# OutdatedbrowserRails
This project bundles the excellent Burocratik’s [Outdated Browser](github.com/burocratik/outdated-browser) detector for use with the rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
<img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/outdatedbrowser_rails.svg” alt=“Gem Version” />
## Installation
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
“‘ruby gem ’outdatedbrowser_rails’ “‘
## Usage
### Including Outdated Browser assets
Add this line to your ‘application.js`:
“‘js //= require outdatedbrowser/outdatedBrowser “`
Add this line to your ‘application.css` || `application.scss`:
“‘css //= require outdatedbrowser/outdatedBrowser “` ### Using the gem’s strategy to require Outdated Browser
In the view where you want to use this, add:
“‘erb <%= render ’outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser’ %> “‘
At the bottom of the body (make sure it’s included after application.js), add:
“‘erb <%= javascript_include_tag ’outdatedbrowser/require_outdatedbrowser’ %> “‘
The gem uses ‘i18n` for the message strings, you can use other strings in your application by [looking at the keys](github.com/luisalima/outdatedbrowser_rails/blob/master/config/locales/en.yml) and overriding them.
### Manual approach to require Outdated Browser
See the [Outdated Browser usage guide](github.com/burocratik/outdated-browser#how-to-use-it).
#### Testing the integration in your app
Of course, ideally use an outdated browser to test.
With an up-to-date browser:
In the view where you included the partial, check that ‘#outdated` is present.
See how it looks: ‘$(’#outdated’).show()
## Contributing
Feel free to open an issue if you find something that could be improved.
Here are a couple of things worth noting:
This is a mountable rails engine tested with ‘rspec` and `capybara`. For more info or a good reference to make your own, see [this good tutorial](viget.com/extend/rails-engine-testing-with-rspec-capybara-and-factorygirl).
The rake task ‘rake generate:assets` copies the assets from the `vendor/outdated-browser` folder (which is a git submodule) to the engine `app` folder.
The rake task ‘clean` cleans the copied assets.
To run tests, use ‘rspec spec`.
Finally, to contribute:
Fork it
Create your feature branch (‘git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
Run tests using ‘rspec spec`, and make sure they are green!
Add tests to ‘spec/features`, if necessary.
Commit your changes (‘git commit -am ’Add some feature’‘)
Push to the branch (‘git push origin my-new-feature`)
Create new Pull Request