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Metsi forestry simulator

Metsi forestry simulator is a Python based forest growth and maintenance operation simulator developed in Natural Resources Institute Finland. It is a part of a software collection to eventually replace the older Fortran based MELA simulator program developed since the 1980s.

The simulator is a alternative state simulator operating upon forest state data. The state data is manipulated by simulator operations over a progression of time steps. The event and branching structure for simulator operations is declared in a human-readable YAML format or directly by functional declaration. This declaration is used to generate a simulation event tree holding the full branching possibilities for the simulation. The event tree is evaluated with the simulator engine to produce alternative end results.

Getting started

To get started:

  • Install Python 3.10 for your platform.
  • Install git for your platform.
  • Ensure that the commands python, pip and git are available in your command line interface (CLI). We assume a UNIX-like shell CLI such as Git Bash for Windows users.
  • Initialize the project with the commands below.
git clone
cd metsi
pip install .

This installs the project into the site-packages of your Python deployment, using the project's pyproject.toml file. The program is then usable from command line by simply invoking metsi.

For developer usage, application entry point is the file lukefi/metsi/app/ or the namespace package

To obtain the latest changes use the command git pull.

R (optional)

To be able to use forestry operations depending on R modules

  • Install R runtime version >=4.1 for your platform.
  • Ensure that the R command is available in CLI.
  • Install the rpy2 Python module with the commands below.
pip install .[rpy2]

Motti (optional)

Access to this module is restricted to Natural Resources Institute Finland by special admission. Installing this will not work without access to the related GitHub repositories.

pip install -r requirements-motti.txt

The corresponding growth operation is grow_motti.

NOTE: For either model, the input data must contain precomputed weather data (temperature sums, sea/lake indices). In practice this means that you must enable the compute_location_metadata preprocessing operation even if you're using the Lua models.

Project layout

This code project is divided into following python packages in the lukefi.metsi namespace.

package description Application entry points. Side-effectful program logic.
l.m.sim Simulator engine.
l.m.domain Operations for the forest development simulation.
l.m.tests Unit test suites for above packages.

Dependency libraries for this project are listed in pyproject.toml.


The project contains a single application entry point. This is the lukefi/metsi/app/

The application implements a 4 phase pipeline. These phases are: preprocess, simulate, postprocess and export. Each of the phases can be run independetly or as sequences, as long as their logical order for input data structuring is preserved. Each application phase uses the given YAML file (default control.yaml) as their configuration.


phase description
preprocess Operations for filtering or modifying the input data set
simulate Discrete time-step simulation and data collection with given event tree and operations
postprocess Operations for further deriving and marshalling of data from the simulation results
export File output into different formats based on simulation or post-processing results

Input types

Input for preprocess and simulate phases is a forest data file. This file is a list of forest stand objects with lists of associated reference trees and tree strata. The file can be of following types and formats:

  1. a .json file or .pickle file containing Forest Data Model type source data.
  2. a .dat file containing VMI12 or VMI13 type source data
  3. a .xml file containing Forest Centre type source data
  4. a .gpkg file containing Forest Centre type source data

Input for postprocess and export phases is a directory produced by the simulate phase.

There are several example input files in the project test resources tests/resources/file_io_test directory.

Output types

Preprocessing generates a csv, pickle or json file with the computational units as a list. The data is always in FDM format. The file is written into the configured output directory as preprocessing-result.{csv,pickle,json}.

Simulate collects a nested data structure containing the final states for each produced alternatives of each computational unit. A dictionary data structure for computed data during the simulation is included for each such alternative. This data structure can be outputted as a directory structure into the configured output directory.

Post-processing utilizes exactly same nested data structure as produced by simulation. It will derive further data within and across the produced alternatives and stores them within the derived data structure. This data can be outputted as a directory structure into the configured output directory.

Exporting uses the nested data structure above. It will select partial data sets as configured. These data sets may be written to any supported and compatible file containers. Such support must be implemented on a case-by-case basis as modules into the exporting functionality.

