:"4.17.21",loglevel:"1.8.1",prettier:"3.1.0",puppeteer:"2.1.0",rollup:"4.6.0","rollup-plugin-banner2":"1.2.2","rollup-plugin-dev":"2.0.4","rollup-plugin-ejs":"4.0.0","rollup-plugin-re":"1.0.7","rollup-plugin-scss-string":"github:machsix/rollup-plugin-scss-string",yargs:"17.7.2"};var pkg = {name:name,version:version,description:description,main:main,author:author,license:license,type:type,bugs:bugs,homepage:homepage,directories:directories,repository:repository,scripts:scripts,husky:husky,keywords:keywords,devDependencies:devDependencies,dependencies:dependencies};
- while (true) {
- var delegate = context.delegate;
- if (delegate) {
- var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
- if (delegateResult) {
- if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;
- return delegateResult;
- }
- }
+ // Information of script
+ var now = new Date();
+ var SCRIPT_INFO = {
+ name: 'Super_preloaderPlus_one_New',
+ shortname: 'Super-preloader',
+ 'name-CN': 'Super_preloaderPlus_one_改',
+ namespace: '',
+ icon: '',
+ author:,
+ version: pkg.version,
+ license: pkg.license,
+ changelog: `${emoji('1F595')} Baidu`,
+ greasyfork: '',
+ updateTime: `${now.getFullYear()}/${now.getMonth() + 1}/${now.getDate()}`,
+ homepageURL: pkg.homepage,
+ feedbackURL: pkg.bugs.url,
+ // rewrite storage for these versions
+ rewriteStorage: '6.6.83'
+ };
+ // SCRIPT_INFO.downloadURL = `${SCRIPT_INFO.greasyfork}/code/${}.user.js`;
+ // SCRIPT_INFO.metaURL = `${SCRIPT_INFO.greasyfork}/code/${}.meta.js`;
+ SCRIPT_INFO.downloadURL = '';
- if (context.method === "next") {
- // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's
- // function.sent implementation.
- context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;
+ // New notification to send
+ title:,
+ image: SCRIPT_INFO.icon,
+ onload: function onload() {},
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ show: function show(oldVersion, newVersion) {
+ return compareVersions(oldVersion, '6.15.1') < 0 && compareVersions(newVersion, '6.15.1') >= 0;
+ },
+ extratext: {
+ zh_CN: '你现在可以修改css自定义外观!',
+ en_US: 'You can now change the appearence by CustomCSS!'
+ }
+ };
- } else if (context.method === "throw") {
- if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {
- state = GenStateCompleted;
- throw context.arg;
- }
+ // Meta for userscript
+`// ==UserScript==
+// @name ${}
+// @name:zh-CN ${SCRIPT_INFO['name-CN']}
+// @name:zh-TW ${SCRIPT_INFO['name-CN']}
+// @namespace ${SCRIPT_INFO.namespace}
+// @description Preload and Autopager
+// @description:zh-CN 预读+翻页..全加速你的浏览体验
+// @description:zh-TW 预读+翻页..全加速你的浏览体验
+// @author ${}
+// @contributers alexolog, heroboy, suchunchen, YFdyh000
+// @thanksto ywzhaiqi, NLF
+// @version ${SCRIPT_INFO.version}
+// @license ${SCRIPT_INFO.license}
+// @update ${SCRIPT_INFO.updateTime}
+// @homepageURL ${SCRIPT_INFO.homepageURL}
+// @downloadURL ${SCRIPT_INFO.downloadURL}
+// @updateURL ${SCRIPT_INFO.updateURL}
+// @supportURL ${SCRIPT_INFO.homepageURL}/issue
+// @contributionURL
+// @icon ${SCRIPT_INFO.icon}
+// @require
+// @grant GM.getValue
+// @grant GM_getValue
+// @grant GM.setValue
+// @grant GM_setValue
+// @grant GM.notification
+// @grant GM_notification
+// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
+// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
+// @grant
+// @grant GM_info
+// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
+// @connect
+// @connect
+// @run-at document-idle
+// @include http*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://**
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://*
+// @exclude http*://**
+// @exlucde http*://*gre
+// @exclude http*://*
+// ==/UserScript==
- context.dispatchException(context.arg);
+ // 动画库
+ var Tween = {
+ Linear: function Linear(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * t / d + b;
+ },
+ Quad: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * (t /= d) * t + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b;
+ return -c / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Cubic: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b;
+ return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Quart: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b;
+ return -c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Quint: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b;
+ return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Sine: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Expo: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return t == 0 ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / d - 1)) + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return t == d ? b + c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if (t == 0) return b;
+ if (t == d) return b + c;
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b;
+ return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Circ: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= d) * t) - 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / d - 1) * t) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return -c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + b;
+ return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Elastic: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
+ if (t == 0) return b;
+ if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c;
+ if (!p) p = d * 0.3;
+ var s;
+ if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
+ a = c;
+ s = p / 4;
+ } else {
+ s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
+ }
+ return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
+ if (t == 0) return b;
+ if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c;
+ if (!p) p = d * 0.3;
+ var s;
+ if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
+ a = c;
+ s = p / 4;
+ } else {
+ s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
+ }
+ return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
+ if (t == 0) return b;
+ if ((t /= d / 2) == 2) return b + c;
+ if (!p) p = d * (0.3 * 1.5);
+ var s;
+ if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
+ a = c;
+ s = p / 4;
+ } else {
+ s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
+ }
+ if (t < 1) return -0.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b;
+ return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * 0.5 + c + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Back: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d, s) {
+ if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
+ return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d, s) {
+ if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
+ return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, s) {
+ if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
+ if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t - s)) + b;
+ return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ Bounce: {
+ easeIn: function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c - Tween.Bounce.easeOut(d - t, 0, c, d) + b;
+ },
+ easeOut: function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d) < 1 / 2.75) {
+ return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b;
+ } else if (t < 2 / 2.75) {
+ return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + 0.75) + b;
+ } else if (t < 2.5 / 2.75) {
+ return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + 0.9375) + b;
+ } else {
+ return c * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + 0.984375) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ easeInOut: function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
+ if (t < d / 2) return Tween.Bounce.easeIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + b;else return Tween.Bounce.easeOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + c * 0.5 + b;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var TweenM = ['Linear', 'Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint', 'Sine', 'Expo', 'Circ', 'Elastic', 'Back', 'Bounce'];
+ var TweenEase = ['easeIn', 'easeOut', 'easeInOut'];
- } else if (context.method === "return") {
- context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
- }
+ /**
+ * Set multiple attributes of a dom element
+ * @param {object} el dom element
+ * @param {object} attr dom attributes
+ * @returns {null} null
+ */
+ function setMultipleAttributes(el, attr) {
+ for (var _i = 0, _Object$entries = Object.entries(attr); _i < _Object$entries.length; _i++) {
+ var _Object$entries$_i = _slicedToArray$1(_Object$entries[_i], 2),
+ key = _Object$entries$_i[0],
+ val = _Object$entries$_i[1];
+ el.setAttribute(key, val);
+ }
+ }
- state = GenStateExecuting;
+ /**
+ * Create a dom element
+ * @param {string} type element type
+ * @param {object} conf configuration of the dom, could be 'attr', 'innnerHTML', 'children', 'eventListner'
+ * @param {Document} doc dom to attach
+ * @returns {HTMLElement} dom element
+ */
+ function createDOM(type, conf) {
+ var doc = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : document;
+ var e = doc.createElement(type);
+ if (conf.hasOwnProperty('attr')) {
+ setMultipleAttributes(e, conf.attr);
+ }
+ if (conf.hasOwnProperty('innerHTML')) {
+ e.innerHTML = conf.innerHTML;
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(conf.children)) {
+ if (conf.children.length > 0) {
+ conf.children.forEach(function (c) {
+ e.appendChild(c);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(conf.eventListener)) {
+ if (conf.eventListener.length > 0) {
+ conf.eventListener.forEach(function (x) {
+ e.addEventListener(x.type, x.listener, x.useCapture || false);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
- var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);
- if (record.type === "normal") {
- // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state ===
- // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation.
- state = context.done
- ? GenStateCompleted
- : GenStateSuspendedYield;
+ /**
+ * Get attributes for settings
+ * @param {HTMLElement} obj dom element
+ * @returns {string|boolean|number} dom element main property
+ */
+ function getProperty(obj) {
+ if (obj.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
+ switch (obj.type) {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ return !!obj.checked;
+ case 'number':
+ {
+ var min = obj.hasAttribute('min') ? parseInt(obj.min) : undefined;
+ var max = obj.hasAttribute('max') ? parseInt(obj.max) : undefined;
+ if (min >= obj.valueAsNumber) return min;
+ if (max < obj.valueAsNumber) return max;
+ return obj.valueAsNumber;
+ }
+ default:
+ return obj.value;
+ }
+ } else if (obj.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
+ return obj.selectedOptions[0].value;
+ } else if (obj.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
+ return obj.value;
+ } else if (obj.nodeName === 'A') {
+ return obj.href;
+ } else {
+ return obj.innerHTML;
+ }
+ }
- if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {
- continue;
- }
+ /**
+ * Set attributes for settings
+ * @param {object} obj dom element
+ * @param {object} value value set to dom element
+ * @returns {undefined}
+ */
+ function setProperty(obj, value) {
+ if (obj.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
+ switch (obj.type) {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ obj.checked = !!value;
+ break;
+ case 'number':
+ {
+ if (obj.hasAttribute('min')) {
+ if (value < obj.min) {
+ value = obj.min;
+ }
+ }
+ if (obj.hasAttribute('max')) {
+ if (value > obj.max) {
+ value = obj.max;
+ }
+ }
+ obj.value = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ obj.value = value;
+ }
+ } else if (obj.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
+ for (var i = 0; i < obj.options.length; i++) {
+ if (obj.options[i].value === value) {
+ obj.selectedIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
+ obj.value = value;
+ } else if (obj.nodeName === 'A') {
+ obj.href = value;
+ } else {
+ obj.innerHTML = value;
+ }
+ }
- return {
- value: record.arg,
- done: context.done
- };
+ function _defineProperty$1(obj, key, value) {
+ if (key in obj) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ value: value,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ obj[key] = value;
+ }
- } else if (record.type === "throw") {
- state = GenStateCompleted;
- // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the
- // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above.
- context.method = "throw";
- context.arg = record.arg;
- }
- }
- };
- }
+ return obj;
+ }
- // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the
- // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the
- // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg,
- // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel.
- function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
- var method = delegate.iterator[context.method];
- if (method === undefined$1) {
- // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw
- // method always terminates the yield* loop.
- context.delegate = null;
+ var defineProperty$2 = _defineProperty$1;
- if (context.method === "throw") {
- // Note: ["return"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility.
- if (delegate.iterator["return"]) {
- // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a
- // chance to clean up.
- context.method = "return";
- context.arg = undefined$1;
- maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
+ var _defineProperty$2 = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(defineProperty$2);
- if (context.method === "throw") {
- // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from
- // "return" to "throw", let that override the TypeError below.
