Below you can find the list of variables which control tests behavior, including schedule. Please, find os-autoinst backend variables which complement the list of variables below.
NOTE: This list is not complete and may contain outdated info. If you face such a case, please, create pull request with required changes.
For a better overview some domain-specific values have been moved to their own section:
Variable | Type | Default value | Details |
string | apache |
Apache2 package under test (e.g. apache2 or apache2-tls13 ) |
AARCH64_MTE_SUPPORTED | boolean | false | Set to 1 if your machine supports Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) |
ADDONS | string | Comma separated list of addons to be added using DVD. Also used to indicate addons in the SUT. | |
ADDONURL | string | Comma separated list of addons. Includes addon names to get url defined in ADDONURL_*. For example: ADDONURL=sdk,we ADDONURL_SDK=https://url ADDONURL_WE=ftp://url | |
ADDONURL_* | string | Define url for the addons list defined in ADDONURL | |
ASSERT_BSC1122804 | boolean | false | In some scenarios it is necessary to check if the mistyped full name still happens. |
ASSERT_Y2LOGS | boolean | false | If set to true, we will parse YaST logs after installation and fail test suite in case unknown errors were detected. |
AUTOCONF | boolean | false | Toggle automatic configuration |
AUTOYAST | string | Full url to the AY profile or relative path if in data directory of os-autoinst-distri-opensuse repo. If value starts with aytests/ , these profiles are provided by suport server, source code is available in aytests repo. If value is a folder ending in / rules and classes will be used. |
AUTOYAST_PREPARE_PROFILE | boolean | false | Enable variable expansion in the autoyast profile. |
AUTOYAST_VERIFY_TIMEOUT | boolean | false | Enable validation of pop-up windows timeout. |
AY_EXPAND_VARS | string | Commas separated list of variable names to be expanded in the provided autoyast profile. For example: REPO_SLE_MODULE_BASESYSTEM,DESKTOP,... Provided variables will replace {{VAR}} in the profile with the value of given variable. See also AUTOYAST_PREPARE_PROFILE . |
BASE_VERSION | string | ||
BETA | boolean | false | Enables checks and processing of beta warnings. Defines current stage of the product under test. |
BCI_DEVEL_REPO | string | This parameter is given to the bci-tests to inject a different SLE_BCI repository url to the container image instead of the default one. Used by . |
BCI_TEST_ENVS | string | The list of environments to be tested, e.g. base,init,dotnet,python,node,go,multistage . Used by . Use - to not schedule any BCI test runs. |
BCI_TESTS_REPO | string | Location of the bci-tests repository to be cloned. Used by . |
BCI_TESTS_BRANCH | string | Branch to be cloned from bci-tests. Used by . |
BCI_TIMEOUT | string | Timeout given to the command to test each environment. Used by . |
BCI_TARGET | string | ibs-cr | Container project to be tested. ibs-cr is the CR project, ibs is the released images project |
BCI_SKIP | boolean | false | Switch to disable BCI test runs. Necessary for fine-granular test disablement |
BOOTLOADER | string | grub2 | Which bootloader is used by the image (and in the future also: will be selected during installation) |
BTRFS | boolean | false | Indicates btrfs filesystem. Deprecated, use FILESYSTEM instead. |
BUILD | string | Indicates build number of the product under test. | |
CASEDIR | string | Path to the directory which contains tests. | |
CHECK_RELEASENOTES | boolean | false | Loads installation/releasenotes test module. |
CHECKSUM_* | string | SHA256 checksum of the * medium. E.g. CHECKSUM_ISO_1 for ISO_1. | |
CHECKSUM_FAILED | string | Variable is set if checksum of installation medium fails to visualize error in the test module and not just put this information in the autoinst log file. | |
CLUSTER_TYPES | string | false | Set the type of cluster that have to be analyzed (example: "drbd hana"). This variable belongs to PUBLIC_CLOUD_. |
CONTAINER_RUNTIME | string | Container runtime to be used, e.g. docker , podman , or both podman,docker . In addition, it is also used for other container tests, like kubectl , helm , etc. |
CONTAINERS_K3S_VERSION | string | If defined, install the provided version of k3s | |
CONTAINERS_NO_SUSE_OS | boolean | false | Used by main_containers to see if the host is different than SLE or openSUSE. |
CONTAINERS_UNTESTED_IMAGES | boolean | false | Whether to use untested_images or released_images from lib/containers/ . |
CONTAINERS_CRICTL_VERSION | string | v1.23.0 | The version of CriCtl tool. |
CONTAINERS_NERDCTL_VERSION | string | 0.16.1 | The version of NerdCTL tool. |
CPU_BUGS | boolean | Into Mitigations testing | |
DESKTOP | string | Indicates expected DM, e.g. gnome , kde , textmode , xfce , lxde . Does NOT prescribe installation mode. Installation is controlled by VIDEOMODE setting |
DEPENDENCY_RESOLVER_FLAG | boolean | false | Control whether the resolve_dependecy_issues will be scheduled or not before certain modules which need it. |
DEV_IMAGE | boolean | false | This setting is used to set veriables properly when SDK or Development-Tools are required. |
DISABLE_ONLINE_REPOS | boolean | false | Enables installation/disable_online_repos test module, relevant for openSUSE only. Test module explicitly disables online repos not to be used during installation. |