When phases are run in order on the same run, intermediate result files do not need to be written out. Data is kept and propagated in-memory.

Run examples

Use the following command to output simulator application help menu.

python -m --help

Input path, output path and optionally the control file path must be supplied as CLI positional arguments. All other parameters in commands below can also be set in the control.yaml file app_configuration block. Control file settings override program defaults (see app/ MetsiConfiguration class). CLI arguments override the settings in the control file.

At the time of writing this, there are no post-processing operations ready to be used. Post-processing will do_nothing

All examples below default to control.yaml in the working directory as the control file source unless otherwise specified in the command line.

Preprocessing, simulation and post-processing phases do not produce output files by default. Configuration for preprocessing output container, state output container and derived data output container need to be set to produce output files. The default mode of operation is to run the full pipeline and only the export phase will create files as configured.

To run full pipeline from a VMI12 data source file using direct reference trees from the input data, run:

python -m --state-format vmi12 --measured-trees -r preprocess,simulate,postprocess,export vmi12.dat sim_outdir

To run full pipeline from a VMI13 data source file using direct reference trees from the input data, run:

python -m --state-format vmi13 --measured-trees -r preprocess,simulate,postprocess,export vmi13.dat sim_outdir

To run full pipeline from a Forest Centre .xml source file, run:

python -m --state-format xml -r preprocess,simulate,postprocess,export forest_centre.xml sim_outdir

To run full pipeline from a Forest Centre .gpkg source file, run:

python -m --state-format gpkg -r preprocess,simulate,postprocess,export geopackage.gpkg sim_outdir

To run full pipeline from a FDM formatted data from csv (or json or pickle with replacement below), run:

python -m --state-input-container csv -r preprocess,simulate,postprocess,export forest_data.csv sim_outdir

Preprocessing and simulation

To run preprocess and simulate phases of the application, run the following command in the project root. The created output directory contains all generated variants for all computation units (ForestStand) along with derived data.

python -m --state-input-container pickle -r preprocess,simulate forest_data.pickle sim_outdir

In case you need to use a FDM formatted JSON file as the input and/or output file format, run:

python -m --state-input-container json --state-output-container json -r preprocess,simulate forest_data.json sim_outdir

To only run the preprocessor and produce output as outdir/preprocessing_result.csv, with a control yaml file in non-default location my_project/control_preprocessing.yaml, run:

python -m --preprocessing-output-container csv -r preprocess forest_data.pickle sim_outdir my_project/control_preprocessing.yaml

To use the preprocessed result file as input for a simulation, and produce schedule results in csv+json format run:

python -m --state-input-container csv --state-output-container csv --derived-data-output-container json -r simulate sim_outdir/preprocessing_result.csv sim_outdir my_project/control_simulate.yaml

Post-processing and export

The output directory outdir from simulate is usable as input for the post-processing phase of the application. It will create a new directory outdir2 with matching structure for its output with the following command:

python -m -r postprocess outdir outdir2 my_project/postprocessing_control.yaml

The output directory outdir from simulation (or outdir2 from post-processing) can be used as input for the export phase as follows:

python -m -r export outdir outdir2 my_project/export_control.yaml


See table below for a quick reference of forestry operations usable in control.yaml.