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
- }
+ var baseGetTag$1 = _baseGetTag,
+ isArray$2 = isArray_1,
+ isObjectLike$2 = isObjectLike_1;
- context.method = "throw";
- context.arg = new TypeError(
- "The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method");
- }
+ /** `Object#toString` result references. */
+ var stringTag = '[object String]';
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
+ /**
+ * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @since 0.1.0
+ * @memberOf _
+ * @category Lang
+ * @param {*} value The value to check.
+ * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a string, else `false`.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * _.isString('abc');
+ * // => true
+ *
+ * _.isString(1);
+ * // => false
+ */
+ function isString(value) {
+ return typeof value == 'string' ||
+ (!isArray$2(value) && isObjectLike$2(value) && baseGetTag$1(value) == stringTag);
+ }
- var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
+ var isString_1 = isString;
- if (record.type === "throw") {
- context.method = "throw";
- context.arg = record.arg;
- context.delegate = null;
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
+ var _isString = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(isString_1);
- var info = record.arg;
+ /**
+ * The base implementation of `_.isNaN` without support for number objects.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {*} value The value to check.
+ * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`.
+ */
- if (! info) {
- context.method = "throw";
- context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object");
- context.delegate = null;
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
+ function baseIsNaN$1(value) {
+ return value !== value;
+ }
- if (info.done) {
- // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary
- // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield).
- context[delegate.resultName] = info.value;
+ var _baseIsNaN = baseIsNaN$1;
- // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield).
- = delegate.nextLoc;
+ /**
+ * A specialized version of `_.indexOf` which performs strict equality
+ * comparisons of values, i.e. `===`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
+ * @param {*} value The value to search for.
+ * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.
+ * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
+ */
- // If context.method was "throw" but the delegate handled the
- // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If
- // context.method was "next", forget context.arg since it has been
- // "consumed" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was
- // "return", allow the original .return call to continue in the
- // outer generator.
- if (context.method !== "return") {
- context.method = "next";
- context.arg = undefined$1;
- }
+ function strictIndexOf$1(array, value, fromIndex) {
+ var index = fromIndex - 1,
+ length = array.length;
- } else {
- // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method.
- return info;
- }
+ while (++index < length) {
+ if (array[index] === value) {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
- // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with
- // the outer generator.
- context.delegate = null;
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
+ var _strictIndexOf = strictIndexOf$1;
- // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the
- // unified ._invoke helper method.
- defineIteratorMethods(Gp);
+ var baseFindIndex = _baseFindIndex,
+ baseIsNaN = _baseIsNaN,
+ strictIndexOf = _strictIndexOf;
- define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator");
+ /**
+ * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without `fromIndex` bounds checks.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
+ * @param {*} value The value to search for.
+ * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.
+ * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
+ */
+ function baseIndexOf$1(array, value, fromIndex) {
+ return value === value
+ ? strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex)
+ : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, fromIndex);
+ }
- // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the
- // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the
- // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator
- // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen.
- // See for more details.
- Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() {
- return this;
- };
+ var _baseIndexOf = baseIndexOf$1;
- Gp.toString = function() {
- return "[object Generator]";
- };
+ var baseIndexOf = _baseIndexOf;
- function pushTryEntry(locs) {
- var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] };
+ /**
+ * A specialized version of `_.includes` for arrays without support for
+ * specifying an index to search from.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect.
+ * @param {*} target The value to search for.
+ * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`.
+ */
+ function arrayIncludes$1(array, value) {
+ var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;
+ return !!length && baseIndexOf(array, value, 0) > -1;
+ }
- if (1 in locs) {
- entry.catchLoc = locs[1];
- }
+ var _arrayIncludes = arrayIncludes$1;
- if (2 in locs) {
- entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];
- entry.afterLoc = locs[3];
- }
+ /**
+ * This function is like `arrayIncludes` except that it accepts a comparator.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect.
+ * @param {*} target The value to search for.
+ * @param {Function} comparator The comparator invoked per element.
+ * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`.
+ */
- this.tryEntries.push(entry);
- }
+ function arrayIncludesWith$1(array, value, comparator) {
+ var index = -1,
+ length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;
- function resetTryEntry(entry) {
- var record = entry.completion || {};
- record.type = "normal";
- delete record.arg;
- entry.completion = record;
- }
+ while (++index < length) {
+ if (comparator(value, array[index])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
- function Context(tryLocsList) {
- // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch
- // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from
- // locations where there is no enclosing try statement.
- this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }];
- tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);
- this.reset(true);
- }
+ var _arrayIncludesWith = arrayIncludesWith$1;
- exports.keys = function(object) {
- var keys = [];
- for (var key in object) {
- keys.push(key);
- }
- keys.reverse();
+ var SetCache = _SetCache,
+ arrayIncludes = _arrayIncludes,
+ arrayIncludesWith = _arrayIncludesWith,
+ arrayMap = _arrayMap,
+ baseUnary = _baseUnary,
+ cacheHas = _cacheHas;
- // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep
- // things simple and return the next function itself.
- return function next() {
- while (keys.length) {
- var key = keys.pop();
- if (key in object) {
- next.value = key;
- next.done = false;
- return next;
- }
- }
+ /** Used as the size to enable large array optimizations. */
+ var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;
- // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value
- // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This
- // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function.
- next.done = true;
- return next;
- };
- };
+ /**
+ * The base implementation of methods like `_.difference` without support
+ * for excluding multiple arrays or iteratee shorthands.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
+ * @param {Array} values The values to exclude.
+ * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.
+ * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.
+ * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.
+ */
+ function baseDifference$1(array, values, iteratee, comparator) {
+ var index = -1,
+ includes = arrayIncludes,
+ isCommon = true,
+ length = array.length,
+ result = [],
+ valuesLength = values.length;
+ if (!length) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (iteratee) {
+ values = arrayMap(values, baseUnary(iteratee));
+ }
+ if (comparator) {
+ includes = arrayIncludesWith;
+ isCommon = false;
+ }
+ else if (values.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) {
+ includes = cacheHas;
+ isCommon = false;
+ values = new SetCache(values);
+ }
+ outer:
+ while (++index < length) {
+ var value = array[index],
+ computed = iteratee == null ? value : iteratee(value);
- function values(iterable) {
- if (iterable) {
- var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
- if (iteratorMethod) {
- return;
- }
+ value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0;
+ if (isCommon && computed === computed) {
+ var valuesIndex = valuesLength;
+ while (valuesIndex--) {
+ if (values[valuesIndex] === computed) {
+ continue outer;
+ }
+ }
+ result.push(value);
+ }
+ else if (!includes(values, computed, comparator)) {
+ result.push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
- if (typeof === "function") {
- return iterable;
- }
+ var _baseDifference = baseDifference$1;
- if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
- var i = -1, next = function next() {
- while (++i < iterable.length) {
- if (, i)) {
- next.value = iterable[i];
- next.done = false;
- return next;
- }
- }
+ var Symbol$1 = _Symbol,
+ isArguments$1 = isArguments_1,
+ isArray$1 = isArray_1;
- next.value = undefined$1;
- next.done = true;
+ /** Built-in value references. */
+ var spreadableSymbol = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.isConcatSpreadable : undefined;
- return next;
- };
+ /**
+ * Checks if `value` is a flattenable `arguments` object or array.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {*} value The value to check.
+ * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is flattenable, else `false`.
+ */
+ function isFlattenable$1(value) {
+ return isArray$1(value) || isArguments$1(value) ||
+ !!(spreadableSymbol && value && value[spreadableSymbol]);
+ }
- return = next;
- }
- }
+ var _isFlattenable = isFlattenable$1;
- // Return an iterator with no values.
- return { next: doneResult };
- }
- exports.values = values;
+ var arrayPush = _arrayPush,
+ isFlattenable = _isFlattenable;
- function doneResult() {
- return { value: undefined$1, done: true };
- }
+ /**
+ * The base implementation of `_.flatten` with support for restricting flattening.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.
+ * @param {number} depth The maximum recursion depth.
+ * @param {boolean} [predicate=isFlattenable] The function invoked per iteration.
+ * @param {boolean} [isStrict] Restrict to values that pass `predicate` checks.
+ * @param {Array} [result=[]] The initial result value.
+ * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.
+ */
+ function baseFlatten$2(array, depth, predicate, isStrict, result) {
+ var index = -1,
+ length = array.length;
- Context.prototype = {
- constructor: Context,
+ predicate || (predicate = isFlattenable);
+ result || (result = []);
- reset: function(skipTempReset) {
- this.prev = 0;
- = 0;
- // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's
- // function.sent implementation.
- this.sent = this._sent = undefined$1;
- this.done = false;
- this.delegate = null;
+ while (++index < length) {
+ var value = array[index];
+ if (depth > 0 && predicate(value)) {
+ if (depth > 1) {
+ // Recursively flatten arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).
+ baseFlatten$2(value, depth - 1, predicate, isStrict, result);
+ } else {
+ arrayPush(result, value);
+ }
+ } else if (!isStrict) {
+ result[result.length] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
- this.method = "next";
- this.arg = undefined$1;
+ var _baseFlatten = baseFlatten$2;
- this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);
+ /**
+ * A faster alternative to `Function#apply`, this function invokes `func`
+ * with the `this` binding of `thisArg` and the arguments of `args`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} func The function to invoke.
+ * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.
+ * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke `func` with.
+ * @returns {*} Returns the result of `func`.
+ */
- if (!skipTempReset) {
- for (var name in this) {
- // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions:
- if (name.charAt(0) === "t" &&
-, name) &&
- !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {
- this[name] = undefined$1;
- }
- }
- }
- },
+ function apply$1(func, thisArg, args) {
+ switch (args.length) {
+ case 0: return;
+ case 1: return, args[0]);
+ case 2: return, args[0], args[1]);
+ case 3: return, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
+ }
+ return func.apply(thisArg, args);
+ }
- stop: function() {
- this.done = true;
+ var _apply = apply$1;
- var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];
- var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;
- if (rootRecord.type === "throw") {
- throw rootRecord.arg;
- }
+ var apply = _apply;
- return this.rval;
- },
+ /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */
+ var nativeMax = Math.max;
- dispatchException: function(exception) {
- if (this.done) {
- throw exception;
- }
+ /**
+ * A specialized version of `baseRest` which transforms the rest array.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.
+ * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.
+ * @param {Function} transform The rest array transform.
+ * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
+ */
+ function overRest$1(func, start, transform) {
+ start = nativeMax(start === undefined ? (func.length - 1) : start, 0);
+ return function() {
+ var args = arguments,
+ index = -1,
+ length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0),
+ array = Array(length);
- var context = this;
- function handle(loc, caught) {
- record.type = "throw";
- record.arg = exception;
- = loc;
+ while (++index < length) {
+ array[index] = args[start + index];
+ }
+ index = -1;
+ var otherArgs = Array(start + 1);
+ while (++index < start) {
+ otherArgs[index] = args[index];
+ }
+ otherArgs[start] = transform(array);
+ return apply(func, this, otherArgs);
+ };
+ }
- if (caught) {
- // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block,
- // then let that catch block handle the exception normally.
- context.method = "next";
- context.arg = undefined$1;
- }
+ var _overRest = overRest$1;
- return !! caught;
- }
+ /**
+ * Creates a function that returns `value`.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @memberOf _
+ * @since 2.4.0
+ * @category Util
+ * @param {*} value The value to return from the new function.