DISABLE_SECUREBOOT | boolean | false | Disable secureboot in firmware of the SUT or in hypervisor's guest VM settings |
DISABLE_SLE_UPDATES | boolean | false | Disables online updates for the installation. |
DISTRI | string | Defines distribution. Possible values: sle , opensuse , microos . |
DOCRUN | boolean | false | |
DUALBOOT | boolean | false | Enables dual boot configuration during the installation. |
DUD | string | Defines url or relative path to the DUD file if in data directory of os-autoinst-distri-opensuse repo | |
DUD_ADDONS | string | Comma separated list of addons added using DUD. | |
DVD | |||
ENCRYPT | boolean | false | Enables or indicates encryption of the disks. Can be combined with FULL_LVM_ENCRYPT , ENCRYPT_CANCEL_EXISTING , ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING and UNENCRYPTED_BOOT . |
ENCRYPT_CANCEL_EXISTING | boolean | false | Used to cancel activation of the encrypted partitions |
SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC_DISABLED | boolean | false | Disables panicking on softlockup, provides a stack trace once a softlockup has been detected (see POO#50345) |
ETC_PASSWD | string | Sets content for /etc/passwd, can be used to mimic existing users. Is used to test import of existing users on backends which have no shapshoting support (powerVM, zVM). Should be used together with ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING and ETC_SHADOW . |
ETC_SHADOW | string | Sets content for /etc/shadow, can be used to mimic existing users. Is used to test import of existing users on backends which have no shapshoting support (powerVM, zVM). Should be used together with ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING and ETC_PASSWD . |
EXIT_AFTER_START_INSTALL | boolean | false | Indicates that test suite will be finished after installation/start_install test module. So that all the test modules after this one will not be scheduled and executed. |
EXPECTED_INSTALL_HOSTNAME | string | Contains expected hostname YaST installer got from the environment (DHCP, 'hostname=', as a kernel cmd line argument) | |
EXTRABOOTPARAMS | string | Concatenates content of the string as boot options applied to the installation bootloader. | |
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_BOOT_LOCAL | string | Boot options applied during the boot process of a local installation. | |
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_LINE_OFFSET | integer | Line offset for linux line in grub when EXTRABOOTPARAMS_BOOT_LOCAL is used. |
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_DELETE_CHARACTERS | string | Characters to delete from boot prompt. | |
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_DELETE_NEEDLE_TARGET | string | If specified, go back with the cursor until this needle is matched to delete characters from there. Needs EXTRABOOTPARAMS_BOOT_LOCAL and should be combined with EXTRABOOTPARAMS_DELETE_CHARACTERS. | |
EXTRATEST | boolean | false | Enables execution of extra tests, see load_extra_tests |
FIRST_BOOT_CONFIG | string | combustion+ignition | The method used for initial configuration of MicroOS images. Possible values are: combustion , ignition , combustion+ignition and wizard . For ignition/combustion, the job needs to have a matching HDD attached. |
FLAVOR | string | Defines flavor of the product under test, e.g. staging-.-DVD , Krypton , Argon , Gnome-Live , DVD , Rescue-CD , etc. |
FULLURL | string | Full url to the factory repo. Is relevant for openSUSE only. | |
FULL_LVM_ENCRYPT | boolean | false | Enables/indicates encryption using lvm. boot partition may or not be encrypted, depending on the product default behavior. |
FUNCTION | string | Specifies SUT's role for MM test suites. E.g. Used to determine which SUT acts as target/server and initiator/client for iscsi test suite | |
GNU_COMPILERS_HPC_VERSION | string | Define the gnu-N-compilers-hpc version to be tested. | |
GRUB_PARAM | string | A semicolon-separated list of extra boot options. Adds 2 grub meny entries per each item in main grub (2nd entry is the "Advanced options ..." submenu). See add_custom_grub_entries() . |
GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT | boolean | false | Boot grub menu entry added by add_custom_grub_entries (having setup GRUB_PARAM=debug_pagealloc=on;ima_policy=tcb;slub_debug=FZPU , GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT=1 selects 3rd entry, which contains debug_pagealloc=on , GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT=2 selects 5th entry, which contains ima_policy=tcb ). NOTE: ARCH=s390x on BACKEND=s390x is not supported. See boot_grub_item() , handle_grub() . |
GRUB_SELECT_FIRST_MENU | integer | Select grub menu entry in main grub menu, used together with GRUB_SELECT_SECOND_MENU. GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT has higher preference when both set. NOTE: ARCH=s390x on BACKEND=s390x is not supported. See boot_grub_item() , handle_grub() . |
GRUB_SELECT_SECOND_MENU | integer | Select grub menu entry in secondary grub menu (the "Advanced options ..." submenu), used together with GRUB_SELECT_FIRST_MENU. GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT has higher preference when both set. NOTE: ARCH=s390x on BACKEND=s390x is not supported. See boot_grub_item() , handle_grub() . |
