This is the WIP website for Exercism v3. We are not currently accepting Pull Requests to this repository. The live website is now locked.
This is the website component of Exercism. It is Ruby on Rails app, backed by MySQL. It also relies on Redis and AnyCable.
Our supported development setup is via our development environment repo. Please follow the instructions there. You can also run locally without Docker, but this is unsupported - see the next section for details.
Assuming your docker-compose is already "up," you can run the following commands from the development-environment
directory to setup the database. All these are run "inside" the existing website
container that needs to already have been started.
# seed the database
./bin/script website seed-db
# reset the database (drop -> migrate -> seed)
./bin/script website reset-db
Assuming your docker-compose is already "up," you can run the following commands from the development-environment
directory to run tests. All these are run "inside" the existing website
container that needs to already have been started.
# run rubocop to lint the codebase
./bin/script website lint
# run rails test
./bin/script website run-tests
# run rails test:system
./bin/script website run-system-tests
# run yarn test
./bin/script website run-js-tests
Often you only want to run the tests in a single file. You can do that by passing an additional argument to the scripts:
# run rails test test/commands/track/create_test.rb
./bin/script website run-tests test/commands/track/create_test.rb
# run rails test:system test/system/components/tooltips/tooltip_test.rb
./bin/script website run-system-tests test/system/components/tooltips/tooltip_test.rb
# run yarn test test/javascript/components/student/TracksList/Track.test.js
./bin/script website run-js-tests test/javascript/components/student/TracksList/Track.test.js
The website can be also be setup and run locally. This is unsupported. You need the following installed:
- Ruby 2.6.6 (For other Ruby versions, change the version in the
) - MySQL
- Redis
- AnyCable-Go
- DynamoDB
- S3Mock
Run localstack for a local AWS:
docker run -dp 3042:8080 -p 3040:4566 -p 3041:4566 localstack/localstack
The main dependencies can be installed via homebrew
brew install libgit2 cmake pkg-config anycable-go hivemind
Running these commands inside a mysql console will get a working database setup:
CREATE USER 'exercism_v3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'exercism_v3';
CREATE DATABASE exercism_v3_development;
ALTER DATABASE exercism_v3_development CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON exercism_v3_development.* TO 'exercism_v3'@'localhost';
CREATE DATABASE `exercism_v3_test`;
ALTER DATABASE `exercism_v3_test` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `exercism_v3_test`.* TO 'exercism_v3'@'localhost';
Tests are parallelized so you need a db per processor, so you need to do this for n
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `exercism_v3_test-0`.* TO 'exercism_v3'@'localhost';
Run the setup scripts:
bundle install
EXERCISM_ENV=development bundle exec setup_exercism_config
EXERCISM_ENV=development bundle exec setup_exercism_local_aws
Note: you will need to do this every time you reset dynamodb, which happens when Docker is restarted.
We have a Procfile which executes the various commands need to run Exercism locally.
On MacOSX we recommend using hivemind
to manage this, which can be installed via brew install hivemind
To get everything started you can then run:
hivemind -p 3020
If you'd like to use solargraph, the gem is in the file. You need to run and set solargraph.useBundler
to true
in your config. I have this working well with coc-solargraph. This article was helpful for setting it up.
bundle exec yard gems
solargraph bundle
Rubocop is enforced on Pull Requests. To run it locally:
bundle exec rubocop --except Metrics
To autoupdate based on it's suggestions, add the -a
bundle exec rubocop --except Metrics -a
To check the complexity of your code and ensure you're not
adding things that are more complex to the codebase, run without the --except
bundle exec rubocop -a
The tests can be run using:
bundle exec rails test
If you need to create a new Git repo for use in the tests, use the following:
mkdir /Users/iHiD/Code/exercism/v3/test/repos/new-repo
cd /Users/iHiD/Code/exercism/v3/test/repos/new-repo
git init --bare
cd ~
git clone file:///Users/iHiD/Code/exercism/v3/test/repos/new-repo exercism-new-git-repo
cd exercism-new-git-repo
echo "{}" > config.json
git add config.json
git commit -m "First commit"
git push origin head