fun should the date of the first installment must be a maximum of 3 months after the current day
() {
val fakeCustomer: Customer = buildCustomer()
every { customerRepository.save(any()) } returns fakeCustomer
val actual: Customer = customerService.save(fakeCustomer)
//then ChatGPT
// Get the current date and time
val currentDate = LocalDateTime.now()
// Calculate the date for the first installment (maximum 3 months from now)
val firstInstallmentDate = currentDate.plusMonths(3)
// Print the result
val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
println("Current Date and Time: ${currentDate.format(formatter)}")
println("First Installment Date: ${firstInstallmentDate.format(formatter)}")
// Use AssertJ to make assertions
verify(exactly = 1) { customerRepository.save(fakeCustomer) }
fun `should the maximum installments allowed will be 48`() {
val fakeCustomer: Customer = buildCustomer()
every { customerRepository.save(any()) } returns fakeCustomer
val actual: Customer = customerService.save(fakeCustomer)
// actual.installments = 48
verify(exactly = 1) { customerRepository.save(fakeCustomer) }
@Column(nullable = false) var currentDay: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.now(),
@Column(nullable = false) var installments: Int = 0,
private fun buildCustomer(
currentDay: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.now(),
installments: Int = 48,
firstName: String = "Cami",
lastName: String = "Cavalcante",
cpf: String = "28475934625",
email: String = "camila@gmail.com",
password: String = "12345",
zipCode: String = "12345",
street: String = "Rua da Cami",
income: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000.0),
id: Long = 1L
) = Customer(
currentDay = currentDay,
installments = installments,
firstName = firstName,
lastName = lastName,
cpf = cpf,
email = email,
password = password,
address = Address(
zipCode = zipCode,
street = street,
income = income,
id = id
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