#FSVS - Full Screen Vertical Scroller
more information http://luke.sno.wden.co.uk/full-screen-vertical-scroll
###initiate the plugin:
$(document).ready( function() {
var slider = $.fn.fsvs({
speed : 5000,
selector : '> .slide',
mouseSwipeDisance : 40,
afterSlide : function(){},
beforeSlide : function(){},
endSlide : function(){},
mouseWheelEvents : true,
mouseDragEvents : true,
touchEvents : true,
arrowKeyEvents : true,
pagination : true,
nthClasses : false,
detectHash : true
//slider.slideToIndex( index );
###Basic HTML structure
Slides must be directly a child of the body tag and the html tag must have a class of "fsvs"
<!doctype html>
<html class="fsvs" lang="en">
<div class="slide"></div>
<div class="slide"></div>
<div class="slide"></div>