All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.0.0-alpha.54 (2025-03-10)
1.0.0-alpha.53 (2024-07-11)
- editor config: added iframe configuration allowing js execution (2d7b729)
- editor config: now using props conf object, allowing component customization (aed3c05)
- mapField: added hasErrors computed missing property (36e9049)
1.0.0-alpha.52 (2024-07-04)
- ckeditor config: disabled versionCheck to avoid warning popup (9b8efcf)
1.0.0-alpha.51 (2024-06-24)
- ckeditor injector: resolving promise if script exists and CKEDITOR is not undefined (7f24ba9)
- images: forcing image2 to recognize images from mapomedia, removed sanitize (dbb0ce8)
- theme handling: added watcher on vuetify theme (44e3b69)
- extra config: added image2 plugin and 2 skins (light and dark mode) (4360cef)
- fields: added new editor component based on cke (ca4969e)
1.0.0-alpha.50 (2024-01-24)
- listexample: fixed field declaration (0baa347)
- listexample: removed duplicated field. Fixed typo (22858ba)
- added MapField (3ba3b26)
- Detail: added PagePreview component (9ed8975)
- fields: added geo point field (ba0dd0c)
- Time and DateTime: added Ok button to close menu (11f1d1e)
1.0.0-alpha.49 (2023-07-27)
- component TimeField resolve browser loop (504a629)
- added max-depth prop to menu manager to give the possibility of set a limit in depth for nesting (e4ab7a1)
1.0.0-alpha.48 (2023-07-14)
- fix repeater not emitting internal values to form field (c118eb3)
1.0.0-alpha.47 (2023-06-24)
- fix media gallery keys (f9fb666)
1.0.0-alpha.46 (2023-06-24)
- media manager enhancements (994a8f0)
1.0.0-alpha.45 (2023-06-10)
- fix setPointed (f43685d)
1.0.0-alpha.44 (2023-06-10)
- added better reactivity to setPointed function (78a4a88)
- added bottom padding to menu treeview draggable (6c10dcb)
- added missing tranlations to detail component (c099319)
- better double clik node edit catcher (78ec053)
- fix media edit folder typo (aba1d15)
- fix search value update in media manager (c38b530)
- media-folders: fix media folder create, update and delete callbacks (1e8e1b0)
- add click callback to menuNode breadcrums to help navigation (0b73718)
- added css classes and translations to menu-manager (e1f46c0)
- added del keyboard input to delete menu nodes (6d376a0)
- added delete selected to media manager (060eaed)
- added empty placeholder for menu treeview (f40dfc3)
- added keyboard inputs for confirm dialog (e9e4058)
- added media editor translation fields (87ed691)
- added MenuManager component (25107a9)
- added old value to onChange in formField (b53c86e)
- added readonly props to detail component (4c8c79f)
- added slots to menu editor component to sobstitute the entire form (239727c)
- added title field in menu node editor (bd62662)
- added type folders to media manager (63cd551)
- EXPERIMENTAL: use Vue.set in setpointed and directly manipulate js object in FormField (1c384e9)
1.0.0-alpha.43 (2023-02-02)
1.0.0-alpha.42 (2023-02-01)
- added time and datetime fields (30ad418)
1.0.0-alpha.41 (2022-12-20)
- handle all_permissions prop in user (14d4252)
- hide parent sidebar item when there aren't any accessible items (2358b1d)
- media editor: disable save and delete button on medias without permissions (e15bc71)
1.0.0-alpha.40 (2022-12-20)
- fix formfield hideDetails on errors (4d97992)
- fix repeater mount value (aacaf20)
- fixed detail forceLanguage default (2ab928a)
- reduce debounce output with nested repeater to prevent field deletions (b6a252e)
- reset confirm dialog options after transition to prevent graphic glitch (d2e5138)
- rewritten and more precise diffObjs function (3e79775)
- add some slots to drop area component (73d79df)
- added and body.bottom slots for forma groups (3e48d43)
- added draggable capability to media manager selection (f6311cd)
- added global and single field configuration for initial expanded value in form groups (69249c1)
- added global and single field configuration for initial expanded value in form tabs (e4f01d0)
- added route gruard to prevent leaving a detail page with unsaved data (7d51cd2)
- added spridermenu option to nuxt.config (1808d43)
- added tab.slug.before and tab.slug.after slots for forms tabs (42a2497)
- added the possibility to set default langs in nuxt.config (81b0fe4)
