- Python 3.6.0
- Download Miniconda from https://conda.io/miniconda.html
- Install with
bash Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
- Check Miniconda executable installed location
which conda
=> /Users//miniconda3/bin/conda - Load pre-configured Python environment dependencies into Miniconda
conda env create -f ./config/aind-environment-unix.yml
- Alternatively if using pip, install dependencies as follows:
pip install -r ./config/requirements.txt
- Switch to Miniconda env
source activate aind
- Install PyGame for visualisations
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi mercurial
pip install pygame
Sudoku (uses '.' for boxes where value not yet known)
python ./term01/lesson01/function.py
Sudoku (uses '123456789' for boxes where value not yet known, and for each box with only one value possibility, for each of its peers it removes that value from the remaining list of possibilities
python ./term01/lesson01/function2.py
Refer to separate Project 1 https://github.com/ltfschoen/AIND-Sudoku
Perceptron Step:
cd ./term02/lesson02/perceptron_step; python perceptron_step.py
Logistic Regression (Gradient Descent Algorithm)
cd ./term02/lesson02/logistic_regression; python logistic_regression.py
Neural Network XOR using Keras
pip install keras pip install tensorflow cd ./term02/lesson02/part30_keras_neural_network_xor; python neural_network.py
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using Keras
Study Dimensionality of Convolutional Layer changes
cd ./term02/lesson03; python conv-dims.py cd ./term02/lesson03; python conv-dims2.py
- Study Max Pooling Layer
cd ./term02/lesson03; python pool-dims.py
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) using Keras
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
``` cd ./term02/lesson07_nlp_intro; python count_words.py ```
- Install MyPy
python3 -m pip install mypy
. - Install Typing
python3 -m pip install typing
. - Import Typing
import typing; from typing import *
, - Apply MyPy static type checking to an existing function and check that expected warnings occur
def get_list_for_str(word: str) -> None:
- Run MyPy Linter with
mypy ./mypy/test.py
- Apply MyPy with expected types so no warnings occur
def get_list_for_str(word: str) -> typing.List[str]: