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lukemaurer committed Jun 30, 2023
1 parent a75ec86 commit fd07032
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Showing 6 changed files with 119 additions and 55 deletions.
43 changes: 21 additions & 22 deletions backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2441,35 +2441,34 @@ let cache_public_method meths tag cache dbg =
Cvar tagged ) ) ) ) )

let has_local_allocs e =
let rec loop = function
| Cregion e ->
(* Local allocations within a nested region do not affect this region,
except inside a Ctail block *)
loop_until_tail e
| Cop (Calloc Alloc_local, _, _) | Cop ((Cextcall _ | Capply _), _, _) ->
let rec loop ~depth = function
| Cregion e -> loop ~depth:(depth + 1) e
| Ctail e -> if depth = 0 then () else loop ~depth:(depth - 1) e
| Cop ((Calloc Alloc_local | Cextcall _ | Capply _), _, _) when depth = 0 ->
raise Exit
| e -> iter_shallow loop e
and loop_until_tail = function
| Ctail e -> loop e
| Cregion _ -> ()
| e -> ignore (iter_shallow_tail loop_until_tail e)
| e -> iter_shallow (loop ~depth) e
match loop e with () -> false | exception Exit -> true
match loop e ~depth:0 with () -> false | exception Exit -> true

let remove_region_tail e =
let rec has_tail = function
| Ctail _ | Cop (Capply (_, Rc_close_at_apply), _, _) -> raise Exit
| Cregion _ -> ()
| e -> ignore (iter_shallow_tail has_tail e)
let rec has_tail ~depth = function
| (Ctail _ | Cop (Capply (_, Rc_close_at_apply), _, _)) when depth = 0 ->
raise Exit
| Ctail e -> has_tail ~depth:(depth - 1) e
| Cregion e -> has_tail ~depth:(depth + 1) e
| e -> ignore (iter_shallow_tail (has_tail ~depth) e : bool)
let rec remove_tail = function
| Ctail e -> e
| Cop (Capply (mach, Rc_close_at_apply), args, dbg) ->
let rec remove_tail ~depth = function
| Ctail e ->
if depth = 0 then e else Ctail (remove_tail ~depth:(depth - 1) e)
| Cop (Capply (mach, Rc_close_at_apply), args, dbg) when depth = 0 ->
Cop (Capply (mach, Rc_normal), args, dbg)
| Cregion _ as e -> e
| e -> map_shallow_tail remove_tail e
| Cregion e -> Cregion (remove_tail ~depth:(depth + 1) e)
| e -> map_shallow_tail (remove_tail ~depth) e
match has_tail e with () -> e | exception Exit -> remove_tail e
match has_tail e ~depth:0 with
| () -> e
| exception Exit -> remove_tail e ~depth:0

let region e =
(* [Cregion e] is equivalent to [e] if [e] contains no local allocs *)
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48 changes: 29 additions & 19 deletions middle_end/flambda/
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Expand Up @@ -76,13 +76,15 @@ let map_snd_sharing f ((a, b) as cpl) =
(a, new_b)

