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Client-side (browser) logger to use with Loggly v2

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Client-side (browser) logger to send Javascript logs from any website to Loggly. Check out Loggly’s Javascript logging documentation to learn more.


Insert the following code into your webpage, replacing your-customer-token with the key defined in the Source Setup -> Customer Tokens page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>
  var _LTracker = _LTracker || [];
    'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
    'sendConsoleErrors': true,
    'tag': 'javascript-logs'

To get early access to the most recent updates to the tracker, use the script This is not recommended in a production environment as it may include breaking changes.


Logging text:

_LTracker.push('my tracking string');

Logging JSON:

  'text': 'my tracking string',
  'aList': [9, 2, 5],
  'anObject': {
    'id': 1,
    'value': 'foobar'


Separate logging instance:

var myBetterLogger = new LogglyTracker();
myBetterLogger.push({'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token' });  // push a loggly key to initialize

Send Console Errors to Loggly

Keep the sendConsoleErrors value to true to send all unhandled errors to Loggly with detailed information, including error message, URL, line number and column number.

Send Tags to Loggly

Send your custom tags to Loggly by setting the tag property.

  'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
  'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
  'tag' : 'tag1,tag2'

Special Characters Support

Set the useUtfEncoding value to true to prevent special characters from showing as odd or unusual characters in Loggly Search. Special characters will be easier to read and understand in your log events.

See the usage below:

  'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
  'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
  'tag' : 'javascript-logs',
  'useUtfEncoding': true

Setup Proxy for Ad blockers

If the script or its requests are blocked by ad blockers, you can proxy requests from your own domain. To do this, perform following steps

Set useProxyDomain property to true

  'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
  'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
  'tag' : 'javascript-logs',
  'useDomainProxy' : true

Use the following configuration on your server to forward the requests to Loggly

#Proxy to Loggly
location /loggly/ {
    rewrite ^/loggly/(.*)$ /$1 break;  # remove the '/loggly' part from the path, leaving /inputs/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-.../tag/xxx
    proxy_set_header Host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

Build Production Version

Run npm run build to build production version. The output is saved in folder dist.

Run tests

In your web browser open file jasminetest/TrackerSpecRunner.html.