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A .NET application to resize/shrink image files in batch mode. It aims to be very fast and to preserve as much quality as possible.


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Image (re)Sizer is a multiplatform .NET application to resize/shrink image files, either inplace or to a destination directory (preserving folder structure). It aims to be very fast and to keep as much image quality as possible. To that end it uses the amazing PhotoSauce.MagicScaler high-performance, high-quality image processing pipeline library for .NET.


Although there are quite a few parameters, the defaults were selected to provide a very optimized (fast and high quality) result for most use cases and usage is very simple: you normally only need to pass source, destination (or not if resizing inplace) and a maximum width and height.

Command line syntax: imgsizer source [-flags]

Full command line:

imgsizer [--help] [--version] source [-d destination] [-w width] [-h height] [-o] [-r] [-j job-name [--create-job]] [-m Crop|Contain|Stretch|Pad|Max] [-a Center,Top,Bottom,Left,Right] [--matte-color Color] [--hybrid-mode off|favorquality|favorspeed|turbo] [-t size] [-q 1..100] [-c Subsample420|Subsample422|Subsample444] [-p None|Semi|Full] [--whatif]

Basic examples

imgsizer *.jpg -d resized -w 400 -h 400

Resizes *.jpg images in the current folder into a subfolder named resized, constraining their larger dimension to 400 pixels.

imgsizer img\*.jpg -r -w 400 -h 600

Resizes *.jpg images in the img subfolder, recursing its folder structure, constraining the width to 400 pixels and/or height to 600 pixels, maintaining the original aspect-ratio. Performs inplace resizing (overwriting the source files), but asks for confirmation (no -o|--overwrite flag passed`).

imgsizer img\*.jpg -r -w 400 -h 600 -o

Same as the previous example but does not ask for confirmation to overwrite source files.

imgsizer *.jpg -w 400 -h 400 -t 200KB -o

Resizes *.jpg images in the current folder, constraining their larger dimension to 400 pixels, filtering out all images larger than 200 KB (-t|--threshold option). Doesn't ask for confirmation to overwrite processed files.

Full options

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                            Image(re)Sizer 2023

imgsizer 1.2.0
Copyright (C) 2023 imgsizer

  -w, --width          Image's target width

  -h, --height         Image's target height

  -d, --dest           Output path/directory (if omitted will perform inplace resizing)

  -o, --overwrite      (Default: false) Automatically overwrites destination files

  -r, --recursive      (Default: false) Includes files inside subdirectories

  -j, --job            Allows pausing and resuming with named "jobs"

  --createjob          (Default: false) Only creates the job by enumerating the files to be processed

  -m, --mode           (Default: Max) Specifies the resize/crop scale mode to use (Crop, Contain, Stretch, Pad, Max)

  -a, --anchor         (Default: Center) Specifies the horizontal and vertical anchor positions for auto cropping
                       (Center, Top, Bottom, Left, Right) (pass multiple values separated by commas)

  --matte-color        (Default: Black) Specifies the color to use when padding or converting transparency to
                       non-transparent formats (Use names or values: White; Brown; #FFFFA0; 255,255,160...)

  --hybrid-mode        (Default: Off) Defines the mode that control speed vs. quality trade-offs for high-ratio scaling
                       operations (off, favorquality, favorspeed, turbo)

  -t, --threshold      Minimum file size to resize (10kb, 1MB...)

  -q, --quality        (Default: 80) Defines perceptual output quality for lossy compressions (1..100)

  -c, --chroma         (Default: Subsample420) Defines the Chroma Subsample mode to use for encoding

  -p, --progressive    (Default: None) Defines the JPEG Progressive mode to use for enconding

  --whatif             Runs in simulation mode (output isn't written to disk)

  --help               Display this help screen.

  --version            Display version information.

  source (pos. 0)      Required. Source file/pattern

Advanced Options

-t | --threshold: Minimum size to process file

This flag allows you to skip files smaller than the specified size. You can specify the size using common binary prefixes: 100KB, 1MB, 100KiB, 1,5MB, etc. If using spaces after the number you must quote it: "1,5 MiB"

-m | --mode: Specifies the Crop Scale Mode

  • Max (default): Contains the image into the specified dimensions (-w/-h), avoiding any cropping and keeping the original aspect-ratio. Never enlarges dimensions.
  • Crop: Crops the image to the specified dimensions (centers the crop around the -a|--anchor option). Will enlarge or shrink images if needed.
  • Contain: The same as Max but will enlarge smaller dimensions.
  • Stretch: Stretches the image to the exact dimensions specified. Do not preserve the original aspect-ratio.
  • Pad: Add borders to the image to make it fit within the exact specified dimensions (uses --matte-color for padding). The useful area of the resulting image (not considering the padding) preserves the original aspect-ratio.

--matte-color: Specifies the color to use when padding and/or for transparent pixels on non-transparent formats.

You can specify the color in a variety of formats:

  • Color name: Brown, Red, DarkOliveGreen, etc. (any .NET valid color name)
  • Hex color notation: #FFA080 without alpha, or #D0FFA080 with alpha (ARGB)
  • Decimal color notation: 255,255,160 without alpha, or 100,255,255,160 with alpha (A,R,G,B). If using spaces after the commas you must quote the value: "200, 255, 160"


Command Line Parameters


A .NET application to resize/shrink image files in batch mode. It aims to be very fast and to preserve as much quality as possible.







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