Generate QR-Codes for checking into events using the official Corona Warn App.
Corona Warn App QR-Code Generator is a Go client library and command line application for creating QR-Codes which users of the official Corona Warn App can use to check into events.
It is an implementation of the Protocol used to generate event and location QR codes for the Corona Warn App as described in their documentation.
This is not an official implementation! Use it at your own risk!
Binary releases are evailable on GitHub Releases.
Install using Homebrew
$ brew tap lukasmalkmus/tap
$ brew install cwa-qr
To update:
$ brew upgrade cwa-qr
$ go get
$ git clone
$ cd cwa-qr
$ make install # Build and install binary into $GOPATH
Docker images are available on DockerHub.
$ docker pull lukasmalkmus/cwa-qr
$ docker run lukasmalkmus/cwa-qr
In all cases the installation can be validated by running cwa-qr -version
in the
Corona Warn App QR-Code Generator version 1.0.0
$ cwa-qr [flags] <output-file>
Most basic usage:
$ cwa-qr event.png
Flags are optional. If not provided, the application questions for input on the command line.
import cwaqr ""
// ...
qrCode, err := cwaqr.GenerateQRCode(cwaqr.Event{
// ...
// Write qrCode to file, etc.
Feel free to submit PRs or to fill issues. Every kind of help is appreciated.
Before committing, make
should run without any issues.
At least Go 1.16 is required.
© Lukas Malkmus, 2021
Distributed under MIT License (The MIT License
See LICENSE for more information.