+ * @returns {Function} Returns the new constant function.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * var objects = _.times(2, _.constant({ 'a': 1 }));
+ *
+ * console.log(objects);
+ * // => [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 1 }]
+ *
+ * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]);
+ * // => true
+ */
- for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
- var record = entry.completion;
+ function constant$1(value) {
+ return function() {
+ return value;
+ };
+ }
- if (entry.tryLoc === "root") {
- // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle
- // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to
- // throw the exception.
- return handle("end");
- }
+ var constant_1 = constant$1;
- if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
- var hasCatch =, "catchLoc");
- var hasFinally =, "finallyLoc");
+ var getNative = _getNative;
- if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
- if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
- return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
- } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
- return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
- }
+ var defineProperty$1 = (function() {
+ try {
+ var func = getNative(Object, 'defineProperty');
+ func({}, '', {});
+ return func;
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }());
- } else if (hasCatch) {
- if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
- return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
- }
+ var _defineProperty = defineProperty$1;
- } else if (hasFinally) {
- if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
- return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
- }
+ var constant = constant_1,
+ defineProperty = _defineProperty,
+ identity$1 = identity_1;
- } else {
- throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
- }
- }
- }
- },
+ /**
+ * The base implementation of `setToString` without support for hot loop shorting.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} func The function to modify.
+ * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.
+ * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.
+ */
+ var baseSetToString$1 = !defineProperty ? identity$1 : function(func, string) {
+ return defineProperty(func, 'toString', {
+ 'configurable': true,
+ 'enumerable': false,
+ 'value': constant(string),
+ 'writable': true
+ });
+ };
- abrupt: function(type, arg) {
- for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
- if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&
-, "finallyLoc") &&
- this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
- var finallyEntry = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
+ var _baseSetToString = baseSetToString$1;
- if (finallyEntry &&
- (type === "break" ||
- type === "continue") &&
- finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg &&
- arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {
- // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a
- // location outside the try/catch block.
- finallyEntry = null;
- }
+ /** Used to detect hot functions by number of calls within a span of milliseconds. */
- var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
- record.type = type;
- record.arg = arg;
+ var HOT_COUNT = 800,
+ HOT_SPAN = 16;
- if (finallyEntry) {
- this.method = "next";
- = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
+ /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */
+ var nativeNow =;
- return this.complete(record);
- },
+ /**
+ * Creates a function that'll short out and invoke `identity` instead
+ * of `func` when it's called `HOT_COUNT` or more times in `HOT_SPAN`
+ * milliseconds.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.
+ * @returns {Function} Returns the new shortable function.
+ */
+ function shortOut$1(func) {
+ var count = 0,
+ lastCalled = 0;
- complete: function(record, afterLoc) {
- if (record.type === "throw") {
- throw record.arg;
- }
+ return function() {
+ var stamp = nativeNow(),
+ remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);
- if (record.type === "break" ||
- record.type === "continue") {
- = record.arg;
- } else if (record.type === "return") {
- this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;
- this.method = "return";
- = "end";
- } else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) {
- = afterLoc;
- }
+ lastCalled = stamp;
+ if (remaining > 0) {
+ if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) {
+ return arguments[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ count = 0;
+ }
+ return func.apply(undefined, arguments);
+ };
+ }
- return ContinueSentinel;
- },
+ var _shortOut = shortOut$1;
- finish: function(finallyLoc) {
- for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
- if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {
- this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);
- resetTryEntry(entry);
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
- }
- },
+ var baseSetToString = _baseSetToString,
+ shortOut = _shortOut;
- "catch": function(tryLoc) {
- for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
- if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
- var record = entry.completion;
- if (record.type === "throw") {
- var thrown = record.arg;
- resetTryEntry(entry);
- }
- return thrown;
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * Sets the `toString` method of `func` to return `string`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} func The function to modify.
+ * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.
+ * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.
+ */
+ var setToString$1 = shortOut(baseSetToString);
- // The context.catch method must only be called with a location
- // argument that corresponds to a known catch block.
- throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
- },
+ var _setToString = setToString$1;
- delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
- this.delegate = {
- iterator: values(iterable),
- resultName: resultName,
- nextLoc: nextLoc
- };
+ var identity = identity_1,
+ overRest = _overRest,
+ setToString = _setToString;
- if (this.method === "next") {
- // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't
- // accidentally pass it on to the delegate.
- this.arg = undefined$1;
- }
+ /**
+ * The base implementation of `` which doesn't validate or coerce arguments.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.
+ * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.
+ * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
+ */
+ function baseRest$1(func, start) {
+ return setToString(overRest(func, start, identity), func + '');
+ }
- return ContinueSentinel;
- }
- };
+ var _baseRest = baseRest$1;
- // Regardless of whether this script is executing as a CommonJS module
- // or not, return the runtime object so that we can declare the variable
- // regeneratorRuntime in the outer scope, which allows this module to be
- // injected easily by `bin/regenerator --include-runtime script.js`.
- return exports;
+ var isArrayLike$1 = isArrayLike_1,
+ isObjectLike$1 = isObjectLike_1;
- }(
- // If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports
- // as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty
- // object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize
- // the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file.
- module.exports
- ));
+ /**
+ * This method is like `_.isArrayLike` except that it also checks if `value`
+ * is an object.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @memberOf _
+ * @since 4.0.0
+ * @category Lang
+ * @param {*} value The value to check.
+ * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array-like object,
+ * else `false`.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * _.isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3]);
+ * // => true
+ *
+ * _.isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children);
+ * // => true
+ *
+ * _.isArrayLikeObject('abc');
+ * // => false
+ *
+ * _.isArrayLikeObject(_.noop);
+ * // => false
+ */
+ function isArrayLikeObject$1(value) {
+ return isObjectLike$1(value) && isArrayLike$1(value);
+ }
- try {
- regeneratorRuntime = runtime;
- } catch (accidentalStrictMode) {
- // This module should not be running in strict mode, so the above
- // assignment should always work unless something is misconfigured. Just
- // in case runtime.js accidentally runs in strict mode, we can escape
- // strict mode using a global Function call. This could conceivably fail
- // if a Content Security Policy forbids using Function, but in that case
- // the proper solution is to fix the accidental strict mode problem. If
- // you've misconfigured your bundler to force strict mode and applied a
- // CSP to forbid Function, and you're not willing to fix either of those
- // problems, please detail your unique predicament in a GitHub issue.
- Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime);
- }
- } (runtime));
+ var isArrayLikeObject_1 = isArrayLikeObject$1;
- var runtimeExports = runtime.exports;
+ var baseDifference = _baseDifference,
+ baseFlatten$1 = _baseFlatten,
+ baseRest = _baseRest,
+ isArrayLikeObject = isArrayLikeObject_1;
+ /**
+ * Creates an array of `array` values not included in the other given arrays
+ * using [`SameValueZero`](
+ * for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are
+ * determined by the first array.
+ *
+ * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAll`, this method returns a new array.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @memberOf _
+ * @since 0.1.0
+ * @category Array
+ * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
+ * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude.
+ * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.
+ * @see _.without, _.xor
+ * @example
+ *
+ * _.difference([2, 1], [2, 3]);
+ * // => [1]
+ */
+ var difference = baseRest(function(array, values) {
+ return isArrayLikeObject(array)
+ ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten$1(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true))
+ : [];
+ });
- var regenerator = runtimeExports;
+ var difference_1 = difference;
- var _regeneratorRuntime = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(regenerator);
+ var _difference = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(difference_1);
function anonymous$6(locals, escapeFn, include, rethrow
) {
@@ -9084,25 +9084,61 @@
autopager: {
ip: ['', ''],
ipages: [true, 5],
- startFilter: function startFilter(doc, _win) {
- var items = doc.querySelectorAll('div.node > a');
- if (items.length > 0) {
- items.forEach(function (a) {
- var link = a.getAttribute('href');
- got$1.get(link).then(function (res) {
- var docPage = new DOMParser().parseFromString(, 'text/html');
- var imgHref = docPage.querySelector('article.article-content > p > img').getAttribute('src');
- var newImg = createDOM('img', {
- attr: {
- src: imgHref,
- style: 'display:block; width:50%; height:auto;'
+ startFilter: function () {
+ var _startFilter = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(doc, _win) {
+ var items;
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
+ while (1) switch (_context2.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ items = doc.querySelectorAll('div.node > a');
+ if (!(items.length > 0)) {
+ = 4;
+ break;
- });
- a.parentNode.insertBefore(newImg, a.nextSibling);
- });
- });
+ = 4;
+ return Promise.all([], /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+ var _ref = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(a) {
+ var link, res, docPage, img, newImg;
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
+ while (1) switch (_context.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ link = a.getAttribute('href');
+ = 3;
+ return got$1.get(link);
+ case 3:
+ res = _context.sent;
+ docPage = new DOMParser().parseFromString(, 'text/html');
+ img = docPage.querySelector('article.article-content > p > img');
+ if (img) {
+ newImg = createDOM('img', {
+ attr: {
+ src: img.getAttribute('src'),
+ style: 'display:block; width:50%; height:auto;'
+ }
+ });
+ a.parentNode.insertBefore(newImg, a.nextSibling);
+ }
+ case 7:
+ case "end":
+ return _context.stop();
+ }
+ }, _callee);
+ }));
+ return function (_x3) {
+ return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }()));
+ case 4:
+ case "end":
+ return _context2.stop();
+ }
+ }, _callee2);
+ }));
+ function startFilter(_x, _x2) {
+ return _startFilter.apply(this, arguments);
- },
+ return startFilter;
+ }(),
documentFilter: 'startFilter'
}, {
@@ -11363,17 +11399,34 @@
function manualAdiv() {
if (!manualDiv) {
- var spage = function spage(el) {
- if (doc) {
- var value = Number(el.value);
- if (isNaN(value) || value < 1) {
- el.value = value = 1;
- }
- ipagesmode = true;
- ipagesnumber = value + paged;
- insertedIntoDoc();
- }
- };
+ var spage = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+ var _ref4 = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(el) {
+ var value;
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
+ while (1) switch (_context.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ if (!doc) {
+ = 7;
+ break;
+ }
+ value = Number(el.value);
+ if (isNaN(value) || value < 1) {
+ el.value = value = 1;
+ }
+ ipagesmode = true;
+ ipagesnumber = value + paged;
+ = 7;
+ return insertedIntoDoc();
+ case 7:
+ case "end":
+ return _context.stop();
+ }
+ }, _callee);
+ }));
+ return function spage(_x) {
+ return _ref4.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }();
var div = createDOM('div', {
attr: {
id: 'sp-sp-manualdiv',
@@ -11430,25 +11483,44 @@
div.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if ( === 'sp-sp-md-number') return;
- spage(document.getElementById('sp-sp-md-number'));
- manualDiv.remove();
+ spage(document.getElementById('sp-sp-md-number')).then(function () {
+ manualDiv.remove();
+ });
}, false);
// = "block";
function beforeInsertIntoDoc() {
- working = true;
- if (SSS.a_manualA && !ipagesmode) {
- // 显示手动翻页触发条.