- added usePatch option to partially save data with PATCH http method (1dfa3b2)
- added warning on media manager upload for big files (09743b9)
- style scrollbars (48e4c7b)
1.0.0-alpha.39 (2022-12-03)
- fix class inheritance for field border radius (33f1fd9)
- fix list table to fallback to unknown string if navigable but no column value (dcf400f)
- give the option to rewrite form fields components defaults in nuxt.config.js (c4e76b1)
- pass classes also to groups and tabs in formfields (e975aab)
- restyle media m2m field (a79e976)
- specific class names for detail component parts and configurable sidenav col (e6a5887)
- dynamically import components in FormField to reduce bundle size (85986c6)
- treeshake vuetify to reduce vendor bundle (42b31b3)
1.0.0-alpha.38 (2022-11-22)
- append color icon in color field (7d17806)
- clear tinymce content on startup (e8e3599)
- fix layout shift of media field after media selection (b59e0f2)
- fix static resources base path (ed8351d)
- fix tinymce skin mapo-light menu hover color (c176df8)
- remove settings link (d4be262)
- added error state for wyg editor based on mapo field error state (c1f2dbd)
- added error state to mapofield and reduced div nesting (751ffeb)
- added slots for sidebar and topbar (7ac86e7)
- auto hideDetails on fields without error messages (7654bf3)
- tinymce better theming (c1c5c88)
- tinymce enhancements and theming (5bb1168)
- update style of form groups (a4d9238)
- update vuetify color scheme (18aff8d)
- decrease div nesting in forms (537a59c)
1.0.0-alpha.37 (2022-11-14)
- better icon sizing for media m2m (2c241f8)
- fix gallery ui interface (6570535)
- fix index layout (7b15fcc)
- fixed fields init values (23f1658)
- fixed media m2m readonly (5fa3f80)
- better handle videow preview in mobile mode (e3120f3)
1.0.0-alpha.36 (2022-11-12)
- fix media preview type checks (580515f)
1.0.0-alpha.35 (2022-11-11)
- fix mime type filtering for new media manager (bbd1a9b)
1.0.0-alpha.34 (2022-11-11)
- fix draggable dialogues (aeaa009)
- fix media dialog reset and selected visualization (d04e6f2)
- fix media store i18n (ec5d8a3)
- fix repeater width (f210aff)
- fix some graphic issues in new media dialogue (6895dab)
- fixed some interface glitch in media manager (317f550)
- little media manager graphic fixs (9f9df7e)
- added media store (e515f34)
- completely rewritten mediaField (4b17d18)
- default upload in multipart autodiscover (b153307)
- new m2m media field and moved media selection logic to store (8094375)
- rewreitten media grids (3818ca1)
- rewritten media manager (de18547)
1.0.0-alpha.33 (2022-10-14)
- repeater: keep cloned array in repeater (2d9254c)
1.0.0-alpha.32 (2022-09-28)
- fix emits of form inputs in heavly nested conditions (2b143fd)
1.0.0-alpha.31 (2022-09-14)
- interceptor: remove token injection for axios requests (59b2f5c)
- middleware: fix auth middleware to correclty redirect based on router base (1d49cd7)
1.0.0-alpha.30 (2022-09-13)
- auth: removed js set cookie helpers since mapo login is http-only cookie based now (6328c13)
- repeater: added v-container to form repeater to prevent field size expansion (82af78e)
- repeater: handle null values (6cea5c4)
- wygEditor: handle null values (18477da)
- added memoized debounce (3c9a025)
1.0.0-alpha.29 (2022-09-03)
- form-field: debounce the entire setter not only emitter to preserve the most fresh data from parents components (31449e2)
- detail: remove unused console logs (3bef461)
- form: move translations logic to from field to prevent field config manipulations and reduce rendering cycles (06038ef)
- form: prevent inputs if value has no changes and defer inputs if not immediate flag on form (e3da2d8)
1.0.0-alpha.28 (2022-09-01)
- form debounce: fix form debounce not correctly updating model (04b392d)
- fixed repeater remaining close on model fetch (3a30136)
- repeater: fix row expansion in nested repeater (4ed22cd)
- tabs: show correct label in nested tabs (30f50b2)
- detail: give feedback for all http actions in detail components and prevent interaction during the request (ceec206)
- repeater: prevent collapsed repeater from rendering hidden forms (1ae7d18)
- increase form performances debouncing the emit events (5e0bb30)
