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npm jsDelivr WTFPL

An opinionated clock-style vanilla-js timepicker.
clocklet capture image


  • Keyboard and numpad friendly
    • Autocomplete - e.g. "1"->"01:00", "12"->"12:00", "1234"->"12:34"
    • Support up/down arrow key to increment/decrement
  • Mouse and touch friendly
    • 3 clicks are sufficient to pick a time - am/pm, hour, minute
    • Click targets often used are large enough
    • No need to scroll
  • Declarative usage
  • Vanilla JS - no need jQuery or any other frameworks
  • Lightweight (CSS + JS ~ 7kB gzipped)


via npm (with a module bundler)

$ npm install clocklet
import "clocklet/css/clocklet.min.css";
import clocklet from "clocklet";

via CDN

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script>/* `window.clocklet` object is available */</script>

Download directly



Place <input> elements having data-clocklet attribute (either before or after loading the clocklet script).
When these elements get focused, the timepicker popups.

<input data-clocklet>



Default options

Default options can be set as properties of clocklet.defaultOptions object.
Option names must be described in camelCase.

clocklet.defaultOptions.zIndex = 9999;
clocklet.defaultOptions.format = "hh:mm a";

Element-specific options

Element-specific options can be specified as semicolon-separated data-clocklet attribute value.
Option names must be described in kebab-case.

<input data-clocklet="class-name: my-clocklet-style; placement: top;">

Available options

Name Type Default Description
class-name string "" Class name to set to the root element of the popup.
format string "HH:mm" Time format (template) of the input element.
Some tokens are replaced with the selected time value.
See the format tokens section below.
placement "top" | "bottom" "bottom" Popup placement.
alignment "left" | "center" | "right" "left" Popup alignment.
append-to "body" | "parent" "body" The parent element into which the popup element will be inserted.
z-index number | string "" Popup z-order.
If this value is an empty string, (1 + z-index of the input element) is used.

Format tokens

Token Range Description
H "0" .. "23" Hour in 0-based 24-hour notation with no padding.
HH "00" .. "23" Hour in 0-based 24-hour notation with zero padding.
_H " 0" .. "23" Hour in 0-based 24-hour notation with space padding.
h "1" .. "12" Hour in 1-based 12-hour notation with no padding.
hh "01" .. "12" Hour in 1-based 12-hour notation with zero padding.
_h " 1" .. "12" Hour in 1-based 12-hour notation with space padding.
k "1" .. "24" Hour in 1-based 24-hour notation with no padding.
kk "01" .. "24" Hour in 1-based 24-hour notation with zero padding.
_k " 1" .. "24" Hour in 1-based 24-hour notation with space padding.
m "0" .. "59" Minute with no padding.
mm "00" .. "59" Minute with zero padding.
_m " 0" .. "59" Minute with space padding.
a "am" | "pm" Post or ante meridiem abbreviation in lowercase without periods.
aa "a.m." | "p.m." Post or ante meridiem abbreviation in lowercase with periods.
A "AM" | "PM" Post or ante meridiem abbreviation in uppercase without periods.
AA "A.M." | "P.M." Post or ante meridiem abbreviation in uppercase with periods.


Following events are raised on the input element by this library.

Type Cancelable event.details Description
clocklet.opening true { options: {...} } Raised before showing the clocklet popup.
clocklet.opened false { options: {...} } Raised after showing the clocklet popup.
clocklet.closing true {} Raised before hiding the clocklet popup.
clocklet.closed false {} Raised after hiding the clocklet popup.
input false undefined Raised after changing the input value.

For example:

<input id="my-clocklet" data-clocklet>
    .addEventListener("clocklet.opening", function (event) {



See default options section.[, options])

Show the timepicker for the specified inputElement with the options (optional).


Hide the timepicker.

clocklet.inline(containerElement[, { input, format }])

Place the timepicker into the containerElement.
The optional parameter is the binding setting for the input element.
