This is a python wrapper for the adobe analytics API 2.0.
Most of the documentation for this API will be hosted at Getting Started details on Github .
A documentation about the releases information can be found here : aanalytics2 releases
Functionalities that are covered :
- Run a report statement
- Retrieve Users
- Retrieve Segments
- Retrieve Metrics
- Retrieve Dimensions
- Retrieve Calculated Metrics
- Retrieve Virtual Report Suites
- Retrieve Virtual Report Suite Curated Components
- Update Segments
- Update Calculated Metrics
documentation on reporting here
- Data Ingestion API from API 1.4
- Bulk Data Ingestion API
documentation on ingestion APIs here
To install the library with PIP use:
pip install aanalytics2
python -m pip install --upgrade git+<>
In order to use this API in python, you would need to have those libraries installed :
- pandas
- requests
- json
- PyJWT[crypto]
- pathlib
- dicttoxml
- pytest
A test support has been added with pytest. The complete documentation to run the test can be found here : testing aanalytics2
You can find information about the Adobe Analytics API 2.0 here :