1.0.0-alpha.27 (2022-08-25)
- remove unused options plugin (45004bb)
- colorfield: return string in colorfield (3acbd5c)
- detail: added force option to languages (8ed4b69)
- fields: added color field (ead7448)
- mediapreview: added title tag to medias (d063162)
- implemented enhanced media compomentent (fe336e1)
- implemented media preview through MediaPreview component (575c285)
1.0.0-alpha.26 (2022-08-11)
- correct langDir path on i18n defaults (100239f)
1.0.0-alpha.25 (2022-08-02)
- fix detail field language list (1d290e6)
- fix mediauploader typo (67e7e4e)
- fixed bug on preview image (f2878ee)
- removed some accidental trash from previous commit (4a85da4)
- i18n: move i18n config to mapo defaults to enable mixed merges of user and mapo options. (2190aa9)
1.0.0-alpha.24 (2022-07-22)
- i18n: use iso code for vuetify language code (0683c78)
- fixed login screen (f925672)
- list: pass selectionQuery to list actions (7385daa)
- listfilters: added watch on list filters (753f40e)
- i18: handle i18n on images' alt title tags (3fb3f62)
- i18n: handle translations on meta router (2e20afe)
- added language switcher (6995542)
- refactored translations, added vuetify translations (bd37682)
- form: added vShow on tabs and groups (631e43f)
- i18n: i18n for detail and form fields (74760b1)
- i18n: i18n on sidebar and list components (64fb9a1)
- i18n: setup on generic and media components (f38588f)
1.0.0-alpha.23 (2022-05-04)
- detail: prevent rendering of fields until the model is fully loaded (0421d79)
- repeater: better borders and padding for repeater lines (07faf36)
- seoPreview: fix permalink preview to integrate the domain (8bdd6a3)
- utils: better File recognition for deepClone util (72a1002)
- fix detail component not redirecting on save and continue action (3ba4bb6)
- fix readonly fields in forms (564a853)
- forms: Decrease rendering time of form component, and all Components based on form (22a191a)
1.0.0-alpha.22 (2022-05-01)
- fix detail component slot bindings (c4367a3)
- fix form fields components discovery (3f4fb0b)
- fix language switch in repeater (76d4b80)
- fix missing funtions in confs. this is a bit hacky. better to find a better solution (e3117cf)
- fix repeater commands showing only on sidebar hover (82de95d)
- added a collapsed Label prop to define it in the repeater (ec26fcb)
- added a vShow callback prop to conditionally display a field (c94a280)
- added collapsed mode to repeaters (e99e2cd)
- added onChange callback to fields (f19a994)
- big code refactor and improovements to fields management (a818d8b)
- Form component has now many more slots (5db0da8)
- move vShow check in form component and add vVisible check (c219cec)
- form: added tabs configuration to forms (387e521)
- repeater: now repeater with templates has more precise slots (67eb56f)
1.0.0-alpha.21 (2022-04-25)
Note: Version bump only for package mapo-monorepo
1.0.0-alpha.20 (2022-04-25)
- repeater: added multilanguage capabilities to Repeater Field (4736d52)
- repeater: added templates to repeater to compose rows block by block (c2546b1)
1.0.0-alpha.19 (2022-04-06)
- fix logout loop (3177cca)
- fix logout redirects (113dd6b)
- fix repeater field in production build (7c10bcb)
1.0.0-alpha.18 (2022-04-04)
- fix core interceptor syntax (c546a48)
- Filefield opens files in popup window (96be24a)
1.0.0-alpha.17 (2022-04-03)
1.0.0-alpha.16 (2022-04-03)
- detail: fix reference errors in detail component (f5c3fb2)
- list: fix offlineMode data table reordering (55eb55f)
- mediamanager: fix dialog style (732d748)
- mediamanager: fix media folder style (0ac29c8)
- prevent filefield bad mount (cc84540)
- repeater: fix reordering animation (fe192fe)
- Added mapo integrations module! 🎉 (76d2c80)
- quick-edit: added possibility to customize dialog props of ListQuickEdit (f3028c0)
- added mapo options to mapo helper (38dcbf2)
- repeater: added readonly state to repeater field (d2aa979)
- theme: added dark/light mode switcher (1c45cb1)
- This change removes all the camomilla cms references moving the compatibility layer in a detached package mapo-integrations-camomilla. The guidelines to make mapo work with camomilla will be provided in the package readme.