operation description source model library
do_nothing This operation is no-op utility operation to simulate rest native
grow_acta A simple ReferenceTree diameter and height growth operation Acta Forestalia Fennica 163 metsi-forestry
grow_motti A ReferenceTree growth operation with death and birth models. Requires pymotti. Luke Motti group pymotti
first_thinning An operation reducing the stem count of ReferenceTrees as a first thinning for a forest Reijo Mykkänen metsi-forestry
thinning_from_below An operation reducing the stem count of ReferenceTrees weighing small trees before large trees Reijo Mykkänen metsi-forestry
thinning_from_above An operation reducing the stem count of ReferenceTrees weighing large trees before small trees Reijo Mykkänen metsi-forestry
even_thinning An operation reducing the stem count of ReferenceTrees evenly regardless of tree size Reijo Mykkänen metsi-forestry
report_collectives Save the values of collective variables native
calculate_biomass Calculate biomass accruals from the current reference tree properties Laura Jaakkola native
report_state save the values of state variables at the current time point native
filter Filter stands, trees and strata native
cross_cut_felled_trees Perform cross cut operation to results of previous thinning operations Annika Kangas metsi-forestry
cross_cut_standing_trees Perform cross cut operation to all standing trees on a stand Annika Kangas metsi-forestry
calculate_npv Calculate net present value of stand and harvest revenues subtracted by renewal operation costs. Urho Niemelä native
calculate_npv Calculate net present value of stand and harvest revenues subtracted by renewal operation costs. Urho Niemelä native
clearcutting Clear the stand of reference trees and produce data for cross-cutting. Laura Jaakkola native
planting Plant sapling reference trees on an empty stand. Laura Jaakkola native


Performes renewal operation planting which plants saplings on a empty stand.


parameter name type description location in control.yaml notes
planting_instructions string In file rows represent site types, first column contains the tree species, second column the stems per hectar value and third column is the soil preparation type. operation_file_params optional
tree_count int Number of sapling trees to be plante. operation_params optional, default 10


The output is written into the derived data container with two keys renewal and regeneration.

Output of renewal is a regeneration description python dictionary containing following values regeneration key, soil prepration type, tree species and stem count.

Output of regeneration is is a list of PriceableOperationInfo objects:

attribute name type description
operation string renewal operation name
units float stand area
time_point int time point of operation execution timepoint


Performs even thinning which removes stems evenly from all reference tree classes. Removal bounds are defined by basal area.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
thinning_limits float operation_file_params optional parameter
e float operation_params residue constant
thinning_factor float operation_params removal intensity


Operation outputs a list of CrossCuttableTree objects

Object attributes:

attribute name type description
stems_per_ha float number of removed stems
species TreeSpecies tree species of removed reference tree
breast_height_diameter float trees diameter at breast height
height float trees height
source string standing or harveste
operation string operation that produced such output
time_point int time point of operation execution
cross_cut_done bool cross cut operation executed

additional information

  • parameter e is a residue constant so that the removal ratio would not go under the lower limit.
    • For example e=0.2


Performs thinning from below which primarily removes trees with a smaller diameter. Removal bounds are defined by basal area.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
thinning_limits float operation_file_params optional parameter
e float operation_params residue constant
thinning_factor float operation_params removal intensity


Operation outputs a list of CrossCuttableTree objects

Object attributes:

attribute name type description
stems_per_ha float number of removed stems
species TreeSpecies tree species of removed reference tree
breast_height_diameter float trees diameter at breast height
height float trees height
source string standing or harveste
operation string operation that produced such output
time_point int time point of operation execution
cross_cut_done bool cross cut operation executed

additional information

  • parameter e is a residue constant so that the removal ratio would not go under the lower limit.
    • For example e=0.2


Performs thinning from above which primarily removes trees with a larger diameter. Removal bounds are defined by basal area.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
thinning_limits float operation_file_params optional parameter
e float operation_params residue constant
thinning_factor float operation_params removal intensity


Operation outputs a list of CrossCuttableTree objects

Object attributes:

attribute name type description
stems_per_ha float number of removed stems
species TreeSpecies tree species of removed reference tree
breast_height_diameter float trees diameter at breast height
height float trees height
source string standing or harveste
operation string operation that produced such output
time_point int time point of operation execution
cross_cut_done bool cross cut operation executed

additional information

  • parameter e is a residue constant so that the removal ratio would not go under the lower limit.
    • For example e=0.2


Performs first thinning which primarily removes trees with a smaller diameter. Removal bounds are defined by number of stems.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
dominant_height_lower_bound float operation_params
dominant_height_upper_bound float operation_params
e float operation_params residue constant
thinning_factor float operation_params removal intensity