HASLICENSE | boolean | true if SLE, false otherwise | Enables processing and validation of the license agreements. |
HDDVERSION | string | Indicates version of the system installed on the HDD. | |
HPC_WAREWULF_CONTAINER | string | Set the container meant for warewulf test suite. | |
HPC_WAREWULF_CONTAINER_NAME | string | The OS name which is expected to run from HPC_WAREWULF_CONTAINER. | |
INSTALL_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT | string | Specify one of the supported keyboard layout to switch to during installation or to be used in autoyast scenarios e.g.: cz, fr | |
INSTALL_SOURCE | string | Specify network protocol to be used as installation source e.g. MIRROR_HTTP | |
INSTALLATION_VALIDATION | string | Comma separated list of modules to be used for installed system validation, should be used in combination with INSTALLONLY, to schedule only relevant test modules. | |
INSTALLONLY | boolean | false | Indicates that test suite conducts only installation. Is recommended to be used for all jobs which create and publish images |
INSTLANG | string | en_US | Installation locale settings. |
IPERF_REPO | string | Link to repository with iperf tool for network performance testing. Currently used in Public Cloud Azure test | |
IPXE | boolean | false | Indicates ipxe boot. |
ISO_MAXSIZE | integer | Max size of the iso, used in installation/ . |
IS_MM_SERVER | boolean | If set, run server-specific part of the multimachine job | |
K3S_SYMLINK | string | Can be 'skip' or 'force'. Skips the installation of k3s symlinks to tools like kubectl or forces the creation of symlinks | |
K3S_BIN_DIR | string | If defined, install k3s to this provided directory instead of /usr/local/bin/ |
K3S_CHANNEL | string | Set the release channel to pick the k3s version from. Options include "stable", "latest" and "testing" | |
KUBECTL_CLUSTER | string | Defines the cluster used to test kubectl . Currently only k3s is supported. |
KUBECTL_VERSION | string | v1.22.12 | Defines the kubectl version. |
KEEP_DISKS | boolean | false | Prevents disks wiping for remote backends without snaphots support, e.g. ipmi, powerVM, zVM |
KEEP_ONLINE_REPOS | boolean | false | openSUSE specific variable, not to replace original repos in the installed system with snapshot mirrors which are not yet published. |
KEEP_PERSISTENT_NET_RULES | boolean | false | Keep udev rules 70-persistent-net.rules, which are deleted on backends with image support (qemu, svirt) by default. |
LAPTOP | |||
LIBC_LIVEPATCH | boolean | false | If set, run userspace livepatching tests |
LINUX_BOOT_IPV6_DISABLE | boolean | false | If set, boots linux kernel with option named "ipv6.disable=1" which disables IPv6 from startup. |
LINUXRC_KEXEC | integer | linuxrc has the capability to download and run a new kernel and initrd pair from the repository. There are four settings for the kexec option: 0: feature disabled; 1: always restart with kernel/initrd from repository (without bothering to check if it's necessary); 2: restart only if needed - that is, if linuxrc detects that the booted initrd is outdated (this is the default); 3: like kexec=2 but without user interaction. More details here. |
LIVECD | boolean | false | Indicates live image being used. |
LIVE_INSTALLATION | boolean | false | If set, boots the live media and starts the builtin NET installer. |
LIVE_UPGRADE | boolean | false | If set, boots the live media and starts the builtin NET installer in upgrade mode. |
LIVETEST | boolean | false | Indicates test of live system. |
LTP_COMMAND_FILE | string | The LTP test command file (e.g. syscalls, cve) | |
LTP_COMMAND_EXCLUDE | string | This regex is used to exclude tests from LTP command file. | |
LTP_KNOWN_ISSUES | string | Used to specify a url for a json file with well known LTP issues. If an error occur which is listed, then the result is overwritten with softfailure. | |
LTP_REPO | string | The repo which will be added and is used to install LTP package. | |
LTP_RUN_NG_BRANCH | string | master | Define the branch of the LTP_RUN_NG_REPO. |
LTP_RUN_NG_REPO | string | | Define the runltp-ng repo to be used. Default in publiccloud/ is the upstream master branch from |
LTP_PC_RUNLTP_ENV | string | empty | Contains eventual internal environment new parameters for runltp-ng , defined with the --env option, initialized in a column-separated string format: "PAR1=xxx:PAR2=yyy:...". By default it is empty, undefined. |
LVM | boolean | false | Use lvm for partitioning. |
LVM_THIN_LV | boolean | false | Use thin provisioning logical volumes for partitioning, |
MACHINE | string | Define machine name which defines worker specific configuration, including WORKER_CLASS. | |
MEDIACHECK | boolean | false | Enables installation/mediacheck test module. |
MEMTEST | boolean | false | Enables installation/memtest test module. |
MIRROR_{protocol} | string | Specify source address | |
MOK_VERBOSITY | boolean | false | Enable verbosity feature of shim. Requires preinstalled mokutil . |
MOZILLA_NSS_DEVEL_REPO | string | URL of the repository where to install the mozilla-nss packages from. | |
NAME | string | Name of the test run including distribution, build, machine name and job id. | |
NAMESERVER | string | Can be used to specify a name server's IP or FQDN. | |