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Manual stitching');
- manualAdiv();
- } else {
- // 直接拼接.
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Direct stitching');
- insertedIntoDoc();
- }
+ return _beforeInsertIntoDoc.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function _beforeInsertIntoDoc() {
+ _beforeInsertIntoDoc = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3() {
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
+ while (1) switch (_context3.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ working = true;
+ if (!(SSS.a_manualA && !ipagesmode)) {
+ = 6;
+ break;
+ }
+ // 显示手动翻页触发条.
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Manual stitching');
+ manualAdiv();
+ = 9;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ // 直接拼接.
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Direct stitching');
+ = 9;
+ return insertedIntoDoc();
+ case 9:
+ case "end":
+ return _context3.stop();
+ }
+ }, _callee3);
+ }));
+ return _beforeInsertIntoDoc.apply(this, arguments);
var sepStyle;
//looks like goNextImg is useless here.
@@ -11547,226 +11619,265 @@
var paged = 0;
function insertedIntoDoc() {
- if (!doc) {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'No document');
- return;
- }
- if (SSS.a_documentFilter) {
- try {
- SSS.a_documentFilter(doc, typeof nextlink === 'string' && nextlink);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Successfully executeed documentFilter');
- } catch (e) {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Error executing documentFilter', e, SSS.a_documentFilter.toString());
- }
- }
- var docTitle = getElementByCSS('title', doc).textContent;
- var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
- var pageElements = getAllElements(SSS.a_pageElement, undefined, doc, win, typeof nextlink === 'string' && nextlink);
- var ii = pageElements.length;
- if (ii <= 0) {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Failed to get the main content of the next page', SSS.a_pageElement);
- removeL();
- return;
- } else {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Successfully got the main content of the next page', pageElements);
- }
- // 提前查找下一页链接,后面再赋值
- var lastUrl = cplink;
- cplink = String(nextlink);
- /** @type {HTMLElement | String} */
- var nl = getElement(SSS.nextLink, undefined, doc, win);
- if (nl) {
- if (nl === nextlinkElem) {
- nextlinkElem = null;
- } else {
- nextlinkElem = nl;
- }
- } else {
- nextlinkElem = null;
- }
- nextlink = elemToHref(nextlinkElem);
- // 有部分下一页的信息是在script中(比如新加的csdn的规则),因此先查找下一页信息,再执行 removeScripts
- removeScripts(doc, SSS.a_scriptFilter);
- var i, pe_x, pe_x_nn;
- for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
- pe_x = pageElements[i];
- pe_x_nn = pe_x.nodeName;
- if (pe_x_nn == 'BODY' || pe_x_nn == 'HTML' || pe_x_nn == 'SCRIPT') continue;
- fragment.appendChild(pe_x);
- }
- if (SSS.filter && typeof SSS.filter === 'string') {
- // 功能未完善.
- var nodes = [];
- try {
- nodes = getAllElements(SSS.filter, fragment);
- } catch (e) {}
- var nodes_x;
- for (i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- nodes_x = nodes[i];
- nodes_x.parentNode.removeChild(nodes_x);
- }
- }
- // lazyImgSrc
- if (SSS.lazyImgSrc) {
- handleLazyImgSrc(SSS.lazyImgSrc, fragment);
- }
- var imgs;
- //@ts-ignore
- if (!window.opera && SSS.a_useiframe && !SSS.a_iloaded) {
- imgs = getAllElements('css;img[src]', fragment); // 收集所有图片
- }
- // 处理下一页内容部分链接是否新标签页打开
- if (prefs.forceTargetWindow) {
- var arr ='a[href]:not([href^="mailto:"]):not([href^="javascript:"]):not([href^="#"])'));
- arr.forEach(function (elem) {
- elem.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
- if (elem.getAttribute('onclick') == 'atarget(this)') {
- // 卡饭论坛的控制是否在新标签页打开
- elem.removeAttribute('onclick');
- }
- });
- }
+ return _insertedIntoDoc.apply(this, arguments);
+ } // 返回,剩余高度是总高度的比值.
+ function _insertedIntoDoc() {
+ _insertedIntoDoc = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4() {
+ var docTitle, fragment, pageElements, ii, lastUrl, nl, i, pe_x, pe_x_nn, nodes, nodes_x, imgs, arr, sepdiv, toInsert, insertParent, colNodes, _ncol, trs, _ncol2, oldE, oldE_lt, newE, newE_lt, oldE_x, newE_x, ev, delayiframe;
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
+ while (1) switch (_context4.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ if (doc) {
+ = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'No document');
+ return _context4.abrupt("return");
+ case 3:
+ if (!SSS.a_documentFilter) {
+ = 13;
+ break;
+ }
+ _context4.prev = 4;
+ = 7;
+ return SSS.a_documentFilter(doc, typeof nextlink === 'string' && nextlink);
+ case 7:
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Successfully executeed documentFilter');
+ = 13;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ _context4.prev = 10;
+ _context4.t0 = _context4["catch"](4);
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Error executing documentFilter', _context4.t0, SSS.a_documentFilter.toString());
+ case 13:
+ docTitle = getElementByCSS('title', doc).textContent;
+ fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ pageElements = getAllElements(SSS.a_pageElement, undefined, doc, win, typeof nextlink === 'string' && nextlink);
+ ii = pageElements.length;
+ if (!(ii <= 0)) {
+ = 23;
+ break;
+ }
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Failed to get the main content of the next page', SSS.a_pageElement);
+ removeL();
+ return _context4.abrupt("return");
+ case 23:
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Successfully got the main content of the next page', pageElements);
+ case 24:
+ // 提前查找下一页链接,后面再赋值
+ lastUrl = cplink;
+ cplink = String(nextlink);
+ /** @type {HTMLElement | String} */
+ nl = getElement(SSS.nextLink, undefined, doc, win);
+ if (nl) {
+ if (nl === nextlinkElem) {
+ nextlinkElem = null;
+ } else {
+ nextlinkElem = nl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ nextlinkElem = null;
+ }
+ nextlink = elemToHref(nextlinkElem);
+ // 有部分下一页的信息是在script中(比如新加的csdn的规则),因此先查找下一页信息,再执行 removeScripts
+ removeScripts(doc, SSS.a_scriptFilter);
+ i = 0;
+ case 31:
+ if (!(i < ii)) {
+ = 40;
+ break;
+ }
+ pe_x = pageElements[i];
+ pe_x_nn = pe_x.nodeName;
+ if (!(pe_x_nn == 'BODY' || pe_x_nn == 'HTML' || pe_x_nn == 'SCRIPT')) {
+ = 36;
+ break;
+ }
+ return _context4.abrupt("continue", 37);
+ case 36:
+ fragment.appendChild(pe_x);
+ case 37:
+ i++;
+ = 31;
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ if (SSS.filter && typeof SSS.filter === 'string') {
+ // 功能未完善.
+ nodes = [];
+ try {
+ nodes = getAllElements(SSS.filter, fragment);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ for (i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ nodes_x = nodes[i];
+ nodes_x.parentNode.removeChild(nodes_x);
+ }
+ }
- /** @type {HTMLElement} */
- var sepdiv = createSep(lastUrl, cplink, nextlink);
- var toInsert = sepdiv;
- if (SSS.a_sepdivDom !== undefined && typeof SSS.a_sepdivDom === 'function') {
- toInsert = SSS.a_sepdivDom(doc, sepdiv);
- } else if (pageElements[0] && pageElements[0].tagName === 'TR' && pageElements[pageElements.length - 1].tagName === 'TR') {
- var insertParent = insertPoint.parentNode;
- var colNodes = getAllElements('child::tr[1]/child::*[self::td or self::th]', insertParent);
- if (colNodes.length == 0) {
- colNodes = getAllElements('child::*[self::td or self::th]', pageElements[0]);
- }
- var _ncol = [], function (acc, cur) {
- return acc + (parseInt(cur.getAttribute('colspan'), 10) || 1);
- }, 0);
- toInsert = createDOM('tr', {
- children: [createDOM('td', {
- attr: {
- colspan: _ncol
- },
- children: [sepdiv]
- })]
- });
- } else if (pageElements[0] && pageElements[0].tagName === 'TBODY' && pageElements[pageElements.length - 1].tagName === 'TBODY') {
- //
- var trs = pageElements[pageElements.length - 1].getElementsByTagName('tr');
- if (trs) {
- var _ncol2 = [][trs.length - 1].children, function (acc, cur) {
- return acc + (parseInt(cur.getAttribute('colspan'), 10) || 1);
- }, 0);
- toInsert = createDOM('tbody', {
- children: [createDOM('tr', {
- children: [createDOM('td', {
- attr: {
- colspan: _ncol2
- },
- children: [sepdiv]
- })]
- })]
- });
- } else {
- logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'No trs found');
- }
- }
- fragment.insertBefore(toInsert, fragment.firstChild);
- addIntoDoc(fragment);
+ // lazyImgSrc
+ if (SSS.lazyImgSrc) {
+ handleLazyImgSrc(SSS.lazyImgSrc, fragment);
+ }
+ //@ts-ignore
+ if (!window.opera && SSS.a_useiframe && !SSS.a_iloaded) {
+ imgs = getAllElements('css;img[src]', fragment); // 收集所有图片
+ }
- // filter
- if (SSS.filter && typeof SSS.filter === 'function') {
- try {
- SSS.filter(pageElements);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Execution of filter(pages) succeeded');
- } catch (e) {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Error executing filter(pages)', e, SSS.filter.toString());
- }
- }
- if (imgs) {
- // 非opera,在iframeDOM取出数据时需要重载图片.
- setTimeout(function () {
- var _imgs = imgs;
- var i, ii, img;
- for (i = 0, ii = _imgs.length; i < ii; i++) {
- img = _imgs[i];
- var src = img.src;
- img.src = src;
- }
- }, 99);
- }
- if (SSS.a_replaceE) {
- var oldE = getAllElements(SSS.a_replaceE);
- var oldE_lt = oldE.length;
- if (oldE_lt > 0) {
- var newE = getAllElements(SSS.a_replaceE, undefined, doc, win);
- var newE_lt = newE.length;
- if (newE_lt == oldE_lt) {
- // 替换
- var oldE_x, newE_x;
- for (i = 0; i < newE_lt; i++) {
- oldE_x = oldE[i];
- newE_x = newE[i];
- newE_x = doc.importNode(newE_x, true);
- oldE_x.parentNode.replaceChild(newE_x, oldE_x);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- paged += 1;
- if (ipagesmode && paged >= ipagesnumber) {
- ipagesmode = false;
- }
- floatWO.loadedIcon('hide');
- if (manualDiv) {
- = 'none';
- }
- //if (goNextImg[0]) goNextImg[0].src =;
+ // 处理下一页内容部分链接是否新标签页打开
+ if (prefs.forceTargetWindow) {
+ arr ='a[href]:not([href^="mailto:"]):not([href^="javascript:"]):not([href^="#"])'));
+ arr.forEach(function (elem) {
+ elem.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
+ if (elem.getAttribute('onclick') == 'atarget(this)') {
+ // 卡饭论坛的控制是否在新标签页打开
+ elem.removeAttribute('onclick');
+ }
+ });
+ }
- var ev = document.createEvent('Event');
- ev.initEvent('Super_preloaderPageLoaded', true, false);
- document.dispatchEvent(ev);
- if (prefs.enableHistory) {
- try {
- window.history.pushState(null, docTitle, cplink);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- if (paged >= SSS.a_maxpage) {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Reached the set maximum number of page turns ${SSS.a_maxpage}`);
- notice('Status:' + 'Reached the set maximum number of page turns:' + SSS.a_maxpage + '');
- removeL();
- return;
- }
- var delayiframe = function delayiframe(fn) {
- setTimeout(fn, 199);
- };
- if (nextlink && !pagedLinks.includes(nextlink)) {
- // debug('Found the next page link:', nextlink);
- doc = win = null;
- if (ipagesmode) {
- if (SSS.a_useiframe) {
- // 延时点,firefox,太急会卡-_-!