Operation outputs a list of CrossCuttableTree objects

Object attributes:

attribute name type description
stems_per_ha float number of removed stems
species TreeSpecies tree species of removed reference tree
breast_height_diameter float trees diameter at breast height
height float trees height
source string standing or harveste
operation string operation that produced such output
time_point int time point of operation execution
cross_cut_done bool cross cut operation executed

additional information

  • parameter e is a residue constant so that the removal ratio would not go under the lower limit.
    • For example e=0.2


Compute total biomass tonnages of a single forest stand.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
model_set int operation_params accepted values: 1 and 2

additional information

  • model_set accepts following values 1, 2, 3 or 4
    • if value is 1 wood, bark, living and dead branches, foliage, stumps and roots are collected with model set Y
    • if value is 2 wood, bark, living and dead branches, foliage, stumps and roots are collected with model set X


Attributes of the BiomassData object

attribute name type
stem_wood float
stem_bark float
stem_waste float
living_branches float
dead_branches float
foliage float
stumps float
roots float


Enables collecting the states of user-defined variables at the time of the operation call.


The parameters passed to the operation are the variables that the user wants to report. The parameters are key-value pairs, where the key defines the name of the variable, and the value defines how the variable is constructed.

The operation makes available a set of collections that can be used in the definition of desired variables. These collections are:

name description class whose attributes are available
state forest stand ForestStand
reference_trees stand's reference trees ReferenceTrees
felled_trees trees that have been thinned/clearcut CrossCuttableTree
cross_cutting results of cross cutting CrossCutResult
renewal results of renewal operations PriceableOperationInfo
net_present_value results of net present value calculations NPVResult

additional information

For example, to get the total stems per hectare in the years the operation is defined for, one would define report_state's operation parameters as:

  - total_stems_per_ha: reference_trees.stems_per_ha

The stand's reference trees are stored under the name reference_trees, and the attributes defined for that name can be used to get values. The returned total_stems_per_ha is the sum of the stand's trees' stems_per_has.

However, often one needs more detailed information about the state, and therefore filter only certain variables. For example, to get the stems per hectare of pines:

  - total_stems_per_ha: reference_trees.stems_per_ha[reference_trees.species == 1]

or, to be even more fine-grained, get the stems_per_ha of pines that are not saplings:

  - total_stems_per_ha: reference_trees.stems_per_ha[(reference_trees.species == 1) & (reference_trees.sapling == False)]

Notice the parentheses around the filter conditions, when using multiple conditions.


Operation makes it possible to collect sums of derived data collections between periods.

For example in a 30 year long simulation one could define three 10-year periods by defining report_period on time points 10, 20 and 30. As the simulation executes the report_period operation collects user-defined derived data between years 0-9, 10-19 and 20-29.

See documentation of report_state operation for definition and usage.


Clears the stands reference tree list and stores them as a list of CrossCuttableTree objects into derived data with the felled_trees keyword.


parameter name type description location in control.yaml notes
clearcutting_limits_ages string In file the rows represent site type values and colums represent tree species and the values represent the smallest possible age enabled. operation_file_params example file data/parameter_files/renewal_ages_southernFI.txt
clearcutting_limits_diameters string In file the rows represent site type values and colums represent tree species and the values represent smallest possible breast height diameters enabled. operation_file_params example file data/parameter_files/renewal_diameters_southernFI.txt
minimum_time_interval int After the operation is executed it will not be executed again until the minimum_time_interval is reached. run_constrains


Output object attributes:

attribute name type description or value
stems_per_ha float number of removed stems
species TreeSpecies tree species of removed reference tree
breast_height_diameter float trees diameter at breast height
height float trees height
source string value: harvested
operation string value: clearcutting
time_point int time point of operation execution
cross_cut_done bool cross cut operation executed or not


Calculates the volume and value of harvested trees using Annika Kangas' cross cutting algorithm. Whenever this operation is called, it cross-cuts all thinning and clearcutting results that have been produced before it, but have not yet been cross-cut. Given this, it is enough to call this operation once before cross cutting results are needed.

additional information

The time_point attribute of the resulting CrossCutResult objects will be determined by the tree's havest year, not the year when this operation is called.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
timber_price_table file (csv) operation_file_params timber grades must be given as integers
implementation str operation_params py and lupa (lua) implementations available