NET | boolean | false | Indicates net installation. |
NETBOOT | boolean | false | Indicates net boot. |
NETDEV | string | Network device to be used when adding interface on zKVM. | |
NFSCLIENT | boolean | false | Indicates/enables nfs client in console/yast2_nfs_client for multi-machine test. |
NFSSERVER | boolean | false | Indicates/enables nfs server in console/yast2_nfs_server . |
NICTYPE_USER_OPTIONS | string | hostname=myguest causes a fake DHCP hostname 'myguest' provided to SUT. It is used as expected hostname if EXPECTED_INSTALL_HOSTNAME is not set. |
NO_ADD_MAINT_TEST_REPOS | boolean | true | Do not add again (and duplicate) repositories that were already added during install |
NOAUTOLOGIN | boolean | false | Indicates disabled auto login. |
NOLOGS | boolean | false | Do not collect logs if set to true. Handy during development. |
NVIDIA_REPO | string | '' | Define the external repo for nvidia driver. Used by module. |
OPENSHIFT_CONFIG_REPO | string | '' | Git repo of the OpenShift configuration and packages needed by tests/containers/ |
OPT_KERNEL_PARAMS | string | Specify optional kernel command line parameters on bootloader settings page of the installer. | |
PHUB_READY | boolean | true | Indicates PackageHub is available, it may be not ready in early development phase[Before Beta]. |
PERF_KERNEL | boolean | false | Enables kernel performance testing. |
PERF_INSTALL | boolean | false | Enables kernel performance testing installation part. |
PERF_SETUP | boolean | false | Enables kernel performance testing deployment part. |
PERF_RUNCASE | boolean | false | Enables kernel performance testing run case part. |
RMT_SERVER | string | Local server to be used in RMT registration. | |
SALT_FORMULAS_PATH | string | Used to point to a tarball with relative path to /data/yast2 which contains all the needed files (top.sls, form.yml, ...) to support provisioning with Salt masterless mode. | |
PKGMGR_ACTION_AT_EXIT | string | "" | Set the default behavior of the package manager when package installation has finished. Possible actions are: close, restart, summary. If PKGMGR_ACTION_AT_EXIT is not set in openQA, test module will read the default value from /etc/sysconfig/yast2. |
PXE_PRODUCT_NAME | string | false | Defines image name for PXE booting |
QA_TESTSUITE | string | Comma or semicolon separated a list of the automation cases' name, and these cases will be installed and triggered if you call "start_testrun" function from | |
QAM_MINIMAL | string | "full" or "small" | Full is adding patterns x11, gnome-basic, base, apparmor in minimal/install_patterns test. Small is just base. |
RAIDLEVEL | integer | Define raid level to be configured. Possible values: 0,1,5,6,10. | |
REBOOT_TIMEOUT | integer | 0 | Set and handle reboot timeout available in YaST installer. 0 disables the timeout and needs explicit reboot confirmation. |
REGISTRY | string | | Registry to pull third-party container images from |
CONTAINER_IMAGE_VERSIONS | string | List of comma-separated versions from get_suse_container_urls() |
CONTAINER_IMAGE_TO_TEST | string | Single URL string of a specific container image to test. | |
REGRESSION | string | Define scope of regression testing, including ibus, gnome, documentation and other. | |
REMOTE_REPOINST | boolean | Use linuxrc features to install OS from specified repository (install) while booting installer from DVD (instsys) | |
REPO_* | string | Url pointing to the mirrored repo. REPO_0 contains installation iso. | |
RESCUECD | boolean | false | Indicates rescue image to be used. |
RESCUESYSTEM | boolean | false | Indicates rescue system under test. |
ROOTONLY | boolean | false | Request installation to create only the root account, no user account. |
RESET_HOSTNAME | boolean | false | If set to true content of /etc/hostname file will be erased |
SCC_ADDONS | string | Comma separated list of modules to be enabled using SCC/RMT. | |
SCC_DOCKER_IMAGE | string | The content of /etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials used by container-suseconnect-zypp zypper service in SLE base container images | |
SELECT_FIRST_DISK | boolean | false | Enables test module to select first disk for the installation. Is used for baremetal machine tests with multiple disks available, including cases when server still has previous installation. |
ENABLE_SELINUX | boolean | false | Explicitly enable SELinux in transactional server environments. |
SEPARATE_HOME | three-state | undef | Used for scheduling the test module where separate /home partition should be explicitly enabled (if 1 is set) or disabled (if 0 is set). If not specified, the test module is skipped. |
SES5_CEPH_QA_HEALTH_OK | string | URL for repo containing ceph-qa-health-ok package. | |
SKIP_CERT_VALIDATION | boolean | false | Enables linuxrc parameter to skip certificate validation of the remote source, e.g. when using self-signed https url. |
SET_CUSTOM_PROMPT | boolean | false | Set a custom, shorter prompt in shells. Saves screen space but can take time to set repeatedly in all shell sessions. |
SLE_PRODUCT | string | Defines SLE product. Possible values: sles , sled , sles4sap . Is mainly used for SLE 15 installation flow. |
SLURM_VERSION | string | Defines slurm version (ex: 23_02) for installation. If not set, installation uses the base Slurm version. | |