let map_subexpressions f f_named (tree:Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
let map_subexpressions_with_tail f f_named (tree:Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
let f_tail v = f v ~tail:true in
let f_nontail v = f v ~tail:false in
match tree with
| Var _ | Apply _ | Assign _ | Send _ | Proved_unreachable
| Static_raise _ -> tree
| Let { var; defining_expr; body; _ } ->
let new_named = f_named var defining_expr in
let new_body = f body in
let new_body = f_tail body in
if new_named == defining_expr && new_body == body then
Expand All @@ -91,22 +93,23 @@ let map_subexpressions f f_named (tree:Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
let new_defs =
list_map_sharing (map_snd_sharing f_named) defs
let new_body = f body in
let new_body = f_tail body in
if new_defs == defs && new_body == body then
Let_rec (new_defs, new_body)
| Let_mutable mutable_let ->
let new_body = f mutable_let.body in
let new_body = f_tail mutable_let.body in
if new_body == mutable_let.body then
Let_mutable { mutable_let with body = new_body }
| Switch (arg, sw) ->
let aux = map_snd_sharing (fun _ v -> f v) in
let aux = map_snd_sharing (fun _ v -> f_tail v) in
let new_consts = list_map_sharing aux sw.consts in
let new_blocks = list_map_sharing aux sw.blocks in
let new_failaction = may_map_sharing f sw.failaction in
let new_failaction = may_map_sharing f_tail sw.failaction
if sw.failaction == new_failaction &&
new_consts == sw.consts &&
new_blocks == sw.blocks then
Expand All @@ -121,59 +124,66 @@ let map_subexpressions f f_named (tree:Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
Switch (arg, sw)
| String_switch (arg, sw, def, kind) ->
let new_sw = list_map_sharing (map_snd_sharing (fun _ v -> f v)) sw in
let new_def = may_map_sharing f def in
let new_sw = list_map_sharing (map_snd_sharing (fun _ v -> f_tail v)) sw in
let new_def = may_map_sharing f_tail def in
if sw == new_sw && def == new_def then
String_switch(arg, new_sw, new_def, kind)
| Static_catch (i, vars, body, handler, kind) ->
let new_body = f body in
let new_handler = f handler in
let new_body = f_tail body in
let new_handler = f_tail handler in
if new_body == body && new_handler == handler then
Static_catch (i, vars, new_body, new_handler, kind)
| Try_with(body, id, handler, kind) ->
let new_body = f body in
let new_handler = f handler in
let new_body = f_tail body in
let new_handler = f_tail handler in
if body == new_body && handler == new_handler then
Try_with(new_body, id, new_handler, kind)
| If_then_else(arg, ifso, ifnot, kind) ->
let new_ifso = f ifso in
let new_ifnot = f ifnot in
let new_ifso = f_tail ifso in
let new_ifnot = f_tail ifnot in
if new_ifso == ifso && new_ifnot == ifnot then
If_then_else(arg, new_ifso, new_ifnot, kind)
| While(cond, body) ->
let new_cond = f cond in
let new_body = f body in
let new_cond = f_nontail cond in
let new_body = f_nontail body in
if new_cond == cond && new_body == body then
While(new_cond, new_body)
| For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body; } ->
let new_body = f body in
let new_body = f_nontail body in
if new_body == body then
For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body = new_body; }
| Region body ->
let new_body = f body in
let new_body = f_tail body in
if new_body == body then
Region new_body
| Exclave body ->
let new_body = f body in
let new_body = f_tail body in
if new_body == body then
Exclave new_body

let map_subexpressions f f_named tree =
map_subexpressions_with_tail (fun v ~tail:_ -> f v) f_named tree

let map_tail_subexpressions f tree =
let f v ~tail = if tail then f v else v in
map_subexpressions_with_tail f (fun _ named -> named) tree

let iter_general = Flambda.iter_general

let iter f f_named t = iter_general ~toplevel:false f f_named (Is_expr t)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ val map_subexpressions
-> Flambda.t
-> Flambda.t

val map_tail_subexpressions : (Flambda.t -> Flambda.t) -> Flambda.t -> Flambda.t

(* CR-soon lwhite: add comment to clarify that these recurse unlike the
ones above *)
val iter
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43 changes: 37 additions & 6 deletions middle_end/flambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -394,6 +394,29 @@ let simplify_move_within_set_of_closures env r
let approx = A.value_closure value_set_of_closures move_to in
Move_within_set_of_closures move_within, ret r approx)

let remove_exclaves (lam : Flambda.t) =
let rec remove lam ~depth : Flambda.t =
match (lam : Flambda.t) with
| Region body ->
let new_body = remove ~depth:(depth + 1) body in
if new_body == body then lam else Region new_body
| Exclave body ->
if depth = 0 then body
let new_body = remove ~depth:(depth - 1) body in
if new_body == body then lam else Exclave new_body
| Apply ({ reg_close = Rc_close_at_apply; _ } as apply) when depth = 0 ->
(* Can still be compiled as a tail call, so use [Rc_normal] rather than
[Rc_nontail] *)
Apply { apply with reg_close = Rc_normal }
| Send ({ reg_close = Rc_close_at_apply; _ } as send) when depth = 0 ->
(* Similar to [Apply] *)
Send { send with reg_close = Rc_normal }
| _ ->
Flambda_iterators.map_tail_subexpressions (remove ~depth) lam
remove lam ~depth:0