Attributes of the CrossCutResult object

attribute name type
species TreeSpecies
timber_grade int
volume_per_ha float
value_per_ha float
stand_area float
source str (either "harvested" or "standing")
operation str (operation tag, or '' if source == "standing")
time_point int


Calculates the volume and value of standing trees using Annika Kangas' cross cutting algorithm at the time of the operation call. This operation does not actually harvest the stand, but rather evaluates the the volume and value of its trees if they were cross cut. Therefore, this operation is different from clearcutting.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
timber_price_table file (csv) operation_file_params timber grades must be given as integers
implementation str operation_params py and lupa (lua) implementations available


Attributes of the CrossCutResult object

attribute name type
species TreeSpecies
timber_grade int
volume_per_ha float
value_per_ha float
stand_area float
source str (either "felled" or "standing")
operation str
time_point int


Calculates the Net Present Value (NPV) of a given schedule.


parameter name type location in control.yaml notes
interest_rates list of int operation_params e.g. [3], where 3 stands for 3%
land_values file (json) operation_file_params
renewal_costs file (csv) operation_file_params

additional information

  • This operation expects that cross_cut_felled_trees has been called previously to cross cut any previous thinning output.
  • This operation expects that cross_cut_standing_trees has been called in the same time point, so that the present value of the standing trees can be evaluated correctly.


$$ NPV = \underbrace{\sum_{t=0}^T \frac{h_ta}{(1+r)^t}}\text{(1)}+ \underbrace{\frac{S_Ta}{(1+r)^T}}\text{(2)}- \underbrace{\sum_{t=0}^T \frac{c_ta}{(1+r)^t}}\text{(3)}+ \underbrace{LV}\text{(4)}



  • $h_t$ is the per-hectare harvest revenue from the stand at time $t$

  • $a$ is the stand's area in hectares

  • $r$ is the interest rate

  • $S_T$ is the value of standing tree stock at the final time point $T$

  • $c_t$ is the per-hectare costs of stand treatment at time $t$

  • $LV$ is the bare land value of the stand, calculated for the interest rate $r$.

(1) harvest revenues originate from cross_cut_felled_trees

(2) stand value originates from cross_cut_standing_trees

(3) currently, costs originate only from renewal operations

(4) Bare land values are passed in as a file parameter for the NPV operation. These values are already discounted with the given interest rate, so no discounting happens here. See MELA 2016 reference manual p.175-176 for more information about this.


To run unit test suites, run in the project root

python -m pytest

You can also use python internal module unittest

python -m unittest <test suite module.class path>

Application control

A run is declared in the YAML file control.yaml.

