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Naveau edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 5 revisions


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The user friendly method:

The details:

install the ppa:

# go root
sudo su

# Add the robotpkg ppa. This contains the LAAS laboratory code base.
# Typically: pinocchio, dynamic-graph, gepetto-viewer, sot-core, ...
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -sc) robotpkg" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/robotpkg-openrobots.list
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -sc) robotpkg" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/robotpkg-openrobots.list
curl | sudo apt-key add -

# Update the apt list.
apt-get -y update --fix-missing
apt-get -y install -f
apt-get -y upgrade

ctrl+d (quit root)

Install the actual packages:

echo "Install LAAS package from python3.6"

sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba # LAAS 3D robot viewer network client/server.

# Pinocchio
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-hpp-fcl               # collision detection for pinocchio.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-libccd                # not sure.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-octomap               # not sure.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-pinocchio             # Eigen based rigid body dynamics library.

sudo apt install -y robotpkg-parametric-curves           # Spline and polynomes library.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-simple-humanoid-description # Simple humanoid robot_properties package.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-eigen-quadprog              # QP solver using eigen.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-tsid                        # Andrea Delprete Task Space Inverse Dynamics.

# Stack of Tasks (SoT)
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-dynamic-graph-v3         # Dynamic graph.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-sot-core-v3              # Stack of Tasks.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-sot-tools-v3             # Dynamic Graph Utilities, to be removed at some point.
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3 # DG wrapper around pinocchio

# A bunch of URDF for the unit-tests
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-example-robot-data      # Data for LAAS unnitests.

sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-tsid                     # python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-dynamic-graph-v3         # python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-eigenpy                  # Python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-pinocchio                # Python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-parametric-curves        # Python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-sot-core-v3              # Python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-quadprog                 # Python bindings
sudo apt install -y robotpkg-py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3 # Python bindings

# Install the setup.bash for that detup the environment variables
echo "#! /bin/bash" > $setup_bash_file
echo "" >> $setup_bash_file
echo "export PATH=\"/opt/openrobots/bin:\$PATH\"" >> $setup_bash_file
echo "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"/opt/openrobots/lib/pkgconfig:\$PKG_CONFIG_PATH\"" >> $setup_bash_file
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/opt/openrobots/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> $setup_bash_file
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/opt/openrobots/lib/dynamic-graph-plugins:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> $setup_bash_file
echo "export PYTHONPATH=\"/opt/openrobots/lib/python3.6/site-packages:\$PYTHONPATH\"" >> $setup_bash_file
echo "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=\"/opt/openrobots/share:\$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH\"" >> $setup_bash_file

sudo cp -f $setup_bash_file /opt/openrobots/setup.bash
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