CLI that makes it easy to add Moneybird time entries
- Install Node and NPM
- Execute
npm i
Copy config.example.yaml to config.yaml
General warning: All administrationId, userId, project, contact values should be within double quotes.
rememberLastDate Can be set to true when the last end date+time should be used as the start date+time for the next entry.
Inside the moneybird section, add the following:
- administrationId: Login to your Moneybird administration and check the url, the part after is the administrationId.
- userId: Use the Moneybird API to get your userId:
- token: create a token at
Create one or multiple presets, these consist of a unique key and as values:
- description: will be added to the time entry in Moneybird
- project: the project id, get it from the URL by clicking on a project in Administration settings -> projects or get it with the API:
- contact: the contact id, get it from the contact detail page URL or with the API:
- billable: true/false, is the project billable
- defaults: one or more default settings, read the Defaults section for more information.
You can create groups of presets. This makes it easy to create e.g. a default workflow to enter all time entries for a specific working day type. The key should be unique, the value can be the key of a preset or a defaults object.
You can configure defaults on 3 levels in the config:
- top level: the fallback/main defaults
- preset: defaults for a preset
- preset group: defaults for a value of a preset group
Defaults are:
- preset: the identifier of the preset
- startOffset: the offset in minutes from now of the start time
- startTime: a fixed time that the entry should have, combined with the current date
- pausedDuration: the pause duration in minutes
- endOffset: the offset in minutes from now of the end time
You can output a summary table for:
- edit: true/false, when you edit an entry
- menu: false, when you enter the menu
- remove: true, when you remove an entry
- send: true, before you confirm sending the entries to Moneybird
Execute npm start