  1. Application configuration in app_configuration object. These may be overridden by equivalent command line arguments. Note that e.g. state_format with fdm below is written as --state-format fdm when given as a command line argument.
    1. state_format specifies the data format of the input computational units
      1. fdm is the standard Forest Data Model.
      2. vmi12 and vmi13 denote the VMI data format and container.
      3. forest_centre denotes the Forest Centre XML data format and container.
      4. geo_package denotes the Forest Centre GPKG data format and container.
    2. state_input_container is the file type for fdm data format. This may be csv, pickle or json.
    3. preprocessing_output_container is the file type for outputting the fdm formatted state of computational units after preprocessing operations. This may be csv, pickle or json or commented out for no output.
    4. state_output_container is the file type for outputting the fdm formatted state of individual computational units during and after the simulation. This may be csv, pickle or json or commented out for no output.
    5. derived_data_output_container is the file type for outputting derived data during and after the simulation. This may be pickle or json or commented out for no output.
    6. strategy is the simulation event tree formation strategy. Can be partial or full.
    7. measured_trees instructs the vmi12 and vmi13 data converters to choose reference trees from the source. True or False.
    8. strata instructs the vmi12 and vmi13 data converters strata from the source. True or False.
    9. strata_origin instructs the forest_centre converter to choose only strata with certain origin to the result. 1, 2 or 3.
    10. multiprocessing instructs the application to parallelizes the computation to available CPU cores in the system. True or False.
  2. Operaton run constrains in the object run_constraints
  3. Operation parameters in the object operation_params. Operation parameters may be declared as a list of 1 or more parameter sets (objects). Operations within an alternatives block are expanded as further alternatives for each parameter set. Multiple parameter sets may not be declared for operations within any sequence block.
  4. List of simulation_events, where each object represents a single set of operations and a set of time points for those operations to be run.
    1. time_points is a list of integers which assign this set of operations to simulation time points
    2. generators is a list of chained generator functions (see section on simulation event generators)
      1. sequence a list of operations to be executed as a chain
      2. alternatives a list of operations which represent alternative branches
  5. Preprocessing operations can be passed as a list of strings under preprocessing_operations, and their (optional) arguments under preprocessing_params as key-value pairs.
  6. Operation parameters that exist in files can be passed in operation_file_params as demonstated below:
        thinning_limits: /path/to/file/thinning-limits.txt
        timber_price_table: /path/to/file/timber-prices.csv
    Note, that it is the user's responsibility to provide the file in a valid format for each operation.
  7. Post-processing is controlled in the post_processing section of the file
    1. operation_params section sets key-value pairs to be passed as parameters to named post-processing operations
    2. post_processing section lists a non-branching list of post-processing operations to be run in sequence for the given data
  8. Export is controlled in the export section of the file (TODO: structure is in works)

The following example declares a simulation, which runs four event cycles at time points 0, 5, 10 and 15. Images below describe the simulation as an event tree, and further as the computation chains that are generated from the tree.

  • At time point 0, reporting of the simulation state is done.
  • At time point 5, the grow operation is done on the simulation state and the simulation is branched by 3. One branch does not modify the forest state data with do_nothing, another performs a thinning operation on the forest state data with parameter set 1, and another thinning operation with parameter set 2.
  • At time point 10, the 3 branches from time point 5 are extended separately with a grow operation, then branched again with do_nothing and thinning operations with two parameter sets, resulting in 9 branches.
  • At time point 15, reporting is done on the 9 individual state branches.
# example of operation run constrains
# minimum time interval constrain between thinnings is 10 years
    minimum_time_interval: 10

# example of operation parameters
# reporting operation gets one parameter set
# thinning operation gets two parameter sets
    - level: 1
    - thinning_factor: 0.7
      e: 0.2
    - thinning_factor: 0.9
      e: 0.1

# simulation_events are a collection of operations meant to be executed at
# the specified time_points
  - time_points: [ 5, 10 ]
      - sequence:
          - grow
      - alternatives:
          - do_nothing
          - thinning
  - time_points: [ 0, 15 ]
      - sequence:
          - reporting

Event tree from declaration above

Event tree

Operation chains from event tree above, as produced by the full tree formation strategy. See below for the partial tree strategy.

Operation chains

Collective variables

The report_collectives operation and data export make use of collective variables. A collective variable is a python expression that is evaluated on a ForestStand. For example the expression year will collect ForestStand.year.

You can collect tree variables by typing reference_trees.variable_name. You can also slice the variable, eg. reference_trees.volume[reference_trees.species==1] will collect the total volume of pine. The collective arrays are just numpy arrays, so all numpy slicing operations are supported.

For export data collection you can index the collection array by collection year, so Vpine would export the collective Vpine from all periods, and Vpine[0,5] would export it from years 0 and 5.


You can use the filter operation to control what data to keep or remove during pre-processing. It takes a dict of action: expression where action is of the form select|remove[ stands|trees|strata] and expression is a Python expression.

select and remove are aliases for select stands and remove stands. select removes all objects for which expression evaluates to a falsy value. remove removes objects for which expression evaluates to a truthy value.

The following example removes all sapling trees, trees without stem count and stands without reference trees:

    - remove trees: sapling or stems_per_ha == 0
      remove: not reference_trees

Evaluation order is the order of parameters, so the example would first remove trees and then stands.