- delayiframe(doRequest);
- } else {
- doRequest();
- }
- } else {
- working = false;
- if (SSS.a_useiframe) {
- delayiframe(afterInsertDo);
- } else {
- afterInsertDo();
+ /** @type {HTMLElement} */
+ sepdiv = createSep(lastUrl, cplink, nextlink);
+ toInsert = sepdiv;
+ if (SSS.a_sepdivDom !== undefined && typeof SSS.a_sepdivDom === 'function') {
+ toInsert = SSS.a_sepdivDom(doc, sepdiv);
+ } else if (pageElements[0] && pageElements[0].tagName === 'TR' && pageElements[pageElements.length - 1].tagName === 'TR') {
+ insertParent = insertPoint.parentNode;
+ colNodes = getAllElements('child::tr[1]/child::*[self::td or self::th]', insertParent);
+ if (colNodes.length == 0) {
+ colNodes = getAllElements('child::*[self::td or self::th]', pageElements[0]);
+ }
+ _ncol = [], function (acc, cur) {
+ return acc + (parseInt(cur.getAttribute('colspan'), 10) || 1);
+ }, 0);
+ toInsert = createDOM('tr', {
+ children: [createDOM('td', {
+ attr: {
+ colspan: _ncol
+ },
+ children: [sepdiv]
+ })]
+ });
+ } else if (pageElements[0] && pageElements[0].tagName === 'TBODY' && pageElements[pageElements.length - 1].tagName === 'TBODY') {
+ //
+ trs = pageElements[pageElements.length - 1].getElementsByTagName('tr');
+ if (trs) {
+ _ncol2 = [][trs.length - 1].children, function (acc, cur) {
+ return acc + (parseInt(cur.getAttribute('colspan'), 10) || 1);
+ }, 0);
+ toInsert = createDOM('tbody', {
+ children: [createDOM('tr', {
+ children: [createDOM('td', {
+ attr: {
+ colspan: _ncol2
+ },
+ children: [sepdiv]
+ })]
+ })]
+ });
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'No trs found');
+ }
+ }
+ fragment.insertBefore(toInsert, fragment.firstChild);
+ addIntoDoc(fragment);
+ // filter
+ if (SSS.filter && typeof SSS.filter === 'function') {
+ try {
+ SSS.filter(pageElements);
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Execution of filter(pages) succeeded');
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Error executing filter(pages)', e, SSS.filter.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ if (imgs) {
+ // 非opera,在iframeDOM取出数据时需要重载图片.
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var _imgs = imgs;
+ var i, ii, img;
+ for (i = 0, ii = _imgs.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ img = _imgs[i];
+ var src = img.src;
+ img.src = src;
+ }
+ }, 99);
+ }
+ if (SSS.a_replaceE) {
+ oldE = getAllElements(SSS.a_replaceE);
+ oldE_lt = oldE.length;
+ if (oldE_lt > 0) {
+ newE = getAllElements(SSS.a_replaceE, undefined, doc, win);
+ newE_lt = newE.length;
+ if (newE_lt == oldE_lt) {
+ // 替换
+ for (i = 0; i < newE_lt; i++) {
+ oldE_x = oldE[i];
+ newE_x = newE[i];
+ newE_x = doc.importNode(newE_x, true);
+ oldE_x.parentNode.replaceChild(newE_x, oldE_x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ paged += 1;
+ if (ipagesmode && paged >= ipagesnumber) {
+ ipagesmode = false;
+ }
+ floatWO.loadedIcon('hide');
+ if (manualDiv) {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ //if (goNextImg[0]) goNextImg[0].src =;
+ ev = document.createEvent('Event');
+ ev.initEvent('Super_preloaderPageLoaded', true, false);
+ document.dispatchEvent(ev);
+ if (prefs.enableHistory) {
+ try {
+ window.history.pushState(null, docTitle, cplink);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ if (!(paged >= SSS.a_maxpage)) {
+ = 66;
+ break;
+ }
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Reached the set maximum number of page turns ${SSS.a_maxpage}`);
+ notice('Status:' + 'Reached the set maximum number of page turns:' + SSS.a_maxpage + '');
+ removeL();
+ return _context4.abrupt("return");
+ case 66:
+ delayiframe = function delayiframe(fn) {
+ setTimeout(fn, 199);
+ };
+ if (nextlink && !pagedLinks.includes(nextlink)) {
+ // debug('Found the next page link:', nextlink);
+ doc = win = null;
+ if (ipagesmode) {
+ if (SSS.a_useiframe) {
+ // 延时点,firefox,太急会卡-_-!
+ delayiframe(doRequest);
+ } else {
+ doRequest();
+ }
+ } else {
+ working = false;
+ if (SSS.a_useiframe) {
+ delayiframe(afterInsertDo);
+ } else {
+ afterInsertDo();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'No next page link found.', SSS.nextLink);
+ removeL();
+ }
+ case 68:
+ case "end":
+ return _context4.stop();
- }
- } else {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'No next page link found.', SSS.nextLink);
- removeL();
- }
+ }, _callee4, null, [[4, 10]]);
+ }));
+ return _insertedIntoDoc.apply(this, arguments);
- // 返回,剩余高度是总高度的比值.
var relatedObj_0, relatedObj_1;
if (SSS.a_relatedObj) {
if (_isArray(SSS.a_relatedObj)) {
@@ -11865,15 +11976,37 @@
window.removeEventListener('scroll', timeoutfn, false);
autoPO = {
- startipages: function startipages(value) {
- if (value > 0) {
- ipagesmode = true;
- ipagesnumber = value + paged;
- notice('Status:' + 'Current number of pages turned: ' + paged + ',' + 'Continue to turn page ' + ipagesnumber + '');
- if (SSS.a_manualA) insertedIntoDoc();
- scroll();
+ startipages: function () {
+ var _startipages = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(value) {
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
+ while (1) switch (_context2.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ if (!(value > 0)) {
+ = 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ ipagesmode = true;
+ ipagesnumber = value + paged;
+ notice('Status:' + 'Current number of pages turned: ' + paged + ',' + 'Continue to turn page ' + ipagesnumber + '');
+ if (!SSS.a_manualA) {
+ = 7;
+ break;
+ }
+ = 7;
+ return insertedIntoDoc();
+ case 7:
+ scroll();
+ case 8:
+ case "end":
+ return _context2.stop();
+ }
+ }, _callee2);
+ }));
+ function startipages(_x2) {
+ return _startipages.apply(this, arguments);
- }
+ return startipages;
+ }()
@@ -12071,295 +12204,367 @@
/**@type {IRuntimeRule} */
var SSS = {};
- var findCurSiteInfo = function findCurSiteInfo() {
- var SIIAD = SITEINFO_D.autopager;
- var Rurl;
- var ii = SSRules.length;
- if (userLang === 'zh_CN') {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `高级规则数目:${ii}`);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Number of rules > ${ii - jsonRule.length} from other sources, such as:`);
- } else {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Number of advanced rules:${ii}`);
- }
- var _loop = function _loop() {
- var SII = SSRules[i];
- if (SII.autopager && SII.autopager.ip) {
- if (SII.autopager.ip.indexOf(serverIp) < 0) {
- return 0; // continue
- }
- }
- Rurl = toRE(SII.url);
- if (Rurl.test(url)) {
- if (userLang === 'zh_CN') {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Find current site rules:', SII);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `规则ID: ${i + 1}`);
- } else {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Find rule for this website:', SII);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Rule ID: ${i + 1}`);
- }
+ var findCurSiteInfo = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+ var _ref5 = _asyncToGenerator$1( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee5() {
+ var SIIAD, Rurl, ii, _loop, _ret, i, FA;
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee5$(_context6) {
+ while (1) switch (_context6.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ SIIAD = SITEINFO_D.autopager;
+ ii = SSRules.length;
+ if (userLang === 'zh_CN') {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `高级规则数目:${ii}`);
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Number of rules > ${ii - jsonRule.length} from other sources, such as:`);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Number of advanced rules:${ii}`);
+ }
+ _loop = /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _loop() {
+ var SII, SIIA, documentFilter, pageElement;
+ return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _loop$(_context5) {
+ while (1) switch (_context5.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ SII = SSRules[i];
+ if (!(SII.autopager && SII.autopager.ip)) {
+ = 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(SII.autopager.ip.indexOf(serverIp) < 0)) {
+ = 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ return _context5.abrupt("return", 0);
+ case 4:
+ Rurl = toRE(SII.url);
+ if (!Rurl.test(url)) {
+ = 71;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (userLang === 'zh_CN') {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Find current site rules:', SII);
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `规则ID: ${i + 1}`);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Find rule for this website:', SII);
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Rule ID: ${i + 1}`);
+ }
+ // 运行规则的 startFilter
+ if (!(SII.autopager && SII.autopager.startFilter)) {
+ = 17;
+ break;
+ }
+ _context5.prev = 8;
+ = 11;
+ return SII.autopager.startFilter(document, window);
+ case 11:
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'startFilter executed successfully');
+ = 17;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ _context5.prev = 14;
+ _context5.t0 = _context5["catch"](8);
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Error executing startFilter', _context5.t0);
+ case 17:
+ nextlinkElem = getElement(SII.nextLink || 'auto;');
+ if (nextlinkElem) {
+ = 21;
+ break;
+ }
+ logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'Could not find the next page link, continue searching for other rules, skiping rule:', SII);
+ return _context5.abrupt("return", 0);
+ case 21:
+ // extract next page link from an a link
+ nextlink = getFullHref(nextlinkElem);
+ if (!(nextlink === document.location.href)) {
+ = 25;
+ break;
+ }
+ nextlinkElem = null;
+ return _context5.abrupt("return", 0);
+ case 25:
+ if (SII.preLink && SII.preLink != 'auto;') {
+ // 如果设定了具体的preLink
+ prelink = getElement(SII.preLink);
+ } else {
+ if (prefs.autoGetPreLink) {
+ prelink = getElement('auto;');
+ }
+ }
+ SSS = {};
+ SSS.Rurl = String(Rurl);
+ SSS.nextLink = SII.nextLink || 'auto;';
+ SSS.viewcontent = SII.viewcontent;
+ SSS.enable = SII.enable === undefined ? SITEINFO_D.enable : SII.enable;
+ SSS.useiframe = SII.useiframe === undefined ? SITEINFO_D.useiframe : SII.useiframe;
+ if (SII.pageElement) {
+ // 如果是Oautopager的规则..