(* Transform an expression denoting an access to a variable bound in
a closure. Variables in the closure ([project_var.closure]) may
have been freshened since [expr] was constructed; as such, we
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,10 +698,18 @@ and simplify_set_of_closures original_env r
set_of_closures, r, value_set_of_closures.freshening

and mark_region_used_for_apply ~(reg_close : Lambda.region_close) ~(mode : Lambda.alloc_mode) r =
match reg_close, mode with
| (Rc_normal | Rc_nontail), Alloc_heap -> r
| Rc_close_at_apply, _
| _, Alloc_local -> R.set_region_used r
let r =
(* A close-at-apply tail call is effectively a small exclave *)
match reg_close with
| Rc_close_at_apply -> R.set_region_has_exclave r
| Rc_normal | Rc_nontail -> r
let r =
match mode with
| Alloc_local -> R.set_region_used r
| Alloc_heap -> r

and simplify_apply env r ~(apply : Flambda.apply) : Flambda.t * R.t =
let {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1460,11 +1491,11 @@ and simplify env r (tree : Flambda.t) : Flambda.t * R.t =
let r = R.enter_region r in
let body, r = simplify env r body in
let use_inner_region = R.may_use_region r in
let has_exclave = R.region_has_exclave r in
let r = R.leave_region r in
if use_inner_region then Region body, r
else body, r
else if has_exclave then remove_exclaves body, r else body, r
| Exclave body ->
let r = R.set_region_used r in
let exclave, r = R.enter_exclave r in
let body, r = simplify env r body in
let r = R.leave_exclave r exclave in
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31 changes: 23 additions & 8 deletions middle_end/flambda/
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Expand Up @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ let initial_inlining_toplevel_threshold ~round : Inlining_cost.Threshold.t =
(unscaled * Inlining_cost.scale_inline_threshold_by)

module Result = struct
type region = { may_be_used : bool; }
type region = { may_be_used : bool; has_exclave : bool }

type t =
{ approx : Simple_value_approx.t;
Expand All @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ module Result = struct
regions : region list;

let create_region () = { may_be_used = false; }
let create_region () = { may_be_used = false; has_exclave = false }

let create () =
{ approx = Simple_value_approx.value_unknown Other;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,17 +490,28 @@ module Result = struct

let set_region_used t =
match t.regions with
| _ :: regions ->
{ t with regions = { may_be_used = true } :: regions }
| [] -> t
| region :: regions ->
{ t with regions = { region with may_be_used = true } :: regions }
| [] ->
(* By rights this should be a fatal error, but currently
[Semantics_of_primitives.may_locally_allocate] has too many false
positives (including ccalls). *)

let set_region_has_exclave t =
match t.regions with
| region :: regions ->
{ t with regions = { region with has_exclave = true } :: regions }
| [] -> no_current_region ()

type exclave = { from_region : region }

let enter_exclave t =
match t.regions with
| region :: regions ->
let exclave = { from_region = region } in
exclave, { t with regions = regions }
let region = { region with has_exclave = true } in
let exclave = { from_region = region } in
exclave, { t with regions = regions }
| [] -> no_current_region ()

let leave_exclave t { from_region } =
Expand All @@ -511,7 +522,11 @@ module Result = struct
| region :: _ -> region
| [] -> no_current_region ()

let may_use_region t = (current_region t).may_be_used
let may_use_region t =
(current_region t).may_be_used

let region_has_exclave t =
(current_region t).has_exclave

let exit_scope_catch t i =
{ t with
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.mli
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Expand Up @@ -321,6 +321,13 @@ module Result : sig
(** Whether [set_region_used _] has been called *)
val may_use_region : t -> bool

(** Mark that the nearest enclosing region has an exclave (either an actual
[exclave] expression or a close-on-apply tail call). *)
val set_region_has_exclave : t -> t

(** Whether [enter_exclave _] or [set_region_has_exclave] has been called. *)
val region_has_exclave : t -> bool

(** Mark that we are moving up out of the scope of a static-catch block
that catches the given static exception identifier. This has the effect
of removing the identifier from the [used_staticfail] set. *)
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