1.0.0-alpha.15 (2022-03-11)
- fix detail component for single translatable languages (cab50e5)
- fix detail-field bad mounting if v-model is too quick (6198a7d)
- fix media-field bad mounting if v-model is too quick (335a7c2)
- removed permanent scrollbar on page body (2cb3f13)
- add sortable capabilities to repeater field (c962f62)
- add sortCallback also to add and remove items in Repeater field (1ae82c3)
- added Repeater field 🌶 (f388094)
- added loading status to fksfield while fetching options (07137ee)
- enhance findPropPaths to deal also with arrays indexes (158a9aa)
- list: added filtersChange event (3d2a560)
- manage backend errors on reordering (1df55c2)
- ordering: added sortablejs to drag and reorder list (eb8bf21)
1.0.0-alpha.14 (2022-03-01)
- added default choice to filtering (75d4cb6)
1.0.0-alpha.13 (2022-03-01)
- added missing error messages to media field (1489001)
- clean default layout (b32e5db)
- fix back button in detail page when you came from login or when you have no window history (7881004)
- fix clipped state cookie parsing (a07251c)
- fix detail language load (92a2718)
- fix error page style (d8753a1)
- fix menu route building for nested folders (1d15b17)
- fix sidebar menu styling for nested long menus (ba87f59)
- handle media manager requests errors. (809704b)
- detail: set current lang at mount time (46c98a7)
- remove logout from sidebar if no user logged in (e9d562b)
- remove remaining toc plugin configuration from tinymce (9defb47)
- remove toc and imagetools plugin from tinymce (e1d12cf)
- accept axios configuration in endpoint prop of FksField (9dfca0b)
- added loading page before content retrieve in detail page (4f26c03)
- added login button to profile component if no user logged in (354a25a)
- added minivariant to app store and save state on cookie (dbcd60b)
- added snack message in the requst interceptor (acf9cd1)
- detached SidebarProfile from sidebar component (92c2894)
- make all modals draggable 🛸 (57da10d)
- pass errors to slot bindings inDetail component (9303b39)
1.0.0-alpha.12 (2022-02-16)
- detail: load v-model at mount time (ad37268)
- added mapomedia to context menu and menubar replacing default image tool (bb899d8)
- changed default primary color (37c3599)
1.0.0-alpha.11 (2022-02-12)
- add lower lever errors for nested fields (beea774)
- fix filefield clear button (297b8de)
- replace model with response in detail composnent (77d9565)
- added brand new FileField (6928b86)
1.0.0-alpha.10 (2022-02-11)
- fix crud requests without multipart policy (5875833)
- fix list table first entry key path (issue #14) (f29f25a)
- fix objectHelper getPointed returning a keyerror when some point in path are missing (6f1c2aa)
- core: Completely rewritten multipart capabilities, now the crud helper autodiscovers whet to use a multipart request. (0a6546c)
1.0.0-alpha.9 (2022-02-08)
- core: fix object setPointed to create missing nesting (7a26510)
- datefield: graphic fix for datefield (2cf2a8f)
- fksfield: added fks alias to field (d5b5ecf)
- detail: added possibility to remove group icon in detail field configuration (a8f63e0)
- detailfield: added hidden label to simplify external graphic personalization of fields (4e1de0d)
1.0.0-alpha.8 (2022-01-23)
- auth: logout user only on 401 (818f3d5)
- detail: fix lang switch crop in small devices (fc05f1e)
- detailfield: fix default prop handling (b3297f1)
- langs: fixed lang detection from model api (1653740)
- list: remove quickadd if user cannot add (aef919e)
- login: fix bad handling of login call (2d73570)
- m2m: let v-model be an object to let field manage fk (5500870)
- mediamanager: fix linked models (35611ed)
- permission: fix bad store initialization on ssr (f075824)
- permissions: add route permissions with routename instead on path (16ff6ee)
- permissions: collect route middleware info directly from (e1937cc)
- quickedit: fix close button position (8e15d47)
- quickedit: temporary disable patch diff to fix translation problems (1ec4b04)
- sidebar: fix footer menu auth (6a986ba)
- snackbar: fix snack color (9fcc053)
- fix m2mfield for null values (fbdf045)
- uikit: fix color mismatch in some components (06cc23c)
- detail: added permission logics to detail component (475d063)
- detail: added permission logics to list actions component (eebe25a)
- detail: added permission logics to list component (83343ca)
- detail: added permission logics to list head component (95a37a2)
- detail: show backend error messages on model update (a456a81)
- fields: added readonly prop to date custom field (682bab5)
- fields: added readonly prop to various custom fields (ed45190)
- m2m: added autocomplete by default (1956427)
- m2m: autodisable chips if multiple = false (5dcc88d)
- m2m: restyle m2m field (bb49f3d)
- M2m: added max height (d32a383)
- quickedit: add close button on hover (c365f51)
- quickedit: added non field errors (4b63e73)