+ if (typeof SII.autopager !== 'object') SII.autopager = {};
+ SII.autopager.pageElement = SII.pageElement;
+ if (!SII.autopager.useiframe) SII.autopager.useiframe = SII.useiframe;
+ if (SII.preLink) SII.autopager.preLink = SII.preLink;
+ if (SII.insertBefore) SII.autopager.HT_insert = [SII.insertBefore, 1];
+ }
- // 运行规则的 startFilter
- if (SII.autopager && SII.autopager.startFilter) {
- try {
- SII.autopager.startFilter(document, window);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'startFilter executed successfully');
- } catch (e) {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Error executing startFilter', e);
+ // 自动翻页设置.
+ SIIA = SII.autopager;
+ if (!SIIA) {
+ = 64;
+ break;
+ }
+ SSS.a_pageElement = SIIA.pageElement;
+ if (SSS.a_pageElement) {
+ = 38;
+ break;
+ }
+ return _context5.abrupt("return", 1);
+ case 38:
+ SSS.a_manualA = SIIA.manualA === undefined ? SIIAD.manualA : SIIA.manualA;
+ SSS.a_enable = SIIA.enable === undefined ? SIIAD.enable : SIIA.enable;
+ SSS.a_useiframe = SIIA.useiframe === undefined ? SIIAD.useiframe : SIIA.useiframe;
+ SSS.a_mutationObserver = SSS.a_useiframe ? SIIA.mutationObserver === undefined ? null : SIIA.mutationObserver : null;
+ SSS.a_newIframe = SIIA.newIframe === undefined ? SIIAD.newIframe : SIIA.newIframe;
+ SSS.a_iloaded = SIIA.iloaded === undefined ? SIIAD.iloaded : SIIA.iloaded;
+ SSS.a_itimeout = SIIA.itimeout === undefined ? SIIAD.itimeout : SIIA.itimeout;
+ SSS.a_remain = SIIA.remain === undefined ? SIIAD.remain : SIIA.remain;
+ SSS.a_maxpage = SIIA.maxpage === undefined ? SIIAD.maxpage : SIIA.maxpage;
+ SSS.a_separator = SIIA.separator === undefined ? SIIAD.separator : SIIA.separator;
+ SSS.a_sepdivDom = SIIA.sepdivDom === undefined ? undefined : SIIA.sepdivDom;
+ SSS.a_separatorReal = SIIA.separatorReal === undefined ? SIIAD.separatorReal : SIIA.separatorReal;
+ SSS.a_replaceE = SIIA.replaceE;
+ SSS.a_HT_insert = SIIA.HT_insert;
+ SSS.a_relatedObj = SIIA.relatedObj === undefined ? SIIAD.relatedObj : SIIA.relatedObj;
+ SSS.a_ipages = SIIA.ipages === undefined ? SIIAD.ipages : SIIA.ipages;
+ // new
+ SSS.filter = SII.filter || SIIA.filter; // 新增了函数的形式,原来的功能是移除 pageElement
+ documentFilter = SII.documentFilter || SIIA.documentFilter;
+ if (documentFilter === 'startFilter') {
+ SSS.a_documentFilter = function (doc) {
+ return SII.autopager.startFilter(doc);
+ };
+ } else if (typeof documentFilter === 'function') {
+ SSS.a_documentFilter = documentFilter;
+ } else {
+ SSS.a_documentFilter = undefined;
+ }
+ SSS.a_scriptFilter = SIIA.scriptFilter === undefined ? '' : SIIA.scriptFilter;
+ SSS.a_stylish = SII.stylish || SIIA.stylish;
+ SSS.lazyImgSrc = SIIA.lazyImgSrc;
+ SSS.a_headers = SIIA.headers === undefined ? undefined : SIIA.headers; // custom header for XHRLoaded
+ SSS.a_reload = SIIA.reload === undefined ? SIIAD.reload : SIIA.reload; // force reload iframe
+ SSS.a_sandbox = SIIA.sandbox === undefined ? SIIAD.sandbox : SIIA.sandbox;
+ // 在翻页的时候会有一些其他元素占据了页面的高度,导致翻页不精准。
+ // 比如正文下面的推荐文章列表(占据超过整个页面10%就很难受)
+ SSS.a_excludeElement = SIIA.excludeElement;
+ case 64:
+ // 检验是否存在内容
+ pageElement = getElement(SSS.a_pageElement);
+ if (!(!pageElement || Array.isArray(pageElement) && pageElement.length === 0)) {
+ = 69;
+ break;
+ }
+ nextlinkElem = null;
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Could not find content, skiping rule:', SII, 'Continue to search for other rules.');
+ return _context5.abrupt("return", 0);
+ case 69:
+ SSS.hasRule = true;
+ return _context5.abrupt("return", 1);
+ case 71:
+ case "end":
+ return _context5.stop();
+ }
+ }, _loop, null, [[8, 14]]);
+ });
+ i = 0;
+ case 5:
+ if (!(i < ii)) {
+ = 15;
+ break;
- }
- nextlinkElem = getElement(SII.nextLink || 'auto;');
- if (!nextlinkElem) {
- logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'Could not find the next page link, continue searching for other rules, skiping rule:', SII);
- return 0; // continue
- }
- // extract next page link from an a link
- nextlink = getFullHref(nextlinkElem);
- if (nextlink === document.location.href) {
- nextlinkElem = null;
- return 0; // continue
- }
- if (SII.preLink && SII.preLink != 'auto;') {
- // 如果设定了具体的preLink
- prelink = getElement(SII.preLink);
- } else {
- if (prefs.autoGetPreLink) {
- prelink = getElement('auto;');
+ return _context6.delegateYield(_loop(), "t0", 7);
+ case 7:
+ _ret = _context6.t0;
+ if (!(_ret === 0)) {
+ = 10;
+ break;
- }
- SSS = {};
- SSS.Rurl = String(Rurl);
- SSS.nextLink = SII.nextLink || 'auto;';
- SSS.viewcontent = SII.viewcontent;
- SSS.enable = SII.enable === undefined ? SITEINFO_D.enable : SII.enable;
- SSS.useiframe = SII.useiframe === undefined ? SITEINFO_D.useiframe : SII.useiframe;
- if (SII.pageElement) {
- // 如果是Oautopager的规则..
- if (typeof SII.autopager !== 'object') SII.autopager = {};
- SII.autopager.pageElement = SII.pageElement;
- if (!SII.autopager.useiframe) SII.autopager.useiframe = SII.useiframe;
- if (SII.preLink) SII.autopager.preLink = SII.preLink;
- if (SII.insertBefore) SII.autopager.HT_insert = [SII.insertBefore, 1];
- }
- // 自动翻页设置.
- var SIIA = SII.autopager;
- if (SIIA) {
- SSS.a_pageElement = SIIA.pageElement;
- if (!SSS.a_pageElement) return 1; // break
- SSS.a_manualA = SIIA.manualA === undefined ? SIIAD.manualA : SIIA.manualA;
- SSS.a_enable = SIIA.enable === undefined ? SIIAD.enable : SIIA.enable;
- SSS.a_useiframe = SIIA.useiframe === undefined ? SIIAD.useiframe : SIIA.useiframe;
- SSS.a_mutationObserver = SSS.a_useiframe ? SIIA.mutationObserver === undefined ? null : SIIA.mutationObserver : null;
- SSS.a_newIframe = SIIA.newIframe === undefined ? SIIAD.newIframe : SIIA.newIframe;
- SSS.a_iloaded = SIIA.iloaded === undefined ? SIIAD.iloaded : SIIA.iloaded;
- SSS.a_itimeout = SIIA.itimeout === undefined ? SIIAD.itimeout : SIIA.itimeout;
- SSS.a_remain = SIIA.remain === undefined ? SIIAD.remain : SIIA.remain;
- SSS.a_maxpage = SIIA.maxpage === undefined ? SIIAD.maxpage : SIIA.maxpage;
- SSS.a_separator = SIIA.separator === undefined ? SIIAD.separator : SIIA.separator;
- SSS.a_sepdivDom = SIIA.sepdivDom === undefined ? undefined : SIIA.sepdivDom;
- SSS.a_separatorReal = SIIA.separatorReal === undefined ? SIIAD.separatorReal : SIIA.separatorReal;
- SSS.a_replaceE = SIIA.replaceE;
- SSS.a_HT_insert = SIIA.HT_insert;
- SSS.a_relatedObj = SIIA.relatedObj === undefined ? SIIAD.relatedObj : SIIA.relatedObj;
- SSS.a_ipages = SIIA.ipages === undefined ? SIIAD.ipages : SIIA.ipages;
- // new
- SSS.filter = SII.filter || SIIA.filter; // 新增了函数的形式,原来的功能是移除 pageElement
- var documentFilter = SII.documentFilter || SIIA.documentFilter;
- if (documentFilter === 'startFilter') {
- SSS.a_documentFilter = function (doc) {
- return SII.autopager.startFilter(doc);
- };
- } else if (typeof documentFilter === 'function') {
- SSS.a_documentFilter = documentFilter;
- } else {
- SSS.a_documentFilter = undefined;
+ return _context6.abrupt("continue", 12);
+ case 10:
+ if (!(_ret === 1)) {
+ = 12;
+ break;
+ }
+ return _context6.abrupt("break", 15);
+ case 12:
+ i++;
+ = 5;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ if (!SSS.hasRule) {
+ // 自动搜索.
+ if (!autoMatch.keyMatch) {
+ logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'Auto match is disabled');
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'No rules are found. Auto match starts');
+ nextlinkElem = autoGetLink();
+ if (nextlinkElem) {
+ // 强制模式.