You can also reuse filters with named filters. A named filter is an expression given in the named parameter, and it can be used in other expressions (including other named filters). The following example is equivalent to the previous one:

    - named:
        nostems: stems_per_ha == 0
        notrees: not reference_trees
      remove trees: sapling or nostems
      remove: notrees


The three important concepts in the sim package are operations, processor, event tree and event generators.


An operation is a function whose responsiblities are 1) to trigger manipulation of simulation state and 2) to compute derived data about simulation state before and/or after state manipulation. For the purposes of the simulator, the operation is a partially applied function from the domain package (forestry) such that it will take only one argument. They are produced as lambda functions based on the control.yaml declaration.

As an example, a single operation such as grow would receive a single argument of type ForestStand upon which it operates and finally returns a ForestStand for the modified/new state.


The processor is a function wrapper which handles running a prepared operation (see above). The parameter is an OperationPayload instance. The OperationPayload object is the container for simulation state data, along with a record of simulation run history and operation run constraints. Responsibilities of the processor function are as follows:

  • Determine if run constraints apply to the operation to be run. Abort and raise an exception if so.
  • Execute the operation function with simulation state data.
  • Create a record of the run in simulation run history.
  • Pack results as a new OperationPayload and return it.

Processor functions are produced as lambda functions based on the control.yaml declaration.

The event tree

The event tree is a tree data structure where each individual node represents a prepared simulation operation. It is generated based on the control.yaml declaration. Unique operation chains are generated based on the event tree for individual chain runs, or the event tree can be evaluated by depth-first walkthrough. This is controlled by the evaluation strategy.

Event generators

sequence and alternatives are functions which produce EventTree instances for given input functions and as successors of previous EventTree instances. For the simulation purposes, these input functions are the prepared processors (see above), but the simulator implementation literally does not care what these functions are. Sequences are linear chains of event. Alternatives are branching events. EventTree instances are generated and bound to earlier EventTree leaf nodes as branches.

The generators are chainable and nestable such that they can expand the event tree in formation based on the results of a previous generator's results. The NestableGenerator represents a tree structure for nested generator declarations. It is constructed from the simulation_events structure given from a configuration source. A SimConfiguration structure, likewise populated from a configuration source is used as a template for binding the created generator functions with prepared domain operation functions. The control source is an application's control.yaml file's dict structure or another compatible source.

compose_nested function executes the given NestableGenerator which in turn utilizes its prepared sequence and alternatives calls to build a complete simulation event tree.

The domain

The forestry package contains the operations necessary to represent the simulation state data and operations acting upon that data.

State data

The class ForestStand and the ReferenceTree and TreeStratum instances it refers to. A single ForestStand instance fully represents a forestry simulation state.


Operations are functions which take two arguments

  • A tuple of a ForestStand instance and a CollectedData containing derived/computed data during the simulation run
  • Python dict containing parameters for this operation

By convention (since Python as a language does not allow us to properly enforce this), these functions must remain pure and not trigger side-effectful program logic. Operations may do in-place mutation of the argument tuple. Operations may not mutate the operation parameter dict

The engine

sim.runners module has two functions of interest:

  • evaluate_sequence executes a prepared chain of functions (from the event tree), returning the final simulated stated or raising an execption upon any failure.
  • run_chains_iteratively is a simple iterator for given chain of prepared operations (from the event tree)

Note that this package is a simple run-testing implementation. In the future we wish to expand upon this to allow for distributed run scenarios using Dask.


The simulator strategies determine how the program traverses down the simulation tree. The full strategy executes run_full_tree_strategy, whereas the partial strategy executes run_partial_tree_strategy.

It should be noted that while the full strategy is simpler to understand conceptually, it carries a significant memory and runtime overhead for large simulation trees, and therefore the partial strategy should be focused on as the performant solution.

Additional information

Notes for domain developers

Your primary responsibility is to write the functionality that acts upon simulation state data based on parameters of your choosing. For the forestry case, the state data is a single instance of a ForestStand, which always has a member list of ReferenceTree instances.

