Volunteer app for finding DV court processor.
- Assumes node.js and bower are installed. If it is not, `install node.js and therefore npm<http://shapeshed.com/setting-up-nodejs-and-npm-on-mac-osx/>`_ and then `run these commands to install bower<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12369390/bower-command-not-found/20628131#20628131>`_.
First, set your app's secret key as an environment variable. For example, example add the following to .bashrc
or .bash_profile
export DVPROCESSING_SECRET='something-really-secret'
Then run the following commands to bootstrap your environment.
git clone https://github.com/lorenanicole/DVProcessing cd DVProcessing pip install -r requirements/dev.txt pip install -r requirements.txt bower install python manage.py server
You will see a pretty welcome screen in your browser at the IP address it lists for you.
Now hit Control+C in the command line to stop the server from running so you can proceed.
Once you have installed your DBMS, created a database and database user, updated the connection string in line 37 of the DVProcessing/settings.py file, then run the following to create your app's database tables and perform the initial migration:
python manage.py db upgrade
Now you can run the app again.
python manage.py server
In your production environment, make sure the DVPROCESSING_ENV
environment variable is set to "prod"
To open the interactive shell, run
python manage.py shell
By default, you will have access to app
, db
, and the User
To run all tests, run
python manage.py test
Whenever a database migration needs to be made. Run the following commands:
python manage.py db migrate
This will generate a new migration script. Then run:
python manage.py db upgrade
To apply the migration.
For a full migration command reference, run python manage.py db --help