Fiat-Crypto and all generated code is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, the Apache License (Version 2.0), and the BSD 1-Clause License; users may pick which license to apply.
for details.
- Andres Erbsen, Jade Philipoom, Jason Gross, Robert Sloan, Adam Chlipala. Simple High-Level Code For Cryptographic Arithmetic -- With Proofs, Without Compromises. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2019 (S&P'19). May 2019.
- This paper describes multiple field arithmetic implementations, and an older version of the compilation pipeline (preserved here). It is somewhat space-constrained, so some details are best read about in theses below.
- Jade Philipoom. Correct-by-Construction Finite Field Arithmetic in Coq. MIT Master's Thesis. February 2018.
- Chapters 3 and 4 contain a detailed walkthrough of the field arithmetic implementations (again, targeting the previous compilation pipeline)
- Andres Erbsen. Crafting Certified Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementations in Coq. MIT Master's Thesis. June 2017.
- Section 3 contains a whirlwind introduction to synthesizing field arithmetic code using coq, without assuming Coq skills, but covering a tiny fraction of the overall library. Sections 5 and 6 contain the only write-up on the elliptic-curve library in this repository.
- Jason Gross. Performance Engineering of Proof-Based Software Systems at Scale. MIT Doctoral Thesis. February 2021.
- Chapters 4 and 5 describe the reflective program transformation framework at the center of the newest compilation pipeline.