SOFTFAIL_BSC1063638 | boolean | false | Enable bsc#1063638 detection. |
STAGING | boolean | false | Indicates staging environment. |
SPECIFIC_DISK | boolean | false | Enables installation/partitioning_olddisk test module. |
SPLITUSR | boolean | false | Enables installation/partitioning_splitusr test module. |
SUSEMIRROR | string | Mirror url of the installation medium. | |
SYSAUTHTEST | boolean | false | Enable system authentication test (sysauth/sssd ) |
SYSCTL_IPV6_DISABLED | boolean | undef | Set automatically in samba_adcli tests when ipv6 is disabled |
SYSTEMD_NSPAWN | boolean | 1 | Run systemd upstream tests in nspawn container rather than qemu |
SYSTEMD_TESTSUITE | boolean | undef | Enable schedule of systemd upstream tests |
SYSTEMD_UNIFIED_CGROUP | string | "yes", "no", "hybrid", "default" | systemd currently supports 3 (unified,legacy,hybrid) cgroups configurations |
TEST | string | Name of the test suite. | |
TEST_CONTEXT | string | Defines the class name to be used as the context instance of the test. This is used in the scheduler to pass the run_args into the loadtest function. If it is not given it will be undef. |
TEST_TIME | integer | Set time parameter for iperf -t N option. Used in Azure Public Cloud testing of Accelerated NICs |
TOGGLEHOME | boolean | false | Changes the state of partitioning to have or not to have separate home partition in the proposal. |
TUNNELED | boolean | false | Enables the use of normal consoles like "root-consoles" on a remote SUT while configuring the tunnel in a local "tunnel-console" |
TYPE_BOOT_PARAMS_FAST | boolean | false | When set, forces bootloader_setup::type_boot_parameters to use the default typing interval. |
UEFI | boolean | false | Indicates UEFI in the testing environment. |
ULP_THREAD_COUNT | integer | 1000 | Number of threads to create in ulp_threads test module. |
ULP_THREAD_SLEEP | integer | 100 | Sleep length after each thread loop iteration in ulp_threads module. High thread-to-CPU ratio needs longer sleep length. |
UPGRADE | boolean | false | Indicates upgrade scenario. |
USBBOOT | boolean | false | Indicates booting to the usb device. |
VALIDATE_ETC_HOSTS | boolean | false | Validate changes in /etc/hosts when using YaST network module. Is used in yast2_lan and yast2_lan_restart test modules which test module in ncurses and x11 respectively. |
VALIDATE_INST_SRC | boolean | false | Validate installation source in /etc/install.inf |
VALIDATE_CHECKSUM | boolean | false | Validate checksum of the mediums. Also see CHECKSUM_*. |
VERSION | string | Contains major version of the product. E.g. 15-SP1 or 15.1 | |
VIDEOMODE | string | Indicates/defines video mode used for the installation. Empty value uses default, other possible values text , ssh-x for installation ncurses and x11 over ssh respectivelyю |
VIRSH_OPENQA_BASEDIR | string | /var/lib | The OPENQA_BASEDIR configured on the svirt host (only relevant for the svirt backend). |
UNENCRYPTED_BOOT | boolean | false | Indicates/defines existence of unencrypted boot partition in the SUT. |
WAYLAND | boolean | false | Enables wayland tests in the system. |
XDMUSED | boolean | false | Indicates availability of xdm. |
XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS | string | Define additional mkfs parameters. Used only in publiccloud test runs. | |
XFS_TEST_DEVICE | string | Define the device used for xfs tests. Used only in publiccloud test runs. | |
XFS_TESTS_REFLINK | boolean | false | If set to true, the mkfsoption for using reflink will be added. Used only in publiccloud test runs. |
YAML_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT | string | Defines default yaml file to be overriden by test suite schedule. | |
YAML_SCHEDULE_FLOWS | string | Defines a comma-separated values representing additional flows which overrides steps on the schedule specified in YAML_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT. | |
YAML_SCHEDULE | string | Defines yaml file containing test suite schedule. | |
YAML_TEST_DATA | string | Defines yaml file containing test data. | |
YUI_LOG_LEVEL | string | debug | Allows changing log level for YuiRestClient::Logger. Available options are: debug, info, warning, error, fatal. |
YUI_PORT | integer | Port being used for libyui REST API. See also YUI_SERVER and YUI_START_PORT. | |
YUI_SERVER | string | libyui REST API server name or ip address. | |
YUI_START_PORT | integer | 39000 | Sets starting port for the libyui REST API, on qemu VNC port is then added to this port not to have conflicts. |
YUI_REST_API | boolean | false | Is used to setup environment for libyui REST API, as some parameters have to be set before the VM is started. |
YUI_PARAMS | string | libyui REST API params required to open YaST modules | |
YUPDATE_GIT | string | Github link used by yast help script yupdate, format is repo#branch such as yast/agama#main. | |
TDUP | boolean | false | Prescribes zypper dup scenario (for transaction-update). |
ZDUP | boolean | false | Prescribes zypper dup scenario. |
ZDUPREPOS | string | Comma separated list of repositories to be added/used for zypper dup call, defaults to SUSEMIRROR or attached media, e.g. ISO. | |
ZFCP_ADAPTERS | string | Comma separated list of available ZFCP adapters in the machine (usually 0.0.fa00 and/or 0.0.fc00) | |
