This chapter concerns(关注、涉及) creating and destroying objects: when and how to create them, when and how to avoid creating them, how to ensure they are destroyed in a timely manner, and how to manage any cleanup actions that must precede their destruction.
- Item 1: Consider static factory methods instead of constructors(考虑以静态工厂方法代替构造函数)
- Item 2: Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters(在面对多个构造函数参数时,请考虑构建器)
- Item 3: Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type(使用私有构造函数或枚举类型实施单例属性)
- Item 4: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor(用私有构造函数实施不可实例化)
- Item 5: Prefer dependency injection to hardwiring resources(依赖注入优于硬连接资源)
- Item 6: Avoid creating unnecessary objects(避免创建不必要的对象)
- Item 7: Eliminate obsolete object references(排除过时的对象引用)
- Item 8: Avoid finalizers and cleaners(避免使用终结器和清除器)
- Item 9: Prefer try with resources to try finally(使用 try-with-resources 优于 try-finally)