The router of next provide some APIs that are used to listen for routing changes for us.
For example: beforeHistoryChange, routeChangeComplete...
// _app.js
import Router from 'next/router';
// Listen the route path change'routeChangeStart', (path) => {
console.log('route start change, the next route is:', path);
// do something what you want to do.
// next.config.js
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
// fix antd bug in dev development
const devAntd = '@import "~antd/dist/antd.less";\n';
const stylesData = fs.readFileSync(
path.resolve(__dirname, './assets/_styles.less'),
path.resolve(__dirname, './assets/self-styles.less'),
isDev ? `${devAntd}${stylesData}` : stylesData,
chunk commons [mini-css-extract-plugin]
Conflicting order between:
// next.config.js
// define the webpack plugn
class FilterPlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
apply(compiler) {
(compilation) => {
compilation.warnings = (compilation.warnings).filter(
warning => !this.options.filter.test(warning.message)
webpack: (config, {...args}) => {
// Instantiate the plugin and add it as a Webpack plugin
new FilterPlugin(
{ filter: /chunk styles \[mini-css-extract-plugin]\nConflicting order between:/ }
// /cores/polyfills.js
/* eslint no-extend-native: 0 */
// core-js comes with Next.js. So, you can import it like below
import includes from 'core-js/library/fn/string/virtual/includes';
import repeat from 'core-js/library/fn/string/virtual/repeat';
import assign from 'core-js/library/fn/object/assign';
import 'core-js/es6/map';
import 'core-js/es6/set';
// Add your polyfills
// This files runs at the very beginning (even before React and Next.js core)
console.log('Load your polyfills');
String.prototype.includes = includes;
String.prototype.repeat = repeat;
Object.assign = assign;
// next.config.js
webpack: function (cfg) {
const originalEntry = cfg.entry
cfg.entry = async () => {
const entries = await originalEntry()
if (
entries['main.js'] &&
) {
return entries
return cfg
The latest version of Next.js(Version9) has a lot of polyfill built in so we can use it on demand for our own projects. This project is also configured with polyfill, which is currently compatible with IE11.
1 - next.config.js webpack resolve alias
// next.config.js // config alias config.resolve.alias['@containers'] = path.resolve(__dirname, './src/containers');
2 - eslint resolve alias
npm install eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-alias --save-dev
// .eslintrc.js
"settings": {
"react": {
"version": "detect"
"import/resolver": {
"alias": {
"map": [
["@/", path.resolve(__dirname, './src')],
"extensions": ['.ts', '.js', '.jsx', '.json']
- 3 - jsconfig.js
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": ["src/*"],
VSCode install plugin: Alias resolver
// _app.js -> getInitialProps
/* 刷新页面 antd闪动 */
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.onload = () => {
// _app.js -> <Head></Head>
__html: `
*, *::before, *::after {
transition: none!important;
new TerserPlugin({
cache: true, // add this line
terserOptions: {
test: /\.js$/,
include: [
options: {
workerParallelJobs: 50,
// additional node.js arguments
workerNodeArgs: ['--max-old-space-size=1024'],
loader: 'thread-loader'
// next.config.js
const myWebpack = require('webpack');
new myWebpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(/moment[\/\\]locale$/, /zh-cn|en/),
ant-design v4+ —— Icon optimization is no longer required
If you use the V3 or lower version,you can optimization icon
// next.config.js
config.resolve.alias['@ant-design/icons/lib/dist$'] = path.resolve(__dirname, './assets/icons.js');
// /assets/icons.js
// 你自己手动引入的Icon,默认是outline
export {
default as LoginOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/LoginOutline';
export {
default as LogoutOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/LogoutOutline';
export {
default as UserOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/UserOutline';
// 下面的 不是自己引入的,而是内置组件引入的,比如Input/Select/Datepicker等
export {
default as SearchOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/SearchOutline';
export {
default as DownOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/DownOutline';
export {
default as UpOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/UpOutline';
export {
default as CalendarOutline
} from '@ant-design/icons/lib/outline/CalendarOutline';