LINUXRC_BOOT | boolean | true | To be used only in scenarios where we are booting an installed system from the installer medium (for example, a DVD) with the menu option "Boot Linux System" (not "boot From Hard Disk"). This option uses linuxrc. |
ZYPPER_WHITELISTED_ORPHANS | string | empty | Whitelist expected orphaned packages, do not fail if any are found. Upgrade scenarios are expecting orphans by default. Used by console/ |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONTAINER_IMAGES_REPO | string | The Container images repository in CSP | |
PREPARE_TEST_DATA_TIMEOUT | integer | 300 | Download assets in the prepare_test_data module timeout |
ZFS_REPOSITORY | string | Optional repository used to test zfs from | |
TRENTO_HELM_VERSION | string | 3.8.2 | Helm version of the JumpHost |
TRENTO_CYPRESS_VERSION | string | 9.6.1 | used as tag for the registry. |
TRENTO_VM_IMAGE | string | SUSE:sles-sap-15-sp3-byos:gen2:latest | used as --image parameter during the Azure VM creation |
TRENTO_VERSION | string | (implicit 1.0.0) | Optional. Used as reference version string for the installed Trento |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_CHART | string | | Helm chart registry |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_CHART_VERSION | string | Optional. Tag for the chart image | |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_IMAGE_RUNNER | string | Optional. Overwrite the trento-runner image in the helm chart | |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_IMAGE_RUNNER_VERSION | string | Optional. Version tag for the trento-runner image | |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_IMAGE_WANDA | string | Optional. Overwrite the trento-wanda image in the helm chart | |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_IMAGE_WANDA_VERSION | string | Optional. Version tag for the trento-wand image | |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_IMAGE_WEB | string | Optional. Overwrite the trento-web image in the helm chart | |
TRENTO_REGISTRY_IMAGE_WEB_VERSION | string | Optional. Version tag for the trento-web image | |
TRENTO_GITLAB_REPO | string | | Repository for the deployment scripts |
TRENTO_GITLAB_BRANCH | string | master | Branch to use in the deployment script repository |
TRENTO_GITLAB_TOKEN | string | from SECRET_TRENTO_GITLAB_TOKEN | Force the use of a custom token |
TRENTO_DEPLOY_VER | string | Force the Trento deployment script to be used from a release | |
TRENTO_AGENT_REPO | string | | Repository where to get the trento-agent installer |
TRENTO_AGENT_RPM | string | Trento-agent rpm file name | |
TRENTO_EXT_DEPLOY_IP | string | Public IP of a Trento web instance not deployed by openQA | |
TRENTO_WEB_PASSWORD | string | Trento web password for the admin user. If not provided, random generated one. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_CLUSTER_OS_VER | string | OS for nodes in SAP cluster. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_HANA_ACCOUNT | string | Azure blob server account for the SAP installers for the qe-sap-deployment hana_media.yaml. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_HANA_CONTAINER | string | Azure blob server container for the qe-sap-deployment hana_media.yaml. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_HANA_TOKEN | string | Azure blob server token for the qe-sap-deployment hana_media.yaml. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_SAPCAR | string | SAPCAR file name for the qe-sap-deployment hana_media.yaml. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_IMDB_SERVER | string | IMDB_SERVER file name for the qe-sap-deployment hana_media.yaml. | |
TRENTO_QESAPDEPLOY_IMDB_CLIENT | string | IMDB_CLIENT file name for the qe-sap-deployment hana_media.yaml. | |
QESAP_CONFIG_FILE | string | filename (of relative path) of the config YAML file for the script, within sles4sap/qe_sap_deployment/ subfolder in data . |
QESAP_DEPLOYMENT_DIR | string | /root/qe-sap-deployment | JumpHost folder where to install the qe-sap-deployment code |
QESAP_ROLES_DIR | string | /root/community.sles-for-sap | JumpHost folder where to install the community.sles-for-sap code |
QESAP_INSTALL_VERSION | string | If configured, test will run with a specific release of qe-sap-deployment code from Otherwise the code is used from a latest version controlled by QESAP_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO and QESAP_INSTALL_GITHUB_BRANCH | |
QESAP_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO | string | | Git repository where to clone from. Ignored if QESAP_INSTALL_VERSION is configured. |
QESAP_INSTALL_GITHUB_BRANCH | string | Git branch. Ignored if QESAP_INSTALL_VERSION is configured. | |
QESAP_INSTALL_GITHUB_NO_VERIFY | string | Configure http.sslVerify false. Ignored if QESAP_VER is configured. | |
QESAP_ROLES_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO | string | | Git repository where to clone from. Ignored if QESAP_ROLES_INSTALL_VERSION is configured. |
QESAP_ROLES_INSTALL_GITHUB_BRANCH | string | Git branch. Ignored if QESAP_ROLES_INSTALL_VERSION is configured. |
The following variables are relevant for publiccloud related jobs. Keep in mind that variables that start with _SECRET
are secret variables, accessible only to the job but hidden in the webui. They will be not present in cloned jobs outside the original instance.
Variable | Type | Default value | Details |
PUBLIC_CLOUD | boolean | false | All Public Cloud tests have this variable set to true. Contact: |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_ACCOUNT | string | "" | For GCE will set account via gcloud config set account ' . $self->account . |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_ACCNET | boolean | false | If set, az_accelerated_net test module is added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AHB_LT | string | "SLES_BYOS" | For Azure, it specifies the license type to change to (and test). |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZ_API | string | "" | For Azure, it is the metadata API endpoint. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZ_API_VERSION | string | "2021-02-01" | For Azure, it is the API version used whe querying metadata API. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_HDD2_SIZE | integer | "" | If set, the instance will have an additional disk with the given capacity in GB |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_HDD2_TYPE | string | "" | If PUBLIC_CLOUD_ADDITIONAL_DISK_SIZE is set, this defines the additional disk type (optional). The required value depends on the cloud service provider. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_ARCH | string | "x86_64" | The architecture of created VM. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_PUBLISHER | string | "SUSE" | Specific to Azure. Allows to define the used publisher, if it should not be "SUSE" |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_OFFER | string | "" | Specific to Azure. Allow to query for image based on offer and sku. Should be used together with PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_SKU. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_SKU | string | "" | Specific to Azure. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_BUILD | string | "" | The image build number. Used only when we use custom built image. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_BUILD_KIWI | string | "" | The image kiwi build number. Used only when we use custom built image. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONFIDENTIAL_VM | boolean | false | GCE Confidential VM instance |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_UPLOAD_IMG | boolean | false | If set, publiccloud/upload_image test module is added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONSOLE_TESTS | boolean | false | If set, console tests are added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONTAINERS | boolean | false | If set, containers tests are added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_TESTREPO | boolean | false | If set, it schedules publiccloud/download_repos job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TOOLS_CLI | boolean | false | If set, it schedules publiccloud_tools_cli job group. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_UPLOAD_AMI | string | "" | Needed to decide which image will be used for helper VM for upload some image. When not specified some predefined value will be used. Overwrite the value for ec2uploadimg --ec2-ami . |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_UPLOAD_SECGROUP | string | "" | Allow to instruct ec2uploadimg script to use some existing security group instead of creating new one. If given, the parameter --security-group-ids is passed to ec2uploadimg . |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_UPLOAD_VPCSUBNET | string | "" | Allow to instruct ec2uploadimg script to use some existing VPC instead of creating new one. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_BOOT_MODE | string | "uefi-preferred" | The --boot-mode parameter for ec2uploadimg script. Available values: legacy-bios , uefi , uefi-preferred Currently unused variable. Use git blame to get context. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FIO | boolean | false | If set, storage_perf test module is added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FIO_RUNTIME | integer | 300 | Set the execution time for each FIO tests. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FIO_SSD_SIZE | string | "100G" | Set the additional disk size for the FIO tests. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FORCE_REGISTRATION | boolean | false | If set, tests/publiccloud/ will register cloud guest |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IGNORE_EMPTY_REPO | boolean | false | Ignore empty maintenance update repos |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_ID | string | "" | The image ID we start the instance from |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_URI | string | "" | The URI of the image to be used. Use 'auto' if you want the URI to be calculated. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_LOCATION | string | "" | The URL where the image gets downloaded from. The name of the image gets extracted from this URL. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_PROJECT | string | "" | Google Compute Engine image project |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_IMAGE_DEFINITION | string | "" | Defines the image definition for uploading Arm64 images to the image gallery. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMG_PROOF_TESTS | string | "test-sles" | Tests run by img-proof. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMG_PROOF_EXCLUDE | string | "" | Tests to be excluded by img-proof. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_TYPE | string | "" | Specify the instance type. Which instance types exists depends on the CSP. (default-azure: Standard_A2, default-ec2: t2.large ) |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_LTP | boolean | false | If set, the run_ltp test module is added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_NEW_INSTANCE_TYPE | string | "t2.large" | Specify the new instance type to check bsc#1205002 in EC2 |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_NO_CLEANUP_ON_FAILURE | boolean | false | Do not remove the instance when the test fails. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_COLLECT | boolean | 1 | To enable boottime measures collection, at end of create_instance routine. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_URI | string | "" | bootup time measures get pushed to this Influx database url. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB | string | "perf_2" | defines the bucket in which the performance metrics are stored on PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_URI |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_ORG | string | "qec" | defines the organization in which the performance metrics are stored on PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_URI |
