Making AR creation accessible to everyone!
See our presentation here:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Please see Viro React's prerequisites & installation instructions here: At this time, mARkit is supported on iOS only!
Once you have forked and cloned this repo, don't forget to run npm install
to make sure you have all the necessary dependencies.
To run mARkit, navigate to the mARkit root directory on your machine. Then run the following commands in two terminal windows:
npm run seed
npm run start-server
npm run start
When you run npm run start
, note the URL of your NGrok server:
Then, on your phone, open your Viro Media testbed app. Click on the burger menu on the top left.
Select the Enter Testbed option. Then, enter the NGrok url provided to run the application.
You should now see our splash page! ![mARkit splash page]
Navigate to the viewer's page. ![the screen where you can choose viewer's or creator's page, with viewer's outlined]
From the list of available portals, touch the one you'd like to see. ![list of all portals]
The portal screen gives you additional information about the portal. Touch the thumbnail to see the portal. ![single portal page]
Look at the world through your phone. Your portal will be gliding in midair. ![screengrab of hovering portal]
Walk into the portal to see inside!