You write an operation function, which is an entry point to your work.

  • It shall take in a single argument, a tuple of (ForestStand, CollectedData).
  • It shall return a tuple of (ForestStand, CollectedData), or it shall raise an Exception when the operation can not complete its work for any reason.

The operation function can internally be whatever you require it to be. Write out as many other functions you need for the underlying scientific models. Consider developing these under the metsi-forestry library.

Keep your work functionally pure. This means that the implementations must never access input and output (API calls, file access, etc.). This also means that all data must be passed as function arguments, return values and exceptions. Do not use shared memory outside of the scope of the functions you write. Python does not allow us to be strict about this, so it is up to you! Being strict about it is crucial for producing safe, testable, provable and deterministic implementations.

Implement unit tests for functions that you write. Unit tests allow you to develop your functions completely independently from the rest of the system. You do not need to run the simulation to test your work, but use a test to ensure that your function returns what is expected and behaves like it's intended.

  • Coordinate with simulator developers when some need arises that you feel can not be addressed with the model described above. A solution that doesn't require breaking functional purity can most certainly be found by developing the simulator and operations interface structure.
  • Coordinate with other developers when the work you do and models you write can be shared with other operations.
  • Coordinate with simulator creators about the parameters names and structures that can be passed from control.yaml file.

Using R functions

TODO: this section is no longer current and will need to be rewritten when a new implementation for R wrapping is made. report_volume no longer exists and the R codes are in metsi-forestry.

To run operations using the R functions you need R available in the local environment. You must additionally install the Python rpy2 package for the necessary API. For convenience, this can be installed via the optional-requirements.txt.

pip install --user -r optional-requirements.txt

The module contains functions and examples of how to bind into R functions. The r directory houses related R script and data files.

An example implementation lmfor_volume exists for forest stand volume calculation. Currently, this can be taken into use with the report_volume operation function in the control.yaml, following the example below

    lmfor_volume: true

The project contains a DESCRIPTION file which must be used to declare R library dependencies for R scripts. This is not necessary for running the R scripts locally, but is required for dependency resolution in the GitHub Actions test runs pipeline. Local dependencies are handled by the script files as exemplified by the beginning of the lmfor_volume.R. It will install its dependencies on run if they are not found from the local environment R libraries.

library_requirements <- c("lmfor")
if(!all(library_requirements %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]))
  install.packages(repos="", dependencies=TRUE, library_requirements)

A Thought exercise on the partial tree strategy

To understand the partial tree strategy better, consider a simulator instruction such as:

  - time_points: [ 0,5 ]
      - sequence:
          - grow
      - alternatives:
          - do_nothing
          - thinning

which will produce a simulator tree as below:

Simple simulation tree

the full strategy would create operation chains (one for each possible path in the tree) and run them independently from one another. In this case, we would have four separate chains, each chain having four operations.

On the other hand, the partial strategy would proceed as follows:

  1. create operation chains from the nodes in the first time point, and run them:

Partial strategy first period example

Here you'll notice that the first period's grow operation is executed twice, whereas the full tree strategy would have executed it four times.

  1. For all successful results from the first period, create operation chains from the nodes in the second period:

Partial strategy second period example

Now, let's assume that the second chain from time point 0 would not complete successfully, e.g. due to a constraint set on the thinning operation. At time point 5, The partial tree strategy would then only create operation chains for output 1, i.e. the two chains on the left in the above diagram. This logic reduces the unnecessary computation the simulator has to make, compared to the full strategy, and this is true especially for large simulation trees.

"Partial" in the strategy name refers to the fact that the strategy creates trees from only the nodes (EventTrees) in one time point at a time (i.e. partial trees/subtrees) and traverses those partial trees (with the same post-order traversal algorithm) to create partial (or sub-) chains of operations. Therefore, the strategy can be thought to operate depth-first within time points, but breadth-first across time points.

Notes for simulation creators

Use the control.yaml structure declaration to control the simulation structure, domain operations and parameters that are to be used.