_SECRET_PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_TOKEN | string | "" | this required variable is the token to access PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_URI (defined in salt workerconf ) |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_PUSH_DATA | boolean | 1 | To enable the test to push it's metrics to the InfluxDB, when PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_COLLECT true. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_THRESH_CHECK | boolean | "" | If set to 1 or any not empty value, then the test run will also execute the thresholds check on the collected metrics. By default that check is Not executed. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PREPARE_TOOLS | boolean | false | Activate prepare_tools test module by setting this variable. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID | string | "" | GCP only, used to specify the project id. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PROVIDER | string | "" | The type of the CSP (e.g. AZURE, EC2, GCE). |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_QAM | boolean | false | 1 : to identify jobs running to test "Maintenance" updates; 0 : for jobs testing "Latest" (in development). Used to control all behavioral implications which this brings. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_REBOOT_TIMEOUT | integer | 600 | Number of seconds we wait for instance to reboot. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_REGION | string | "" | The region to use. (default-azure: westeurope, default-ec2: eu-central-1, default-gcp: europe-west1-b). In upload-img for Azure Arm64 images, multiple comma-separated regions are supported (see lib/publiccloud/ ) |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_RESOURCE_GROUP | string | "qesaposd" | Allows to specify resource group name on SLES4SAP PC tests. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_RESOURCE_NAME | string | "openqa-vm" | The name we use when creating our VM. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SKIP_MU | boolean | false | Debug variable used to run test without maintenance updates repository being applied. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_REDOWNLOAD_MU | boolean | false | Debug variable used to redownload the maintenance repositories (as they might be downloaded by parent test) |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT | string | "" | GCE only, used to specify the account id. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TOOLS_REPO | string | false | The URL to the cloud:tools repo (optional). (e.g. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TTL_OFFSET | integer | 300 | This number + MAX_JOB_TIME equals the TTL of created VM. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SLES4SAP | boolean | false | If set, sles4sap test module is added to the job. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | string | "" | Used to create the service account file together with PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_TENANT_ID . |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONTAINER_IMAGES_REGISTRY | string | "" | Name for public cloud registry for the container images used on kubernetes tests. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_K8S_CLUSTER | string | "" | Name for the kubernetes cluster. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_K8S_RESOURCE_GROUP | string | "" | Name for the resource group which is subscribed the kubernetes cluster. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_URL | string | "" | Base URL where to get the credentials from. This will be used to compose the full URL together with PUBLIC_CLOUD_NAMESPACE . |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_NAMESPACE | string | "" | The Public Cloud Namespace name that will be used to compose the full credentials URL together with PUBLIC_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_URL . |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_NVIDIA | boolean | 0 | If enabled, nvidia module would be scheduled. This variable should be enabled only sle15SP4 and above. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_USER | string | "" | The public cloud instance system user. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_XEN | boolean | false | Indicates if this is a Xen test run. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCOUNT | string | "" | Storage account used e.g. for custom disk and container images |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TERRAFORM_FILE | string | "" | If defined, use this terraform file (from the data/ directory) instead the CSP default |
TERRAFORM_TIMEOUT | integer | 1800 | Set timeout for terraform actions |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_IP | string | "" | If defined, no instance will be created and this IP will be used to connect to |
_SECRET_PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_SSH_KEY | string | "" | The ~/.ssh/id_rsa existing key allowed by PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_IP instance |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TERRAFORM_DIR | string | "/root/terraform" | Override default root path to terraform directory |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SCC_ENDPOINT | string | "registercloudguest" | Name of binary which will be used to register image . Except default value only possible value is "SUSEConnect" anything else will lead to test failure! |
TERRAFORM_VM_CREATE_TIMEOUT | string | "20m" | Terraform timeout for creating the virtual machine resource. |
PUBLIC_AZURE_CLI_TEST | string | "vmss" | Azure CLI test names. This variable should list the test name which should be tested. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PY_BACKPORTS_REPO | string | "" | PY Backport repo URL for azure_more_cli_test. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PY_AZURE_REPO | string | "" | PY azure repo URL for azure_more_cli_test. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TOOLS_REPO | string | "" | cloud tools repo URL for azure_more_cli_test. |
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EMBARGOED_UPDATES_DETECTED | boolean | true | Internal variable written by the code and readed by the code . Should NOT be set manually |
The following variables are relevant for the wicked testsuite
Variable | Type | Default value | Details |
WICKED_CHECK_LOG_EXCLUDE | string | @see | A CSV of log messages, which doesn't result in a test-module failure. The format is <wicked-binary>=<regex> . |
WICKED_CHECK_LOG_FAIL | bool | false | If enabled, after each test-module. The journal of each wicked services is checked and the test-module fail if an unknown error was found. |
WICKED_COMMIT_SHA | string | Can be used with WICKED_REPO . It check the given SHA against the latest changelog entry of wicked. It's used to verify that we run openqa against the version we expect. |
WICKED_EXCLUDE | regex | This exclude given wicked test modules. E.g. WICKED_EXCLUDE='^(?!t01_).*$' would only run the test-module starting with t01_* . |
WICKED_REPO | string | If specified, wicked get installed from this repo before testing. The url should point to the *.repo file. |
WICKED_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK | bool | false | Some test-modules require a specific wicked version. If you don't want this check take place, set this variable to true . |
WICKED_TCPDUMP | bool | false | If enabled, on each test-module the network interfaces are set into promiscuous mode and a *.pcap file will be captured and uploaded. |
WICKED_VALGRIND | string | Enable valgind for specified wicked binaries. Multiple values should be separated by , . If set to all or 1 , valgrind is enabled for all binaries(wickedd-auto4, wickedd-dhcp6, wickedd-dhcp4, wickedd-nanny, wickedd and wicked). |
WICKED_VALGRIND | string | /usr/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes | The valgrind command used with WICKED_VALGRIND for each binary. |