+ FA = autoMatch.FA;
+ SSS.Rurl = window.localStorage ? 'am:' + (url.match(/^https?:\/\/[^:]*\//i) || [])[0] : 'am:automatch';
+ SSS.enable = true;
+ SSS.nextLink = 'auto;';
+ SSS.viewcontent = autoMatch.viewcontent;
+ SSS.useiframe = autoMatch.useiframe || SITEINFO_D.autopager.useiframe;
+ SSS.a_force = true;
+ SSS.a_manualA = FA.manualA;
+ SSS.a_enable = FA.enable || SITEINFO_D.autopager.force_enable; // Force join is enabled when this becomes true
+ SSS.a_useiframe = FA.useiframe || SITEINFO_D.useiframe;
+ SSS.a_iloaded = FA.iloaded;
+ SSS.a_itimeout = FA.itimeout;
+ SSS.a_remain = FA.remain;
+ SSS.a_maxpage = FA.maxpage;
+ SSS.a_separator = FA.separator;
+ SSS.a_ipages = FA.ipages;
+ }
+ }
- SSS.a_scriptFilter = SIIA.scriptFilter === undefined ? '' : SIIA.scriptFilter;
- SSS.a_stylish = SII.stylish || SIIA.stylish;
- SSS.lazyImgSrc = SIIA.lazyImgSrc;
- SSS.a_headers = SIIA.headers === undefined ? undefined : SIIA.headers; // custom header for XHRLoaded
- SSS.a_reload = SIIA.reload === undefined ? SIIAD.reload : SIIA.reload; // force reload iframe
- SSS.a_sandbox = SIIA.sandbox === undefined ? SIIAD.sandbox : SIIA.sandbox;
- // 在翻页的时候会有一些其他元素占据了页面的高度,导致翻页不精准。
- // 比如正文下面的推荐文章列表(占据超过整个页面10%就很难受)
- SSS.a_excludeElement = SIIA.excludeElement;
- }
- // 检验是否存在内容
- var pageElement = getElement(SSS.a_pageElement);
- if (!pageElement || Array.isArray(pageElement) && pageElement.length === 0) {
- nextlinkElem = null;
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'Could not find content, skiping rule:', SII, 'Continue to search for other rules.');
- return 0; // continue
- }
- SSS.hasRule = true;
- return 1; // break
+ // 如果规则没 lazyImgSrc,设置默认值
+ if (!SSS.lazyImgSrc) {
+ SSS.lazyImgSrc = prefs.lazyImgSrc;
+ }
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent on searching for advanced rules and automatic matching: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ case 18:
+ case "end":
+ return _context6.stop();
- },
- _ret;
- for (var i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
- _ret = _loop();
- if (_ret === 0) continue;
- if (_ret === 1) break;
+ }, _callee5);
+ }));
+ return function findCurSiteInfo() {
+ return _ref5.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }();
+ findCurSiteInfo().then(function () {
+ // 上下页都没有找到啊
+ if (!nextlinkElem && !prelink) {
+ logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", `No related links found, JS execution stopped. Total time spent: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ return;
+ } else if (!nextlink) {
+ logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'The link to the next page does not exist, JS cannot continue.');
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Previous link element:', prelink);
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Next link element:', nextlinkElem);
+ nextlink = elemToHref(nextlinkElem);
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Next link:', nextlink);
+ //@ts-ignore
+ prelink = prelink ? prelink.href || prelink : undefined;
- if (!SSS.hasRule) {
- // 自动搜索.
- if (!autoMatch.keyMatch) {
- logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'Auto match is disabled');
- } else {
- logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'No rules are found. Auto match starts');
- nextlinkElem = autoGetLink();
- if (nextlinkElem) {
- // 强制模式.
- var FA = autoMatch.FA;
- SSS.Rurl = window.localStorage ? 'am:' + (url.match(/^https?:\/\/[^:]*\//i) || [])[0] : 'am:automatch';
- SSS.enable = true;
- SSS.nextLink = 'auto;';
- SSS.viewcontent = autoMatch.viewcontent;
- SSS.useiframe = autoMatch.useiframe || SITEINFO_D.autopager.useiframe;
- SSS.a_force = true;
- SSS.a_manualA = FA.manualA;
- SSS.a_enable = FA.enable || SITEINFO_D.autopager.force_enable; // Force join is enabled when this becomes true
- SSS.a_useiframe = FA.useiframe || SITEINFO_D.useiframe;
- SSS.a_iloaded = FA.iloaded;
- SSS.a_itimeout = FA.itimeout;
- SSS.a_remain = FA.remain;
- SSS.a_maxpage = FA.maxpage;
- SSS.a_separator = FA.separator;
- SSS.a_ipages = FA.ipages;
+ var keyBinding = {
+ go: function go() {
+ if (typeof nextlink === 'string') window.location.href = nextlink;
+ },
+ back: function back() {
+ //fixme
+ if (!prelink) getElement('auto;');
+ if (typeof prelink === 'string') window.location.href = prelink;
+ },
+ register: function register( /**@type {IPrefs} */prefs) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (prefs.arrowKeyPage) {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Adding left and right arrow keys to autopager listener.');
+ document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
+ //@ts-ignore
+ var tarNN =;
+ if (tarNN != 'BODY' && tarNN != 'HTML') return;
+ // check is a combo pressed
+ if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (e.keyCode) {
+ case 37:
+ _this.back();
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ _this.go();
+ break;
+ }
+ }, false);
+ // 监听下一页事件.
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", '添加鼠标手势翻页监听');
+ document.addEventListener('superPreloader.go', function () {
+ _this.go();
+ }, false);
+ // 监听下一页事件.
+ document.addEventListener('superPreloader.back', function () {
+ _this.back();
+ }, false);
+ };
+ keyBinding.register(prefs);
+ loadLocalSetting(SSS);
+ if (!SSS.enable) {
+ logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'This rule is disabled, script execution is stopped');
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ return;
- // 如果规则没 lazyImgSrc,设置默认值
- if (!SSS.lazyImgSrc) {
- SSS.lazyImgSrc = prefs.lazyImgSrc;
+ if (!SSS.hasRule) {
+ SSS.a_force = true;
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent on searching for advanced rules and automatic matching: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- };
- findCurSiteInfo();
- // 上下页都没有找到啊
- if (!nextlinkElem && !prelink) {
- logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", `No related links found, JS execution stopped. Total time spent: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- return;
- } else {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Previous link element:', prelink);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Next link element:', nextlinkElem);
- nextlink = elemToHref(nextlinkElem);
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Next link:', nextlink);
- //@ts-ignore
- prelink = prelink ? prelink.href || prelink : undefined;
- }
- var superPreloader = {
- go: function go() {
- if (typeof nextlink === 'string') window.location.href = nextlink;
- },
- back: function back() {
- //fixme
- if (!prelink) getElement('auto;');
- if (typeof prelink === 'string') window.location.href = prelink;
+ if (SSS.a_force) {
+ SSS.a_pageElement = '//body/*';
+ SSS.a_HT_insert = undefined;
+ SSS.a_relatedObj = undefined;
- };
- if (prefs.arrowKeyPage) {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Adding left and right arrow keys to autopager listener.');
- document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
- //@ts-ignore
- var tarNN =;
- if (tarNN != 'BODY' && tarNN != 'HTML') return;
- // check is a combo pressed
- if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) {
- return;
- }
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case 37:
- superPreloader.back();
- break;
- case 39:
- superPreloader.go();
- break;
- }
- }, false);
- }
- // 监听下一页事件.
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", '添加鼠标手势翻页监听');
- document.addEventListener('superPreloader.go', function () {
- superPreloader.go();
- }, false);
- // 监听下一页事件.
- document.addEventListener('superPreloader.back', function () {
- superPreloader.back();
- }, false);
- // 没找到下一页的链接
- if (!nextlink) {
- logger.error("[Super-preloader]", 'The link to the next page does not exist, JS cannot continue.');
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- return;
- }
- loadLocalSetting(SSS);
- if (!SSS.hasRule) {
- SSS.a_force = true;
- }
- if (SSS.a_force) {
- SSS.a_pageElement = '//body/*';
- SSS.a_HT_insert = undefined;
- SSS.a_relatedObj = undefined;
- }
- if (prefs.floatWindow) {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Creating a floating window');
- floatWindow(SSS);
- var floatWindowWidth = getFloatWindowWith();
- displace(document.getElementById('sp-fw-container'), {
- handle: document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect'),
- customMove: function customMove(el, x, y) {
- delete;
- delete;
- var right = document.body.clientWidth - floatWindowWidth - x;
- if (right < 0) {
- right = 0;
- } else if (right > window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth) {
- right = window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth;
- }
- var top = y;
- if (top > window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight) {
- top = window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight;
- } else if (top < 0) {
- top = 0;
+ if (prefs.floatWindow) {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Creating a floating window');
+ floatWindow(SSS);
+ var floatWindowWidth = getFloatWindowWith();
+ displace(document.getElementById('sp-fw-container'), {
+ handle: document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect'),
+ customMove: function customMove(el, x, y) {
+ delete;
+ delete;
+ var right = document.body.clientWidth - floatWindowWidth - x;
+ if (right < 0) {
+ right = 0;
+ } else if (right > window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth) {
+ right = window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth;
+ }
+ var top = y;
+ if (top > window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight) {
+ top = window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight;
+ } else if (top < 0) {
+ top = 0;
+ }
+ = `${right}px`;
+ = `${top}px`;
+ },
+ onMouseUp: function onMouseUp(el) {
+ prefs.FW_offset[0] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
+ prefs.FW_offset[1] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
+ prefs.FW_position = 2;
+ GM.setValue('prefs', prefs);
- = `${right}px`;
- = `${top}px`;
- },
- onMouseUp: function onMouseUp(el) {
- prefs.FW_offset[0] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
- prefs.FW_offset[1] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
- prefs.FW_position = 2;
- GM.setValue('prefs', prefs);
- }
- });
- document.getElementById('sp-fw-container').style.position = 'fixed';
- }
- if (!SSS.enable) {
- logger.warn("[Super-preloader]", 'This rule is disabled, script execution is stopped');
+ });
+ document.getElementById('sp-fw-container').style.position = 'fixed';
+ }
logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- return;
- }
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", `Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- // 预读或者翻页.
- if (SSS.a_enable) {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Initializing, autopager mode.');
- autopager(SSS, floatWO);
- } else {
- logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Initializing, prefetch mode.');
- prefetcher(SSS, floatWO);
- }
- var docChecked;
+ // 预读或者翻页.
+ if (SSS.a_enable) {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Initializing, autopager mode.');
+ autopager(SSS, floatWO);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug("[Super-preloader]", 'Initializing, prefetch mode.');
+ prefetcher(SSS, floatWO);
+ }
+ });
// 获取单个元素,混合
@@ -12399,7 +12604,7 @@
return ret;
+ var docChecked;
* @param {Document=} doc document
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 9e86a39ae..7837d363e 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "super-preloader",
- "version": "7.0.5",
+ "version": "7.0.6",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "super-preloader",
- "version": "7.0.5",
+ "version": "7.0.6",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"dependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.23.3",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index ad29f0ec8..31a4a20ac 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "super-preloader",
- "version": "7.0.5",
+ "version": "7.0.6",
"description": "Super-preloader",
"main": "dist/Super_preloaderPlus_one_New.user.js",
"author": "Mach6",
diff --git a/src/index.d.ts b/src/index.d.ts
index 2582919d9..fd4813b22 100644
--- a/src/index.d.ts
+++ b/src/index.d.ts
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ interface IRule {
ipages?: [boolean, number];
separator?: boolean;
sepdivDom?: (doc: Document, sep: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
- startFilter?: (doc: Document, win?: Window) => void;
- documentFilter?: ((doc: Document, nextLink?: string) => void) | 'startFilter';
+ startFilter?: (doc: Document, win?: Window) => Promise | void;
+ documentFilter?: ((doc: Document, nextLink?: string) => Promise | void) | 'startFilter';
scriptFilter?: string;
filter?: (pageElements: HTMLElement[]) => void;
stylish?: string;
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 0b6c3c3d3..99ebd4593 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
function manualAdiv() {
if (!manualDiv) {
- const spage = (el) => {
+ const spage = async (el) => {
if (doc) {
let value = Number(el.value);
if (isNaN(value) || value < 1) {
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
ipagesmode = true;
ipagesnumber = value + paged;
- insertedIntoDoc();
+ await insertedIntoDoc();
@@ -1362,8 +1362,9 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
function (e) {
if ( === 'sp-sp-md-number') return;
- spage(document.getElementById('sp-sp-md-number'));
- manualDiv.remove();
+ spage(document.getElementById('sp-sp-md-number')).then(() => {
+ manualDiv.remove();
+ });
@@ -1372,7 +1373,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
// = "block";
- function beforeInsertIntoDoc() {
+ async function beforeInsertIntoDoc() {
working = true;
if (SSS.a_manualA && !ipagesmode) {
// 显示手动翻页触发条.