- quickedit: merge detail component logics in to quickedit (691f610)
- routeMeta: added middleware to routemeta (80bb2cd)
- sidebar: hide not navigable entries depending on user permissions (349dd6c)
- uikit: more consistent ui style (54c464f)
- add error stack trace to node when the ssr session breaks (8c835d7)
1.0.0-alpha.7 (2022-01-13)
- detail: fix v-card content margin on detail component (f07d5c1)
- detail: remove lang swtch if only one lang is selected (35cf58a)
- detail: remove v-container from detail component to fix sizing (2947652)
- list: fix search box for very small displays (edf7287)
- media: fix reset on media dialog (3727502)
- media: reset media dialog after close (5aded79)
- mediamanager: better display of folder path in media manager (bdc5692)
- mediamanager: better ui for selection (2307d38)
- mediamanager: fix backbutton background in media editor (315d9df)
- mediamanager: fix corb errors loading image preview in mediamanager (7f34e34)
- mediamanager: fix DOMException: The play() request was interrupted (89a2a3e)
- mediamanager: fix editor opening (3888652)
- mediamanager: make editing animation smooth (81bd34b)
- mediamanager: minor fixes to mediamanager ui (a7b6089)
- mediamanager: prevent media type check fail if no media type present (2ee88fe)
- mediamanagerdialog: better positioning on small device of media manager dialog content (9da147c)
- sidebar: fix nested SidebarListItems not triggering active class when the list-item is not a link (9e92971)
- tinymce: added missing al text to image tag (55a3926)
- uikit: fix some content disposition in main layout (1e9c79b)
- media: added mime type filtering (da01658)
- media: added search input (a1ac6ae)
- media: selection prop 2-way binded (e87f21c)
- mediafield: update media field to handle files (5158108)
- mediamanager: added audio playback for audio files (6aec9f7)
- mediamanager: added icon for media that are not images (d77f17b)
- mediamanager: added link to img shortcut button in editor (1dd446f)
- mediamanager: added the possibility to change the media file using same url of the old file (f21f383)
- mediamanager: added video preview for video mime types (55fc423)
- mediamanager: many ui enhancements for mediamanager (30ab3ff)
- mediamanager: media folders manager graphic enhancements (0e8e7ec)
- sidebar: added spidermenu for nested routes (084029d)
- tinymce: added callback to manage video and documents insertions with mapomedia plugin (b4e6f63)
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2021-12-26)
- uikit: fix sidebar footer items not collapsing on mini variant (04c510e)
- uikit: fix sidebar items not collapsing on mini variant (67a9524)
- various css fixes (658c363)
- list: fix v-menu position on large screens (41bd08d)
- list: fixed v-menu filter positioning (e99848e)
- list: fixed v-menu position for filters (cb95260)
- list: load page from query params (88dea98)
- list: refactoring for injected elements and FE pagination (f9c968e)
- list: removed lock to BE pagination if items in list are less than itemsPerPage (3fe34e0)
- uikit: better handle detail component lang switches (5297e49)
- uikit: fix detailfield not reading conf value changes (5628268)
- uikit: fix lang changhe in detail component (32494f7)
- uikit: fix positioning of element in list component and subcomponents (887c3b6)
- uikit: set endpoint to default null in detail field (5c9296c)
- fixed v-model with datepicker filter (ef4634e)
- load saved date range into datepicker (eb94dd5)
- core: reject promise for crud methods if no endpoint was passed during configuration (bb8d447)
- list: added support to offline items (495fd1f)
- list: handle multisort (41feb88)
- uikit: add possibility to remove icon from sidebar (106d85f)
- uikit: added langChange event to detail component (70d3430)
- uikit: added possibility to change detail component current lang fromprop (1993aa7)
- uikit: added possibility to override field container class in detail component with key class in field configuration (afe1e52)
- uikit: added seopreview field (03e52fe)
- uikit: added v-model to Detail Component, now you can bind the payload externally from detail field. (a50b082)
- uikit: display errors on tinymce component also with red label shake animation (2c9e158)
- uikit: newsidebar built with vuetify components to better support theming (9cc237f)
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2021-12-20)
- uikit: fix list component http call with no pagination at all (ebe4b61)
- added search field on list component (0c845e2)
- select all option on list component (588d2c5)
- slot for selected items' counter (0551b5e)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2021-10-25)
- Display corret version of mapo in index page (22ae4cf)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2021-10-25)
- Corrected load order of modules to prevent missing mapo components in some circumstances (4fa16fb)