- Project Site
- Project Approach
- Technology & App Infrastructure
- Code Organisation
- Wireframes
- Limitations
Heroku Page: https://buddy-traveler-companion.herokuapp.com/
Super Important notes on Latency:
- Latency: Average 20s per request (please wait patiently for the app to load), probably due to the allocated region (US) by Heroku.
- Pages with the highest latency: those with analytics elements such as Dashboard & Attendance pages. Don't be surprised if the process is terminated (responses that take more than 30s to return will be terminated by Heroku)
This project involves building a school management system. The app allows school administrators to manage student and teacher databases:
Manage Student & Teacher Data: Basic CRUD operations
Data Aggregation: aggregate by age groups and regions according to the data input
Data Analysis: analyse data by age groups and region, and render views that help users visualise the existing state of student attendance (i.e total per month, regulars, non-regulars) and teachers' bandwidth based on the existing roster.
Manpower Allocation: school administrators can roster teachers via the app
Tech Stack:
- MongoDB: no-SQL database
- ExpressJS: NodeJS framework for the app backend
- EJS: for rendering UI components
- NodeJS: JS runtime environment
Other Frameworks:
- Jquery: for rendering front-end on data changes
- ChartJS: for rendering charts
- Express-session: manage user sessions
- Bcrypt: for encrypting password before storing into the database
- method-override: for forms' DELETE and PUT methods
Folder | Purpose | Details |
server.js |
Contains all starting codes to get the server running | This includes (1) Main Dependencies used by middlewares method-override , express-session (2) Connecting to other app components databases, routes, port |
database |
Connects to the Mongodb database and creates collections used by the app | Three collections include (1) userAccounts for all user accounts (2) studentRecords for student database (3) teacherRecords for teacher database |
repositories |
Contains codes that manipulates data input and output to and from the 3 main collections | This includes (1) accountRepo (2) studentRepo (3) teacherRepo . The Helper folder contains codes that aid repositories' data processing processes (1) building database objects (2) analysing & aggregating data (e.g. attendance frequency, rostering bandwidth) (3) building general configurations (e.g. calendar) |
formatter |
Contains code logics that helps transforming data into format easily processed by the front-end (e.g. parsing string, parsing phone number, parsing time, parsing custom error messages) | This includes student object formatter Student.js , teacher object formatter Teacher.js , error object formatter ValidationError.js |
services |
Contains code logics that help map repositories' data objects into proper format using the formatter, before serving them to the controllers | This includes (1) userAccount.js (2) studentService.js (3) teacherService.js |
controllers |
Contains code logics that manage the traffic from the routes by using the appropriate services to respond to the front-end requests | This includes (1)onboardingControllers that manage requqests to create new accounts, log in, log out and verify accounts (2) studentControllers that manage CRUD requests for student data by age groups, regions, analysing attendance (3) teacherControllers that manage CRUD requests for teacher data by age groups, regions, analysing roster. The helper folder manages codes used for (1) transforming data into different structures for analysis, (2) reusing codes for similar requests that require similar response logics |
router |
Contains app routes | This includes routes to handle requests related to the userAccount , students and teachers |
validators |
Contains codes that validate form inputs | This includes validators for signup 'new' form, student 'new' form, and teacher 'new' form |
views |
Contains codes that render the front-end | This includes front-end rendering codes for the onboarding interface, student 'interface, and teacher interface, on top of dashboard interface, and 'error' interface |
The following bugs have not been addressed:
- Age and bandwidth update upon updating child's DOB: repositories record the correct data, but renderer (ie.
) updates data only on page refresh - Forms that involve checkboxes: when only one checkbox is ticked, app throws error as codes currently only accounts for rendering an array.