@@ -1381,7 +1382,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
} else {
// 直接拼接.
logger.debug('Direct stitching');
- insertedIntoDoc();
+ await insertedIntoDoc();
@@ -1503,7 +1504,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
var paged = 0;
- function insertedIntoDoc() {
+ async function insertedIntoDoc() {
if (!doc) {
logger.error('No document');
@@ -1511,7 +1512,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
if (SSS.a_documentFilter) {
try {
- SSS.a_documentFilter(doc, typeof nextlink === 'string' && nextlink);
+ await SSS.a_documentFilter(doc, typeof nextlink === 'string' && nextlink);
logger.debug('Successfully executeed documentFilter');
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error executing documentFilter', e, SSS.a_documentFilter.toString());
@@ -1845,12 +1846,12 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
autoPO = {
- startipages: function (value) {
+ startipages: async function (value) {
if (value > 0) {
ipagesmode = true;
ipagesnumber = value + paged;
notice('Status:' + 'Current number of pages turned: ' + paged + ',' + 'Continue to turn page ' + ipagesnumber + '');
- if (SSS.a_manualA) insertedIntoDoc();
+ if (SSS.a_manualA) await insertedIntoDoc();
@@ -2070,7 +2071,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
/**@type {IRuntimeRule} */
let SSS = {};
- const findCurSiteInfo = function () {
+ const findCurSiteInfo = async function () {
const SIIAD = SITEINFO_D.autopager;
var Rurl;
const ii = SSRules.length;
@@ -2102,7 +2103,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
// 运行规则的 startFilter
if (SII.autopager && SII.autopager.startFilter) {
try {
- SII.autopager.startFilter(document, window);
+ await SII.autopager.startFilter(document, window);
logger.debug('startFilter executed successfully');
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error executing startFilter', e);
@@ -2240,151 +2241,149 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
logger.debug(`Total time spent on searching for advanced rules and automatic matching: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- findCurSiteInfo();
- // 上下页都没有找到啊
- if (!nextlinkElem && !prelink) {
- logger.warn(`No related links found, JS execution stopped. Total time spent: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- return;
- } else if (!nextlink) {
- logger.error('The link to the next page does not exist, JS cannot continue.');
- logger.debug(`Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- return;
- } else {
- logger.debug('Previous link element:', prelink);
- logger.debug('Next link element:', nextlinkElem);
- nextlink = elemToHref(nextlinkElem);
- logger.debug('Next link:', nextlink);
- //@ts-ignore
- prelink = prelink ? prelink.href || prelink : undefined;
- }
- const keyBinding = {
- go: function () {
- if (typeof nextlink === 'string') window.location.href = nextlink;
- },
- back: function () {
- //fixme
- if (!prelink) getElement('auto;');
- if (typeof prelink === 'string') window.location.href = prelink;
- },
- register: function (/**@type {IPrefs} */ prefs) {
- if (prefs.arrowKeyPage) {
- logger.debug('Adding left and right arrow keys to autopager listener.');
- document.addEventListener(
- 'keyup',
- (e) => {
- //@ts-ignore
- const tarNN =;
- if (tarNN != 'BODY' && tarNN != 'HTML') return;
- // check is a combo pressed
- if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) {
- return;
- }
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case 37:
- this.back();
- break;
- case 39:
- this.go();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- },
- false
- );
- // 监听下一页事件.
- logger.debug('添加鼠标手势翻页监听');
- document.addEventListener(
- 'superPreloader.go',
- () => {
- this.go();
- },
- false
- );
- // 监听下一页事件.
- document.addEventListener(
- 'superPreloader.back',
- () => {
- this.back();
- },
- false
- );
- }
+ findCurSiteInfo().then(() => {
+ // 上下页都没有找到啊
+ if (!nextlinkElem && !prelink) {
+ logger.warn(`No related links found, JS execution stopped. Total time spent: ${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ return;
+ } else if (!nextlink) {
+ logger.error('The link to the next page does not exist, JS cannot continue.');
+ logger.debug(`Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ logger.debug('Previous link element:', prelink);
+ logger.debug('Next link element:', nextlinkElem);
+ nextlink = elemToHref(nextlinkElem);
+ logger.debug('Next link:', nextlink);
+ //@ts-ignore
+ prelink = prelink ? prelink.href || prelink : undefined;
- };
- keyBinding.register(prefs);
+ const keyBinding = {
+ go: function () {
+ if (typeof nextlink === 'string') window.location.href = nextlink;
+ },
+ back: function () {
+ //fixme
+ if (!prelink) getElement('auto;');
+ if (typeof prelink === 'string') window.location.href = prelink;
+ },
+ register: function (/**@type {IPrefs} */ prefs) {
+ if (prefs.arrowKeyPage) {
+ logger.debug('Adding left and right arrow keys to autopager listener.');
+ document.addEventListener(
+ 'keyup',
+ (e) => {
+ //@ts-ignore
+ const tarNN =;
+ if (tarNN != 'BODY' && tarNN != 'HTML') return;
+ // check is a combo pressed
+ if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) {
+ return;
+ }
- loadLocalSetting(SSS);
- if (!SSS.enable) {
- logger.warn('This rule is disabled, script execution is stopped');
- logger.debug(`Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- return;
- }
+ switch (e.keyCode) {
+ case 37:
+ this.back();
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ this.go();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ false
+ );
+ // 监听下一页事件.
+ logger.debug('添加鼠标手势翻页监听');
+ document.addEventListener(
+ 'superPreloader.go',
+ () => {
+ this.go();
+ },
+ false
+ );
+ // 监听下一页事件.
+ document.addEventListener(
+ 'superPreloader.back',
+ () => {
+ this.back();
+ },
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
- if (!SSS.hasRule) {
- SSS.a_force = true;
- }
+ keyBinding.register(prefs);
- if (SSS.a_force) {
- SSS.a_pageElement = '//body/*';
- SSS.a_HT_insert = undefined;
- SSS.a_relatedObj = undefined;
- }
+ loadLocalSetting(SSS);
+ if (!SSS.enable) {
+ logger.warn('This rule is disabled, script execution is stopped');
+ logger.debug(`Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ return;
+ }
- if (prefs.floatWindow) {
- logger.debug('Creating a floating window');
- floatWindow(SSS);
- const floatWindowWidth = getFloatWindowWith();
- const d = displace(document.getElementById('sp-fw-container'), {
- handle: document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect'),
- customMove: (el, x, y) => {
- delete;
- delete;
- let right = document.body.clientWidth - floatWindowWidth - x;
- if (right < 0) {
- right = 0;
- } else if (right > window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth) {
- right = window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth;
- }
+ if (!SSS.hasRule) {
+ SSS.a_force = true;
+ }
+ if (SSS.a_force) {
+ SSS.a_pageElement = '//body/*';
+ SSS.a_HT_insert = undefined;
+ SSS.a_relatedObj = undefined;
+ }
+ if (prefs.floatWindow) {
+ logger.debug('Creating a floating window');
+ floatWindow(SSS);
+ const floatWindowWidth = getFloatWindowWith();
+ const d = displace(document.getElementById('sp-fw-container'), {
+ handle: document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect'),
+ customMove: (el, x, y) => {
+ delete;
+ delete;
+ let right = document.body.clientWidth - floatWindowWidth - x;
+ if (right < 0) {
+ right = 0;
+ } else if (right > window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth) {
+ right = window.innerWidth - floatWindowWidth;
+ }
- let top = y;
- if (top > window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight) {
- top = window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight;
- } else if (top < 0) {
- top = 0;
+ let top = y;
+ if (top > window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight) {
+ top = window.innerHeight - document.getElementById('sp-fw-rect').scrollHeight;
+ } else if (top < 0) {
+ top = 0;
+ }
+ = `${right}px`;
+ = `${top}px`;
+ },
+ onMouseUp: (el) => {
+ prefs.FW_offset[0] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
+ prefs.FW_offset[1] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
+ prefs.FW_position = 2;
+ GM.setValue('prefs', prefs);
- = `${right}px`;
- = `${top}px`;
- },
- onMouseUp: (el) => {
- prefs.FW_offset[0] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
- prefs.FW_offset[1] = parseInt('px', ''), 10);
- prefs.FW_position = 2;
- GM.setValue('prefs', prefs);
- }
- });
- document.getElementById('sp-fw-container').style.position = 'fixed';
- }
- logger.debug(`Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
+ });
+ document.getElementById('sp-fw-container').style.position = 'fixed';
+ }
- // 预读或者翻页.
- if (SSS.a_enable) {
- logger.debug('Initializing, autopager mode.');
- autopager(SSS, floatWO);
- } else {
- logger.debug('Initializing, prefetch mode.');
- prefetcher(SSS, floatWO);
- }
+ logger.debug(`Total time spent:${new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()}ms`);
- var docChecked;
+ // 预读或者翻页.
+ if (SSS.a_enable) {
+ logger.debug('Initializing, autopager mode.');
+ autopager(SSS, floatWO);
+ } else {
+ logger.debug('Initializing, prefetch mode.');
+ prefetcher(SSS, floatWO);
+ }
+ });
// 获取单个元素,混合
@@ -2425,6 +2424,7 @@ import notice from './utils/notice.js';
return ret;
+ var docChecked;
* @param {Document=} doc document
diff --git a/src/rules/jsSiteRule.js b/src/rules/jsSiteRule.js
index e057fc70e..d60affa1c 100644
--- a/src/rules/jsSiteRule.js
+++ b/src/rules/jsSiteRule.js
@@ -220,23 +220,26 @@ export const jsSiteRule = [
autopager: {
ip: ['', ''],
ipages: [true, 5],
- startFilter: function (doc, _win) {
+ startFilter: async function (doc, _win) {
const items = doc.querySelectorAll('div.node > a');
if (items.length > 0) {
- items.forEach((a) => {
- const link = a.getAttribute('href');
- got.get(link).then((res) => {
+ await Promise.all(
+ [], async (a) => {
+ const link = a.getAttribute('href');
+ const res = await got.get(link);
const docPage = new DOMParser().parseFromString(, 'text/html');
- const imgHref = docPage.querySelector('article.article-content > p > img').getAttribute('src');
- const newImg = createDOM('img', {
- attr: {
- src: imgHref,
- style: 'display:block; width:50%; height:auto;'
- }
- });
- a.parentNode.insertBefore(newImg, a.nextSibling);
- });
- });
+ const img = docPage.querySelector('article.article-content > p > img');
+ if (img) {
+ const newImg = createDOM('img', {
+ attr: {
+ src: img.getAttribute('src'),
+ style: 'display:block; width:50%; height:auto;'
+ }
+ });
+ a.parentNode.insertBefore(newImg, a.nextSibling);
+ }
+ })
+ );
documentFilter: 'startFilter'