FLS Enforcement checks using SOQL statement. We came up with this solution when we try to implement FLS Enforcement in existing code base with almost a thousand of SOQL query in the code.
- Ensure Force.com ESAPI is install in your Salesforce Org
- Ensure Java8 JDK is installed. [https://java.com/en/download/]
- Ensure Gruntjs installed.
Install NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm
Install Gruntjs:
npm install -g grunt-cli
With NPM installed, execute the following command to get all the dependencies:
npm install
Then enter the following command and follow the instructions to persist your credential
grunt login
- The entered credential will have the following format in
- The entered credential will have the following format in
To deploy, enter the following command:
Here is how SoqlFlsEnforcer
can be used to determine if the fields in the
SOQL is viewable by the context user.
String query = 'select Account.name, Birthdate, FirstName, HomePhone, LastName' +
'from Contact where birthdate > 1950-01-01';
if (!SoqlFlsEnforcer.validate(query)) throw new NoAccessException();
List<Contact> contactList = Database.query(query);
- Branch it!, refer to https://datasift.github.io/gitflow/IntroducingGitFlow.html
- Loong Fei - http://github.com/RoninCWalker
- Amir Hamzah- https://github.com/amirkhalid